Better Days

By Jaxous84

1.5K 182 88

2 years after the events in Egypt, Jotaro sits in a padded cell, wrapped in a straight jacket and suffering f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

129 16 4
By Jaxous84

"BOOM!! You're dead Jotaro!!" Kakyoin yelled as he threw his hands up in the air and laughed.

"Oh, come on! You cheated!"

"I would NEVER cheat, Jotaro. You suck so bad at this game; I don't have to cheat."

"Fuck you, Nori." Jotaro said, laughing at his friend's excitement. They'd spent the day playing every video game Kakyoin had. Jotaro lost at every single one of them but he didn't care.

"Want to play another?"

"No thanks. I've had my ass handed to me enough for one day."


"Shut up."

"Fine, fine! We can play another day. I vow to make you a worthy opponent one day."

"Whatever. I'm hungry. Let's go to the cafeteria."

"We literally had lunch an hour ago. How can you be hungry?"

Jotaro stood up and raised an eyebrow, "Have you seen me?"

Kakyoin rolled his eyes, "Yes, you behemoth. I've seen you. Alright, let's go feed the beast." He said as he stood. They headed out of his room and towards the cafeteria, "Sooo..."


"So, we get out in a few days..."

"Yeah. We do. Are you ready?"

"I guess so. I feel much stronger now. Are you ready?"

"I can't wait to be out of this place."

Kakyoin chuckled, "Yeah. Do you think you're ready to go back to school?"

"Ugh. I hate school. But, yeah. I'm ready. It won't be so bad with you there."

"I can't wait for school."

"That's because you're a nerd."

"And proud of it!"


Kakyoin fidgeted nervously in the back seat of the car as Joseph drove them home from the hospital, "Jotaro, what's your mother like?" he asked softly.

"She's annoying."

"Oh, come on. She can't be that bad."

Jotaro grunted.

"I'm nervous. What if she doesn't like me?"

"Tch! She loves you. You just don't remember."

"I've met her before?"

"Yeah. She patched you up after I kicked your ass when we met. Ow!!"

"That was not me and you know it."

"Hey, Nori...why don't you call green anymore?"

Kakyoin seemed to close in on himself and he looked out the window, "I can't..."

Jotaro frowned, "Why?"

"I don't know. I...don't remember having a stand..."

"Nori...I...I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, Jotaro. Maybe when I get my memories back, I'll regain my ability to call him."

"Yeah. Maybe so. We'll work on it, ok?"

"Sure, Jotaro. We can do that." Kakyoin said with a small smile.

"Alright boys, we're here."


"Thank you for inviting me into your home, Mrs. Kujo."

"Ohh none of that Mrs. Kujo, business. You call me Holly and it's no trouble at all. I'm happy you're doing better. I'm so glad you're both ok." She said as she led them through the house. "Jotaro, I've cleaned up your room so it's nice and fresh. Noriaki, I thought you'd like the room next to Jotaro's. Is that ok?"

"That's perfect, Mrs...I mean Holly. Thank you."

"Wonderful! You boys get settled in and I'll get started on dinner!"

Once Holly left, Jotaro turned to Kakyoin, "Come on. This room is yours." He said, sliding the door open and revealing a spacious room with a nice desk and chair, tv, his game console, and a large closet.

Kakyoin's eyes widened, "Jotaro! This is amazing. Thank you!"

"It wasn't me. It was the old man. He bought all the furniture and the tv. Said you deserved it for helping me."

"I didn't do anything special."

"You saved me, Nori."

"No, I..."

Jotaro pulled his friend into a hug, "Stop arguing and just say You're welcome."

Kakyoin sighed and then laughed, "Fine. You're welcome, Jotaro."


"Jotaro, are you ready for school?" Kakyoin called through the door, receiving a groan in reply, "Come on, Jojo. We're going to be late if you don't hurry!"


"Don't be a baby, Jojo!"

"Fuck you, Nori!"

"Only in your dreams, Jojo!"

There was a loud thump against the door, making Kakyoin flinch.

"I'll wait for you in the kitchen!" he said and quickly retreated to the kitchen.

"Oh! Good morning Noriaki! Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, as always, Holly."

"Is Jotaro awake?"

"I knocked on his door and he appears to be in a mood."

"Oh, he's always grumpy when he first wakes up. Don't worry about it."

"Ahh, that explains it."

"Come sit. You need breakfast before your big day!"

"It's not that big. I'm sure I've been to school before. I passed all of the placement tests."

"Yes, but this is your first day back and it's your last year!"

Kakyoin smiled, "Yes. I suppose it is a big day then. For us both."

"Wonderful! Just give Jotaro a few minutes to wake up and he'll be fine."

True to Holly's word, Jotaro trudged into the kitchen 10 minutes later, looking as if he hated the world.

"Good morning sweetheart!"

Jotaro grunted in response.

"Yeah, good morning sweetheart." Kakyoin said, snickering. He yelped when Jotaro thumped the back of his head, "Ouch! Violence is not the answer, Jojo!"

"Says you."

"Behave, you two. It's time for breakfast!" Holly said, setting plates and cups before the teens.

"Thank you, Holly. This looks amazing as always."

"Your very welcome, sweetie. Now eat up or you'll be late!"

Jotaro and Kakyoin dug into their meals and finished quickly. Twenty minutes later, they headed out to school.

"So, are you excited?" Kakyoin asked as they walked.

"What's to be excited about? It's just school. Full of punks wanting to pick fights and bitches stalking me around."

"Hmm. I must admit, I don't remember anything about the experience, so I can't comment."

"Juuuust wait. You'll see."

True to Jotaro's work, the moment they stepped onto the school grounds, Jotaro was surrounded by groupies and Kakyoin was shoved out of the way as the group grew in size.

One girl happened to elbow Kakyoin in the stomach, which caught Jotaro's attention.

"Hey! You stupid bitch! Don't touch him!!"

"Jotaro! No! It was an accident!" Kakyoin said, still rubbing his injury.

Jotaro shoved his way through the crowd, knocking more than one girl to the ground on his way, until he came to his friends' side, "You alright, Nori?"

"I'm fine, Jojo. No harm done. Is it really always like this?"

"Ever since middle school..."

"Wow. No wonder you hate school."

"I don't really hate school. Just the attention. I wish they'd leave me alone. Fucking vultures."

Kakyoin chuckled, "Well, they seem to be distracted fighting over who will walk you to class. We should run while we have a chance."

"Good idea. Let's go." He said, grabbing Kakyoin's arm and running away from the insane group.


The boys are free!!

Sorry this chapter took a little longer than I'd have liked. Hopefully this writers block will buzz off and ill get caught up again!

Let me know what you think! Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome!

Find me on Instagram @_jaxous_ DM's are always open!

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