The Ghost

By Goddessamonghumans

255K 7.4K 1.8K

Currently being re-written! Check out Creating the Ghost for the new version! (Not finished in the least) "No... More

1. how pissed are you at me right now?
2. What kind of mother are you!
3. I know all this, I am a graduate.
4. It is time to begin the naming ceremony.
5. Welcome, welcome
6. hah I caught you
7. Fina-fucking-ly
9. You've been a bad boy
11. I love you G
12. What happens if I kill her?
13. What is the initiation?
14. Mark, are you busy?
16. My turn to reveal to her!
17. Her initiation
18. Where have you been
19. My Comeback
20. I trusted you
21. Ghost's secret weapon
Character List
22. The plan
25. I'll just kill them both
26. We are safe
27. Domino, Jackson
28. The blank faced sister
29. Next time I kill you
30. Idiots
31. Domino and Rosie's turn
32. Fear me
33. I'm bored
35. follow their lead
36. you forgot who raised me
37. She moved all of them out!
38. She just fucking died for G!
39. He's...
40. G! Don't!
41. So... you're Mark's... boyfriend???
43. You created me
44. plans
45. I will protect my family.
46. too easy
47. The darkness
48. Enjoy the pain!
49. The Ghost
50. Stay safe G, I'll always love you
51. Le Renard
52. Half Birthday
53. You're Fired
54. The Video
55. Rogue
56. Questions
57. Jacques
58. Scars
59. She might kill me
Character Questions
60. Rebrand
61. Massacre
62. Is she...
63. A nice long chat
64. Friend
65. Life's not fair, kid.
66. Losing you
67. The Show
68. Heirs
69. Sisters
70. He's gone
71. No more hugs till I've had a shower!
72. I promise
A/N Editing


19K 360 100
By Goddessamonghumans

"No, no! Daddy! Don't leave me! Don't make me go!" A little girl screams as she's pulled into the car, while her older brother, father, and pregnant mother watch from the entryway. "Mommy! Bubba! Help!" 

No one moves even the slightest inch, all wearing a face blank of emotions. Although behind each of those masks is a person dying to reach out and stop her from leaving, but each one knows it's for her own good. She must learn to protect herself. 

Once the driver has her safely in the car, he pulls out before anyone can change their minds. He is the second of the family and knows that it's for her own good. 

The family watches as it drives away and only once it's out of sight do they turn around and enter their mansion. They all go separate ways to try relieving the sadness they feel at her loss. The father walks to his office to work, the brother goes to the track outside to run, and the mother goes to the kitchen to bake wishing that she wasn't pregnant, so that she could go use the punching bag in the gym. 

The mother stands in the kitchen crying as she waits for the cake to bake, praying that the child inside her is a boy, only so that the family can train him instead of sending the child away, like her daughter was. 

The father stands in his office fighting the tears wishing he could have kept her for longer, but his enemies were close and he could not risk her safety. He would have trained her himself but he didn't think he could be as hardcore with his little girl as he could with his sons, so he sent her somewhere that would make her unstoppable. 

The brother runs with an anger in his heart at his parents for letting their daughter go without telling her why. He knows that another mafia found out about her, and she wasn't safe, but no one told her. She was sent away thinking they didn't care. 

He knows that she will come back more powerful than even him, so he makes a vow that day, when she returns he will step down and give her her rightful place as the mafia queen. She will be feared and respected by all who cross paths with her.

When the little girl finally arrived at her destination, she thought it was merely a boarding school for girls. She quickly learned that it had a much much darker purpose than just boarding girls for school.  While there were the normal classes on languages, math, science, and history, there was also the classes focused on fighting, finding weak points in the human body, flirting, and any other skill a spy or assassin needed to know. 

The school was split into two groups: the spies who focused more on infiltration, characters and memorizing information as fast as possible; and the assassins who focused on being able to kill with any object and go unnoticed by all who see them. Although there is a lot of overlap between the two groups courses, their main objectives are never the same. 

Each girl was placed by what their parents wanted or needed them to become, although most were 7 or 8 before they were sent away. The little girl was put into the assassin classes because her father thought that she would be able to protect herself better as an assassin than a spy. 

Every student at the school was stripped of their name the moment they entered and were given numbers until they completed their first mission when based on their performance and quirks they were assigned a codename. Although to help them keep partly human they were allowed 3 friends within their respective groups who were roommates and the only ones allowed to know each other's first name. The little girl was forced to endure 2 years of only being a number before other girls her age started being enrolled. Although the older girls did their best to keep her sane, if your name ever makes it out of the friend group you are expelled for failing the first test, "choose your friends wisely", so she could never tell any of them her name.

Although the others may be given extra credit for betraying their friends because the faculty want to test their will power. If the students don't give up their friends then they are found trustworthy, but if they do they are considered ruthless. Both of which are good qualities for an assassin. Being trustworthy means that they can be relied on to get the job done without trying to betray for a better price. Being ruthless means that they will deliver the worst possible death imaginable and enjoy it. 

Most of the students go for the trustworthy title in the hopes that the other girls won't betray them either, but every year there is one girl who betrays her entire friend group. She becomes the loner that no one trusts to allow themselves to be anywhere near. 

Extra credit was huge in the school because there were only two ways to get it, kill a teacher or betray your friend group either one earned the ruthless name, but if someone killed a teacher the trustworthy title stayed with them. Every student had tried at least once to kill a teacher but only one had succeeded in the school's history. The girl went by the title banshee, but she has been inactive for over 10 years now, so no one knows who she is anymore.

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