Meeting Roni

由 luckyducky19191

34.7K 627 7

Otto's neice is getting released from prison and he is setting her up with the sons. But what happens when sh... 更多



3.9K 45 0
由 luckyducky19191

"Serioulsy, you have to be kidding me." I'm sitting across from my lawyer.
"Otto has set it up. You got a job and a room waiting on you. He said to tell you he will add you to his visitation and fill you in as soon as he can. "
"Dear God even on the inside that fucker is still running shit" I tell her rubbing my hands down my face.
"I will send someone to get you tomorrow when you are released" she says before standing up and walking out the door.
"For fucks sakes" I yell
"Lets go Roni" the guard tells me coming in to take me back to my cell.
"Gonna miss me when I'm gone" I chuckle beside him
"Life may be easier. Try not to come back" he tells me as he shuts my cell door. "Oh and good luck bitch" and with that back to the silence.

Luckily Lowman brought me some new cloths yesterday. I'm alot smaller then when I came in here. I see a black suv parked and a dorky looking guy with a Mohawk and tattood head leaning against it. The kutte gives him away that he is more than likely my ride.
"You my ride" I ask as I walk up to him.
"Oh I do hope so. Juice" he says sticking his hand out to me.
"Roni" I don't shake it.
"Lets get you out of here" he says opening the passenger door before walking to the driver side.
"So Roni " he starts but I cut him off
"Look dude can we just not talk"
"I guess" and with that he flicks the radio on.
After about an hour he breaks the silence
"Welcome to the sons of anarchy" he tells me as he stops the car
There isnt many people around but its also ten in the morning. I notice a brick building with Sons of Anarchy MC above the door. A boxing ring and picnic tables all under a patio style roof on the other side of the door. Across the parking lot there is a garage.
"Come on I'll take you to Gemma" he says opening my door.
I just follow behind him to the garage and through a door that says office.
"You must be Veronica" an older woman in all black with black and blonde hair says to me.
"Names Roni" I tell her
"Juice your late for church and tell them we will be in shortly." She tells him as she sits in her chair behind a desk and offering me a cigarette while taking one herself
"Thanks" I say after lighting it and taking a moment to enjoy the nicotine.
"Have a seat darling" she points to a chair opposite to her. A few things that belonged to you has been brought here. Otto wanted to make sure you felt at home."
"Good ol fucking Otto" I say laying my head back into the chair.
"Lets go introduce you to the guys then I will show you Your dorm. I'm giving you tomorrow to get settled in then the following day your to be in this office by 9 am."
"Ok" I tell her following her as she leaves the office.


"What do we even know about this girl" Jax speaks up
"She isn't much of a talker but hot as fuck." Juice tells the group
"Well Otto asked us to protect her and thats what we are gonna do" Clay states
"What did ye fin out on the lass Juicy boy" Chibs pipes up.
"Well lets see Veronica "Roni" Luann  Delaney age 25. She apparently changed her name to Delaney when she hit 18. Parents Michael and Tanya Stanton. She just did a five year stint. Picked up for possession, paraphernalia, unregistered fire arm, and cash over $5000. She was only sentenced to two years but got an extra three tacted on for attempted murder while inside " Juice says pushing her file out in front of him a little. "Before that it was minor shit only did a few weeks to a month here and there. Frequent flyer in juvi.
"The fuck" Bobby states.
"What was the possesion charge." Jaxs asks
"Coke. Otto wants her to stay clean. Weed and alcohol all the girl better have in her system. Juice do your weird shit and get the girl a medical marijuana card so if parole wants to be assholes she is covered." With that clay bangs the gavel to dismiss church.
"Oh one last thing. Otto wants her to remain untouched so can you boys keep it in your pants around her" Clay makes one last statement.
I'm sitting in the bar area with Gemma when two doors fly open behind me and several guys file out.
I'm introduced to Clay Gemmas old man her son and the rest of the guys.
"Alright boys business as usual. Party tomorrow be here we will have company." Someone says behind me.
"Can I see where I will be staying" I ask gemma and she leads me down a hallway with doors on both sides. "Here we go. Here is you a key only this key and one I have go to this room so no one will bother you. Sheets are clean got you some toiletries and towels."
"Thank you" I tell her walking in and shutting the door

For the first time I shower in years with out having to worry. Soon as I get in the tears began to flow.


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