Second Chances (Zeldris x rea...

By Mesaandme01

45.3K 1.3K 318

(Y/n) was a soldier along side her trusted military k9 partner, but after a raid gone wrong, her and her furr... More

A Worthy Death
The Inbetween
One Legend Meets Another
Two Princes
Three Demons Walk in a Bar
Strange Energy
Little Demon
A Demons Hound
Camelot Castle
Old Habbits Die Hard
Pre-Dinner Practice
A Royal Midnight Garden
Falling Evermore
The Enchanted Red Wood Forest
Envy and Gluttony
Hells Dinner Bells
Promises, Promises

Emerald Eyes and Golden Skys

1.3K 43 10
By Mesaandme01

Eyes closed and body relaxed, you lay against the red wood tree, surprisingly more comfortable than you'd ever been before. You feel Meliodas shift slightly in his deep slumber against your chest, his face nuzzled into your neck a little more as he leans against you. Your lips curl up slightly as your right hand, that was buried in his blonde hair, massagers his scalp some before untangling his hair again before another breeze passes by. You open your eyes again, the spotlight of golden afternoon sun that had been shining through the leaves above, had finally passed out of your eyes glare, with the now slowly falling sun.

It had been a few hours of blissful peace as you glance at the water through your long eyelashes, while keeping your head still against his. You knew you'd have to wake him soon, but a few more minutes wouldn't hurt. Suddenly the wind blows sharply to the left making a familiar scent of a thunderstorm hit your nose despite the clear sky's, you lift your head slightly and glance to the left. Exley's glowing yellow eyes peek around the corner of the massive root before he steps out some, cocking his head to the side curiously at you. Your left hand still laced with Meliodas', rested on his lower abdomen and your arm resting on his hip bone with his on top of it. Very carefully, yet reluctantly, you remove your right hand from being entangled in his soft locks, and hold it up to Exley making him freeze and stand tall, watching you carfully. 'We're ok. Go back to the tavern and stay.' You sign with your right hand to him as best you can with one hand.

He blinks and tips his head down some, letting you know he understood your command, but his left ear flicks back before he licks his nose and sniffs the air. Your eye contact breaks from his briefly, glancing left before you deeply inhale and smell scraps faintly in the distance along side something.. sweet? You look back to Exley, 'Hawk and Oslo?' You question making him growl so lowly it was soft, as he takes a step towards you with his right, confirming your silent question. You hold your breath suddenly as Meliodas shifts in your arms, gently squeezing your left hand in his sleep. You pause as dose the huge wolf before you, breathing out a sigh you look back into Exleys eyes slightly worried. 'Any other sins?' You ask him. He thinks for a second and steps his left paw forward denying it. You nod at him, 'Good. Can you take them back to the tavern?' You sign gently, trying not to move so much.

He step forward on his right paw and tips his head down, while staring at you with confident playful yellow eyes. As if saying he obviously could do such a simple task. You smile, 'Good boy. I'm right behind you.' You sign as he stands, towering over you both three feet away. He whines slightly ever so softly, shaking his head gently with lowered ears, as he stares at you with adoring eyes yellow eyes. 'I love you too buddy.' You sign back with a smile making his ears fly forward and tail swish gently against the breeze. You refrain from giggling as he turns happily and jumps clear over the massive root silently to do as you asked.

Your loving grin quickly fades when Meliodas shifts in his sleep, making your body freeze again. He kissing your neck before he turns forward away from you, as if too look up at the light blue sky, "I miss you..." he mumbles before he leans back into your chest comfortably, his eyes still closed. You smile and lightly squeeze his hand as you hug him again, "Captain, it's time to wake up..." you whisper in his ear softly, as you run your hand through his slightly tangled hair. He freezes immediately, his hand gripping yours slightly tighter as his whole body tenses. You refrain from snickering as you continue to detangle his messy wind blown, silky locks, "You know... I'd normally scold you for slacking, and for the stunt your clone pulled, but I sense this is the first time you've really slept In a while." You say gently over the breeze that blows softly around you both, making his emerald eyes flutter open hearing your voice just behind him.

He groans slightly, weather or not it was from your hand in his hair, or the fact that he's awake enough to know what the clone did, you didn't know. A small grin makes its way to his lips suddenly, and he looks up at you with shining emerald eyes, "You're back!" He states happily as he releases your hand and jumps up out of your grasp. You giggle at him as he spins around and easily yanks you up out of the soft grass, straight into a tight hug, "I missed you!" He says with a bright grin as holds you close to him. You smile before you pull back some and place your hand on his cheek, "I missed you too Meliodas... so, feel better after your nap?" You ask curiously as your wrap your left arm lazily around his neck. He chuckles and closes his eyes, leaning into your touch, "Yep, and now that the wood's been chopped, Ban should have dinner ready in a bit!" He says simply.

Your smile turns dangerous as you run your right, thumb across his bottom lip, making his emerald eyes snap open to find your eyes skimming across his light freckles on his cheeks, admiring them, counting them now that you can. "Good, so you remember what you clone did then, hm?" You ask again causally, as you lazily gaze back up into his eyes. His eyes widen slightly, and a blush heats up across his honey tan cheeks, burning at his ears. You smirk, as he stares down at you slowly starting to grin. "Well if you expect an apology, I'm afraid you won't get one." He says lowly, as he finally regains control of his voice and train of thought. You roll your eyes, "I don't want an apology." You snap back as you lace your left hands fingers in his soft golden hair once again.

He fights a groan as he rolls his eyes shut, "Oh?" He manages to get out, intrigued, making you giggle as his grip tightens on your waist. "Mhm," You hum deviously as you kiss his jaw bone ever so gently, making him suck in a breath and hold it within his lungs. "I want revenge, " you whisper as you pull his head down towards your lips by his blonde hair, hearing his heart rate increase. You can feel his blush radiate against your cheeks and your sure he could feel yours, "Sir.." you purr in a ghost against his lips, as your (e/c) orbs look from his soft lips to meet his emerald ones, shining dangerously in the golden sunlight. He chuckles a deeply ever so slightly against your lips, "Then take it." He practically growls in a deep tone, as he grins challengingly against your lips. Your heary skips a beat and your eyes flutter shut, before you kiss his soft lips gently sending a spark down his spine instantly. He sighs slightly as he savors the feeling of your soft lips against his, and his arms loosen from around you to snake around your hips slowly, before his hands grab your ass firmly.

He tastes like fresh green apple and ale against your lips, only dragging you deeper into him. He then runs his tongue across your bottom lip again, immediately addicted to you, craving your taste. You deny him though, by gently pulling his bottom lip between your teeth, while running your hand through the base of his silky hair roughly, one final time. He sucks in a sharp breathe as your release his lip, his forehead meeting yours, while he subconsciously follows your lips briefly as you pull back from him slowly. You open your eyes to find him, leaned down into you with a loving smile and gentle closed eyes. You giggle lightly as you go to step back a little bit, making him yank your hips back to his harshly, "No ya don't." He says as he slowly opens his emerald eyes to stare down at you again. "We're gonna be laaaate and then Ban will be maaaad..." you singsong sarcastically with a playful smirk.

He chuckles knowing you were right, but still, he wanted nothing more than kiss your lips for eternity. "What am I gonna do with you?" He questions rhetorically as he holds your hips to his. "Hmmm, I have a few ideas." You answer with a grin. "Really? Do tell." He says with a mischievous smirk. You grin slyly as you shake your head, "Gotta earn it, Captain." You say slyly, making his emerald eyes light up as a dangerous grin graces his lips. "Race me back to the tavern. Winner gets to ask anything?" He questions curiously. You giggle, "Your on." You challenge with a mischievous grin of your own now. He breathes out a slight laugh as his forehead meets yours again, he raises his hands to cup both of your cheeks. You blush beneath his warm rough hands as your eyes meet his. "Babygirl, you better run." he says dangerously with a classic smile, and something unfamiliar shining in eyes. He then presses his lips to yours in a surprise kiss, yet you felt the pure adoration held within, before he vanishes, taking off. Leaving the warmth of his soft lips against yours nothing but a fading ghost.

You let out a slight laughing breath, before your taking off after the mischievous demon into the golden amber air. You jump from the forest floor inhumanly fast, before grabbing onto a branch, and with one powerful swing, your off. Within seconds, you easily catch up to him, he's about twelve feet from you as you both zip through the trees, leaving the ground and brush below you a mere blur. He suddenly looks back with sparkling emerald eyes and a brilliant smile, "Keep up-" he starts teasingly only to choke on his words at you, barely brushing your hand against his soft cheek. Time slows as he glances immediately to his left to you, his shocked emerald orbs meeting in your calm face. Your plump, (l/c), lips curved up gently in a challenging close lipped grin. Your (e/c) orbs gleaming down at him mischievously as you jump over him gracefully, "Bye Meli~" You purr in his ear, mid-air over the whipping wind, and you knew he heard you by his reaction.

His eyes slightly widen, immediately knowing he was in trouble as your iris glows scarlet against your (e/c) eyes. You faze away from him, leaving the warmth of your hand upon his cheek nothing but a fading ghost. He breathes out a slight laugh at your incredible speed, hearing your giggle echoing off the trees in front of him, fading quickly. The wind burst that blows past him, because of you, snapped him back to reality making him take off after you, knowing he wouldn't be able to catch you. Flying out of the tree branches, your fifty feet above the Tavern... You gasp, and your eyes widening as you start falling, fast. Luckily, your feet make contact with the ground a few feet from the tavern wall, so you didn't crash through the roof, but you brace for impact as you skid towards the back wall, not having enough time to stop. "Ah shit!" You exclaim as you slam into the unforgiving, white cement making your vision go black immediately.

Coming too again your head is throbbing, ears ringing, and you open your eyes to see glasses shielding curious amber eyes directly in front of you, "I think you may have miscalculated your landing a bit." Gowthers emotionless voice informs, as he squats in front of you. You scoff out a slight laugh at him, before a certain blonde lands harshly on the ground a few feet from you, jogging up to you quickly. "What happened!?" Meliodas questions immediately, his smile gone and his eyes now worried at the sight of you slumped against the wall. You smile at Gowther who stood, while offering you a hand surprisingly, "A miscalculation." You say simply as you touch your left temple, only to flinch at the soreness but when you pull your fingers back, their bloody. Your head then spins slightly making you groan, and Meliodas immediately grabs your shoulders, supporting your swaying balance. "Damn, I guess I hit my head harder than I thought..." you mumble to yourself,while trying to shake your spinning head free of your blurring vision.

Meliodas' eyes widen before he grabs your chin forcefully, looking into your eyes carefully, noticing your eyes not being able to focus. "She was only out for about four seconds Captain." Gowther says eyeing you carefully, seeing the way your temple was cut slightly, "My guess is a concussion considering the way her head made contact with the wall as such speed. If she was human, she'd be dead." He deadpans making Meliodas roll his eyes. "I'll be fine in a few minutes, besides I won." You say stubbornly whole crossing your arms, trying to step back from the concerned demon holding you up, and curious doll beside you. "I think you knocked yourself silly." Meliodas says back playfully back, as he scoops you up bridle style, making you giggle as Gowther frowns. "(Y/n) may have a concussion, but she did arrive before you Captain. If it was a race, she clearly wins, despite losing consciousness immediately after." He says sternly as he puts his hands on his hips.

You and Meliodas share a quick glance at eachother before you giggle, "He was joking Gowther, but thanks for the backup." You say happily before he nods despite being confused now that Meliodas simply carries you away. "I can walk ya know." You say as you cross your arms and fake pout while he carries you through the taverns back door. He smiles at you, thinking you were adorable, "Your not touching the ground until that cuts all gone." He says seriously before looking down ya you playfully, "I can't believe you almost took out my tavern." He teases with a contagious smile as he walks you through the small, back cellar room of the tavern. You giggle rolling your eyes at him. "Thank you." You then say softly before you peck his cheek gently, his cheeks flush slightly before he kicks open the kitchen door. A wave of heat hits you both from Escanors lowing power, and the two huge fires they had as they cook all sorts of foods. Ban and Escanor, cook away at the feast as he starts in, the scent of slow cooking meats, vegetables, and something spicy radiating through the air making your mouth water.

You smile lightly and lean nuzzle into Meliodas' neck gently, as the other two sins were so busy cooking, they didn't even see him carry you past. He kicked the kitchen door open and rounded the bar corner to a totally empty tavern. He sets you down gently on one, of the two bar stools that was left inside the tavern. All the tables, chairs, and most of the bar stools were now outside. Meliodas chuckles at your confusion, "I had Merlin put all the tables outside, and then Diane arranged them." He says to you as he goes behind the bar to get a clean cloth, before dampening it with fresh water.

You hum in response, knowing it was for the Holy Knights of Lioness that were coming tonight. A pang of guilt and rage flow through your very being at the thought of the holy knights. You didn't hate them, hell you used to be one a long time ago, fighting to protect them. Until they fucked it up... Your brows furrow subconsciously as you stare at the floor, getting lost in thought. Remembering the two morons who tried to have you killed, and then exposed you as a demon to the Kings of the realm 11 years ago, making you a wanted traitor of the Holy Knights still to this day.

"What's wrong?" Meliodas asks gently as he lifts your chin slightly, yet your gaze stays glued to the floor. "...Worried they'll send someone after you still?" He asks softly, almost reading your mind, as he dabs some blood off your temple making you flinch, your eyes snapping to his immediately. Your mind stops, remembering the powerful people he was implying, for the first time in forever. The old Kings of the six different powerful, human kingdoms. "Sometimes, but most of them are dead." You admitted in a monotone voice, as you glance away from his concentrating face, back to the ground. He pauses, it was sad but true and he, himself, was responsible for the Kingdom of Danafor. You sigh, "Besides, if King Aurther knew I was alive and wanted me, Merlin would of handed me over already." You then add playfully with a slight smile. Meliodas chuckles knowingly, "Your not wrong, but then again. It was legendary told, that you and Exley had died already in a huge battle, protecting the Kingdom of Liones against a deadly, dark, magical, beast." He says dramatically as he rolls his eyes.

You glare at the floor, remembering how the legends of the great Black Wolfs Knight ended horrendously, yet she  'defended' her Kingdom until the end. The that lie those two idiots Drafus and Hendrickson spread before they spilled to the King's about your true race. Meliodas pauses noticing the holes you were burning in the floor. "Your a hero." He says as he smiles down at your slightly annoyed face. You almost grimace at the word hero. "Hero." You repeat aloud softly in disbelief, feeling the old anger you'd not felt in years for the two humans you once fought to protect as they were fellow knights. "...Ive heard many different Kings tell their children of the beautiful, (Y/n), The Black Wolfs Knight. The last of the Old Kings Guard, and her great dire wolf, Sir Exley. The only Holy Knight sworn to protect and serve the Kings themselves, nobody else." He says as he finishes cleaning the last little bit of blood from your now, slightly, cut left temple.

"Mere tales... I'm no hero, as you must also of heard, especially since you defeated Hendrickson, you must know what actually happened when I, 'bit it'..." you say sarcastically as you air quote your words. He frowns slightly when Hendrickson's name falling from your mouth made your brow twitch, but you don't notice his gaze, as you glare at the floor. You'd spit his name aloud for the first time in years and it left a bitter taste in your mouth. He pauses and raises an eyebrow, "Hmm, when we defeated him, the only person to have anything on you, was Drafus. I'm guessing it was Faurdrin who made him remember you, before the bastard locked him inside his own mind for possession..." Meliodas admits you as he crosses his arms, leaning against the bar top beside you on your right. Watching the way your eyes swirled with emotion as you thought.

Dreyfus has been a decent human to you, before he was taken over by Fraudrin... you found it a twisted hell for him for betraying you, but it confused you. Hendrickson was always the one that put off dark magical power back then. It was starting to push your buttons that Hendrickson got off scott free by dying so quickly, while Dreyfus still suffered in Fraudrin's grasp. You sigh, "Meliodas..." you ask suddenly in a tone that was soft, almost exhausted even though your gaze was strong. He's taken aback slightly by this, but speaks anyway, "Yeah, (Y/n/n)?" He asks, wondering what was running through that head of yours. You open your mouth to speak but-
"Heeey, Captain." Ban calls suddenly through the window, making Meliodas blankly look over at his best friend. "...Yes?" Meliodas asks coolly, despite wanting to strangle him for interrupting you. After a few seconds of intense eye contact between the two, you turn towards the sin of wrath, to glance back at the sin of greed.

"I know your both probably talking about, important matters," Ban says calmly, almost empatheticly, "but if your late for this dinner! There be hell to pay!" He growls slightly aggravated, yet in the nicest way possible making you crack a smile, and giggle at him. Meliodas sighs, finally breaking his eye contact with his best friend to glance over at you briefly, "Yeah Yeah. I know." He says as you glance at him with a small smile. "First we need your blood though." He then adds, finally cracking a grin himself, and looking back over to Ban with a smug eyes. Ban glances over at you with an 'are you fucking kidding me' face, "What'd you do this time?" He asks unamused. You grin sheepishly and turn all the way to the left, pointing at the slight cut on your left temple with a darkening bruise beneath it. Bans eyes widen before he vanishes form the window, and he comes out of the kitchen, "Of all the times to mark up your face..." he mumbles as he stops in front of you, behind the bar.

"Thank you Ban." You say with a smile making him roll his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." He brushes off as he grabs a small knife for cutting limes from under the bar top, making Meliodas roll his eyes lightly. The Fox then looks up slowly after searching under there for a few more seconds, "Damn, that mage already took all the shot glasses." He says slightly annoyed, but proud that everything was set up already. "That's okay. Just cut, ya immortal goofball." You say to him, making both sins raise an eyebrow at you curiously. "If you say so..." Ban says pausing as he deeply cuts his wrist some, prepared to grab an ale mug.

You watch the scarlet liquid bead from the deep cut in his pale skin, before it flows slowly down his wrist. Just as it flows off his wrist, you lift you right hand making the red liquid stop falling, evading gravity. The undead sins eye's go wide, as dose Meliodas' as they watch in awe. "... Sorry." You then comment to Ban,  slightly confusing him before you pull your hand towards you ever so gently. It didn't hurt him much, because his pain tolerance was ridiculously high, but it dose sting fairly well, considering the force of you pulling enough blood from him pulled his arm down. His blood flows slightly faster from the already steaming wound, pooling in a floating ball of blood, before his wound heals itself almost as fast as it was there.

Ban and Meliodas stare at the gravity defying, gently swirling, ball of blood in the perfect measurement of a shot, before their eyes glance to you. "Bottoms up?" You asks nervously, before pulling it to you and quickly tipping your head back, downing it like a champ. Refraining from grimacing at the warm metallic taste. "Why am I not surprised that I taste ale mixed in there..." You comment with a blank face, making Meliodas chuckle at you, and Ban just roll his eyes. They watch the dark spot disappear and the cut heal completely, like it never happened. "At least your dumb face is all better now so your welcome." He says slyly, a grin plastered on his face as he hands you a bottle of ale to get the taste out of your mouth. You scoff playfully at him, "Your hilarious, but thanks." You say as you down half of it to lose the bloody taste lingering your mouth.

"Your welcome bite size. Now, go get ready dammit. Both of you. Even Master, Exley, and Oslo are already in the lake bathing off." Ban says as he walks back into the kitchen rather quickly, hearing Escanor drop and break something glass. You shake your head slightly before jumping up in front of Meliodas feeling way better now. "Come on, I'll take you to Merlin. Her and Diane are probably starting to get ready." He says as he takes your hand right. Your cheeks heat up as his calloused hand laces your fingers together gently, before starting up the tavern stairs with you. "...Tell me, you won. So, what are you gonna ask me to do?" He asks in a curiously, yet mischievously low voice as you follow beside him. You pause, you had a million things you wanted to ask of him. Some of them, innocent things, most of them not so innocent. Your blush darken across your cheeks as you both reach the second door on the right at the top of the stairs.

He pauses, turning to face you in front of an old wooden door with a purple boar in the top, middle, Merlin's beast symbol. You look at the symbol before looking down at your hand still laced with his, "I-I have some questions that I'd like for you to answer honestly, after dinner." You say softly as you look up into his emerald eyes, almost glowing in the dim light of the hallway. "Okay." He says simply just as softly, as he tucks a strand of your (h/c), behind your ear gently before knocking on Merlin's door lightly, as you smile at his sure answer. "Thanks Meli." You say softly making him squeeze your hand gently, reassuring you that he'd tell you anything you wanted to know. He wanted you to know everything about him, just like he wanted to know everything about you.

He opens his mouth to speak when the door is suddenly whipped open, revealing Merlin in nothing but a tiny white towel. "Yo, Merlin!" Meliodas says looking up into her golden eyes, not daring let his eyes stray even though they still wouldn't if she was stark naked. "What is it Captain?" She asks down at him before, glancing over at you. "Ah, there you are." She then says making you raise an eyebrow. Meliodas grins, "Yeah, sorry we took so long. Take care of her, alright?" Meliodas says up to his friend before he unlaced your hands and holds your hand up to Merlin. "Excellent. Come now, (Y/n)." Merlin says as she grabs your hand and yanks you towards her into her unbelievably dark room. "Whoa!-" you exlaim, finding no floor as you start to fall into a dark abyss that sucks up all light, "Have fun (Y/n)!" You her Meliodas shouts cheerfully after you, before the door closing behind you echos around you.

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