gross [bnha reader insert]

By quitxz

2.1M 102K 150K

A germaphode with an extremely powerful quirk refuses to be a hero, which results in a family friend who work... More

34 (updated)
52 (special~!)
58 (special part 2)
59 (200K special) Tsubaka x (y/n) <3
64 (700 special part 3)
Omg its the 69th chapter ๐Ÿ˜ฉ


37.5K 1.6K 3.7K
By quitxz

"Oh my god this is so exciting!!" Your mother exclaimed as she started to prepare the home, cleaning the house, making snacks hoping to be presentable to the guests that were going to arrive soon.

'Mother please...' you thought to yourself as you dragged a bandaged hand across your face.

"Isn't this exciting (D/n)! It's been so long since (Y/n)'s brought over company!" Your mother said grasping your father's hands as a aura of flowers surrounded the couple.

When you had told your mother you were going to have a small study session with your classmates, they were ecstatic to say the least. It had been awhile since you had invited anyone home besides Hitoshi, the only other person you could tolerate, while there was another one, but your memories of him started to cease.

Sighing you left your parents in the kitchen while you walked up the stairs to go to your room. Entering you made sure to remove any baby photos you had laying around so that no one would be snooping around when they arrived. Internally groaning to yourself, thinking about how you would study with people, or even help them study. The night before you had bought a white board so that the study session could go easier.

The doorbell rang. "(Y/n) Sweetie! I think your friends are here!" You heard your mother yell from downstairs.

'Please Kamisama, help me get through this day.' You silently prayed to yourself as you tugged up your mask and took a bottle of hand sanitizer going down the stairs.

You opened the door and your eyes widened. Instead of 2 people, you saw an extra ash blonde and red haired male who stood there sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. Your gaze hardened as you internally groaned.

'Seriously? Who the fuck invited them?' You thought.

"S-sorry (Y/n)-chan... Kacchan happened to see us walking... And welll...." Midoriya said with a flushed face looking down the floor in embarrassment.

"Oi! Clean freak we're studying with you so move out of the way." Bakugo said glaring at you.

"Sorry about this (Y/n)." Kirishima said nervously.

"(Y/n)? Why aren't you coming in?" You heard your mother say as she walked towards the door to see the 4 students standing outside.

"Oh! I thought only 2 were coming." Your mother said but a wide smile made it's way on her face."But the more the merrier! Come in come in! It's been awhile since we've had company!" She said as she gestured for the 4 males to come in.

"It's a pleasure to meet you (L/n)-san." Todoroki said bowing down to your mother while the others did the same.

"I-its nice to m-meet you (Y/n)'s mother!" Midoriya said nervously.

"Thank you for letting us stay." Kirishima said giving your mother a wide smile, as Bakugo just glared at the ground giving your mother a bow, something inside of him wanting to give a good first impression.

"My my~ you boys are so polite!" She said placing a hand on her cheek. "(D/n)! (Y/n)'s friends are here!" She yelled waving a hand for your dad to come, who emerged from the kitchen and gazed at the 4 boys who greeted him with a bow. His gaze slightly hardened, as his protective dad nature took in.

"It's nice to meet you boys, I hope you haven't been doing anything with my daughter." He said with a smile while an irk mark formed on his forehead, the boys shook their heads no not wanting to disappoint your father.

Sighing you walked to them handing them the bottle of hand sanitizer and walked up the stairs.

"Ah! I'm making you boys some snacks, just cleanse your hands and follow (Y/n) to her room, I'm sure she's just cleaning her room up a bit." Your mother said as the boys nodded passing the bottle to each other.

While they walked to the stairs they took in the interior of the home, it was fairly big covered with pictures hanging on the wall of your parents, but a thought lingered in their minds.

'Why were there no pictures of you?'

They arrived in your room while you took out a small table from inside the your closet placing it in the middle of the floor. Your room was a pale olive color, and fairly big with a walk in closet. On one side of the room was your bed that had the blankets and pillows neatly placed and a black and white desk that was organized neatly. On the corner of the room was a small night stand that had all of your cleaning supplies and a box of medical masks and gloves.

"Woahhh you have a nice room (y/n)!" Kirishima said as he walked in looking around.

"Thank you for letting us stay." Todoroki said placing his book bag on the floor.

"Tch it reeks of cleansing alcohol." Bakugo said as he roughly sat down in front of the small table you had provided.

"Y-you have a lovely h-home (Y/n)-chan." Midoriya said as all 4 boys sat down on the sides of the small table you had placed in the middle of the floor.

You nodded, thanking them while you took out a fairly big white board and propped against the wall so that you could use it to communicate with them as they started to take out their supplies to work.

'Sigh. This is going to be a long day.' You thought as you slumped your shoulders and tied up your hair.

'So what do you guys need help with?' You wrote down on the white board.

"I don't get any of the mathhhhh~" Kirishima whined placing a chin on the table.

"HA! Idiot!" Bakugo said laughing as he pointed a finger at the red haired male.

"U-uhhhh I just need help with history..." Midoriya said fumbling through the pages." I just don't get the Fedual system thing..." he said as he furrowed his eyebrows reading through a paper.

"I need help with English, I'm having trouble with the past tenses." Todoroki said slightly raising a hand. I mean come on they're in Japan how did they expect him to learn English quickly.

You sighed as you erased the white board and wrote. 'Okay then Bakugo since you're strongest subject is math and you promised to help Kirishima, you help him with math. I'll take Midoriya and Todoroki then.'

"HA?!" Bakugo said as he slammed a hand on the table, "AS IF I'D HELP SHITTY HAIR!"

'I mean unless you're incapable of doing it.' You wrote shrugging your shoulders.

"ARE YOU SAYING I CAN'T TEACH CLEAN FREAK?!" He said pointing a finger at you as you looked back at him with a blank expression. "Come on shitty hair I'll make you memories everything in an hour!" He exclaimed as he dragged the red haired boy next to him.

Truth be told, Bakugo and Kirishima had overheard your conversation with Midoriya and Todoroki and just 'happened' to see Midoriya and Todoroki walking over to your house today. And while Bakugo was smacking a rolled up notebook on Kirishima's held for getting a question wrong, the red haired male was slightly disappointed to see you teaching Midoriya and Todoroki instead of him.

'It's not 'I see them pasting the store.' Its's 'I saw them passing the store.' You wrote down as Todoroki nodding his head, taking down notes.

Todoroki, didn't really need the tutoring, because lets face it he's the son of the number 2 hero, he could easily get a private tutor with his dad's card, and even if he didn't study he knew enough to pass the test. He just needed an excuse to hang around you.

'Midoriya, a Shogun is a higher rank than a samurai.' You wrote down on his paper, as he vigorously nodded, erasing his mistakes and taking his pencil to write it again.

'For a kid who takes a lot of notes about quirks, he sure sucks at taking class notes.' You sweatdropped as you stood up and fumbled with your bandages.

It had been about an hour since you started the study session. You had given Midoriya and Todoroki some practice worksheets and helped them with problems that they did not understand, while Kirishima was constantly being hit by Bakugo who was raging at the poor red haired male. You sighed as you sat next to the ash blonde and red head.

'What's he not getting this time?' You wrote down on the white board.

"Shitty hair here just can't seem to get the quadratic formula." Bakugo said glaring at Kirishima who rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"It's hard and I don't know where are the negatives and positives go." He said pouting his lips in frustration.

'Look Kirishima, it's plus or minus square root, then you place a and b here and you divide it by b but you problem is that you only do the minus you have to do the positive as well.' You wrote down on his paper, then got up opening your desk drawer to take out a calculator. You handed Kirishima a bottle of hand sanitizer as he cleaned his hands, then you placed he calculator on the desk. Picking up your pencil you wrote again on his book. 'You can use the calculator to figure out the answer, just plug in the numbers once you do the math. It'll be easier.'

"Wow. (Y/n) you're so smart I think I get it now." Kirishima said with a slight blush.


Before you could break up the fight your mother had called for you from behind the closed door.

"(Y/n) sweetie? Hitoshi is here."

A groan escaped your lips under your mask as you got up to open the door. Hey you loved the man but it was kind of bad timing cause now 5 people were in your room, and thats more than enough considering the fact that no one besides Hitoshi has ever been in your house.

"What is that damn extra doing here?" Bakugo sneered as you opened the door to be greeted with Hitoshi who was holding a plate of Mochi.

"You're mom told me to bring this up for us to eat." He said as you took the plate from him nodding and moving aside to let him in.

"I-it's nice to see you a-again S-Sh-Shinso.." Midoriya stuttered out as he looked at the male who was looking down at him with a cold stare.

"Yeah..." Shinso said as he looked down at the 4 1-A students that were gathered in your room, then glancing at a dual haired boy. He made eye contact with him, and Shinso glared at the male, not forgetting what happened at the sports festival.

"Tch, what are you class 1-A stuck ups doing here?" He said as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"HAA?!" Bakugo exclaimed glaring at the purple haired boy who casually sat down on your bed. "Shouldn't we be asking you that question? Why are you here you damn 1-C extra?!"

"I'm visiting a friend is that wrong?"

You sighing as you set down the plate of mochi on the table between Kirishima and Todoroki. Kirishima gave an audible thank you while Todoroki nodded at you. Midoriya tried to calm down Bakugo who was yelling at Shinso for being in your room.

"By the way (y/n) do you still have my hoodie from last time?" Shinso asked as he laid down on your bed with his hands behind his head while you walked into your closet to find the dark purple hoodie.

The rest of the boys in your room internally winced as they heard that comment. This day was supposed to be spent with them, but it happened to be ruined by Shinso's sudden appearance, not to mention the entire time he was here you hadn't asked him to clean himself, and he was able to causally touch your belongings, and even borrow his clothes? This was very out of character for you since at school, you didn't dare touch anyone unless they had cleansed themselves with hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol.

Shinso saw the grim expressions on their faces as he smirked to himself. No matter how close they got with you, they could never be as close as you were with him. He had known you since childhood, and that was his advantage. The other's may have won by being in the hero course, but he wasn't gonna lose this time.

He wasn't gonna lose you.

You emerged from the closet as you tossed the purple hoodie towards the bed as it softly landed on Shinso' torso.

"Thanks I just came to pick this up." He said as he sat up from the bed, "but since you're doing a study session you mind if I stay?"


"I'm smarter than you think." Shinso glared at the fuming blonde.

"(y/n)-san can you please help me with this?" Todoroki called out, hoping to gain your attention, which worked as you sighed and walked towards him.

"A-anoooo (Y/n)-chan is this correct?" Midoriya said sliding a paper to you nervously.

Kirishima watched the sight infront of him as he lightly gripped his pencil. He felt an unfamiliar feeling lurking in his stomach as he watched you help the green haired male and you leaning down to help the dual haired boy who softly smiled while you wrote down on his paper. Despite the cold aloof character you presented yourself to be, you were kind. Maybe that's why he had such an infatuation with you.

You were cold, yet sincere with your unspoken words, and he felt special when you spoke to him the first time. It wasn't much but he was the first to hear your voice, the first to train with you, the first to feel you twitch at the hospital bed, and that made him feel special. He was the first to open you up and a warm feeling of pride swelled in him. Perhaps the feeling of feeling special to you drew him closer to you as well as the others.

The moments you spent with Midoriya at the hospital after the USJ accident, you destroying the Nomu for him as you disregarded your well being to save him, the way you slowly started to accept his offers. The times that you would help him even when he knew you would normally refuse just like this study group.

Or how you had truly given your all to Bakugo when you fought him at the sports festival, or when you first spoke to him at his house. He wouldn't admit it but when he heard your voice it gave him a warm unknown feeling. The way that you chose him over Todoroki in the waiting room during the sports festival, a feeling of pride that you had picked him over the dual haired boy when you slammed the door in his face. Or even when you cleaned his room, he hated to admit it, but he silently thanked you for organizing his things, and the familiar scent of cleansing alcohol and strawberry milk lingered in his room that night.

Or even the times you spent with Todoroki. Of course the start was a bit rough, but the way you were honest with your choice of words, but still accepting his apology, he grew to respect you. You spoke your mind and didn't care what others thought. How you stood up against his father and the advice you had given him and prioritizing what he wanted and who he wanted to become. All of those silent words that you gave him, encouraged him to be a better hero, to prove his father wrong, and he slowly started to open up his left side.

Shinso was no exception, he was your childhood friend after all, you had been with him through thick and thin. When he got bullied by other students for have a villainous quirk, it was you who stood up for him, it was you that comforted him those nights where his mind spiraled with overflowing insecurities. It was you who told him to have pride in his quirk, that his quirk was a powerful one that could be used for good, and for that, he couldn't be more grateful.

No, he really wasn't going to lose.

And he wasn't the only one thinking that.

(Hello my beautiful peeps here's another doodle )

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