Something Different. - V.H. (...

By vinniehackeraddict

128K 1.6K 306

A new girl struggles to make friends after her parents left her for a year without notice. y/n tries to move... More

My New Beginning
I'm finally here
My First Day
My First Project
We Finally "Meet"
Explaining Everything
Not A Chapter
Life Goes On
I Dont Know How I Feel
I Got Kissed... Twice
I Got Kissed.... Twice Pt.2
Starry Night
New Day
Trouble in Paradise?
Night One
Not An Update
Oh Shit
Cock Blocks
Little Issue
Well Fuck Life
Here We Go
Scary Shit
Please Read
Comfort Pt. 1
Comfort Pt.2
My Rock
Today Is The Day
Grad Day
Grad Day Pt.2
Care Taker Pt.1
Care Taker Pt.2
Sway Interaction
The Road
Happy Early 4th Of July
Clingy Vinnie
lol oops
im back
its awesome here
so sorry

Catching Up on Life

2.5K 37 30
By vinniehackeraddict

I barely made it up the stairs to a room and Jaden carried me half way up the stairs after my legs gave out. I'm sitting on a bed when Jaden walks in from the bathroom with a cup of water and some advil. i sprawled out in the bed laying on my stomach when there was a dip in the bed. "Here peanut, take this." He has been calling my peanut for the past few months and I really don't mine cause I call him Jae. I take the advil and shove my face back into the pillow. Jae rubs my back as I start to fall asleep. I feel a pair of arms pick me up and take me downstairs. I squirm and groan at the loud music. I feel a whisp of cold air and squirm again.
~Time Skip Next Day~

I am woken up by the sun that is shining through my curtains. I look and see a whole bunch of clothes on the floor and get worried. I lift the covers and check myself when I see myself in a guys tshirt. There is noises from pots and pans downstairs. I go to stand up and get a shooting pain in my head. I walk down stairs and see Jaden making food. My favorite food. He turns around a mind gives me a bright smile. I walk up to him and hug him from behind. How the roles have changed.😂 "Goodmorning peanut, I need you to make the spread for the avacado toast and have everything else. that sound good?" "Sounds delicious" I grab the avacodo and get a bowl to make the spread in. I finish and set it on the counter. I grab two glasses out of the cupboard and get milk out, I pour the milk in and set them on the table. He sets the food on the table and sits near me. "What have I missed about your life" "Nothing really peanut, I have released a few songs and I'm currently making one with Nessa but Mads and I broke up about 2 months ago." I felt bad, I knew how happy he was with her but she was a bitch. Always saying how he was never there for her when he was always there for her like he was for me. "Can you believe we have been friends for a year and a half now". I say with happiness full in my voice. He just smiles at me and starts eating. We finish breakfast and go sit on the couch to watch some tv. I lay on the couch and he sits on the other side. I see him looking over at me and I knew exactly what he wanted. Cuddles. I put me arms out and he quickly lays down on my chest with his face in the crook of my neck.

To Be Continued...
A/N- I had to finish this draft so here you go on that. Uhm give me ideas and lmk what you think about the story. Enjoy your day or night wherever you are💕

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