SINNER - Klaus Mikaelson

Por karlithomasss

1.4M 28.4K 27.4K

Adeline Andrew's was living a normal life in Mystic Falls, until the most feared vampire in the world showed... Mais

N E X T S T O R Y?
Sincerely, Yours.


44.7K 907 611
Por karlithomasss

The sun was peaking through the sheer white curtains in Adelines room, and her eyes fluttered open. She raised her arms towards the sky, stretching every muscle she could reach. Her hands moved to her temples and she started to rub them— trying to ease her pounding headache.

"Oh my god." she breathed. Adeline remembered the night before. She remembered almost everything— drinking way to much, crying to Klaus of all people about her mom, and then him carrying her.

Embarrassment was one of the first thing she felt about the situation. She couldn't believe she opened up to Klaus— he didn't need another reason to find the girl weak and she gave him one. She led him straight to the center of most of her pain— and now if he wanted he could use that against her.

A knock at her bedroom door saved her from her own thoughts of self hatred and regret.

"Come in!" she called out.

Her dad stepped through the door with a smile on his face and cup of coffee in his hand.

"Wellness check!" He teased. " I didn't hear you come in last night."

Of course he didn't— Klaus compelled him as he carried Adeline to her bedroom. She didn't want her dad to know she was drunk, so they did what they had to do but that's just another thing she had to regret this morning.

Another revelation Addy had to face was the fact that Klaus had now been in her bedroom— he had to have been to get her up here last night. It seemed like things just kept getting worse.

"Sorry Dad— I must have just snuck in on you." She smiled.

"Must have." He laughed. "Well, I'm off to work. See you tonight!"

"See you tonight dad." She agreed.

There was at least one good thing going for Adeline today and that was that there was no school. It was fall break in Mystic Falls— so at least she didn't have to go through that with a hangover.

Adeline showered and got around for the day— she thought that might make her feel better and she was at least a little right. She grabbed a piece of toast from the kitchen and forced herself to choke it down. She have much of an appetite but knew it would probably help the hangover.

When she opened her front door she wasn't paying attention— she was looking down at her phone sending a text to Elena asking what everyone was doing today. She bumped into a hard chest on her porch that sent her tumbling backwards.

"You know, you should really watch where you are walking love." Klaus smirked.

Adelines cheeks flushed red with embarrassed— not only because she had slammed into the original but after last night, her plan was to avoid him— yet here he was.

"I didn't expect you to be here." she admitted.

"How are you feeling this morning?" he questioned. "Nursing a massive hangover I'm sure."

"Did you come here to mock me?" she snapped. "Because if that's what this is you can save it— I already feel embarrassed enough."

"I'm not here to mock you Adeline." he smiled, laughing under his breath at the girl. "Although, I could if I —"

"Klaus!" She interrupted, not wanting to here anything about last night.

"Okay okay." He laughed, tossing his hands up. "I'm here to ask if you want to come with me— I want to take you to do one of my favorite things today."

"Sorry— I don't kill people." Adeline scoffed, assuming Klaus's favorite thing was murder. She meant it, she did think that was probably his favorite thing to do but it was also a diversion to buy herself some time. She didn't know why the original would invite her anywhere— it must be out of pity. But Klaus doesn't know pity so maybe it was a trap.

"Okay— my other favorite thing." he smirked.

"I don't think so." Adeline shook her head and walked past Klaus.

"Come on Adeline." He called after her. "Live a little."

She stopped in her tracks, shivers coursing down her spine. Only one thing came to her mind— a memory from her mom in her final days.

"Addy you should go out— it's the end of summer, have fun with your friends." her mom insisted.

"No— I'm not leaving you." Adeline argued.

Her mom shook her head but continued flipping through her magazine.

"Can I tell you something Adeline?" She asked.

"Anything mom." Addy said sincerely.

"Honey— I've lived a good life, a happy life." She started.

"Mom, please don't." Adeline pleaded, she didn't like hearing her mom talk this way.

"Let me finish." her mom insisted. Adeline nodded. "It's to short though Addy... life— believe me. Do everything. Go everywhere. Don't let life and time pass you, because once it's gone you can't get it back. Adeline— just promise me you'll live a little? I mean actually live."

"I promise." Adeline wept, hanging on her moms every word because she knew she meant them.

Adeline turned around slowly so she could face Klaus again.

"I'll come." She agreed.

The original was shocked by the sudden change of the girls mind, but he wouldn't question it. He was just happy she was coming.

"Fantastic." he smiled. "Let's go."


The pair drove in another one of Klaus's ridiculously expensive cars just to the outskirts of Mystic Falls. Klaus turned down an old dirt road lined with trees— it looked like he was driving them straight into the woods.

"Great." Adeline huffed. "So you really are going to kill me."

He couldn't help but laugh at the girl sitting beside him. He had no intention on killing her and she knew that.

"Not going to kill you— at least not today." He teased.

She rolled her eyes and continued to stare ahead, unsure of where they were going. The trees started to thin the further they drove until the woods broke open into a wide open field— with a helicopter sitting right in the middle.

"Are we going to—" she started, staring wide eyed at the chopper.

"Fly in that?" He grinned. "Yes— We are."

Klaus stepped out of the car and sped to the other side, opening the door for Adeline. They headed straight for the helicopter. Addy was nervous, she had never flown in a chopper before but she was excited at the same time— adrenaline pumped through her veins.

"Mr. Mikaelson." A man nodded, handing Klaus two headsets and the keys.

"Climb in." Klaus smiled, gesturing for Adeline to take her seat.

She sat down on the brown leather seat on the passenger side of the helicopter and clicked her seatbelt on— pulling it hard to make sure it was tight. When she looked to her left, Klaus was doing the same, he was sitting in the pilots seat.

"Wait— you're flying this?" She questioned.

"Of course love." He smirked, noting the shocked expression on her face. "I'm a man of many talents."

When the chopper lifted off the ground, Adeline gripped her seat tightly. She couldn't help herself— she was at least a little bit afraid. Helicopters were so much different than planes. But all her nerves were quickly remedied when she saw the view below her.

"Wow— Mystic falls actually looks pretty from up here." She admitted.

"Everything looks better from the clouds." Klaus smiled.

Adeline looked out in awe— she could see for miles. There was mountains, and rolling hills that now looked closer than ever. When you are down on the ground, you can't ever fully realize what you have around you. She always just felt trapped in the bubble that was Mystic Falls.

"Want to give it a try?" Klaus questioned, gesturing to the lever that sat in between them.

"Oh no— I could never I don't know what I'm doing." She shook her head.

"I'll show you, it'll be fine." He insisted. "Just put your hand over it."

Maybe she wanted the rush of adrenaline or maybe she wanted to know what it was like to fly a helicopter — whatever the reason was, it was buried deep inside Adelines mind, but she placed her hand on the lever anyways.

A smile took over Klaus's face when the girl did as she was told.

"Okay, now what?" She questioned, nerves clear in her voice.

Klaus placed his hand on top of hers— surprising both of them but neither moved.

"Pull it back— like this." he pulled their hands and the chopper began to climb higher.

"Oh my gosh." Adeline smiled, the adrenaline was pulsing through her stomach— tingling through her nerves.

"Or push it forward." he pushed their hands towards the front and the helicopter lowered. "Simple as that." He smirked.

They kept there hands like that the remainder of the flight. He taught her how to turn and speed up. She was having the time of her life— she felt like she was in a book or a movie because there is no way this was her life, people didn't really live like this. But Klaus did.


When they got back to Mystic Falls, Adeline decided she wanted to spend the rest of the day with her friends. She had Klaus drive her out to the Salvatore house and drop her off. When he pulled up to the front door, she stepped out of the car—

"I actually had a nice time today." She admitted. "Thank you."

"It was my pleasure love." He smiled and watched her as she walked away— into the Salvatore house.

Klaus sped off to his house on the other side of town. When he walked in Tyler and the rest of his newly sired Hybrids were waiting for him.

"So— how did it go?" He smirked.


When Adeline walked into the Salvatore house she was greeted by a tension filled room, everyone's face was distraught. Something had happened — that much was obvious.

"Addy!" Elena sighed a breath of relief. "Where have you been?! We were worried Klaus's hybrids got you."

"Wait — what?" Adeline questioned. "Why would you be worried about that?"

"Klaus sent his minion hybrids after Jeremy and they almost killed both him and Alaric." Damon huffed.

"They hit Ric with a car!" Elena cried. "He saved Jer, it was awful addy." Her friend tossed her arms around Adelines neck, pulling her in for a hug.

Adelines throat felt like it was closing— like the air was knocked out of her lungs. She had spent the day with Klaus— enjoying herself and she believed he had been to. She should have known he was up to something. He distracted her, and while she was out of town, he tried to murder her friends.

Adeline felt like an idiot but more than that, she felt hurt.

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