By herefornoreasons

279K 5.6K 22.7K

Camila didn't care about education nor the tasks that came with it, she'd always dominated her peer group in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

4.5K 125 410
By herefornoreasons

Lauren eventually plucked up the strength to lift herself from the couch, her stride wide given the uncomfortable amount of wetness as she ventured into the bedroom with an unamused growl, the younger still in the shower leaving her only to crawl under the covers spreading her thighs enough to sooth the sensitivity, it was almost painful how much she needed release at this point angering at the girl now walking completely naked from the shower and into the bedroom

"You're fucking kidding me right?"

"What? It's just a body.."

Camila smirked before bending over to grab her shorts purposely exposing the area between her thighs sending Lauren's head back into the headboard with now covered grumpy eyes, the stress within her stomach pounding as she peep through a gap in her fingers at the girl now smothering moisturiser into her naked chest

"Did I fuck you off or something? Because this is like the most petty thing I have ever witnessed!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Lauren? I'm just getting ready for bed.."

Lauren groaned throwing her fists down either side of her legs before dragging the Youngers pillow across her face to scream her frustration out in a quiet fit leaving Camila only to cackle back dragging her shorts up and over her hips

"You're so dramatic! Anyone would think your horny or something?"

"No shit! Not like my girlfriend just gave me hot wet head before abandoning me before I could cum in her mouth! Never felt better!"

"Well in that case I'm going to sleep! Glad you're all good baby girl!"


Lauren yelled sitting bolt upright with deep furrowed brows and a stressful slamming arm, the girl now walking towards her side of the bed smirking wildly as she crawled under the covers to pull out a book.. she knew what she was doing and so did the elder.. she let out a wide huff leaning forwards with clicking fingers attempting to grasp back the attention of the game playing student

"You're seriously reading right now? I have NEVER seen you reading a book!"

"Can I help you? I'm trying to read?"

Lauren had more than had enough of the torment as she reached forwards for the book snatching it from within her grasp to throw across the floor before flipping her leg over to straddle the Youngers waist, the smirk across her cocky face igniting something within the teacher she couldn't quite put into words as she grab to pin her slim wrists beside her head

"Yeah! You can help me! You're little game isn't one I want to play! I need to cum, desperately!"

"Well you have hands? Toys? Knock yourself out!"

Lauren widened her jaw, the shock in her demeanour evident as she sat back to ponder her rage.. quickly she thought on her revenge.. she wanted a game? She had one! Behind sat a robe with a half strung belt between, she grabbed it hastily using it to firmly grab the girls wrists binding them around the headboard within seconds leaving the girl to stumble on her breath only wondering what it was the elder was about to do

She stepped back from her body pulling her panties down slowly before leaning within a draw to pull out a slick pink vibrator, the look in Camila's eyes surprised more than anything as Lauren crawled back up to hover just over her shoulders, the soaked core now visible in front as the vibrator now drag across her lips

"You wanna mess around? You can watch me do the same!"

She hissed before pressing the toy deep into Camila's mouth forcing it into the back of her throat before pulling it out to drag down between her soaked folds, the vibrations now switched on forcing her to moan with a thorn back head while the younger now squirm desperately to join, the instant regret filling her mind at the sight of her girlfriends dripping thighs hovering over her shoulders

"Uhh fuck! I hate how quickly this is gonna make me cum... I'm so wet!"

"Ok fine! I'm sorry! Just untie me! Let me touch you!"

"Oh no baby girl! You lost your opportunity! You're gonna watch me fuck myself and then I'm going to sleep!"

She gasped sinking the toy now into her core bucking her hips forward to further show the girl the arousal dripping over the length, deep panting moans and a thrusting palm driving Camila insane as her own wetness began to form

"Lauren please! Don't do this to me!"

"Uhh! It feels so fucking good Camila! Oh my god.."

She cried out reaching a hand into the Youngers hair as she continued to pleasure herself in front, the torture of watching relentless killing her effortlessly as the trembling thighs beside her shoulders began to resemble that of a pending high, deep waves of white heat lashing at her needing core

"Mmm fuck! Camila I'm gonna cum! Ugh shit!"


"Shit! Oh my god yes!"

She cried out leaning over to thrust the toy deeper as she began to quickly fall apart over the now regretful girl, the pounding desperation releasing as Camila squirmed in a frustrated husk, slick arousal dripping down against the toy before the length remove from her body landing quickly back into the girls mouth now hungrily tasting back the sweet arousal

"You could have tasted this on my pussy.. but you wanted to fuck with me so.. jokes on your baby!"

Camila went to protest with her furrowed brows but Lauren only pressed the toy deeper forcing her to gag with an arched back before snapping the length from within her lips grabbing hold of her jaw with a harsh grip

"I know every game in the book Camila! You can't play with me!"


Lauren awoke the next day feeling rather unsettled about the whole situation with the mysterious man upon the drive, she was yet to receive the email that could potentially set her anxieties aside leaving her to do nothing but worry for the girls heart.. if it was the man she was assuming it to be she could only imagine the drama to follow..

She stood dressing the twins within their room in matching cute sweaters while her girlfriend showered to prepare for the day, Parker as per usual happily accepting while Colton only tangled his arms in a difficult swarm of reluctance.. it only seemed as of lately he'd been rather tense and high strung, not his usual chilled out style she'd expect..

"Colton baby you need to give me your arms! You have school soon!"

"NO! I not go to school!"

He snapped before reaching a hand up to slap Lauren across the face.. of course it didn't hurt given his tiny 3 year old stature but even Parker gasped back with a shocked open jaw, Lauren in her crouch very calmly snatched his wrist holding it in the air as she removed the sweater from over his head walking him silently out into the lounge to place him sitting into the corner of the couch before looking down on him with disappointed stare

"You do not hit! Now you are going to sit there and calm yourself down do you understand me?"

The boy immediately erupt into a deep bout of sobbing tears, his kicking feet and flailing arms screaming out into the room as Lauren did nothing but silently walk away, her sharp stern tone one the boy had never been issued breaking his heart as he burnt his lungs out with a trail of screams

"What the fuck is that about?"

"He's overwhelmed.. just needs to be alone for a minute trust me!"

Lauren sighed returning back to Parker now also crying on the floor with Finley stood in front holding the barbie previously within his innocent palms, the elder only raised her brows with a finger in front of her lips taking a deep calming breath before venturing into the altercation, the younger now getting dressed leaving yet another morning drama in her hands..

"Finely what just happened? I was gone for 5 seconds?"

"Parker keeps taking my toys! He can't even play with Barbie's they're for girls!"

She spat folding her arms grumpily while Lauren crouched down to pick up the devastated boy between her legs leaning him back against her thigh while he sobbed into her chest tangling his small hands within her thick black hair aimlessly

"Finely that wasn't nice baby? He was just playing! And anyway there is no such thing as a girls toy OR a boys toy! If he wants to play with them he can!"

Lauren explained running her palm over the small boys back to try and sooth his heartbreaking cries, the little girl now scolded standing with anxiously shuffling feet.. Lauren turned her attention into the blue eyes in her lap lifting his chin up to face her with a warm look of content

"Why don't me and you go to the store after school and we can pick you out your own Barbie's? Sound good?"

"I-I can have my own?"

"I don't see why not? But only if you stop crying because LoLo doesn't like it when you cry!"

The boy lift his wrist against his eyes furiously wiping at his tears before pointing at his now dry cheeks for approval, the woman only smiled back kissing his nose with a proud gaze of satisfaction

"There we go! Now you're gonna go find some shoes and Finley's gonna pack her bag while I sort Mr tantrum butt out there!"

Lauren spoke standing now with the discarded sweater in her palms strutting her loud heels out and into the lounge where the half naked boy now lay sideways in silence, the woman knew what she was doing with him and held no anger towards his actions as she knelt in front of the couch to drag him into a sitting position, red eyes and blush cheeks now calm and steady in her presence

"LoLo needs to understand why you are so angry baby, you wanna tell me?"

"I d-don't know"

"You don't know? Are you having a good sleep? Do you wake up sometimes?"

The boy shook his head sniffing back on his now calm tears while Lauren ran her warm palms over his thighs, Camila's reaction would have been majorly different but with the elders experience she knew exactly how to manage the conflict.. this behaviour was far out of character and she just wanted to know why..

"What about school, do you have fun?"

"Yus, we play and do counting!"

"Ok well if you feel upset about something or you feel angry about something I want you to tell me ok? Because you hit me a minute ago and it made LoLo sad.."

The boy immediately jumped from the couch sparking forwards to kiss the woman's cheeks with palms wrapping around the back of her neck to embrace, his whimpering 'I sorry' pressed against her ear as she wrapped his small legs around her waist to stand

"Thank you for apologising! Now can I put your sweater on?"

The boy lift his arms allowing the material over his shoulders before falling back into her collar bones with a sorrowful slump, the younger Latina now fully dressed also arriving within the lounge distracted by the falling open of her bag, she angry knelt to the floor swearing under her breath shoving the various books and pens back into her bag while Lauren very quickly noticed Colton to stare, furrowed brows and now kicking feet against her sides

"I get down! Down!"

He screamed forcing the elder to place him into the floor shocked by the sudden outburst of rage that swarmed his tiny stature... he was fine until Camila lost it and Lauren was too smart not to notice.. The younger ignored his tantrum zipping her bag up to throw into the couch before snapping over to Riley with pointing finger

"You didn't do your homework! I told you to do it last night? What was your game more important?"

Riley very obviously protested back however Lauren was more focused on the way Colton stared.. looked at them fighting before turning to stamp his feet into ground with a loud scream and grumble, he was emulating..

"Colton! Will you stop fucking screaming for a second!"

"Camila! He's 3 years old? Don't swear at him like that?"

"All he has done this morning is scream Lauren! I'm trying to get ready!"

She fought back sending Riley on his way before shaking her head into her phone, the elder now pacing forwards snatching the device from within her palms forcing an angry eye back as she warrant a deathly stare of disapproval

"He is screaming because of you Camila!"

"You're seriously fucking blaming me right now? Because he is having a tantrum?"

"Yeah! I'm blaming you! He's emulating your behaviour right now because he can't physically deal with the fact you're getting angry! It's overwhelming him!"

"That's such bullshit!"

Camila rolled her eyes snatching back her phone after having spent the entire morning in a massive grump, from the second she woke her brain had been wired to snap and it only proved as she stormed away from Lauren's also now aggravated body

"You don't believe me? Yell at me! See what he does!"


"Yell at me! Scream in my face and watch how he reacts!"

Camila paced forwards now yelling in the elders face only for a few seconds before the boy broke his silence to begin screaming himself, slamming his hands down into the coffee table with crunched eyes now sobbing dramatically forcing the younger to pause and watch.. he Lauren was right

"W- I don't get that.. he's never done that before?"

"His brain is developing, he's trying to understand human emotions and this unfortunately is a side effect! Emulating behaviour! He has been angry and tedious for days because you're loosing your shit at the smallest things! Why? Because you're not letting me in Camila! You're not telling me when you're angry and upset and now here you are today snapping at every little thing that passes by!"

Camila clamped her jaw shut at the very bold call out shoving her phone into her bag before throwing it over her shoulder, her major mood hitting her like a hard speeding truck, she knew every word that flew from her mouth was better kept inside at this point.. she also knew that she was finding it hard to talk about her sadness.. she was hurting but couldn't find the words to express it.. instead she only angered and lashed out

"So I broke my little brother AND I can't talk about how I feel! Perfect! I'm going to school!"

"Camila baby wait!"

Lauren called back with a sigh walking past Colton to pull the girls shoulder, she hadn't meant to be so harsh because the Latina was obviously struggling to outwardly express herself, the bad morning unwanted to turn into a bad day..

"No! I feel like shit today and now he's throwing tantrums, Finley's yelling at Parker and somehow it's all my fault?"

"I shouldn't have said it was your fault! I'm sorry Camila I swear! I just meant that the reason he's acting like that is because he's copying his sister! His sister who should be talking to me about how she feels so I can help her? Your dreams are getting worse and you're waking up in a bad mood like every day!"


Camila began silencing the entire room as she point furiously at her aching chest

"It! Hurts! I know the dreams are getting worse! Worse in the fact that instead of seeing my beautiful dad standing in front of me he's now DEAD in front of me! So excuse me for being a little fucking touchy in the mornings when all I see when I close my eyes is my dead fucking dad!"

She hissed furiously with tears welling in her fresh painted eyes before slamming out of the door not even bothering to take her lift with Lauren, instead she walked the entire way on her own.. the moments of terrifying pain rendering Lauren in charge of the now frozen kids.. Riley and Finley paralysed in their spots with faces only awkward and nervous

"Is she gonna be ok? Is it because we were arguing?"

Riley spoke regretfully while Lauren only stared back at the agonised faces in front

"No baby.. this isn't your fault! Trust me after school she's gonna be just fine! Just a bad morning ok? Anyway your busses are here come on!"

Lauren promoted grabbing Parker's hand while lifting Colton around her waist, his fast heartbeat and sweating palms only an after effect of the hell filled morning, at the end of the drive two busses stood and a warm looking woman awaited the smaller boys presence, usually the both of them would bound towards her but today neither even bothered to quicken their smiles

"Wow boys.. rough start? Oh.. I don't think we've met before I'm Estelle?"

"Lauren, I'm Camila's girlfriend.. it's not been the smoothest of mornings so.."

The ebony skin woman only smiled soothingly taking Parker's hand to lead him away before coming back for Colton who only gripped to Lauren's side like a permanent fixture, his hands clamping and his legs squeezing not wanting at all to let go even for a second

"Baby come on.. you have to go to school LoLo has work.."

"No! I stay with you!"

He sobbed turning his head away from the bus driver in hopes that if he couldn't see her she'd suddenly disappear, Lauren however glanced down at her watch realising the time as she tried to separate herself from the clamping arms

"Colton please papi! Don't do this to me right now.."

"Please! I stay with you! I not gonna be bad!"

He begged leaving Lauren to glance up with a heartbreaking grimace, his sad fragile cries hurting her more than ever in the ramped mess of a morning.. Estelle reached out for Lauren's spare hand offering her an asking look that the teacher knew instantly of the answer, she opened up her arms allowing the bus driver to part them from each other's sides, the bellowing scream from Colton leaving her feeling majorly guilty

"Just go sweetheart he will be fine! I will take care of him!"


Lauren's POV

I sat at my desk sighing into my own stress after what was a catastrophic morning of drama and tantrum.. the funny thing was you couldn't be mad at any one of them.. Camila was struggling and I could see that, her dreams were now waking her in tears and her brain froze every time she felt the burning pain.. she couldn't physically talk to me because it hurt too much and now she was sat at the back of my class.. headphones in and writing furiously into her diary..

It didn't take long for the class to settle and with the opening of my email tab I noticed quickly the files from Camila's family.. all three of them waiting to be opened one by one.. first Lena.. then Justin...then.. Luke... it was him! The man I saw on the drive way it was her-

"Guys I'm just stepping out for a minute!"

I spoke running towards the door closing it gently behind me before standing with my back against the wall feeling as if I was about to throw up... that man was her father.. the asshole low life scum that left her.. I wanted to scream, cry and punch the wall behind but it would have been no use.. today on the worst of all days this couldn't have been happening.. if this was her now who knows what she'd be like if daddy turned up out of the blue brining back years of confusion and resentment..


I took a moment to compose myself before entering back in holding my chin high in some not to draw any suspicion however when I sank down at my desk I couldn't help but notice Camila sat with her head leaning into her palm shielding her face as she continued to write.. a single tear falling onto the page as I realise what she was doing..

As soon as the bell rang out the class empty and the walls quiet, Camila dragged from her desk whipping her cheeks before stumbling towards the door to flip the lock, her toned thighs pacing towards me not saying a single word as shockingly she turned sideways to sit in my lap slumping her head into my shoulder before shoving the open diary into my palm..

Camila's Diary

I'm scared too fall asleep

Because when I do I have bad dreams, so I stay awake and then fall asleep anyway, I still have the bad dreams..
It sucks because then I'm too scared to wake up, because when I do my stomach drops and my throat burns even if I haven't been crying

I feel guilty because I'm in pain and I can't say it out loud, I can't tell you or myself that my heart is burning, it's like every time I try to open my mouth it is just stuck with super glue.. like my brain wants to torture me into keeping it inside!

I'm sorry

I'm sorry because I ruined everything this morning

I don't want to hurt my family because I'm in pain, I don't want to make my family cry and scream because I can't open my mouth and be honest, they don't deserve that and I'm sorry
Also sorry that you have to deal with it, this isn't the Camila you fell in love with and I'm sorry you have to deal with her, I want to talk about it but I can't! Not unless I'm writing it down which is weird because I suck at it!

I want to do better

I don't want you to hate me because I love you so much, I just don't know what I'm supposed to do! If I can't say it out loud how am I supposed to let you help me! I'm confused! I'm sorry

Please forgive me


Now more than every I felt guilty.. I knew how hard it was for her to write let alone formulate the way she felt into text, her head was secured against my chest not wanting to look up at me as I place the book down into the desk wrapping my arms around her back with a deep leaning sigh of empathy

"You didn't ruin anything Camila.. I was wrong to come at you like that so I'm sorry! Listen if you're hurting to much to talk you don't have to.. you can write it down or text it to me? I mean you did it just now?"

"I just want to be able to say this stuff out loud, I yelled at you and left you to deal with my shit.. I'm literally the worlds shittiest girlfriend!"

She grumbled forcing me to pull back with a finger under her chin, the look in her eye so broken I couldn't help but feel helpless especially considering the new arrived father was bound to make another appearance, I was scared.. petrified of what would happen but how was I supposed to tell her.. I couldn't?

"You are the best girlfriend in the world baby! If god told me to create my dream girl I would have made you! You're just having a shitty day and that's ok! We will get past this I promise! Come on give me a kiss!"

I smirked watching a small smile creep across her lips as she lent forwards to embrace against me, her hand tangling gently in my hair showing me instantly how comforted she was in my body.. I wanted to protect her always, I mean I had up until now and I didn't intend to stop but with her soft brushes of air flowing over my lips I couldn't help but torture myself over her father..

"I think I really upset Colton this morning.. kind of scared to go home"

"He's 3.. toddlers are like puppies they forgive quickly don't worry! I'm taking the twins to the store after school anyway so I'll butter them up for you!"

I laughed allowing her to relax as she sat up with a calm face, her tangling fingers and wondering eyes clearly stressed due to the lack of sleep, a vicious cycle really but now more than ever she needed me..


No one's POV

Lauren smiled profusely as she watch the two boys bury their tiny hands within the toys upon the glittering shelves, Colton stepping up as a big brother helping Parker pick out his new barbie's with a more than excited pulse, the small talk about his preference in play leading him into an open minded help.. he wasn't hard to convince of acceptance with the promise of his own chosen toy..

The moment of joy was quickly squashed however when Lauren took a second glance at a man wondering aimlessly towards her, his eyes bound to his phone near enough ready to mistakingly bump into her before the sudden look up warranted an awkward set of eye contact

"Camila's girlfriend right?"

He spoke awkwardly

"Camila's dad right?"

Lauren spat back with a harsh cocked brow and a tone so dark the floor almost felt to be shaking beneath him, his throat closing with a gulp as he slid the phone within his palm back into his jacket pocket, the awkward tension between them deadly before a small boy ran to Lauren's side holding a chosen pink boxed toy

"LoLo lookit! Is a soccer barbie!"

"Wow baby! Hey, go find some more and I'll be there in a minute ok?"

She quickly diverted trying not to draw his attention to the man in front of her.. they were babies upon his departure and knew nothing of who he was.. today wasn't the day to start learning faces, the man looked down on the boys with wide eyes and a shallow deep breath, realisation hitting him like a brick wall as he bellow out a tragic

"Holy shit.. Colton? Parker-

"Don't you fucking dare!"

Lauren spat stopping the man as he went to walk towards the blonde content boys distracted in their joy, her sharp hand against his chest pausing him momentarily before offending his stature with a cruel spite, his brows furrowing as he shoved away the woman's hand more than unamused by her dismissal

"Excuse me-

"Those boys have no idea who the fuck you are and I will not let you confuse them by introducing yourself as their daddy when you left them before you could even give a shit!"

"You have no right to tell me whether I can or can't speak to my boys!"

The man defended placing a hand over his chest as he began walking towards the Latina furiously protecting her family, the pain in her heart just looking at him bounding, her lungs encapsulated with heavy breaths while her eyes portrayed a deadly instinct to shield

"I have every right when I pay for the clothes on their back, the food in their mouth, the house that they live in! I know all about you Luke! What you did to that family and now I'm wondering what the fuck it is your doing back here!"

"ok you know what I'm sorry! I understand why you're defensive I do! This is a lot and I get that you hate me but I made a mistake! A HUGE mistake! I just need to talk to my daughter! I need to make things right!"

Lauren shook her head getting almost choked up as the man's empty words didn't sit right in her stomach, she felt physically sick, overcome with emotional rage just seeing the girl and her struggle.. what she was going through what she had been through..

"3 years is not a mistake! 5 fucking kids is not a mistake! It's a choice! A choice you made the second you left your 15 year old to raise your family! Your daughter has spent years putting herself back together, getting through school, raising 4 beautiful fucking kids! If you think I'm letting you anywhere near her you are sorely mistaken!"

"I am her father! I have every right to speak with her, explain myself! Don't stand here and act like you know what this feels like, what it felt like back then! You don't know pain like I do, like I said I am not here to hurt anyone!"

"I know pain! I like Camila was a kid of the system! But at least I grew up knowing nobody wanted me! She had to find out after you left! The hard way! If you wanna talk to her you do it the proper way! You call the school and set up a mediated conversation! Because there is no way I'm letting you barge in on her life without warning!"

Lauren spat hating the fact this was even happening, it didn't make sense and it didn't feel right.. her heart burnt and even with the policy following she felt wrong... she couldn't stop the man wanting to see his family, she knew even if she tried he would do it anyway.. so.. she only hoped he would make the right choice.. either way this whole situation was going to blow up and leave everyone wallowing in a heartbroken limbo..

"Why would I go through the school? I'm not a criminal! If I want to visit my own house that I paid for I will!"

"I bought that house outright last month! I own every inch of it including the shitty drive way right outside, so if I even catch you stepping a toe onto my property I will call the cops under the Family disturbance act! You gave up the father title when the legal rights of guardianship transferred into Camila's name! Make contact with the school or you get nothing!"

The man clamped his jaw taking one last look at the boys before storming from within her stature making ways towards the exit leaving Lauren to sigh out with a stressed panicked gaze at the ceiling, she was petrified..

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