Nejire Hado X Male Reader: No...

By Super_Human456

53.8K 966 409

There is always something a little interesting when working with your crush. Especially when that work involv... More

Living in the Moment
Work Life
In the Hole
The Resort Hunt
Vincent Henkan
The Void

Public Disturbance

2K 54 2
By Super_Human456

While you were dealing with Vincent Henkan, Hado began to walk around on some of the upper decks of the resort. Some saw her and awed a little as they saw a pro hero run past them. However, Hado never paid them attention. She was on a mission and intended to see it through to the end. Once she was cleared of civilians, she used her quirk and took off into the air to get a better view. She looked around the deck for anyone she could find that was tied down to the family. As she was looking, she found him. Echo...Vincent. Along with his father.

Hado glared ahead and flew over to the duo. As she passed overhead, Echo looked up and saw Hado fly over them both. She flipped, slid along the ground, and directly at the two.

Hado: Vincent Henkan! Mr. Henkan! You are under arrest!

Echo: Vincent? I'm not Vincent! Speaking of, where is that bastard!

Hado was a bit shocked but shook it off. Another child of Henkan didn't mean much in this scenario. She raised her arms up and took aim towards the Father and Echo.

Hado: Come quietly. That's all I ask of you.

Father looked around the area. Some security guards were conflicted on who to aim at. Others, citizens actually, were in shock as some families began to back away from the scene. Father sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and looked back at Hado. He scratched his nose a little as he looked over to the hero.

Father: (To Echo) Could you get security to clear the deck. I'd hate to make a mess in front of our guests.

Echo: But Dad.

Father: It's ok, son. Now go. Please.

Echo nodded slightly as he waved some of the guards. The guards who were conflicted did comply in order to save lives. Quickly, most of the deck was cleared of people. Father glared back at Hado as she kept up aiming at him. Once the deck was cleared of everyone, Father looked back more sternly than ever before.

Father: You had infiltrated my home. Ruined my businesses. Made me a mockery in the criminal underworld and worst of it took my children away from me. That last one is inexcusable.

Hado: They made their choices!

Father: And I take it this is yours as well?

Hado charged up her quirk, but did not fire it.

Hado: Come quietly. Please, Mr. Henkan.

Father: Now what type of a man would I be if I surrendered?

Hado: Mr. Henkan! This is-

Henkan waved his arm and a small bit of cyan dust came from his forward. Suddenly, a massive chunk of the ground in front of him was gone. Hado was stunned but looked around regardless until she heard something. It sounded like a spaceship leaving lightspeed and causing a sonic boom. Looking upwards, the direction in which the sound originated from, Hado quickly jumped forward as the chunk that disappeared was suddenly over her head.

Hado fired off her quirk at Henkan who waved his arm out again and made the surge of power disappear too. She glared at Henkan who waved his arm again. Hado used her quirk to launch herself out of the way of her own blast. Once she landed and saw the blast make contact with the ground, she turned back to Henkan who leapt in with a punch. Hado blocked the attack and twisted his arm back a little.

Hado lifted the man up and over her shoulder and crushed some of the ground. Henkan quickly used his quirk with the debris and sent the debris through the air and behind Hado. The debris then fired at her like a bullet. Hado used her quirk to block some of the rock but failed to stop Henkan from sweeping her legs and getting her onto the ground. Henkan looked down at the girl and was about to use his quirk on her again. However, Hado got onto her back and fired her charged-up quirk and hit Henkan in the face, and launched him upwards.

Before Hado could attack again, Henkan used his quirk and made Hado disappear.

At that point, you had arrived on the deck and just saw Hado disappear. Your heart shattered into a million pieces. The love of your life...gone. Your hands slowly began to form fists as you yelled, getting Henkan's attention. You were close enough for him not to react that quickly as you tackled him along the ground.

Adrenaline was getting to you. It was slowly making up most of your lifeblood now. You got the old man pinned down to the ground and you just began to throw punch after punch into his face. Anger, hatred, sadness, it flowed through you.

(Y/N): You bastard! Bring her back! I know you can do it! You piece of shit! GIVE HER BACK TO ME!!!

You punched him after every sentence. You hated him. You wanted your love back. Tears began to flow from your eyes after you punched him for about the tenth time. However, once you slowed down a little, Henkan grabbed your wrists and shot up, and headbutted you in the face. You were stunned as you got off of him and stumbled back a little. Henkan got up and walked over to you and grabbed your hair and pulled back. He proceeded to punch you in the chest and knee you in the stomach before pushing you back some more.

You finished wiping down your face as you heard footsteps behind you. You glanced back and saw Echo dive forward, land on his hands beside you, and kicked you in the head. He rolled forward and got to his feet and proceeded to unleash kick after kick onto you.

Normally you were good with avoiding kicks, but since Henkan hit like a train, so you were still more dazed than usual. Echo kept getting hits in as his father watched the two of you fight. After a third roundhouse kick, you grabbed his ankle and pushed down on it, getting Echo off balance. You punched the ground and used your quirk to flip forward over Echo and back towards Henkan.

Just as Henkan was about to use his quirk again, Echo tackled you from behind and threw you towards the railing of the deck. You hit your head along the edge as Echo stood next to his father.

Echo: Want me to finish it off?

Henkan: No. If he wants his apparent beloved back, then I shall grant his request. Ensure the guests this was a minor slip up. And have security and maintenance assist in clean-up details. I want this deck cleaned up by the end of the week.

Echo: On it. Have fun.

Echo ran off as Henkan slowly walked over to you.

Henkan: You. Just you, that girl, and those other pro heroes. All I wanted was to take the Yakuza down and do it from the inside. But no. You all just had to come after us after one God damn break-in. Do you know how many years it took to gain their trust? To get my men into their ranks? And you had to ruin it all! All because of your righteous crusade to stop anyone, ANYONE WHO STEPS ONE FOOT OUTSIDE THE LAW!!!

Henkan walked over to you slowly, giving you enough time to get up and take aim towards Henkan. You punched the ground and your quirk sent energy towards the man but he just waved his arm and basically deleted the entire attack.

You got up and bolted towards the man and threw a punch. Henkan barely dodged it but he failed to counter the roundhouse kick you delivered to him. He spun around and turned back to you only to be met with a fist to his face. You sent him to the ground. You quickly got down and formed a makeshift prison with your quirk and overtook his arms and legs. You panted a little as you slowly got up and began to walk away a little.

(Y/N): The police will be here. I've already alerted them. This is it, Henkan. Say your prayers.

You slowly began to walk away from the man, believing your job was done. However, you heard some light cracking and quickly turned around. Henkan arose and slowly turned back to you, glaring a little. You growled almost and ran forward, darting directly towards the man. However, you stopped and stomped onto the ground to launch a wave of energy towards him. Unlike before however, this wave felt raw, concentrated, and much mightier than moving power through the ground.

Henkan waved his arm forward to use his quirk but your energy rush just punched through. Henkan barely dodged the attack and ducked down under the wave. Both of you were stunned. His power up to this point was never beaten. You began to charge up your quirk and lunged forward and threw a punch.

The energy wave was sent forward, nearly hitting Henkan again. You began to throw punch after punch towards the mobster as you closed the distance between you both. However, after around punch number 7 or 8, the energy blast stopped. You were confused for a few seconds, but that was your fatal flaw. In that second time, Henkan waved his hand, and you were absorbed into his quirk.

You silently yelled as your body was rearranged, almost being mutated before your very eyes. The next thing you knew, your eyes opened in what looked like an asteroid belt. You turned around, looking around. So lost. So confused.

(Y/N): What the hell? Where am I?

???: Hey, (Y/N).

You heard the voice. A voice so familiar. So lovely to your ears. You turned around and saw her. Your love. Nejire Hado standing on a platform, looking down at you with a slight smile. You were back with her. 

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