Just This Once || Erenxreader...

By erensbitchh

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°°Only he was too naive to realize that love cannot be ignored°° ••• Broken promises, unrequited love, and sh... More



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By erensbitchh

You had just opened the door to your dorm room, when a blur of brown hair pounced on the takeout bags you were carrying.

Sasha snatched the bags and ran back over to her bed, tearing the food open.

"You're late" she managed to get out through a mouthfull of fries.

You chuckled at the girl, and greeted Historia who was putting down the book she had been reading. "Yea sorry, I got caught up" you said with a small smile, peaking your roomates' interests.

A grin washed over Sasha's face, her cheeks filled with food. "Caught up doing what?"

You were itching to shown the girls your new tattoo, and show off your new body art.

You grinned back at the brunette and the blonde, who had begun to carefully unwrap her burger.

"Well its a funny story actually. I ended up getting hit in the face with a door, and recieved a free tattoo as compensation."

"HAHAHA really?! Lets see it!" Sasha jumped up from her bed and skipped over to yours, where you were now sitting.

"Is it on your butt?" Sasha gently tugged at your pants while laughing.

You playfully smacked her hand away, and Historia joined the two of you, also wanting to see your new ink.

You lifted your shirt and bra band, keeping you chest covered, and the two girls leaned in close to examine the artwork on your ribs.

Historia traced a finger over the flower. "Oh my god its beautiful, y/n!"

You smiled lazily, proud that your friends also liked it.

"No shit! I want one!" Sasha whinned.

"So where did you get it?" The girls asked as you lowered your shirt, relaxing onto the bed.

Should I tell them? They have aready made their feelings about Eren clear.

You decided to be honest about where you got the tattoo. There was no point in lying since nothing between the two of you had happened. It was just a friendly gesture to make up for hitting you with a door, right?

"Uh, actually, it was Eren who hit me with the door. I had talked to him about tattoos at the beach party, and he offered me one for free since I was already there."

Sasha eyes quickly glanced at Historia, and then returned to her burger. Historia looked a little concerned, but quickly covered it up with a smile.


"No its nothing" the blonde assured you.

"Come on Historia, tell me"

"I'm just worried about you. You seem to be getting closer with Eren, and I just don't want to see you get hurt."

You thought on that for a second.

Why does she think I'll get hurt? What did Eren do that was so bad. He has been nothing but kind to me, except for the first time we met, but I did almost knock him over so I'll give him a pass.

"What did he do that was so bad anyways?" You chewed on your bottom lip, hoping that the answer wouldn't be that bad.

The blonde girl sighed, and leaned against the wall. " Like I said, he breaks a lot of hearts".

You just stared at the girl, hoping she would elaborate.

"Ok, ok. So he dated our friend in highschool named Mikasa. He was head over heels in love with her. I still remeber him coming to sit at our lunch table the day after their first date. He had this dreamy look in his eyes, and he was the happiest I had ever seen him since his mom died."

Your heart dropped. Eren lost his mom?

"Everything was going well between Eren and Mikasa, untill one day the two of them broke up out of nowhere. Eren refused to tell us what happened, and Mikasa transferred schools right after, so we never found out. He didn't come to school for like, 4 days, and when he did come back, he rarley smiled. We all tried to be there for him, but he pushed us all away, especially Jean. Jean and Eren used to be bestfriends."

"Are you going to eat that?" Sasha asked in a loud whisper. You looked down at your untouched burger, and nodded to Sasha, signaling that she could have it. She swipped the burger, and began to devour it. You looked back at Historia, silently asking her to continue.

"So yea, ever since then, Eren has gone around to every girl he could find, and played with their feelings. He even did it to Hitch, you know that girl you danced with on the pool table? Lucky for her she never really sticks with one guy either, so she didn't get hurt too bad. Its like he thinks its a game, 'How many girls can I get to fall at my feet'. It doesn't help that hes crazy attractive, either. He doesn't even have to try to lure girls in." Historia finished talking and raised her eyes to meet yours.

You felt weird, almost like you didn't know how to feel. You weren't really sure how you felt about Eren Jeager, yet. You knew that he was funny, interesting, and charming. You had thouroughly enjoyed hooking up with him, too. But, you weren't sure if you had feelings for him. Plus, there's the other matter of Jean, who you were sure you were beginning to develop feelings for.

"So what you're saying is that there is a good chance hes just messing with me. And, that he just wants to get in my pants and then leave." You said with a look of disappointment.

Historia had a frown on her face, and she was obviously upset that she had had to tell you those things. "I'm sorry y/n. I just don't want you getting involved with something without knowing the whole story."

You crawled over to Historia, and wrapped your arms around the girl. "Thank you for looking out for me. Im so lucky that I have you guys to be there for me." Historia wrapped her arms around you in return, and gave you a gently squeeze. She pulled back and gave you a small smile.

"I want you to know that I'm not trying to control who you date, by the way. Eren used to be an amazing guy, a person I know that you would really like. I just already feel so close to you that I couldn't bear to see you get your heart broken." Historia seemed worried that you would think she was being controlling.

You didn't think she was being controlling at all, however. In fact, you were glad that she had told you. You didn't want to get your heart broken, that would be a horrible start to your first year of college. Truthfully, alothough you had only known them for a couple months, Historia and Sasha were beginning to feel like sisters to you. No one had ever cared about you like they did.

You gave Histoira another reassuring smile, and once again wrapped her in a huge bear huge. "Don't worry, I know you're just looking out for me, and I'm really thankfull for that."

You heard the crinkling of a burger wrapper, and you turned your head to find Sasha licking her fingers, apparently done with her second burger. The girl grinned at her two friends, "Alright now that the sappy stuff if over, DOG PILE!" Sasha flung her limp body over the two of you, crushing you and Historia into the matress.

The three girls burst out into laughter, and their attempt to remove Sasha failed.

You smiled to yourself "I love you guys".

"I love you guys too! We should all get eachother's named tattooed on our butts!"

Another round of laughter rang out, "Alright Sasha I''ll make you a deal, if you can go a full day without eating snacks, I'll get your name inked on my ass".

The brunette lifted herself up and gave you a horrified expression. "A FULL DAY??"

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