Beautiful Soul - cash au -

By crystellethemage

129K 4.5K 2.3K

He never imagined that this was going to be his life. He thought that one day he would make it out of this go... More

One Step Closer
The Darkness That We Know
Dark Eyes and Careless Hair
Deep Water
The Shadows Cover Me
Safest Place to Hide
Nothing Without Love
Climbing the Walls
Take A Bow
You Were Meant For Me
Everything I Have is Yours
The Skies Above Ablaze
We Are Never Broken
Pieces of You
You Make My Heart Skip
Stuck On Survive
The Cruelty of Everyone Else
Wake Up Alone
I Found a Boy
Fly, Let Me Fly
Dancing In The Wind
I Want You and Your Beautiful Soul
Beautiful Soul Extras
Share This Day Anew
Thought I Was Lost
Falling Is Like This
Chosen as Mine
The Road Less Traveled
The Best of Me
The Best of Me Part Two

The Way We Are Now

3.7K 147 101
By crystellethemage

They fall into an easy rhythm, Nash wakes up early to take Skylynn and Hayes to school while Cameron sleeps it. Once Cameron's friends realize that Nash is back for good, they flood Nash's phone with messages, they genuinely like Cameron's boyfriend. He and JJ grow close, Nash would even say that they are best friends.

Nash doesn't officially work for the farm but he loves to spend time with the horses. When Cameron goes into his office to work, Nash heads out to the barn to work with Aaron and the horses. He washes them lovingly as he remembers helping his mother do the same, she would sing soft songs as she did it. He wonders if she would be happy now to see where her children ended up. They are no longer trailer park trash and 100% happy with their lives. All because of Cameron, Nash feels guilty sometimes because he realizes that Cameron has done so much more for them than they have done for him. He feels insecure as a little voice in his head tells him that Cameron's grandmother is right.

Cameron's parents fly in when he calls and lets them know that Nash and the kids are back. They spend a few days together and Gina takes Nash aside and apologizes for the actions of her mother. They share a long hug and Nash has to fight back tears because it's been so long since he had a mother to hug him and make him feel that everything is alright.

John and Gina return to their new farm leaving Cameron and Nash to build their lives together.

Nash is outside washing the cars when a familiar beat up car drives down the road towards the ranch. He drops the hose and immediately runs inside.

"Cameron?!" He calls out in a panicked tone. He opens his office door and Cameron is in a conference call. He motions for Cameron to hang up.

"Listen, we need to wrap this up for now. Just send me an email with everything we touched on, okay?" Cameron says and then hangs up. He stands and goes up to Nash, he pulls him into his arms and rubs his back gently.

"What's wrong babe?" He asks and he wants to soothe that expression off of his face.

"My fucking father is here, I saw his car coming down the road." Nash chokes out and Cameron hugs Nash tightly.

"We'll take care of it, baby. Don't be worried or scared, there's nothing he can do to us," Cameron murmurs and presses a soft kiss to Nash's temple. He leads him outside just as Chad has parked the car and gets out.

"You can stop right there," Cameron says coldly and makes Chad stop in his tracks.

Chad looks around the land, he feels anger deep inside his heart that Nash ended up in such a good place in life while he has to live a dingy motel. He got kicked out of the trailer when he wasn't able to pay rent 2 weeks in a row. He never blames himself or his expensive drinking habit, he blames Nash.

"I'd like to talk to my son alone." He says bluntly.

Nash scoffs at him, Chad is completely delusional.

"First of all I'm not your son and secondly we have nothing to say to each other." Nash replies flatly.

Chad steps forward with a menacing expression.

Cameron laughs at him. "Chad, take one more fucking step and I will have my rifle pointed at you so fast you won't know what hit you."

His tone and his posture don't match his words at all and that's part of what makes Cameron so terrifying.

"Why the hell are you here, Chad?" Nash asks crossing his arms. "We have nothing to say to each other. Your years of abuse are done, I don't have to put up with your presence ever again. Hayes, Sky and I are free from you."

Chad regrets signing away the custody of the kids, he lost the only leverage he had on Nash.

"They diagnosed me with cancer Nash, it's spread everywhere, I only have a few weeks to live. I'm here to apologize for everything I did and seek forgiveness." Chad lies, he figures it's probably the easiest way to get money from Nash.

Nash studies Chad silently. He's unsure of Chad's honesty, but lying about having cancer would be a new low even for Chad.

"I just want to spend my last few weeks with my children. What I did is unforgivable, but losing Elizabeth changed me. I want you to remember me as I was before she... she died." He pleads, he can feel his stomach churning. He hasn't had actual food in 3 days, he lost his job and he's about to be kicked out from the motel because of non payment.

Nash tilts his head as he continues to study Chad.

"Fuck off," Cameron replies flatly, he doesn't buy Chad's story at all.

"Please Nash, for the family that we were before that horrible night," Chad gets choked up thinking about the phone call he received, the panic he felt as he loaded the kids into car and drove to the hospital. The devastation when the doctors weren't able to save her. It was so sudden, so unexpected. How was he supposed to function without the love of his life? He started drinking to forget, he never intended for things to be this way. He feels a pang of regret for how he treated Nash, for how he's lying to him now just to get money.

"I have nowhere to go, Nash. My job fired me when they found out I was sick and wouldn't be able to get to work. I'm staying at the Motel 8 but I only have a few more days left there before they kick me out, I haven't had any real food in 3 days." Chad lies, trying to elicit some form of sympathy from Nash. He knows Nash can now afford to give him money it's just a matter of finding the right thing to say to get him to do it.

Nash's stance isn't as rigid anymore, he crosses his arms and glances at Cameron.

Chad looks hopeful, he feels hopeful that he might have said the right thing to get what he wants.

"What is it exactly that you want, Chad?" Nash asks him, he knows already but he wants to hear Chad say it, he wants to hear him beg for it. Nash will never be able to forgive him for the humiliation he had to go through every week to get money to pay the bills that were Chad's responsibility.

"Any money that you can give would be helpful. I'd be able to get the medicine the doctor prescribed me, I can't afford it." The web of lies that Chad weaves continues to get intricate.

"How much money is it that you need?" Nash asks him and Cameron gives him a surprised look, he can't believe that Nash is actually contemplating giving his ex-abuser money.

Chad's mind races to find the perfect number to tell Nash. "3 grand would help me, I'd be able to find a home, pay for my medicines and doctor's appointments. It would give me time to find a new job."

"3,000?" Nash asks a small smile playing on his lips.

Chad nods at him. "Please Nash, I beg you. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't so sick."

"Why would you need to find a new job if you only have weeks to live?" Nash asks and Chad freezes, he stutters trying to think of a way to cover up the lie.

"You're so fucking pathetic, Chad. Coming to your 18 year old son for money and lying about having cancer. Did you really think bringing up mom's death would do you any favors?" Nash asks bitterly.

"Even if your pathetic story was true I still wouldn't give you money. Not because of what you did to me but because of what you did to Hayes. You scarred him for life. You deserve everything bad thing that comes your way. Now get the fuck off the property before I beat Cameron to the rifle and shoot you myself." Nash finishes in the same bitter tone. He lets out a big breath when Chad gets into his car and drives away.

He turns to Cameron immediately, seeking comfort from his boyfriend. Cameron wraps his arms around Nash and hugs him tightly. He rubs Nash's back tenderly and presses a soft kiss on the side of his neck.

"You did so good, baby." He whispers encouragingly. "I'm proud of you."

Nash lets out a ragged breath. "I can't believe he brought up the death of my mom, that was so fucking low. It was so hard to maintain my composure, how can he be so cruel?"

"Because he's a selfish, self-centered asshole. He doesn't deserve to be the father of 3 wonderful, beautiful human beings." Cameron replies, he pulls back slightly and presses a tender kiss on his lips. "I love you so much, Nash. You and the kids are quite literally my world. I'm so lucky to be able to call you guys my family.

Nash can't stop the tears from falling, Cameron's words make him feel so loved and appreciated. It amazes Nash every day when he wakes up that Cameron accepted him and his siblings without any problem, he embraced all 3 of them completely.

"Thank you so much, baby. For giving Skylynn and Hayes the life that they deserve. For making it possible for us to leave that abusive asshole. I don't know where I would be without you. My feelings for you are indescribable, it feels like so much more than love." Nash whispers tenderly in Cameron's ear. He kisses him softly, gently moving his lips over Cameron's.

Cameron strokes Nash's cheek gently as they pull away from their kiss.

"I'm sorry for pulling you away from your work," Nash says, feeling guilty for interrupting an important phone call.

"Baby, don't ever apologize for that. You are my number one priority. Don't ever be afraid to interrupt me, Nash. Promise?" Cameron asks ardently.

Nash gives Cameron a shy smile and nods at him. "I promise."

Cameron places a delicate kiss on Nash's lips and they get lost in their kiss.

A/N- Getting closer to the end. <3 I'm going to miss this story. Comment your thoughts I love reading them.

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