NCT One Shots 21+

Por donteatsourgrapes

42.8K 262 58

Y/N attracts NCT members through different eras and ages. **WARNING: This story contains graphic imagery that... Más

A Quick Explanation.
Mark lee 🦕
Lee Donghyuck🦖
Kim Doyoung🦖
Na Jaemin

Lee Jungwoo🦕

4.2K 30 4
Por donteatsourgrapes

"Stupid Teacher," I murmured while crumpling the graded test and throwing it into the nearest bin. For some reason I couldn't seem to get good grades in my writing class. I got a 68 for missing a few commas, three commas! Wendy got a 78 and she mispelled two words and forgot at least five commas. What does the lady have against me? I mean it's not my fault my dad is her boss. I rolled my eyes as I pushed open the door.

"Dad I'm-" I looked around and behind the door only to find my dad wasn't there.

Weird, he's usually here and ready to go. I guess I'll just wait here for him. I put my backpack down before taking a seat on the  small couch. I layed down, stretching my legs on it with feet hanging, because of the size of the couch. I stared blankly at the ceiling still annoyed at my grade. I don't know how I'll ever pass with a teacher that hates my dad. My dad could easily fire her but not replace her and I didn't want to put more pressure on him. It's not everyday you meet someone who wants to work at a 50 year old catholic school that pays teachers less than what they're paid when they work at a regular school.

I don't know how or when I fell asleep but I did. Now there I was, sleeping on the small couch, with time passing by as I waited for my dad

I opened my eyes after feeling a light wind hitting my eye area. I wiped my eyes trying to clear my vision. I sat up and looked over at him, as he raised his face up.

What was he doing here?

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a slight glare.

"I don't know, I guess I just felt bad about your grade and I just wanted to see if I could, you know, help." He said, shrugging and sitting down on the arm of the chair.

"I'm serious, Jungwoo. Why are you here? because if it's not important, then I suggest you get out before my dad gets here."

"I'm sorry, but does it really bother you that I'm here? because if it does, then I'm staying, now scoot over."

I rolled my eyes, he wasn't taking me seriously, but I was actually scared that my dad would see him in here.


"Geez, it's not my fault your grades are worse than mine" He said putting his hands in his pockets and shooting me a playful smile.

"Shut up Jungwoo!"

"No need to get mad, you can still correct work"

"I don't need your help" I said looking away.

"I don't need your help" (mockingly) "I'll help you correct your work"

"Jungwoo, I can do it, seriously" I said not arguing this time, a bit anxious that my dad will come in.

"Your dad is not coming anytime soon."

"How do you know?"

"He's in an important meeting or whatever, that's besides the point, any assignments you have a low grade on?"

"Fine, but can we make this quick?" I said reaching into my backpack.

"It will, I promise, don't want it to" He said teasingly.

I turned to him and glared.


I took out one of our recent homework assignments and handed it to him. He spent a few minutes looking over it. I looked at the door, imagining what my dad would do if he entered at this moment. The inside of my mouth was being chewed up by my anxious teeth. I was brought back to reality when Jungwoo snapped his fingers in front of me.

"Let's focus on bringing your grade up for now, okay?"



"Why are you helping me?"

He stiffened his back and cleared his throat.

"Let me guess, it was one of your friends."

"Yes, and no."

"And by that you mean..."

"It did have to do with one of my friends, but it's not what you think."

"Then why?"

"Well told me it was mean of me to correct you in class like that, and I guess it made me feel bad."

"Oh, right."

What happened was that in class I was zoned out. My teacher was reviewing and she asked me a question. I got the question wrong because I wasn't paying attention. Jungwoo wanted to be a little smart ass and correct me in front of the whole class.

It happens quite a lot but this time it was humiliating and I heard a few people laugh at me. For some reason though, I didn't usually hate it when he did it. I guess you could say he put me in my place a lot of the time. The dominance was a bit of a turn on. I would just roll my eyes hiding my little problem.

"It's okay, you can kiss me."

My state of being didn't let me hear him the first time.

"Huh?" I blurted out lost once again.

He pointed at his cheek with a small smirk.

I gave him a slight push with a disgusted look.

"As if!"

"Can you be any louder?"

"My bad."

"Fine, if you really wanted it on the lips then you could've just said so."

"Jungwoo, I'm not gonna kiss you."

"So, I don't get a reward then?" I looked at his cheek then turned my gaze back to his eyes.

"Just on the cheek?"

"Unless you want more?"

Is this normal? You know, a guy wanting a kiss on the cheek so badly like this. It has to be some sort of little bet or something. I got on my knees trying to reach his face. He was already tall and the fact that he was on the arm of the couch added on.

I blushed at his deepened gaze. I gulped before reaching his cheek.

I was expecting to touch the smooth surface of his cheek but instead, that wasn't the case. The little tease did in fact turn his face resulting in my lips on his.

My eyes widened and my quickest reaction was to pull my face away and push him as hard as I could. He just sat there and laughed as my face grew more and more red.

"That was not funny!" I said angrily.

"Relax, it was just a small kiss."

"Not for me, I don't think you understand."

"Understand what?"

"I've never.."

"What was that? Couldn't hear you."

"That was my first kiss."

His eyes went wide after I spoke.


I snatched my paper from his hand and shoved it into my backpack.

"y/n, first kisses are not magical like the movies, not everybodies' is perfect and did you really hate it that much?"

I brought myself to look at him actually thinking about his question. I guess I didn't hate it, but it was still mean.

"My dad could've walked in."

He tilted his head and examined my face.
"Is that really the problem?"

Was that really the problem? Was I just scared of my dad?

I just simply nodded in response.

With that he drew himself closer to me, and grabbed my hand. After getting a hold of me, he pulled me to the door. He released my hand and leaned onto the door.

He then brought his fingers to the knob and moved them to lock it. The pressure of us two alone in a room finally hit.

"Would you look at that."

I looked at the door, then at him.

"Oh, I don't think so."

"You know you don't dislike me that much."

"I know but.."

I looked away not wanting to give up. I promised to do these things right. I promised myself I wouldn't have my first kiss until I finish college. I mean, it's too late for that but it was a small kiss, and I won't let this go any further.

His hand slid onto the side of my face, making me look at him again. His thumb went up and down my cheek, giving me some sort of idea of what was going on in his mind.

"Tell me y/n, what's the real reason you can't focus in class?"

Writing class was the only class I had with Jungwoo, and I think he knew the actual reason I was having a hard time in that class. I knew he wouldn't let it go until I finally admitted it.

I couldn't help but stare. His tie, tied so tight and neatly, as if he's a good boy, contrary to the things he was doing right now. His hand that was caressing my face was now brought down to my waist. I was pulled close enough for our noses to brush against each other.

I put my hand on his chest and looked away, trying do distance us a bit more.

"I-I don't know, I guess writing is just not my subject." My stutters got worse and now my legs were shaking.

"Do I make you nervous?"

I finally turned my eyes to him but my face was still positioned the same. I was surprised to see him smiling ,and I didn't like it one bit. I clenched my teeth together and pushed him away. He dramatically fell to the floor.

"Screw you, Jungwoo." I said in a quiet but angry tone.

He looked up at me from the ground and started quietly laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the couch, wanting to grab my stuff.

He, who had his palms on the ground supporting himself up, was watching me as I started grabbing my stuff. He started tapping his feet together as he raised an eyebrow.

"Don't get mad, you know I only do it because it's funny. You just don't know how to have fun."

I sat on the couch and looked at him.

"I do know how to have fun, school's just not the time for that."

"Who told you that? Besides, you spend all of class time looking at me."

"I do not!" I said crossing my arms looking away with a tint of red on my face.

I didn't expect him to feel any way about my apprehension, but oh I was so wrong.

Instead of giving me time to relax, he made it worse by taking a seat next to me.

"If you truly want me to leave you alone, then don't do things like that."


"The blushing, it's so cute, I don't think I can.."

There he was again leaning in, with his hand cautiously on my knee ,and eyes that kept switching from my eyes and lips.

"I can keep it in anymore." He said, before suddenly taking his lips on a ride with mine.

He was brave, so darn brave to do that, especially to the principal's daughter, in his office.

The feeling I felt in my body made it hard to refuse. The feeling of letting my body loose was great, especially after all the tension he made me go through. He got hold of my jaw, keeping it in place. The sound of the small gentle kisses brought me to realize something. I pulled myself away again.

"You better not open your mouth up about this to anyone."

He looked at me, then connected our lips again.

"Not even Wen-"

He shut me up again, but this time pinning my back against the couch slowly.

He let out small snickers before kissing me again. I could feel him smiling against my lips.

The small gentle kisses, became longer, wetter, and hotter. My hands that were on the couch, slid up to wrap around his neck. My fingers fiddled around with his hair, as I opened my legs accepting him. His hand went up and down the side of my thigh. My free moving skirt, revealed more than it should've, allowing his crotch to touch up against my clothed area everytime he made a small movement. His kisses trailed down to my jaw. He left soft kisses all over my cheek and jaw, giving me chills.

At this point, he was pretty big and the slight touches of him against me, had me feeling impatient. My eyes turned to him who was still busy. My needy hand ran from his neck, to his chest, all the way to his member. I gave it small caresses as I watched him struggle to keep his cool. His rewarding breaths, got faster the more I moved my hand. He didn't stop leaving kisses on my neck, except, he moved up to my ear. Somehow, it still wasn't enough. I undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants to open an entrance for my hand. I slid my hand in and got a hold of him.

I was very slow about it, not wanting to rush.

"Fuck, Y/N, don't play with me like that." He whispered into my ear with a background of groans.

I froze. I couldn't believe what I was doing, I was now a blushing mess, and my hands started trembling. I quickly took my hand away.

He noticed and started buttoning his pants up again.

"Don't start things you can't finish, you're lucky it's only me, it can be quite frustrating."
He said in a low quiet voice as he looked into my eyes.

I nodded, scared that if I spoke my voice would crack or tremble.

"Doesn't seem like you understand, how about I let you know what it's like."

Was I supposed to be scared? I didn't know what was to come or what he meant by that.

"Do you think you can get on the desk for me?"

I looked at the desk then back at him.

"The big one?"

"No, the tiny one, of course the big one..unless that's more of your thing."

"No thank you, I'll take the big one." I said a bit more clearly this time.

"Woah, you got your Korean back." I lightly slapped his shoulder and rolled my eyes before sitting up.

"Do you actually want to do this, I mean, you'll never be able to look at this place the same way."

"It goes for you too."

"At least I don't come in here everyday though."

"Promise you'll be careful." I said before raising my pinky up for commitment. 

He looked at my finger a bit surprised before smiling back and interlocking our pinkies. He released our small compromise and kissed me again. He brought his finger up to my criss cross tie and unbuttoned it.

I wanted to put my hands on him but I was nervous, so I used the fact that my hands were supporting me up as an excuse. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me towards him. He put my arms around his neck and led us both to the "big desk". 

He grabbed me by the waist and placed me on the edge of the desk, leaving my lips without attention.

He loosened his tie and it was honestly quite a sight to see him do that. I kicked off my shoes and then he came back to my shirt, unbuttoning buttons one by one. He opened it and let it slide off my arms, revealing my pink hello kitty bra.

We both looked at each other and he laughed while I looked away with a grin and pink cheeks.

"I like it, it's totally your style and it's cute, but if you don't mind, it would look way better on the floor."

My pink face couldn't help but turn red.

"Um, sure." I looked away and reached for my back to unclip it and let it fall loose. I pulled it off my chest, then held it in my hand as he reached in for another kiss. He took my bra out of my hand still enjoying the way my lips moved with his. He let it fall on the ground, showing he really meant it when he said "It would look better on the ground."

He took one of my boobs in his hand, and gave it subtle squeezes. His other hand slid up my skirt and rubbed my inner thighs spreading my legs more and more.

He then stopped and stood there admiring the way I sat there, topless, but somehow still maintaining to look innocent. Without breaking eye contact, he reached for under my skirt, pulled my underwear, and slid it off, leaving me with nothing but a skirt and knee socks. The cold air hit my wetness turning me on more. Before he could fully reveal me I stopped him by tugging on his collar.

He gave me a look of concern.

"May I?"

He smirked at my question. "Where has all that confidence been hiding? Of course you can."

I watched my fingers as I took my time unbuttoning his shirt. With each button revealing a bit more.

Once I reached his last button I opened his shirt revealing his top half. I honestly wasn't expecting much, but when I saw that his abs were nicely shaped, I couldn't help but stare.

"Enough of me, I think you're the one that needs more help here." After he said that I looked up at him again.

"I'm not so sure."

"You don't need to do anything, just sit back and relax while I do all the work."

I was down, so down but man was I scared.

"Do you want me to pass you your clothes? I'm getting the feeling you don't want to."

"No! I mean..I want to, it's just..."
I pointed at the cross across from us that was making me feel...I guess guilty?

He turned around then turned back to me.

He sighed then walked to it taking it off the wall, then putting it in a drawer and closing it.

He got in front of me again.


I nodded.

I layed back and opened my legs giving in. He lifted my skirt and stayed in silence for a few seconds.

He suddenly gasped making me worry a bit.

"I figured you were a virgin but not this much of a virgin, I bet you've never even touched yourself."

When I thought these things would be hard, I didn't think this way. Jungwoo's way of speaking had me feeling humiliated.

I sat up again and sighed.

"Let's just not do this."

"I'm sorry, I really want to, it's just I feel like I don't even have the right to be looking at you like this, you know, ready to touch you."

I tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't really understand."

"I mean, I need your full consent, tell me you're okay with this, because right now, I wan't to do this, but I feel like I don't deserve it."

"Aw, is Jungwoo being soft?"

He rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Y/N, it's your first time, why wouldn't I be."

"Okay, since you want consent."

I put my arms around his neck and looked down not wanting to show any signs of nervousness.

"First of all, you came in here and offered help. Second of all, you're here with good intentions, you know like, wanting to release some unecessary stress, and third of all, you're asking for full consent, which I think is a big sign of respect."

His lips formed a smile and his eyes aligned with mine. He kissed me once more but this time pushing my back towards the desk again.

He opened my legs again but this time not hesitating to go down on me. His lips touched my wet middle making me pull back at the sudden touch. His grip on my thighs tightened and he pulled me closer to fully let his lips deepen into my folds, I put my hand in his hair, trying to secure myself.

His tongue then escaped and ran along my clit making my legs lightly tense up. He then repeated it a few more times, making me give out heavy breaths. His lips then circled my clit and he started off with slow and small suctions that quickly increased. Next thing I know, he's not letting go and he's sucking my bud like a pacifier.

This was new, so new ,but I wasn't complaining, I felt like I needed it after all this time of not getting it. My hands were gripping onto his soft hair, messing up his neat hairdo. My legs started shaking at the new sensation. My back arched making my chest rise up and eyes rolling back.

My moans increased making Jungwoo nervous about someone coming in. Still not letting go he stuffed his tie into my mouth, letting me bite into it to hold back my moans.

I was ready to release but he kept it at that and stood up again.

I looked at him with a confused puppy face.

He brought his face to mine again and stared into my eyes. He brought his fingers to touch my sensitive area again.

"Aw, the poor baby was left unfinished, she was all ready to release for me, but I didn't finish." He said in a mocking tone and still creating friction and reactions out of me.

I bit into the tie again and threw my head back.

"I bet you hate it huh?"

I nodded while squeezing my eyes shut from the pleasure.

"What is it that you won't do next time?"

"Not start things I can't finish!" I mumbled through the tie not sounding too clear, but it seemed to be enough for him. He kept his fingers in motion but with a quicker pace making my legs squirm but this time feeling weird.

I don't know exactly what I felt but it wasn't the same as last time.

I felt as if I needed to..pee?

I started to feel concerned so I started calling for Jungwoo.

"Jungwoo! No! Stop! I'm gonna-"

Then it happened. My juices squirted all over  and I quickly sat up and closed my legs not being able to look him in the eye.

"Guessing that was your first time squirting."
He said while just simply looking at me.

"You mean, I didn't pee?" I said putting my hair behind my ear.

He chuckled.

"At least you'll know for next time."

I looked at him still flushed by the face.

"So, do you think you're ready?"

I nodded and shyly crawled to him.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver condom wrapper.

"Let me guess, sex ed?"

"You really think they'd give me the right size there? Honey, this dick is much bigger than you think" He said before kissing me again.

He unbuckled his pants and let them fall at his feet. He grabbed my hand and put it over his boxers letting me feel how big it was. He finally took them off leaving him fully revealed.

He grabbed the rubber and rolled it onto himself. He grabbed my knees and spread my legs again. He let go of the kiss and brought himself up to my ear.

"May I?"

I nodded and put my arm around his neck. He pushed his tip into me and I quietly hissed at the pain. He grabbed his tie and put in front of my face again. I opened my mouth being obedient. He stuffed it into my mouth while pushing deeper into me.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

I nodded again.

He then fully fit himself into me. It was hard to take in at first, but then he started thrusting in and out turning the pain into pleasure.

"Damn, you're tight." He said with a mixed groan.

I tried to keep my volume low ,but it was hard with all that I was feeling.

The sound of us becoming one was all heard, the moans, the skin slapping, and my juices colliding against him.

I wrapped my legs around him and let my head hang back since I couldn't sit up straight anymore.

His groans were something I never knew I needed to hear.

He started moving my hair out of my face. "That's the face I want to see."

He felt as my walls clamped around him and started speeding up helping me climax. My moans became high pitched and I was falling apart ready to release.

Finally I released my last few grunts and came on his dick that was still going in and out of me.

His head dropped and he slowed down. He finally pulled out letting the condom spring off along with his seed.

We took a moment to catch our breaths before we could talk.

"Never thought I'd see you like that for me." I let out his tie and handed it back to him.

"Sorry, I left it all wet." He grabbed it and responded with a soft laugh.

"Do you think you can pass me my clothes?"

"No, I think I'll pass."

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

He handed me my uniform pieces, including my bra and undies.

We both dressed in silence but still shooting random little looks of love at each other, that resulted in giggles.

After cleaning up after ourselves, I started grabbing my stuff while Jungwoo put the cross back up.

I looked at my phone and noticed a message from my dad that read. "Don't come home too late."

"Um what?"

Jungwoo looked at me. "Everything okay?"

I showed him the text and he started nervously laughing.

"I think you have some explaining to do."

"I kind of told Wendy to tell him you were going with her, because you were gonna stay for tutoring."

"Really, Jungwoo?"

"How else was I gonna get you alone?"

"You could've just asked to come over or something."

"That's not as fun as this was, besides, I'm giving you a ride home." He said pulling out his keys.

"I can't believe you, let's go then." I said clearly annoyed and walking towards the door.

He pulled me by my backpack hook and put his arm around me.

He kissed me again and looked at me.

"Will you go to prom with me?"

After all we did, I still blushed at his words.

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