I'm Scared To Get Close, I Ha...

By Mimi_Mae

15.6K 393 70

Amelia Pixie is forced to move to Sheffield to live with her dad after having a past of drug and alcohol abus... More

Authors Note:
~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
Authors Note:
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
Authors Note:
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ The End ~

~ Chapter 4 ~

1.1K 31 8
By Mimi_Mae

A/N: The picture is what Jordan looks like. Enjoy

-Mimi x


The school day went by pretty quick and right now I’m packing my things from my last class, English. I grab everything off my desk in a slight hurry before chucking my bag on my back and rushing over to Oliver at the opposite side of the classroom.

“Hey,” I say when I finally reach him.

“Hey,” he replies with no awkwardness in his voice, maybe he’s starting to actually like me. For some reason this really pleases me and before I know it I have a massive grin plastered on my face.

“What you smiling at,” he jokes with a hint of fascination in his voice.

“Nothinggg,” I joke back.

“Come on let’s go,” I say grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the classroom. We walk out of the school and halfway down the road when I realize something. I look down and notice his fingers are still interlocked with mine. He quickly pulls away aware that I noticed. My face begins to heat up and I presume I am now a bright shade of red.


I turn to look at him, still feeing slightly awkward.

”No it’s fine anyway we’re nearly there,” I say trying to get rid of any awkwardness.

We continue to talk all the way home about more random shit, finding out more and more things we have in common.

“Well this is it,” I say walking up to the large black door to find Oli standing a few steps away from me, jaw dropped.

“This is… your house?” He says obviously shocked.

“Erm… yea it is.”

“Woah,” he replies with a laugh.

He jogs over to where I stand unlocking the door. I step inside leading Oliver into my lounge.

“You can just sit wherever, you want coffee?”

“Yes please.”

Moments later I walk in with two coffees sitting them both side by side on my coffee table. I begin to take all my books and laptop out of my bag also setting them down on the coffee table.

“So where you wanna start?” I say turning to face Oliver. I take my jacket off and once again turn to face Oliver.

“Oh sorry here let my take your jacket,” I say pulling at his hoodie.

“No!” He snaps without hesitation. I release my grip on his hoodie as his tone of voice takes me by surprise.

“I’m sorry I just think we should get this project done and over with and avoid friendship at all costs.”

“Wait what do you mean?” I say seriously hurt.

“I mean I’ve only known you for a few days and as soon as people see that you are friends with me Oliver Sykes, the school weirdo that people avoid like the plague, your gonna be in the same situation and I can’t do that to you. I will hurt you and ruin you like what I do to everyone else. Why else do you think I’m alone, I push and push making people cheat or kill them selves, its all my fault,” he says as tears begin to fall freely down his face.

Before I know it my face are centimeters from his as his hazel brown look into mine. I move my hand to wipe the tears from his face. Before I know my lips are interlocked with his as though they are made for each other.

Wait! Amelia what in the fuckety fuck are you doing. I mean your kissing him. OMFG what are you doing! Wait. WAIT! He hasn’t pulled away; I mean he’s still there, like right there. OMG, he’s kissing me back!

After what seems like and eternity I back away, leaving me with no breath. I sit there with a massive teenage grin on my face as I try to fill my lungs with oxygen yet again.

“Uh, sorry,” I say with a laugh.

“Amelia, I mean I like you, like ‘really’ like you but I mean what I said is true, I will just simply hurt you like I always do.”


“Amelia please!”

He stands up and I grab his hands accidently lifting up some of his sleeve to see a bruise on his wrist. He quickly pulls back with tears forming in his eyes. I take a step closer to him pulling him into long and meaningful hug as tears begin to fall freely down his face.

After taking my last embrace I take his hand and lead him down to the sofa.

“Tell me,” I say with warmth in my voice taking his hand. He pulls away and takes off his jacket revealing thousands of bruises covering his arms. Pulling back his fringe he reveals a bruise under his eye and one on the very edge of his cheek.

My eyes begin to fill with tears until my vision becomes too blurry to see from. I squeeze them shut letting the tears trickle down my face when I feel a body squeeze me tight.

“I’m so sorry,” he says as I sob into his chest.

“Who?” I say through another sob of tears. I don’t know why but every inch of my heart broke when I saw those deep blue bruises covering his skin.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay I’m fine.”

“Oliver, who did this to you,” I say slightly snappy however still sobbing. His eyes stare into mine as he takes a deep breath.

“My,” he pauses for a moment before speaking, “my father… h-he did this,”

I sit up, completely and utterly stunned, taking his hands in mine so our fingers interlock with his as I stare into his perfect hazel eyes.

“My mother left with my brother tom when I was only young and ever since he has been an abusive, drunk douche,” he says all in one breath, “I’m sorry.”

I fall into his lap as he wraps his long arms around me.

We sit like this for a while until he speaks, “can I show you something?”

“Sure, where you wanna go?”

“Whens the latest you need to be back?”

“Well dads out so, tomorrow?” I say with a sense of amusement and excitement in my voice. He stands up grabbing his jacket so I do the same and grab my keys before we both exit the door.

We walk together down roads talking about everything and anything there is to talk about until he stops in the middle of a small empty park on the top of a hill.

“Whoa,” I speak in complete shock of the beauty that lies in front of my eyes. The sunset is a beautiful pink and blue and the stars are shinning brighter than I have ever seen. He sits down on a spot of green pulling me down with him and before I know it I am cuddled up into his arms listening to his heartbeat steadily. I don’t know why but I just feel safe here, out of everything that has happened I feel safe here in his arms.

Omg! I like him, like ‘really like him.’

I look up at him and notice he has been staring at me this entire time. I begin to blush slightly before he reaches down clutching my face with his hands.

His eyes stare into mine as he whispers, “thank you,” before connecting his lips with mine yet again. This time wasn’t like before, this time it was different, special! Our lips moved in sync as his tongue explored my mouth delicate every second.


“Tell me more about yourself, “He says to me as we lay here under the stars.

“Well my name is Amelia Joyce Pixie, I enjo-.”

“No, I mean you, your fears, your past.”

“Oh well okay erm, fears? Well technically anything that moves or flies,”

He begins to laugh, “no seriously.”

“I fear life,” I take a deep breathe.


“My past, it was dark and scary. I don’t deserve this, life, I wanted to kill myself every second of my miserable life only a matter of months ago,” tears begin to fall down my eyes unexpectedly.

“Tell me about it.”


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