I Can't Forget You (Boschlow...

By k9ine3

26K 1K 733

"Anyways, let me introduce myself. The names Boscha and you are?" "I-I'm Willow. Willow Park." Boscha and Wil... More

Chapter 1. Meeting You Was Everything
Chapter 2. Regrets
Chapter 3. I'm Focusing On You
Chapter 4. Heading To Her Direction
Chapter 5. I'm Not A Perfect Witch
Chapter 6. Our Friendship Begins
Chapter 8. You And I
Chapter 9. Meeting Her Dads Again
Chapter 10. Boscha VS Willow
Chapter 11. My Final Grudgby Match
Chapter 12. Group Hang Out
Chapter 13. 2 Months Later
Chapter 14. Quadruple Dates
Chapter 15. I Love You
Chapter 16. Cuddles and Kisses
Chapter 17. Sleepovers
Chapter 18. Blood and The Truth
Chapter 19. You Against Me
Author's Note: Important Update
Chapter ? I'm Sorry That You Had To Lose Me (Alternative Ending)
Chapter 20. Freedom
Important Announcement!!

Chapter 7. Lost Memories

1K 50 48
By k9ine3

Author's note: This chapter will mostly cover Boscha and Willow's past together. I recommend you get some tissues for this. There will be some fluff so maybe it can even out your emotions, but we'll see. Enjoy though :)

TW: Abuse, mention of blood

Narrator's POV

It was the season of Spring. Willow's favorite season of the year. After all, she was born with the power of plant magic. Willow was also born with some healing magic as well. Boscha on the other hand, had the power of fire magic. She could also do water magic. It's an odd combination considering that water puts out fire but Boscha finds it amusing.

"Wow Boscha! You can do fire magic too?!" little Willow was surprised.

"Yes I can. Now I can burn stuff like trash and other junk I don't need," the dark magenta haired smiled at her magic.

"I wish I had magic like you," Willow hoped sadly.

"You'll get magic soon. You have to wait patiently when you turn eight."

"That means I only have two months left until my eighth birthday."

"You are correct. Oh and what kind of magic are you into?" Boscha questioned Willow.

"I'm into plant magic."

"Plant magic?" the three-eyed witch tilted her head in confusion.

"Yeah, plant magic. I enjoy any kind of plants. It's fun to see them grow and well, it's like a hobby of mine to take good care of it."

"Oh, I see. Do you like any other magic besides plant magic?"

"No, not really. Plant magic will always be my number one favorite magic though," Willow smiled happily.

"Well there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe when you have plant magic, I can help you water your plants. We can grow one together," Boscha became excited.

*Gasp* "That would be a great idea! We'll grow a tree together until we can't anymore. Then maybe our future kids will continue to grow it," Willow's eyes lit up.

"Our future kids?" Boscha lightly blushed.

"Yeah. When we have kids together, we'll have them grow the tree."

"I-I think it's a bit too early to think about kids right now Willow," Boscha scratched the back of her head still blushing.

"I know, but someday you'll have to plan your future. If you do it later on as you are older, you'll have less time planning it."

"Did your dads tell you that?"

"Yes they did."

"Well they are right about that."

Boscha grabbed a stick that was on the ground and started drawing on the dirt.

"What are you making?" Willow's curiosity appeared.

"I'm making my future plans," Boscha concentrated on her drawing.

Willow watched as her friend was almost done with her drawing. Boscha added some final touches then tossed the stick back where it was.

"Tadaa! As you can see here, my future plan is sticking with you forever. We'll be best friends as we grow older. And when you get your powers, we'll start growing a tree. Us growing equals our tree growing. Then m-maybe when we're old enough, w-we can...get m-married. T-that way we can have kids of our own and they can take care of our tree while we're gone!" Boscha blushed and spoke out loud.

Willow looked at Boscha's future plan drawing then back to Boscha with a hint of red surrounding her cheeks.

"I...I think that's a wonderful future plan for us. I would like to marry you in the future. You're a really nice person and I like you a lot. You make me happy and feel safe," Willow poured out her feelings.

"Thanks. D-Do you really want to m-marry me?"

"I do," Willow hugged Boscha.

The three-eyed girl held Willow Park as her body relaxed. Willow then pulled away, wanting to ask Boscha the same question.

"What about you? Do you want to marry me?"

Of course, Boscha answered with, "Yes! I do! I would like to marry you. You're super sweet and you shine everyone's day like the sun. Maybe I should call you Sunshine. It suits you since you like plants and plants need sunshine. Also from what I said, you definitely shine people's day. You give them light and hope. Is it okay to call you that?" Boscha gave Willow a happy grin.

"Yes you can. I really like that nickname a lot."

"That's good. And one more thing, let's make a promise. I don't know how to do the oath magic but we can do pinky promises. So, pinky promise that we'll always remain together no matter what and that we'll always support and love each other?" Boscha put out her pinky for Willow.

She smiled brightly at her best friend and wrapped her pinky on Boscha's.

"I promise."

1 week later

*Knock knock*

Boscha was alone at her home when she heard the door knock. In front of the door was Willow herself.

"Hi Sunshine! Your dads said you can stay over for a bit?" Boscha hugged the witch as Willow held her friend.

"Yeah! They allowed me to stay until it's ten o'clock. Is your parents home?"

"No, they're not. They had to travel today and won't come back until tomorrow," Boscha responded.

"Okay. So what do you want to do?" little Willow asked.

"Oh since it's eight o'clock, do you want to go on the rooftop and watch the stars together?" Boscha recommended.

"Sure, why not."

"Let's go then. Follow me," Boscha headed upstairs to her room, leading Willow.

Boscha pushed a flat, squared door that led to the roof of her house. She allowed Willow to go first as Boscha climbed the small ladder behind. Boscha made sure that Willow was completely on top of the roof and sat down to gaze at the stars that were shining throughout the sky.

"It's amazing that there are this many stars in the sky," Willow was memorized.

"I agree."

As the friends watched the stars glistened, a shooting star appeared.

"Oh look! A shooting star! Make a wish Boscha," Willow shouted as she closed her eyes making a wish.

Boscha did the same as Willow and what she wished for was to have a happy life with Willow and her friends.

"So what did you wish for Sunshine?" Boscha questioned.

"I can't tell you silly. My wish won't come true you know."

"Oh right. I forgot about that. My bad."

The young witches continued staring at the stars as they talked about school, their friends, and more about themselves through the night until Willow had to go back home. It was the best night Boscha and Willow had ever experienced.

2 months later

"Happy birthday Willow!" Skara, Cat, Amelia, and Amity yelled out to Willow.

"Thank you guys," Willow happily thanked her friends.

"So you're turning eight years old?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah I am."

"Wow so that means you'll be able to get magic powers. That's so exciting," Skara indicated.

"Yeah! I can't wait to use them. I'll be strong just like you guys," Willow smiled.

"We can't wait either."

"Hey where's Boscha?" Willow pointed out.

"I'm not sure. She said she was coming today. There's no way she would miss your special day," Cat answered.

"Well I hope she does come."


"Boscha! Come down here immediately!"

Boscha heard the voice of her father as she quickly ran downstairs. She accidentally bumped into her dad not paying attention to where she was going.

"Watch where you're going, you insolent child."

"I'm s-sorry sir. What is it that you need from me?" Boscha became nervous.

"I want to ask why you're hanging out with that girl at school?"

"What girl?" Boscha didn't know who he was talking about.

"You know damn well who I am talking about," Boscha's father gritted his teeth.

"The one with glasses?"

"Yes her."

"Well she's really fun to play with. Willow and I decided to-"

"Willow is her name hm? I won't allow you to hang around with her any longer. I suggest you quit being friends with her."

"What? Why!? That's not fair! She didn't do anything wrong to-"


Boscha held her left cheek and winced at the pain from her father slapping her.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again, do you hear me!?"

"I don't care! Willow is my friend and I would never break our friendship!" Boscha began crying.

"If you don't want to do what you're being told, then you leave me with no choice," Boscha's father punched her in the face, leaving her to fall on the ground.

He began kicking her stomach a couple of times as Boscha tried to breathe.

"Get up! We don't allow anyone to become weak in our family. You'll be disowned in this family if you don't get up right this minute!" her dad filled with rage.

Boscha tried to get up as she cried and felt like she didn't have any energy. She coughed up some blood and noticed that her nose was bleeding. Most of the oxygen left her body as Boscha tried to breathe normally. It took less than thirty seconds for Boscha to get up as she held her stomach.

"That's more like it. The next time you don't listen to me, it'll be a lot worse than this. Clean yourself up and head to school. And don't you dare tell anyone about this, do you understand Boscha?" her father glared at her.

"Y-yes s-sir," Boscha went back upstairs as she winced through the pain she felt throughout her upper body.

Boscha couldn't stop crying because her own dad physically hurt her just for being friends with Willow. As the witch made it to the bathroom, she grabbed some bandages, band aids, and a wet rag to clean up herself. It took almost ten minutes for Boscha to finish up. She grabbed her school bag and walked back downstairs to head out to Hexside. The three-eyed witch tried her best not to move around her sore body when heading to school. All Boscha wanted to do was cry but that would do nothing to heal the pain. As she walked to school, she noticed three flowers that were dark blue. Boscha wasn't able to get Willow any present for her birthday so she decided that it would be best to at least give her friend some flowers. She walked to the flowers and bent down, feeling a horrible pain as she managed to snatch the flowers. Boscha rested for a minute before proceeding to head to school.


Boscha made it just in time and only had ten minutes left before class started. Some kids were looking at her since she had bandages covering her nose and left cheek. All Boscha could do was look down, avoiding their eyes.

"Boscha! You made it!"

The dark magenta haired girl looked up to see Willow and the rest of their friends.

"Hi Sunshine! Happy birthday! I wanted to get you a present but instead I got you these flowers. T-They match the color of your hair," Boscha held out to Willow.

Willow's face was flushed as she grabbed it gently and smelled it.

"Thank you Boscha. I like it a lot," Willow went for a hug that caused Boscha to push her off gently.

"Argh...s-sorry Sunshine. My stomach h-hurts."

"What happened to you Boscha? You have some band aids on your face," Skara examined me.

"I uh fell. Downstairs. And landed on my face," Boscha lied.

"Then how does your stomach hurt if you just fell?"

"Um there was something on the floor that I landed on top."

The whole gang stared at Boscha as she stood there, hoping that her friends believed her.

"Well be careful next time. We don't want to see you in pain. You should go to the healer's room and they can fix you up," Cat suggested.

"I'll go after school. But enough talking about me. Today is Willow's day and we're going to celebrate it together!" Boscha didn't want the group to worry about her.

"Okay then. Let's head to class before we're late," Amity mentioned.

"Alright Sunshine! Lead the way to class!" Boscha's voice was filled with joy.


Time skip

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Willow!! Happy birthday to youuu! Woo-hoo!!" Willow's friends cheered on.

"Thank you guys. I really am happy and grateful that you guys got me gifts and were able to be here to celebrate with me," Willow was appreciative towards the group.

"You're welcome Willow."


"I hope you enjoyed your day."

The group of six started talking with each other as they waited until their lunch was over. Boscha was glad to be with her friends and forgot about the incident between her and her father. Boscha may have thought it would be the last time she'd ever get hit by her father. But that's not the case. As school ended, Boscha bid her farewell to her friends and wished a perfect birthday to Willow. She headed straight to the healer's room where she lied and told them that she hurt herself at lunch which the healers believed Boscha. Her stomach felt a bit better but it would remain sore for a couple of days. Boscha wasn't excited to head home now. Her father didn't have any meetings to attend so he would be at home waiting until his daughter arrives from school. Boscha's mother is at a meeting and doesn't know about Boscha's injuries or the abuse that her husband is doing to their own child.

As Boscha made it home to her dad waiting for her. She grew nervous as her father stood there, staring into her eyes.

"You didn't tell anyone about what I did to you earlier, did you?"

"No, I didn't," Boscha replied.

"You're not lying to me, are you now?" he wanted to make sure.

"No sir."

"Looks like you're saying the truth. Now before I let you go, did you stop being friends with that girl that I mentioned?"

'I can't say I didn't. He'll hurt me if I do," Boscha thought.

"Yeah, I did," the witch remained calm as she didn't want to show that she is lying.

Her father looked carefully at Boscha, then smiled.

"You lied to me. You didn't stop talking to that little witch like I told you so. You know what that means," Boscha backed up as her father approached her.

"I'm sorry dad! I don't want to lose her. She means a lot to me. Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry," Boscha begged but it was too late.

Next thing she knows, she blacked out. Hours passed by as Boscha laid conscious on her bed. She felt herself wake up, not knowing what time or day it was. Her face throbbed in pain as she couldn't even move her body from all the pain she was enduring. Boscha couldn't remember what happened with her father and herself. Boscha suffered a severe concussion that resulted her to not remember what happened.

Not only that, but all of these memories, are the most important memories that Boscha lost and don't recall having. No one knew about the abuse that Boscha had to go through beside her own dad. Boscha remained friends with Willow as her dad continued to abuse her. That was the last final straw when Boscha almost suffered a head trauma. She couldn't come up with any excuses to her friends and didn't want them to worry. It happened for almost two years and Boscha knew it was enough for her to handle. She decided to stop being friends with her own Sunshine by the time they were ten years old. Boscha couldn't deal with the pain anymore. And the fact that her father would bring harm to Willow, was enough to convince Boscha to stop hanging out with the plant witch. The only way Boscha could keep Willow safe was to push her away. Boscha never thought of doing something so hard and painful to see her friend get hurt by Boscha herself. Willow's hero would rather be in pain than stop being friends with her shy friend. But that's not the case if her father wants to hurt Willow. Boscha would never blame Willow for all the pain she had to deal with. Willow didn't even know that Boscha was breaking their friendship just to keep both of them safe, mostly Willow to Boscha. The number one hero to Willow would always make sure that everyone would be safe. Even if it kills her.

Author's note: 133 Reads!! I appreciate every one of you who is reading my fanfic. I'm very very grateful and it makes me happy that people are actually reading this. Thank you guys so much! I may not get comments on how I'm doing with this story but seeing you guys voting and reading my story definitely does. I'll continue writing and make sure not to let you guys down.

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