Hurts doesn't it?

By PaigeMaximoff

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Loki x reader🐍 ⚠️This story is currently being edited, it was written a while ago and I realised some of it... More

Chapter 2 - first day
Chapter 3 - annoyance
Chapter 4 - blank
Chapter 5 - the little things
Chapter 6 - nightmare
Chapter 7 -Im impressed
Chapter 8 - I made you dinner
Chapter 9 - stories to tell
Chapter 10 - breakfast
Chapter 11 - opening up
Chapter 12 - all blue
Chapter 13 - like im a child
Chapter 14 - shouldnt of gone alone
Chapter 15 - getting her back
Chapter 16 - memories
Chapter 17 - with wanda
Chapter 18 - the truth
Chapter 19 - the aftermath
Chapter 20 - black eye
Chapter 21 - slowly fixing things

Chapter 1 - trip to earth

767 18 3
By PaigeMaximoff

Loki's POV:

"Thor I will be fine! I'm not going to try and take over earth again , although now that you raise that concern...."
Using reverse psychology on Thor always works, make a joke about taking over earth and because of that joke he now believes I wouldn't actually do it.

I would.

"Brother! I think you've done your damage to earth now! But I will come there to visit soon okay? Where will you be staying ? Why are you even going anyway?"

"I want some time as a midguardian and I need space from Odin" this was a lie, I knew the tesseract was on earth and I needed to get it. Also Odin has been less of an issue these days since Thor has shown his worthiness.

"You're not calling him father anymore? Come on Loki he's still your, our father"

"Maybe to you brother, but he never treated me like a son"


"And for where I will be staying, I will get back to you about that or in a few days, ask heimdall to see where I am"

"That's if you let heimdall see you, I still don't know how you block him" I then smirked , it was fun hiding from Thor.
"you are a fool to think I would tell you how I do that"

"Well Loki, I seem to be a fool when it comes to you and your mischief brother"

"I know you are Thor". As Heimdall turned his sword I knew he was ready to let me through and send me to earth, and I was ready to go but Thor made me emotional.

"Goodbye and fair well brother"

"The sun will shine on us again" I say before entering the bifrost, that line gets him every time.

"I don't doubt it" Thor mumbled to himself as he watched his brother either walk into the new opportunity of a lifetime, or the trigger for my eternal chaos. I guess he would find out in a few weeks upon my return.

Now having landed on earth, a sense of nostalgia and deja vu hit me like a truck.

"You know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing"

"I have an army"
"We have a hulk"

"Puny god"

"Love is for children , I owe him a debt"

"Listen here brother"
"I'm listening..."

It doesn't matter about the past, I'm here to get the tesseract and leave. I knew I needed to find a place to stay but I can worry about that once I've scoped out this place, I'm sure one of those mauling quims could be easily encouraged (or pushed against there will) to let me stay at their home.

I walked down the street of London, hoping that none of the avengers would spot me if I stayed here. When the time was right and I knew the exact destination of the tesseract, I will teleport myself there, take it and then either rule the world (unlikely) , go back to Asgard (probably not wise to do this straight away) or keep a low profile until I figure out what to do (sounds like the better idea).

I know London is far from New York(which is probably where the tesseract is) but it was the best thing to keep away until I knew what I was doing - I couldn't get caught again.

Many midguardians glared at me as I walked by, a few giggling and others avoiding me at all costs. Maybe some of them even recognised me from the news but they would be way to scared to actually say anything to me anyway, after all when being tortured by a purple grape it can change you as a person.

I searched for a while, hotels were full and at night time people were difficult to approach so I went to find an alley way I could sit in , it didn't need to be comfy as I didn't sleep, however when I do find a place.... It will be fit for a King.

I sat in the alley way for what felt like earth hours until a girl uncomfortably walked past. What's so strange about a guy in a Asguardian outfit sitting in an alley way? Despite what seemed to be a look of nothing on her face, she was beautiful. If I could seduce her (which I knew I could) then I'm sure she would let me stay at hers for the night.

"Hello dear" I said in my seductive voice.

More annoyed than seduced: "Are you talking to me? I don't talk to...." She scanned my clothes "people in weird costumes who sit in dark alley ways"

"For a matter of fact this isn't a costume. Look at your outfit you stupid midguardi-" I paused after realising that calling her a mid guardian would bring up alot more questions and confusing answers that I could not explain.

"What did you just say?" Her eyebrow raised in annoyance but in her eyes you could see the slight bit of confusion.

"What I meant to say was, I need help"

"Wrong person to ask mate"

Mate? I'm not her mate. What even is one of those because we are definitely not going to be mating in bed if that's what she means.

"Look, lady. I just need a place to stay for a little while then I will be..." I tried to think of one of those metaphors Thor told me about, "I will be out of your hair in no time"

She scoffed. "You think a woman , by herself walking home, clearly showing no interest, would let a random guy inter her house?"


"Give me one reason to let you stay. And if I do agree it's because there's not much valuable in my home, I have two spare rooms and I would expect money for you staying, which I could use right about now. But that all depends on why you need to stay at my place"

"I have one job I need to do, once it's done I will leave" I think that's a good enough reason.

"How long will this job take"

"Month, 5 months max"

"Jesus that's a wide range of time"She eyed me up and down, creating a look of disgust, clearly considering her options.By her facial expressions, you could tell she was having a fight with her thoughts whether to say yes or no.

"Fine, only because you really are a mess and really it would benefit me more.I can help you clean up a little" she then pulled a leaf out of my gelled back hair. "I'm y/n, address me as lady again and I will throw you back to wherever you came from"

"Sorry lad-, sorry y/n"

"Follow me"  and I did so. We walked to her house which apparently is an apartment. I walked in and she disappeared


"Jesus Christ you can't even be alone for a minute , I was just getting you a quilt. You can sleep on the sofa as I would prefer to keep my bed"

"A sofa?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes a sofa. This" she then pointed towards a seat but more comfortable.

"I mean I don't actually sle-"

"You don't sleep? If you have insomnia I get that but no need to be dramatic"

"Well I do like to over exaggerate I guess" I chuckled to myself, this was going to be a lot harder than I thought. Humans sleep, so I need to atleast look like I do.

For the rest of the evening, y/n sat on what I believe is a iphone. I tried to start conversation and get to know her but she shut me down straight away, reminds me of me when I didn't have my overtly confident facade as a form of protection so I never got my feelings hurt. Is that what she is doing? Or is she just a stone cold heartless human that truly can show no affection or even interest to a future ruler.

No way someone could be that heartless though, right? I heard these humans are very sensitive.

Let's just hope it's not the latter.

"Are you gonna sleep in those clothes?" She looked me up and down. These looks were becoming more usual than I liked.

it's all I have" I could easily magic up some comfy clothes but not the right time to do that. My powers are restricted for now.

"You can either sleep in your boxers, which quite honestly I hope you don't, or I can get you some clothes that used to be my friends"

"I will have your friends clothes please lady y/n. Speaking of, where is your friend now?"

"He moved away. He was too soft, and hoped he would get 'soft' back. I don't have that kind of time to care for somebody's emotional needs"

"And do you have a soft side?" Genuinely I would like to know.

"Nope" she said popping the 'p'.

"I refuse to believe a human has no emotion"

"Well I'm sure I did when I was younger before this weird change"


"I shouldn't have mentioned it, it's none of your business. But since you already know too much, can I at least know your name?"


"Loki what?"

"I like to just go by Loki , no last name"

"Okay Loki with no last name, im going bed" I watched her as she walked into her bedroom and five minutes later, some clothes got threw out the room which I'm guessing are the ones I'm supposed to wear.


A/n: I promise the story gets better, just keep reading!

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