⒈ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘 → 𝐫𝐞...

By TaffyTides

90.4K 4K 831

BOOK 1. Francesca Sharpe doesn't like to be touched. Don't ever touch her, because you might just scar her wi... More



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By TaffyTides

𝟷,𝟼𝟶𝟿 𝙳𝙰𝚈𝚂


EVER SINCE THIER FIRST STUDY SESSION, Francesca and Remus had many more. They worked well together, if one didn't know the answer, then the other did. They filled in each other's gaps and got the work done quickly and to a perfect standard.

But Remus still hadn't asked her out.

And the last Hogsmeade weekend had already appeared out of nowhere. Sixth year was almost to an end.

Francesca and Aurora had walked down together, skipping out on the carriages, instead wanting to make the most out of the sunshine. They were on a mission; they needed to stock up on enough sweets from Honeydukes to last them the whole of summer.

They both had a basket each, piling it high with an assortment of sweets. Although, Franceca had mainly selected Fizzing Whizzbees, she was secretly addicted to them.

She looked up as she heard a bark of laughter. Sirius Black was also in the shop, along with James, Remus and Peter.

His eyes caught onto Francesca's stares. "Ah, Francesca Sharpe! What are you doing in this fine establishment?" He asked, bringing himself and the Marauder's closer to the witch.

Aurora was glaring heatedly at Peter. He was cowering under her gaze, slowly inching behind James.

"What else would we be doing in Honeydukes?" She rhetorically asked.

"You could be stealing for all I know, your sketchy as fuck, Sharpe." Sirius replied, narrowing his eyes and staring her up and down as if he was looking for visible signs of theft.

"Ignore him." Remus whacked Sirius in the chest, pushing him slightly backwards. "He's being an idiot today."

"Today, isn't he always?" Francesca smiled, causing Remus to laugh.

"Hey!" Sirius shouted in protest but he was pulled away by James.

Even Aurora had retreated with the boys, them agreeing to give Remus and Francesca some 'alone' time.

"Stocking up as well, then?" Remus nodded his head in the direction of her basket.

"Yep, Sugarplums just isn't the same." Francesca answered, referring to the sweet shop in Diagon Alley.

"Agreed. Nothing beats Honeydukes' chocolate."

Francesca looked at Remus' basket to see it overflowing with chocolate. Only chocolate.

"Addicted are we?" She teased.

"How can you not be?" Remus grinned.

They continued to chat as they walked over to the counter and purchased their own basket of sweets and chocolatey goods. Once they were down, they headed outside and joined the others, to find them talking in hushed tones between them all.

Their heads all popped up at once as soon as they heard Francesca and Remus approaching.

Aurora pushed Peter forward, and he almost went tumbling to the ground, but steadied himself at the last moment.

"Peter has something to say!" James burst out.

Francesca's eyebrow raised as she looked towards the smaller boy.

"Francesca..." Peter nervously fiddled with his hands and avoided eye contact with the witch at all costs. "Uh, I'm really sorry about falling into you during the apparition lesson. And I'm really sorry about boasting about it to everyone. I really shouldn't have done that and I deserve every hex you send my way."

Everyone fell silent waiting for Francesca's judgement. It seemed eternal before she finally spoke.

"Alright." She shrugged.

"WATCH OUT!" Aurora suddenly shouted.

She was the first to notice the Slytherin running straight towards Francesca from behind. Their hand reached out ready to touch the girl.

Francesca's eyes widened and before she could step away her arm was grabbed and she was pulled away.

Francesca found herself in a large round room. Her eyes narrowed in on the archway that was up on the dais. It was the centre of the room. A battle was ensuing, a mix of teenagers and adults. Death eaters and innocents.

It wasn't hard for her recognise the memorable death eater outfits. It was plastered all over the Daily Prophet.

"The prophecy, give me the prophecy, Potter!" A voice snarled.

Hearing the familiar last name, she turned to the shouting and was surprised to see James standing there so young.

Yet, it wasn't. It was the same boy that was there in Peter's death, only he was younger.

The Potter boy had a wand pressed into his back as he held onto a blue orb.

"No— get— off — me...Neville — catch it!" He shouted throwing the prophecy across the floor.

A different boy spun himself on his back to try and catch the orb, luckily he did pulling it into his chest.

The death eater was blasted off of Potter and he crashed onto the dias.

Her eyes followed where he landed, catching sight of a familiar black hair. After all, she had touched Sirius Black, and this would show his death.

He was duelling against a witch. A witch she recognised as Bellatrix Black, his own cousin.

She moved closer to them, knowing that they couldn't see her and she couldn't effect what was happening. She was just a ghost watching everything unfold.

Sirius was meeting Bellatrix's spells match for match. They were the last two duelling in the room. She could see that Dumbledore had appeared, neutralising the death eaters.

Sirius ducked a jet of red light sent his way.

He laughed. "Come on, you can do better than that!" He yelled, taunting his cousin.

The second jet of light hit him squarely on the chest.

His eyes widened in shock, the laughter not quite leaving his face. Sirius' body curved backwards as he fell into the veil hanging from the arch.

Francesca watched as his body didn't appear on the other side, he vanished.

She watched as the Potter boy screamed out in pain and anger, a man holding him back from running after Bellatrix. The man looked oddly familiar to her.

When Francesca was released from the vision, she didn't fall to her knees like last time. She didn't struggle to breathe. All she felt was sorrow. When she looked at Sirius Black, she couldn't stop the tears from cascading down her face.

She couldn't say a word.

"You just lost me 10 galleons, blood traitor!" The Slytherin sneered towards Sirius.

"That's not all your going to lose!" Aurora fumed, marching towards the snake.

A moment of fear flickered across his face before he ran off.

Sirius was apologising as much as he could but it fell onto deaf ears. Aurora was chasing after the Slytherin that had tried to barrel into Francesca, screaming curses and hexes his way. James was shouting at Sirius, who looked like he was on the border of crying for breaking Francesca's rule. Peter was watching everyone, his head twisting each way.

Remus had his eyes stuck on Francesca. He noticed how her reaction to Sirius touching her was much different to how Peter touched her.

He wanted nothing more than to comfort her, to place his arms around her and hold her tight. But he would never do that.

He wouldn't ever break her rules, unless she said so.

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