Pokémon Bloodstone | An Orre...

By kingrufus

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When failed actress Chalcedony gives up on the neon lights and crowds to challenge the Orre League, it isn't... More

Chapter 1: The End of the World
Chapter 2: Time Will Tell
Chapter 3: Cipher's Shadow
Chapter 4: Threat
Chapter 5: Real
Chapter 6: Lost
Chapter 7: Questionable Intentions
Chapter 8: The Pendant
Chapter 9: Pedestal
Chapter 10: Chasing Acceptance
Chapter 11: Talent Scout
Chapter 12: Discouraged
Chapter 13: Drawn to Danger
Chapter 14: Police Report
Chapter 15: Passion of the Desert Sun
Chapter 16: The Machine Badge
Chapter 17: Flying High
Chapter 18: Misguided Colleagues
Chapter 19: Emergency
Chapter 20: Conspiracy
Chapter 21: No Match
Chapter 22: Mystery
Chapter 23: Hacker
Chapter 24: Possibilities
Chapter 25: Pokémon For Sale
Chapter 26: Con
Chapter 27: The Relic Stone
Chapter 28: Unfamiliar Face
Chapter 29: Escape
Chapter 30: Final Appeal
Chapter 31: The One That Got Away
Chapter 32: Applause
Chapter 33: Businessman
Chapter 34: Broken Promise
Chapter 35: Meeting
Chapter 36: Sign
Chapter 37: False Alarm
Chapter 38: Under Investigation
Chapter 39: The Pickaxe Badge
Chapter 40: Sister
Chapter 41: Wasteland
Chapter 42: Too Horrible
Chapter 43: Fateen's Fortune-Telling Chamber
Chapter 45: Feeling Chipper
Chapter 46: Test
Chapter 47: The Gem Badge
Chapter 48: Arrested
Chapter 49: Prisoner
Chapter 50: Unwanted Package
Chapter 51: Torture
Chapter 52: The One
Chapter 53: Drunk
Chapter 54: A Tough Girl's Walls
Chapter 55: The Crystal Ball Badge
Chapter 56: Missing
Chapter 57: The Road Badge
Chapter 58: Only Child
Chapter 59: Lookalike
Chapter 60: Eclo Canyon
Chapter 61: Secrets
Chapter 62: The Skyscraper Badge
Chapter 63: Samples
Chapter 64: The Palm Badge
Chapter 65: Guide
Chapter 66: Prepared to Battle
Chapter 67: Cipher Admins Ein & Theta
Chapter 68: Sunrise
Chapter 69: Grave Danger
Chapter 70: Self-Destruction
Chapter 71: Victory Road
Chapter 72: Challenger Dirk Vs. Elite Four
Chapter 73: Challenger Rustie Vs. Elite Four
Chapter 74: Cipher's Lair
Chapter 75: Challenger Zileh Vs. Elite Four
Chapter 76: Champion Zane
Chapter 77: Challenger Chalcedony Vs. Elite Four
Chapter 78: Fool's Gold
Chapter 79: Cipher Admin Theta's First Victim
Chapter 80: Hero
Chapter 81: The Missing Daughter
Chapter 82: The Weapon
Chapter 83: Preoccupied
Chapter 84: The Real Fake
Chapter 85: Dreamer in Denial
Chapter 86: The Lock Box
Chapter 87: Letter
Chapter 88: Double Agent
Chapter 89: The Grand Master's Trial
Chapter 90: Homecoming
Author's Notes: General
Author's Notes: Gym Challengers [Spoilers]
All Illustrations: Character Portraits

Chapter 44: Closed Down

27 3 7
By kingrufus

Amongst fans queuing outside The Charmed Chewtle bar in Wyndon was an undercover police office, Rhys. He found himself out of his depth when doors opened. The tiny venue's security couldn't cope with the surge of rabid fans of Piers and Alfie, who were headlining the Wyndon Dive Fest in support of Battle Against Abuse. Abbey attended all the shows. She couldn't stand on the front row without being punched and photographed from unflattering angles, so she stood behind the bar instead. She dragged Leon along that night. Victor tipped her off that they were practicing a cover of their first dance song, Wyndon Boy. Some fans lost their spots when they turned to photograph a sight they never expected to see, Leon the bartender.

To Rhys, who knew nothing about small gigs and how fans of popular artists behaved, it seemed like a dangerous free-for-all. He was face-down on the stage long before the opening acts finished. He couldn't breathe during Piers' set. Concerned Victor helped him up when he walked onstage, but he was doomed to accidentally lick Victor's shoes when the crowd exploded at the sight of Alfie. Even he tried to pick Rhys up. It didn't help. At least he could look back at his recording later, although the last thing he wanted was to re-live this. The music was just noise to him. Then Alfie dedicated Wyndon Boy to his 'best friends.' The crowd parted for them to dance. Rhys was squeezed off the front row and directly onto the stage. Victor hauled him off onto the heads of the crowd. They weren't impressed. Rhys fell to be trampled until he crawled out to the safety of the bar.

He was in a foul mood. Admittedly, he heard nothing that matched the 'Alfie Clan' theories he was investigating, but if Alfie's fans were this rabid and inconsiderate, what did that say about him? Leon's eyes were on Rhys. He was no longer smiling. What was he staring at?

'Sir, you dropped your badge.'

That was what he was staring at. This awful night was just getting worse. His cover was blown to whoever saw the badge... although Abbey wasn't looking. The rumours that she watched her ex lovingly were true. Why was her husband just standing there while she looked at a convict like that? Maybe there was something weird about them.

'Well, since you know I'm here now... I need to interview you, Mr. and Mrs. Fayed.'

'Can it wait? Abbey's watching the show.'

'No. I need to interview you both before I interview Mr. Addison. Please follow me outside.'

'Oh. You're here to pick on Alfie. I suggest you speak to Anabel Berelle, Chief Inspector of the International Police.'

'The International Police don't need to get involved. This can be resolved on a local level. Especially if there's nothing wrong. Please get your wife out of that trance and follow me outside.'

'I can hear you.'

Abbey irritably turned. 'But I'd also suggest you speak to Anabel. She is the authority on Alfie's case, whether you think she's needed or not.'

'This relates to events after Ms. Berelle closed the case. Being buddies with her doesn't give you the right to disobey local police.'

They reluctantly followed Rhys outside. He led them to a damp steel bench.

'I'm sure your relatives, Professors Hop Fayed and Jovi Mesquite, have told you their lab is being repeatedly searched.'

'Yes. They also told us there was a problem with selling Abbey's books which, quite frankly, is ridiculous. As for accusing the Mesquites of promoting Cipher... that might be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.'

'Then I trust you're already aware of the "Alfie Clan" complaints.'

'Aware of it, yeah,' Abbey replied, 'But none of us get it. Alfie included.'

'And of Rose Moore's involvement? His daughter, Stella Moore, is currently living at the Pokémon HQ Lab.'

'We don't get that, either.'

'How often does Mr. Addison speak with the Pokémon HQ Lab?'

'Hardly ever, unless he's in the background on our video calls. It's only Lyndon, Trip and Camden – and Amber, obviously, because she's with Trip – that he speaks to every day.'

'And he lives with you, yes? In a separate bedroom?'


'How often do you sleep with him, Mrs. Fayed?'

'I don't!'

'Because you don't want to, or because you're married?'

'Look, mate – me and Alfie were together for six years and had a kid who was very cruelly taken from us. He was abruptly taken from me by Cipher. I met Leon again soon afterwards. He almost died. There was no time to think, let alone get over a six-year relationship. So, yes, I still love Alfie, but my marriage is not so stagnant that I need to get a dick fix elsewhere.'

'And we're friends,' Leon added, 'Like family, which we technically are because of Fire Agate and because our daughter married Trip, his grandson. Not that Trip even knew he was related to Alfie when they met.'

'You both seem quite defensive.'

'Well, we're both tired of people picking on Alfie who, as it happens, has been seriously misjudged. Yes, he tried to kill me, but if I can forgive him, the rest of the world needs to let it go. He means no harm. He's raised billions for Battle Against Abuse and his bravery in speaking out – because people don't usually believe male victims – about Lovrina put a dangerous woman behind bars, where she belongs.'

'Lovrina was jailed for Fire Agate's murder only. It was too late to charge her with rape. Mrs. Fayed, can you recount what happened that day at Brooklet View Beach?'

Abbey hesitated. Leon absentmindedly reached for her hand.

'The case is closed. Is forcing her to relive it really necessary? Please don't tell me you're actually investigating the claims it was a hoax...?'

'We have to rule everything out, I'm afraid.'

'Then I'll tell you–'

'I need to hear it from your wife, Mr. Fayed. You weren't there.'

'Her name is Professor Hawthorn Fayed, by the way.'

'Professor Hawthorn Fayed, please recount what happened the day Fire Agate was murdered.'

'I kind of object,' Abbey said coolly, 'To you even insinuating it was a hoax when the Chief Inspector of the International Police has proved Lovrina killed her.'

'It wasn't just Lovrina. Gretchen Manning and a fan of Mr. Addison were also present. You're related to Ms. Manning, yes?'

'Hardly! Amber's only related to her by law. No-one wants anything to do with her.'

'I promise I won't ask more questions about Fire Agate once we've discussed this. Why were you at Brooklet View Beach at 3AM? It was dark.'

'Because Alfie changed his flight to the red-eye to be with us a bit longer. I know you're about to imply it was somehow our fault we were attacked, because it was dark and we didn't take our Pokémon, but there was no reason to. If you check the file, you'll see Alolan police noted that was the only assault on Brooklet View Beach in known history. There hasn't been one since. Alola isn't a dodgy place. You're less likely to be attacked in Po Town than you are in Wyndon. We couldn't know.'

'I'm not implying it was your fault. It's indeed relevant that such crimes are rare in Alola.'

That statement was open so it said, without actually saying it, that what Rhys was implying was that such a rare, extreme attack was unlikely in the early hours on a deserted beach. Abbey wasn't stupid. She knew.

'The attackers weren't Alolan. They came to Akala Island to kill my daughter. I hope you're taking into account that Alfie tried to commit suicide while he was filming The Deoxys Files after that. Or was that a hoax, too?'

'We're not aware of any suicide attempts. His medical record and media reports only refer to a stomach bug during filming of The Deoxys Files.'

'Oh, yeah, of course, because it's always a "stomach bug" when these "happy and healthy" celebrities try to kill themselves. The photos of his bruised neck were "edited," I'm sure, but you can't argue with the scars on his wrists. It's still very obvious what they are.'

'Anyway, that's beside the point. Alfie changed his flight. You went to the beach early in the morning without Pokémon.'

'Their Pokémon showed up, mind you,' Leon interjected, 'They sense these things. Especially Psychic-types like Meowstic. But Lovrina used Shadow Pokémon. They weren't ready for them.'

'What happened when the attackers arrived? What were they wearing?'

'This is all in the case file... but I just heard someone shout "now!" So I looked round and they were there. All in black, wearing masks. Like Leon said, none of the Pokémon who tried to help were ready for Shadow Pokémon. They took them out. I threw myself over the stroller to protect Fire Agate, but Lovrina grabbed Gretchen's bat and swung at my head. I woke up in hospital with a fractured skull, concussion and my daughter's dead body so mangled, she was more of a lump of organs and bones than a baby. Alfie's wrist was broken. He'd been sedated.'

'Why was he sedated?'

'Deliberately undiagnosed schizophrenia... but I think a grieving dad can be forgiven for lashing out regardless. My reaction was to dumb myself down and work harder. That doesn't make either reaction more or less valid.'

'Why did you eventually break up with Mr. Addison?'

'Because... of all that, I guess? He pushed me away. He acted like an unreachable celebrity even at home. He used to protect me from the fans, but he started telling me to just ignore it. And obviously, he was Cipher-ing behind the scenes because his mental illness was being very carefully manipulated by Nolan and Ardos.'

The show was over. Squeals erupted inside the bar. Fans began to burst out. They followed Alfie, who fought through people waving merch to check on his friends. Rhys sighed. Was that a potential cover? Were they expecting police because they were the Alfie Clan? Rhys sat in the passenger seat of Alfie's car to return home with them.

'I hope you're not harassing Abbey and Leon because I'm under investigation again, officer.'

The 32 Pokémon in the house were on edge. Fayiz and his best friend, Tatsuko, looked bewilderedly down from the landing. Leon told them to stay upstairs. Inteleon, Fayiz's ace Pokémon, remained regardless. Its suspicious eyes watched Rhys. He asked Abbey and Leon to shut themselves in the kitchen while Alfie recounted his memory of Fire Agate's murder.

'Poor bloke...'

Leon aimlessly polished plates that were already clean. 'At least the medicine's probably doing him a favour for once... taking the edge off the pain, or at least I hope so.'

'Honestly, asking me if I'm shagging Alfie like he wants to shag anyone on antipsychotics...'

'And people always look at me like I'm supposed to be controlling my chaste wife! It's such a weird and unfortunate situation and I trust both of you. I couldn't care less what you do together.'

'Yeah, but his libido is nonexistent and he doesn't even give a shit. "No more children to die or get cut off from," as he says. He thinks Lyndon and Courtney are being irresponsible, but I get it.'

'Did they even know Cipher were still around when they started trying?'

'No, but Alfie isn't wrong. Cipher aren't going anywhere as long as Ardos is alive. And they are back, Leon. With a vengeance, even. The Gallegos caused this. I'm positive.'

'Why? Why is anyone listening to bloody Ein? How is he a respectable scientist, but the Mesquites – and you – aren't?'

'They really won't shut up about that girl setting his daughter's hair on fire. But like Hop said – they don't really give a shit what happens to her. They just want the Pokémon HQ Lab to pay for it.'

'Gosh. This is like me getting framed all over again. Surely we can call Anabel? Or is Ardos spying on us, too?'

'He probably is. And he's probably got backups of that audio of me and Alfie's phone sex. Which I can live without the world hearing.'

Rhys grilled Alfie for hours. He looked exhausted when he finally walked into the kitchen.

'He's got Fayiz and Tatsuko now...'

'What the fuck? Are you OK, Alfie?'

'I sure was better before being indirectly accused of faking my daughter's death.'

'I thought that was what he was implying.'

'How could it possibly have been a hoax? You saw the body, too, right? I didn't hallucinate it?'

'Of course! We both had to identify it. Not that we really could identify it, because... well, I'm sure you remember it as clearly as I do.'

'Are you OK, Abbey?'

'Same. Better before that. But I guess I'm alright. What was he even on about? You were in there for hours!'

'He basically accused me of using Lovrina and my "relative," Gretchen, to get Fire Agate out of Alola. I didn't even know who Gretchen was then!'

'But – Fire Agate was there! There are photos in the case file. He must've seen them!'

'I know. But he said Gretchen left Alola with a baby. It's not like I'd know about whatever poor baby she stole, though, is it?! I was unconscious!'

'Wait, what?' Leon asked, 'Gretchen left Alola with a baby?'

'A baby who looked like Fire Agate, apparently.'

'Has Ardos somehow hacked the police files?'

Abbey shook her head. 'No. They're paper files in Alola. And he can't possibly have hacked the International Police.'

'So he really is accusing you of faking her death... but what would be the point? This is insane. We have to contact Anabel.'

'But from what Fateen told Amber... they've got some weapon they can blackmail us with.'

Alfie was yet to hear Amber's story. 'Weapon? Is that another XD-Series Pokémon, or...?'

'I don't think so. It's something only Lyndon and Coren know about, apparently, but Lyndon has forgotten and no-one wants to ask him. I probably shouldn't be telling you for the same reason...'

'We're not so volatile we'll take over the world within 10 seconds of hearing a conspiracy theory.'

'Sorry. But Lyndon said himself he doesn't want to go anywhere near that "Alfie Clan" shit.'

'I did Roto-Search it the other day when he got yelled at in the street. There are private photos of me from "members" of the "clan" which are the "proof" it's a real thing, but they're photos from when Lovrina locked me in her place. I'm sure Nett could prove they came from her. But they won't listen because he's Megg's brother.'

'This is a nightmare...'

The kitchen doors rocked on their hinges. Rhys was gone. Fayiz and Tatsuko were ashen.

'Mum, Alfie, are you OK? He wouldn't shut up about...'

'Fire Agate. I know.'

'He was smiling when he left. I'm really worried. I think he misinterpreted something I said.'

'Well, if he did, it's not your fault. They'll have to involve the International Police eventually. This nonsense can't go on forever.'

Though the next day, Abbey had to step out of a class at the University of Wyndon to answer an urgent call from Jovi. She was sobbing.

'They've closed us down! Now they're going for Mt. Battle! They're gonna arrest Lyndon!'

When Abbey got home, the household was one member short. Alfie had been arrested, too.

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