SINNER - Klaus Mikaelson

By karlithomasss

1.4M 28.4K 27.4K

Adeline Andrew's was living a normal life in Mystic Falls, until the most feared vampire in the world showed... More

N E X T S T O R Y?
Sincerely, Yours.


38.9K 849 1.1K
By karlithomasss

Adeline rushed into her house, throwing her front door open and letting it crash against the wall behind it. Elijah had got there first and he was standing in her kitchen, staring down with a defeated look on his face. Stefan already knew what had happened, he could smell the blood. He tried to hold Adeline back, he didn't want her to see but she screamed, pushed and kicked until she thrusted herself through.

Behind the countertop island in the kitchen, her father laid on the ground in a puddle of blood and bite marks on his neck. Her knees hit the floor and the tears were streaming down her cheek. She tried to scream or yell, but nothing came out.

The only sound that could be heard in the house were sobs coming from Adeline.

"No...please no." she bawled and begged. "Dad—please."

Everyone in the rooms heart was breaking watching the girl. Her father was all she had left; he was the only one and now she had no one.

Stefan tried to talk to her, Elena tried, Damon tried, Caroline tried but Adeline shut them out. She heard nothing—it was like the world around her faded away and she was stuck in limbo—in hell. Klaus felt sick to his stomach watching Adeline in so much pain, he didn't understand what was happening until he saw the text on his phone.

"For all you've done. Xoxo -K"

This was his fault—he was the reason this happened. Katherine used the girl to get revenge against Klaus since she knew he couldn't be killed.

"Brother" Klaus whispered. "This was Katerina."

"I know." Elijah whispered. He didn't tell his brother about Rebekah's involvement yet, because he knew if he did things would get very ugly. His sister didn't deserve any protection after what she did, but still she was family and that was Elijah's weakness.

Adeline was still on the floor beside her father's lifeless body—sobbing and pounding her hands on the ground. His blood had stained her clothes as she knelt in the puddle that surrounded him. She felt dead inside—like there was no point anymore. The pain was immense, it was too much—like knives twisting in her heart.

"Addy—come on." Stefan urged. He wanted to help his friend; he didn't think it was healthy for her to sit her like this covered in her dead father's blood. He wrapped his arms around hers, trying to pull her off the ground.

"No! No!" she screamed. "I'm not leaving him—I can't leave him." She struggled to breathe through the sobs. Stefan looked at the group of friends who were watching helplessly with tears in their eyes. No one knew what to do.

"She can't stay here tonight – we don't know who did this." Stefan whispered. "What if they come back?"

"It was Katherine." Klaus said through gritted teeth. "Katherine did this."

"Oh my god." Elena sobbed.

Silence befell the room. Adeline had nearly used all the tears she had in her body as her sobs turned into dry heaving. It was painful and torture for everyone to watch.

Klaus had enough—he couldn't let her sit like that anymore. He didn't care what she wanted, or that she wanted to stay. He knew it was doing her no good. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her body—picking her up bridal style.

"No!" she shouted. "Put me down—I can't.. I can't. I Can't!"

"Klaus put her down!" Stefan ordered.

"No. We all know that isn't helping her – and if you are too big of a baby to move her and be the bad guy for the moment, I will be." He spat.

He carried her up the stairs and sat her down in her bathroom.

"You need to change and clean up." He breathed, trying to be kind to the grieving girl.

"I can't." she muttered, staring at him with a lifeless expression. The light that Klaus was so used to seeing behind her blue eyes was gone—she looked empty.

"Adeline, you must." he insisted. "You can't stay like this."

"I'll help her." Elena interrupted.

Klaus stared at the Gilbert girl for a moment. He never liked Elena for several reasons – one being the fact that he found her annoying but two being she always seemed fake to him, selfish even.

"Fine." He reluctantly agreed and left the two girls in the bathroom alone.


Two weeks had gone by since Adeline found her father murdered on the kitchen floor. The funeral came and went—it seemed like a blur to her, she was numb. She spent most of the days sitting on her bed in her room. She didn't move—she didn't eat. Bonnie, Elena and Caroline were over every day. Someone always spent the night with her, usually one of the girls and Stefan. He wanted to protect her – to make sure Katherine didn't come back.

Klaus left town the night after her father was found. He was tirelessly searching around for Katherine. He wanted to find her and tear her heart from her chest. He regretted not killing her when he had the chance—this was the pay back he received for showing any kind of mercy.

Elijah found Rebekah and interrogated her about her idiotic reasons for murdering an innocent man out of jealously and spite. It turned out Katherine lied, Rebekah wasn't working with her, all she did was drink with her and party. She let it slip after getting drunk one night about her suspicions about the way Klaus felt for Adeline, about her kissing Stefan and then Katherine saw the two of them outside Adeline's house. She knew she found her way at revenge—Klaus killed her entire family and chased her for years.

"You need to eat." Stefan said, sitting a plate down beside Adeline.

"I can't." she whispered.

"Adeline—please you have to try." He insisted.

She tried to eat the food Stefan brought to her, she had a few bites and that seemed to satisfy him enough to keep him off her back—for now.

"I'm getting tired." She admitted. "I am going to try and get some sleep."

"Okay—if you need anything." He started.

"I'll let you know." She interrupted. He said the same thing to her every night, it had become a routine.

Sleep hadn't been coming easily to Adeline. She took Tylenol P.M. most nights—not because she had a headache but because the sleep aide was the only thing that kept her asleep.

After Adeline had been asleep for a few hours—Klaus jarred open the window to her room and let himself in. He stood at her bedside, watching her sleep, consumed by guilt. He felt responsible for the grief she was feeling, if he could have left her alone and stayed away, maybe this wouldn't have happened but that was impossible for him.

He gently slid his finger across her cheek then left a small box tied neatly with a bow on her nightstand. He took one last glance at the blonde before climbing back out the window.


When Adeline opened her eyes the next morning, all she felt was pain. This was how it had felt every morning since her Dad's death. She rolled over and tried to force herself back to sleep – sleeping was the only escape from the pain. But instead, a dark blue box tied neatly with a white bow resting on her nightstand caught her attention. She sat up and reached over to grab the box—unraveling the bow so she could see what was inside. She read the note that came with it first.

"I'm sorry for your loss. -Klaus"

When she looked down in the box, she saw a single large diamond on a simple silver chain. It was one of the most beautiful necklaces she had ever seen and instantly she knew, it had to have cost a fortune. The diamond sparkled and glowed in her hand as the morning sun reflected off it.

For the first time in days—Adeline wanted to leave the house. She stepped out of bed and took a shower, getting herself around. She walked downstairs where Stefan and Caroline were waiting for her with breakfast. Both friends looked shocked to see her dressed, with her hair down and out of oversized t shirts and shorts.

"Wow Addy—you look pretty today." Caroline smiled. She meant it; her friend did look pretty, especially after the way she had seen her look the past two weeks.

"I have something to do— "Adeline started. "I'll be back soon."

"Is everything okay?" Stefan questioned.

"Everything is fine." She smiled. "I'll see you guys in a little bit, okay?"

"Yeah—sure okay." Stefan stared his friend down as she made her way out of the house. He was happy to see Adeline out of bed and leaving the house, but he couldn't help but be curious about the reason why.

"Finally." Caroline smiled. "She's out of bed—that's a good sign."

"Yeah... a good sign" Stefan repeated lost deep in thought about what could be behind the girl's sudden shift—or who.


Adeline drove down the long driveway to the large mansion sized house on the edge of town. She walked up to the front door and knocked against the large wood door—waiting for someone to answer.

"Adeline." Elijah greeted with a smile. "It's good to see you – how are you?"

"I'm doing okay." She answered honestly. She was doing okay—not great but not as bad as she was. "Is Klaus around?"

"Right here love." He answered for her, stepping out from behind the door.

"I'll let you two talk." Elijah nodded, walking back into the house.

Adeline's stomach was jumping and flipping inside her body. It had been two weeks since she saw Klaus and now seeing him again made tingles erupt through every inch of her body as he stared at the girl.

"It's good to see you again." He smiled.

"Klaus—" she blurted. "I can't accept this." She held the blue box out to the original hybrid.

He stared at the girl for a moment, and she stared back. He should have known she would at least attempt to bring the gift back—she was stubborn.

"Please, keep it." He insisted.

"It's to much." She huffed.

"Not for me it isn't." he smirked. "And I won't accept it back—so I wouldn't even try if I were you."

"Klaus—" she started but he quickly stole the box from her hand and twisted her around so her back was facing him. He pulled the necklace from the box and stepped within inches of Adeline—their bodies were slightly touching as he reached up and grabbed her long blonde hair, swinging it all to one side of her neck. Shivers coursed down Adeline's spine at the simple touch. Klaus reached around her neck and clasped the jewelry into place.

"Perfect." He whispered into her ear, staring around her body at the diamond resting in the middle of her chest.

Goosebumps rose along the surface of Adeline's skin and her heart was skipping beats in her chest. She turned around slowly to face Klaus—there faces were now only inches away as they bored into each other's eyes. He reached up and ran his finger slowly across her cheek— and she let him.

"You feel something for me, don't you?" he whispered.

She did—she knew she did but how could she feel this way about him? He had done nothing but hurt those around her.

"I can't." she spoke softly.

"But you do." He breathed.

"I do." She admitted after a long pause, and a smile grew across the Hybrids face. It was the first time Adeline had admitted it out loud, the first time she allowed herself to truly feel it.

She did feel something for Klaus Mikaelson.

"I can take care of you Adeline." he whispered; he was so close to the girls face that they were breathing the same air. "If you'll let me."

Adeline closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. She knew what she wanted to do, she wanted to say yes. She wanted to give herself into him—to finally let herself feel what they both had been pushing away.

"Hello Niklaus." A voice called from behind them. The pair stepped back from each other and turned to the source of the voice. Adeline didn't recognize the women that stood before them—but Klaus did.

"Mother?" he questioned.

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