SINNER - Klaus Mikaelson

By karlithomasss

1.4M 28.4K 27.4K

Adeline Andrew's was living a normal life in Mystic Falls, until the most feared vampire in the world showed... More

N E X T S T O R Y?
Sincerely, Yours.


43.6K 868 755
By karlithomasss

Klaus had to die, at least that's what her friends had decided. He was constantly stealing Elenas blood, killing people and his hybrids had become a huge issue to the town of Mystic falls. They were blindly loyal to the Hybrid.

"We shouldn't trust Katherine." Adeline pointed out as they waited for the elder doppelgänger at the Salvatore house.

"She is the only option we have." Damon replied. "She has been running from Klaus for centuries— she wants him dead just as much as we do."

Adeline stayed quiet after that, because she wasn't sure if she did want the original dead. Maybe it was the thought of being involved in actually killing someone that bothered her— or maybe she felt something for him she couldn't explain. Either way, she was stuck in the middle of this mess.

She was angry at Klaus for using her, dragging her out of town and distracting her while he made an attack on her friends. He probably deserved to die— but maybe he didn't. There was also the fact that they had no weapon to even kill him, nothing existed, he was indestructible.

"Hello friends." Katherine greeted as she welcomed herself into the house.

"Not your friends Katherine— just temporary allies." Damon rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on Damon, you know you love me." She smirked running her hand across his cheek.

"Get over yourself Katherine." Elena scoffed. Adeline looked over at Elena and could see the jealousy on her face, which shouldn't be happening. Stefan was still her boyfriend.

"Elena— where's Stefan?" She questioned with a condescending tone. Adeline wasn't the only one who picked up on the jealousy.

"Right here." Stefan answered, walking into the room.

All eyes were on the newly resorted Stefan, he was able to get his humanity back on but still he was different. He didn't seem to care about Elena at all anymore, or so he wanted us to believe.

"Great. Now that we're all here can you fill us in on this little plan of yours to take down Klaus?" Damon insisted. 

"His name is Mikael." she announced, sitting down on the couch taking a sip of her bourbon. "He is the father of the originals. Except Klaus of course— mommy slept around and had that one."

"They have a Dad?" Caroline questioned.

"Seriously Care?" Adeline laughed. "Where did you think they came from?"

Caroline shrugged at her friend.

"So what's the plan? We wake this Mikael guy and what?" Stefan asked, clearly wanting to just get to the point.

"We point him in the direction of Klaus, and let him do the rest." She smirked.

Katherine told them the story of Mikael— how he was a vampire hunter who had been chasing his children around the globe for years until he was daggered and left to rot. The plan was to go wake him and work along side him to kill Klaus, which seemed risky considering he was a vampire hunter who not only wanted to kill his kids— he wanted all vampires dead.

But the group voted, aside from Adeline who remained silent most of the conversation. They were going to go through with this.

"Okay— well let me know when you have Mikael." Adeline said, standing off the couch. "I'm going to go home and get some rest before you all put our lives back on the line... once again."

"Always with the positive attitude Addy." Damon teased.

"Yeah yeah— see you guys tomorrow." she waved.

Adeline stepped outside the house and headed for her car.

"Adeline— is it?" Katherine called after her, she had followed her outside.

"It is." She answered reluctantly.

"How's Klaus?" she asked.

"How would I know?" Adeline scoffed.

"I just found it a little odd how he wanted you— to go with him and Stefan." She looked Adeline up and down, crossing her arms. "Any ideas on why that was?"

"Nope— not a clue." Addie kept it short, walking away and leaving Katherine staring at her back.

Katherine was suspicious and maybe even a little jealous of the blonde girl. She was close with Stefan, the one she loved and Klaus the guy who wanted no women— who cared for no one seemed to have some sort of interest in Adeline. Katherine liked being the center of attention, she was used to being the one the guys couldn't get enough of, but she was slowly seeing she might have met her match. Adeline Andrew's was competition.


Adeline was ready to crash down on her bed and sleep until the sun came up. She needed the rest— she wanted the rest. The last few days had been full of plotting and scheming with her friends, it was emotionally exhausting.

She closed the door in her room and let out a deep sigh. She was finally alone— she liked it that way. She wanted the silence, she wanted to think.

"Something bothering you love?" Klaus interrupted, standing in the back corner of her room.

Addy jumped with fright at the intrusion of the original. "What are you stalking me now?"

"Don't flatter yourself." He smirked.

"Get out of my room." She ordered. "I'm not in the mood for your games."

"What happened? Only a few days ago you admitted to having a nice time with me." He teased.

"What happened?" She laughed with anger. "What happened is you used me— got me out of town and tried to kill my friends"

Klaus shook his head and Adeline crossed her arms— staring him down with anger.

"That is not what happened." He scoffed. "Let me —"

"Stop." She interrrupted. "My dad is downstairs, we are not doing this here. Just leave Klaus."

"Fine— we will do it outside then." He smirked, and sped across the room wrapping his arm around Adelines waist before moving back towards her window that was already jarred open from his entrance. Holding the girl in his arms, he leaped out of the window and placed her safely on the ground.

"Does this work better for you?" He questioned, with a condescending tone.

"Are you kidding me right now?" She spat. "You just jumped out of a window with me? I could have died— I'm human Klaus."

"I know what you are— if you think I would have let you die, you are mistaken." He huffed.

"What do you want Klaus!?" She shouted in frustration. "I don't want to be apart of whatever game your playing."

Klaus had been around a long time— he could tell the girl was genuinely upset with him, hurt even. His intention wasn't to take her out of town as a distraction so he could attack her friends— well maybe it was. But really, he didn't want her there incase something went wrong. He didn't want her hurt— he felt the need to... protect her.

"I'm not playing a game." He answered.

"Really? So taking me on the helicopter, distracting me then almost killing two of my friends was what?" She yelled.

"It was me taking you out of harms way." He answered honestly.

"Oh— you've got to be kidding me." She rolled her eyes and laughed at the original.

"You don't have to believe me— but that's the truth." He spat.

Something in Adeline told her he was telling the truth— but that didn't change the fact that he tried to kill her friends. He was despicable, and he never changed.

"Maybe you should try not attempting to kill people— then I wouldn't need to be taken out of harms way." She scoffed.

Klaus took a step forward, closing the gap between the pair. Adelines heart started pounding against the walls of her chest— she didn't know to expect.

"I didn't come here to argue with you." He admitted quietly, his minty breath was swirling around Adelines face. She thought about backing away, but something held her feet in place.

Klaus reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper— he handed it to Adeline. "I came to give you this."

When she unfolded the paper, it was her. It was a perfect, hand drawn portrait of her with the mountains of Washington behind her.

"Did you—" she started.

"I drew it." He answered for her.

"Why?" She questioned, locking eyes with the Hybrid.

He stared back at her— he didn't have an answer. The truth was, Klaus didn't know why he drew the girl or even why he brought it to her today. All he knew was that she continuously invaded his thoughts, and then ended up becoming part of his art to.

"I don't know." He answered honestly.

He felt vulnerable in that moment— and Klaus did not like feeling that way. He turned away from the girl and headed in the opposite direction. Adeline didn't know what to say— she was still confused and shocked.

"Klaus—" she called out. The Hybrid stopped and turned around to face her. "Thank you."

He smiled at her— a small smile but still, a smile and nodded before walking away. Adeline stood there for a moment, appreciating the drawing in her hands and trying to sort through her emotions.

Unbeknownst to both her and Klaus— they were being watched the whole time, by not one but two separate people.

On one side of the street stood Elijah, hiding in the shadows of a neighbors house watching the encounter unfold.

"There may be hope for you after all Niklaus." He whispered to himself.

On the other side of the road, Katherine was watching behind one of Adelines neighbors cars. She had followed the girl home— she was a little to curious and what she saw, shocked her more than she imagined.


A few days had passed since Adeline last saw Klaus— since the strange encounter with the drawing. She often caught herself thinking about the Hybrid, feeling guilty for what they were planning. She knew she was the only one who shared that same remorse— so she kept it to herself. In fact, she kept everything to herself. None of her friends even knew about the drawing— or the helicopter ride.

Mikael was dead— well that's what they made Klaus believe. He was throwing a party tonight at to celebrate the fake death of his psycho hunter of a father. Nothing about the situation sat right with Adeline, she knew every time her friends thought they had the perfect plan— something went wrong.

She was dressed and ready for the party— she kissed her father on the forehead and promised to be safe, the same as always.

But when she stepped outside the house— danger was already waiting for her.

"Hello there Adeline." Katherine smirked, emerging from the shadows of the porch.

"What are you doing here?" Adeline asked. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready to take down Klaus?"

"I am— but change of plans. We're not going to use me as the bait." she grinned. "We're using you."

"Wait — what?" She questioned. "Did the others agree to this?"

"No of course not— but the others don't know what I know about you and Klaus." She scoffed "so me and Mikael made our own plan."

"Katherine I don't know what you think— or why you think this will work but you might want to think twice before you do this." Adeline warned.

"Sorry blondie, we don't have the time." She smirked, and struck Adeline on the side of the head— just hard enough to knock her out.


Adeline was supposed to sit with Elena and wait for the plan to unfold while the vampires did the dangerous work. The group was gathered in the crowd at Klaus's party— waiting.

"Wasn't Adeline supposed to be here by now?" Stefan questioned. "And Katherine."

"Yeah— they both were." Elena answered.

"Somethings wrong". Stefan said.

"Don't be so negative brother— it's going to work out." Damon scoffed.

"No Damon— I'm telling you something  is wrong." Stefan insisted.

Stefan was right— he spotted Katherine through the open front doors, staring at them with a cynical expression on her face.  They rushed out the door to see what was going on.

"What the hell are you doing?" Damon spat. "Get in here, we have a plan to execute."

"Sorry boys— your plan was a little to weak for me." Katherine smirked. "I made my own plan."

"Katherine— what are you talking about?" Stefan questioned, anger laced in his voice. They all should have known better then to put any kind of trust in Katherine. Stefan knew that, but it was to late now.

Mikael approached the group, pushing Adeline in front of him with the white oak stake pressed to her carotid.

"Bring me Klaus." He ordered.

"Katherine— what the hell?" Damon spat.

"You heard him— someone go get the bastard." Katherine smirked.

"I'm here." Klaus called, standing just inside the doorway of the house. His face was hard as stone, his eyes looked like black holes of anger and rage as he stared at his father with Adeline.

"You want to save the girl— come and get her Niklaus." Mikael flashed a devilish grin. He enjoyed this, he loved toying with Klaus.

"Am I missing something here?" Damon questioned. "What does Adeline have to do with any of this? Not a very smart plan Katherine."

Stefan already knew that answer to that question. He knew what was going on- but the rest of the group was in the dark, they were confused. They weren't on the road with them like Stefan was. They didn't see what Stefan saw in Klaus when he looked at Addy. The only thing he couldn't figure out was, how did Katherine know?

"Oh— they didn't tell you?" Katherine grinned. "Klaus here has quite the infatuation with your friend."

All eyes looked at Klaus who was clenching his fists into tightly coiled balls and gritting his teeth, then they moved the Adeline who had a single fear stricken tear lining down her cheek. No one knew what to do— this was not part of the plan. Of course they wanted Klaus dead, but they wanted there friend safe more.

"Well what the hell are we doing to do now?" Damon questioned under his breath to his brother who was watching closely— he was thinking.

"We have to do something." Elena cried.

"This is pathetic of you Mikael— using a girl to try and draw me out." Klaus finally spoke. "Why not just come after me yourself? You're a coward."

"No Niklaus— you're the coward. The bastard son." Mikael spat. "And you have to the count of 5 to step outside or I will jam this into her neck."

"She is human you know— the stake is pretty unnecessary." Klaus scoffed.

"It'll kill a human just fine." Mikael scoffed.

Klaus's face tightened— rage was boiling through his veins. He looked down at Adeline and knew he had to do something. It was a risk but he probably wouldn't forgive himself otherwise.

"One... two.. three..." Mikael began counting but he didn't get to five before Klaus sprung out of the doorway after the vampire hunter.

Mikael dropped Adeline on the ground and stood ready for Klaus who came at him with all his force and shoved him— sending him flying backward and onto his back but only for a moment. Mikael jumped up quickly and lunged for Klaus, it looked like this was going to be it. He has the white oak stake at the ready and Klaus was fighting alone.

A blur flew passed Adeline and knocked Mikael off his feet again, causing him to drop the stake.

It was Elijah.

Klaus glanced over at his brother with a smile, then dashed towards the stake— he picked it up and stabbed it into Mikaels chest. The body burst into flames, burning the last white oak stake with it.

Klaus turned around to the group who was still watching in awe. "Now who's idea was this?"

"Brother— let it go for now." Elijah warned. "Mikael is dead and we are free."

Klaus didn't want to let it go— but he would for now. He had been through enough tonight and didn't feel like picking another fight.

Stefan rushed over to Adeline and helped her off the ground— Elena, Caroline and Damon joined him. She took a deep breath and looked at her friends, each one giving her a hug.

She turned around and looked at the original brothers.

"Are you alright?" Klaus questioned and she answered him with a nod. That was all she had in her for now— and Elijah smiled at the girl before they both walked away.

Katherine had sped off as soon as Klaus stabbed the stake into Mikaels heart— she wasn't going to stick around and be killed by Klaus. But she wasn't going to go quietly either... he needed to pay for making her run for five hundred years— even if she couldn't kill him. She had other plans up her sleeve.

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