to hold his hand -yoonmin-

By minhugzz

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jimin can't offer much only has a few dollars to his name he doesn't have nice clothes or a fancy house he ju... More

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2.1K 103 7
By minhugzz

Yoongi POV

"T-The truth" I whispered she took a deep breath

"Let's start with Jimin...Years ago I took you to the village park you were probably 4 at the time and I wanted you to be around other kids and play like a normal kid so I dressed us both up in normal clothes and went to the park even though the king didn't approve but I took you anyways with no guards just us...and there I meet a very nice lady with a son your age and all of us immediately clicked you loved playing with the boy and me and the mom got along we even become friends she...owned a bakery with her husband and had a son named Jimin" she said and I feel my heart drop memories flooding my brain.

- flashback-

"Minnie look at my sandcastle!"  I said to the boy next to me he looks and smiled at me his cheeks full.

"Wow, it's so pretty Yoonie your so good at that!" He said while he built a little sand house next to mine.

"It's like the castle I live in!" I said putting a little leaf on the top as the flag.

"You live in a castle?" He said I turn to look at him and cover my mouth.

"Oh no, it was a secret!" I yelped

"It's okay Yoonie I'll keep your secret I promise," he said sticking out his pinky.

I wrap my pinky around him and we lock pinkies he smiled at me and Jimin has a pretty smile like an angel.

"You're my only friend Minnie," I said

"I'll always be your friend Yoonie,"  he said

-flashback end-

"O-Oh my g-god" I whispered and held my head "J-Jimin I remind him...b-but why didn't I remember him when I meet him he also didn't remember me?" I said

"You were so young and I only took you to the park for a month until the king found out and made a rule that we weren't allowed to leave the castle without guards and his were so sad afterwards you cried saying you missed your friend and I felt so terrible," she said more flashbacks hit me.


I was sitting on the swings waiting for Jimin fiddling with my sleeves.

"Yoonie!!" I hear I look up and see Jimin running towards me his little legs moving fast he is dressed in brown overalls and a red shirt he runs and stands in front of me.

I smile at him he sits in the swing next to me our little legs dangling his brown boots and my white sneakers.

"Hi Minnie," I said I look at him he as flour on his face.

"Yoonie guess what! Go ahead guess!" He cheered I giggled at him.

"Did you get a new toy? Oh or did your mom let you stay up past 8" I said he chuckled.

"No silly your a bad guesser," he said I pouted he poked my cheek "don't pout I'll just tell you" he added.

"Ok" I mumbled

"My dad actually let me help in the kitchen today we made strawberry cupcakes with real strawberries!" he said with a big grin.

"I love cupcakes my dad doesn't let me eat sweets says boys shouldn't like sweets" I frowned and hopped off the swing he stood up as well and stood in front of me.

He held my face in his tiny hands and my stomach felt weird having him so close to me

"Don't frown Yoonie I'll decorate the cupcakes really pretty for you because your really pretty Yoonie and I'll bring you one tomorrow when I see you I promise" he said smiling at me

"Y-You think I'm pretty?" I mumbled he brushed my cheeks with his small thumb he smells like sugar.

"Of course you're beautiful Yoonie! I'll bring so many sweet things" he said

"R-Really you would do that for me?" I mumbled he nodded

"I promise Yoongi," he said I smiled then hugged him he hugged me back.

"I'll always give you pretty things Yoonie" he added I pulled back and held his hand.

"I'll always hold your hand Minnie," I said his cheek turned pink.

"I'll always hold your hand Yoonie" he said

But I never went back to the park after that and never saw Jimin again and it made me so sad to lose a friend and I never knew that Jimin waited in the Park for hours with a pretty strawberry cupcake in hands and when Yoongi never showed he was heartbroken until another small boy showed up he looked like a bunny.

And Jimin slowly forgot about Yoongi

And Yoongi was locked in the castle until he was sent away to boarding school at 7

-end of flashback-

I start crying into my hands I knew I felt something looking at Jimin it was strange how I immediately felt so comfortable next to him how his smile felt so familiar Hoseok said we were moving too fast but that's not true because we already knew each other just didn't remember each other...

"I-I can't get m-married I can't mom please don't make me," I said she held both my hands.

"I know honey this was never my plan I wanted you to fall in love and marry the one you love I just want you to be happy and safe in this world and I know that Jimin can provide both of those things for you he is a nice boy," she said rubbing my knuckles I start crying even more she sighed and held my hands tighter.

"I have one more thing to tell you Yoongi...I knew I shouldn't have hidden this from you but...I-I just couldn't tell you but now it's important to stop the wedding the truth must come out" she said I mentally prepare myself.

"I meet your father years ago when I was 19 he was 24... when he came into my flower shop looking to buy flowers for his mother he was a gorgeous prince and I was just a florist in a cheap shop and soon he started courting me with beautiful gifts and we fell in love his parents approved of me they were sweet and we got married then his parents both fell ill and passed away so he was crowned king and a year later we had you our only child our beautiful son....but influenza at the time was really bad and he got sick real fast and when you were 5 months old he passed away.." she starts crying I wipe her tears holding back my mine my heart beating so fast.

" I was heartbroken the father of child gone... a land without a king the palace kept the death of the king a secret... I was at a loss of what to do...your father had a younger brother he was my age and he told me that automatically he would become king by law and marry me and since he and your father looked so much alike no even noticed... I was glad to have him at first I didn't want you growing up without a father but immediately he started to become so cruel he hated me and you because he hated his older brother always jealous of him he was the favorite son and you look just like your father have the same kind and gentle soul as him the same smile so he grew to hate you even more...I'm so sorry honey you had to grow up like that and so sorry how I treated you I love you Yoongi I'm on your side for whatever you want I'm so sorry son" she said I hug her crying she hugged me back both crying.

"M-Mom I'm sorry I was a real jerk I didn't know" I cried

"No honey nothing is your fault I should have told you everything when you turned 16 because...Yoongi your real dad was an amazing man he was so beautiful and kind he was the nicest man I've ever met and your just like him Yoongi all he wanted in life was for you to be happy he loved you so much Yoongi," she said also crying I wipe her tears.

"It's okay mom I understand and I'm somewhat relieved to know that monster isn't my father and everything makes sense all my childhood the way he looked at me...everything makes sense," I said

"We can stop him Yoongi if we prove that he is being brutally toward the people and stealing he can be dethroned and you will become king," she said I wiped my tears and stood us both up.

"Don't worry mom there will be no more cloudy days" I said

Soon the doors of the room are busted open with Soobin and the rest of the gang behind him faces all looked worried especially Jungkook.

"Your majesty! Jimin is in the dungeon! His execution is set for tomorrow night!!" He yelled my heart dropped


Two more chapters!!



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