We'll Never Get Married in a...

By deanweasly

10.4K 292 104

Pelle and Marlene Ohlin are the gorgeous twins from Anita Forsberg and Felix Ohlin. They've spent their lives... More

2. Denim and Leather
3. The Toxic Waltz
4. I Wanna Rock
5. Welcome to the Jungle
6. Nothin' But A Good Time
7. Night of the Blasphemy
8. Seven Headed Whore
9. The Absurd Circus
10. 2 Minutes to Midnight

1. Home, Sweet Home

1.8K 33 14
By deanweasly

17 April, 1988

They were all just relaxing on the couch, broad smiles on all of their faces and jokes leaving their lips. Her arms looped around each of her brothers, pulling them close to her. Mum and Dad stood in front of their kids and snapped a quick photo. Once the photo was taken, Anders pushed Marlene off with a laugh and ran away.

"You little bastard!" The only sister yelled as she chased her stupid little brother, leaving her twin brother on the couch to watch. Anders let out a scream and jumped over the armchair, trying to get away. Marlene followed right after him. With her long legs, she caught up quickly to jump on Anders, bringing him to the ground. "Got you!"

"Don't be so mean to mean! I'm just a little guy! Would you want to hurt a little guy?" Anders whined as they stood up.

"If the little guy is you, then yes," she laughed. Anders snorted and swiped at her. Marlene hit him in the back of the head.

"Why can't we have one nice moment without violence?" Mum sighed. Dad put his arm around her. This time, it was Pelle's turn to laugh.

"Violence surrounds us, Mum."

"And how! Now, lets hustle, Albert and Herbert is about to start!" Marlene yelled as she jumped on the couch, stretching her legs over Pelle's. He smiled and put his hand on her legs while she fucked about with the converter. Finally, Marlene got the NRK on and they could all peacefully watch their programme in peace.

Anders found himself on the loveseat, and Dad in his armchair. Mum, of course, was unable to sit down. It always made Marlene feel horrible that she was sitting with the boys instead of helping her mum. But it was just the way Mrs. Forsberg was. She could never sit down and searched for things to do always. The house was beautiful, all of her food was top tier, everything she did was to absolute perfection. But Marlene felt the need to pitch in.

Soon enough, their programme ended and the boys began watching MTV. Marlene just rolled her eyes and got off the couch. She enjoyed actual rock and roll. Not whatever Motley Crue or Skid Row was trying to pull off, and no wise man would ever ask Marlene about shit like Kiss or Metallica. She liked her Beatles, her Stones, her Grateful Dead.

"Mama, sit. I've got to talk to you about something," Marlene said as she came into the kitchen. Her mother looked up from the stove top she was scrubbing. Her thin, painted red lips stretched into a smile as she removed her yellow marigolds.

Mum came over and sat across from her daughter, the spiting image of her. The same deep blue eyes, the same nearly platinum blonde hair, that Pelle did not share. His hair was golden, while Marlene's hair was nearly white. Her mum asked calmly, "What's on your mind, Lovey?"

"Alright. Mama." Marlene paused. It was a big deal and she didn't want her Mum to blow her cap. Mum just smiled, waiting patiently for Marlene to continue. "Well, you know how I applied to the University of Oslo?"

"Oh, kjære. Did you not get in? I'm sorry," her mum cooed sympathetically. The irony was unbelievable.

Marlene laughed, "No, Mama. I got in."

The older woman went silent. Her face drew serious. Marlene's smile slipped as well, heart sinking with it. It had been her dream forever to study somewhere other than home, get her PhD in Physics, become a professor. Her mum knew that; her entire family did. It was just a shock, wanting to move somewhere else.

"That's..." her sentence trailed off. But, suddenly, the glazed over look in her eye disappeared. Mum got her smile back, infecting Marlene with her own smile. "That's amazing, kjære. I'm proud of you. Physics, yes?"

"Physics." Marlene nodded. Mum smiled and reached out, grasping Marlene's hands. Mum's bright red painted nails clashed with Marlene's emerald green painted nails. Her hands were more rough, more wrinkled, than her daughter's. Marlene still had an entire life to rough up her hands, for now she was allowed to have the hands of a rich girl.

Her mum clapped her hands suddenly. "I think this deserves a toast! Have you told the boys yet?"

"Oh, God, no," Marlene scoffed. Mum gave her a sharp look at the mention of the Lord's name. Marlene wasn't Catholic by any stretch, especially not compared to her mother. But it was her house, her rules. "Sorry." Mum nodded. "But no, I haven't told the boys. Reckoned I should break the news to you first."

"Well lets! I'll get the nice wine!"

Marlene patiently waited while Mum went and fetched the wine. She sat there, smiling her little ass off, happy as a clam. She was going to be studying in Norway, studying the subject she absolutely adored. Sure, she'd be leaving her twin back in Sweden, but she and Pelle had made a pact. Don't be slowed by the other. Never. But leaving him behind would be quite tough.

Soon enough, Mum came back with the bottle. Marlene grabbed five glasses and went to the living room. Mum set the wine on the table and flicked off the television. The Ohlin brothers and father groaned and complained. Anders whined, "Mum!"

"Mum, c'mon, we were about to watch a Poison interview!" Pelle protested.

"Sounds dreadful. Marlene has news," her mum announced with a smile. All eyes were on Marlene. She gave them all a sweet smile (which only Pelle returned).

"I got into the University of Oslo!"

"Oh my God, Marls!" Pelle was the first to exclaim. He sprung up while Anders and Dad exchanged wide eyed smiles. Pelle jumped clean over the coffee table and attacked his twin with a massive hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

"My little girl," Dad mumbled with pride. Anders stood and came around the table to join the bundle of Ohlin siblings.

"Well, now's the best time to tell you all then," Pelle begin. The attention was shifted to him. Pelle, the man who notoriously thrived under attention yet had the most qualms about attention, began to wring his hands. Pelle took a deep breath and smiled. "You guys know about that thing I have going on with Morbid?" They all nodded, despite nobody but Anders really supporting Pelle and all his metal music. "I sent a demo into this Norwegian band 'cause Morbid just isn't going anywhere...they want me!"

"Pelle!" Marlene yelled, jumping on her brother. Pelle took a step backward but caught his sister just in time. She had her arms around his neck while his arms wrapped right around her stomach.

Once the twins let go of each other, Mum, Dad and Anders all got their turns to hug and congratulate the twins. Mum poured the sparkling wine and everyone toasted. To the twins new life in Norway. Anders toasted to finally having run of the house.

Later, once all the celebration had taken place, everyone went to bed. But Marlene couldn't sleep. Honestly, she was too happy. Much too happy to waste it on sleep. So she snuck into Pelle's room, knowing he'd certainly be awake.

And he was.

Marlene sat on the edge of his blue sheeted bed while Pelle stared blankly at the ceiling. Her hands sat in her lap as she waited for him to look at her. Never talk to Pelle if he doesn't want to talk to you.

After about 30 minutes, and Marlene making herself comfortable on the bed, Pelle finally spared her a glance. Her brother gave Marlene one of the nicest smiles she'd ever seen. Pelle had the most beautiful smile in the world, though he never smiled much. Marlene smiled right back. "Was worried you'd died with your eyes open."

"I'm going to die with my eyes open now, just for you," Pelle chuckled in a hushed tone. Marlene smiled as Pelle sat up, his long blond hair getting in his eyes. His hair was longer than Marlene's - but she usually liked it short. Short but long enough to be able to put it up. "What's up? Or did you break into my humble abode just to bug me?"

"Fuck you, I'm a delight." Pelle cracked a laugh, quickly covering his mouth, scared of waking up the adults. The twins dissolved into silent giggles. Marlene sighed, "Wanna live together?"

"No can do, Marls. When I get there, the leader of the band and I are going to rent a house together," Pelle explained. Marlene groaned, making Pelle chuckle. "I mean, I could ask him to let you rent with us, but I don't think you wanna surround yourself with my bullshit."

"Dead animals?" Marlene asked cautiously. Pelle gave her a wicked smile and she shivered. Pelle could get scary sometimes. Marlene shook out her hands. "Okay, fine. I'll get my own flat. Fuck you."

"You can visit! I'll take down the cat corpses!"

"You're fucking disgusting, Pelle," Marlene sneered, no malice behind her words though. Pelle just chuckled, knowing cats were his twin's favourite animals. Pelle fucking hated cats. They were vermin and Marlene paid more attention to them than him. "If I visit, we'll be outside the whole time." Pelle cocked his eyebrow. "Y'know? Like lunch, or shopping, or something."

Pelle began to laugh, making Marlene cock her eyebrow. Pelle pretended to wipe a tear from his eye just for dramatic effect, making Marlene roll her eyes again. "The house we're renting is in the woods, Marls. You'll be a wizard if you can find a restaurant in the middle of Krakstad."

"Bugger," Marlene hissed, smacking his leg. Pelle threw his pillow at his sister, making her smack his arm. It was loud, but not very painful on either end. "Well, you're giving me a ride to Oslo, at least. We'll be on the same train."

"Yeah, and you're paying, Little Miss Job-Since-She-Was-13," Pelle mocked. Marlene smacked him with his own pillow a couple times and resolved to just hold the pillow over his head.

Muffled laughter could be heard from under the pillow and even Marlene was holding back laughter as she assaulted her brother with a pillow. She'd never hurt him. Not if her life depended on it. But there's a certain level of bullying that needs to partake between siblings. Fuck, Marlene could've killed Pelle's old school bullies. Especially after the whole spine incident.

Eventually, the twins called off the tussle and just talked for another couple hours. Together, the twins could be themselves. Pelle didn't have to be this morbid, scary, heavy metal dude. Marlene didn't have to be this prim, proper, browner. They could be Pelle and Marlene. Yin and Yang. Heads and Tails. It was what made them happy and it was what would always make them happy.

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