Please Stay With Me (Minecraf...

By Honorchior

62.1K 1.1K 1K

"Welcome to another day at Daycare!" From shipping #Tyan to making plans to go through the portal when the sp... More

Ryan x Tina
Goldy x Unicorn_Mann
Cookie's Plan
Psychotic Tina (Tina X Ryan)
When You Go Through The Portal (Tony x Kat)
Holiday Time!
Yandere Ryan? (Ryan? x Tina)
My Fear - Goldy
Birthday Cake
My Fear - Ryan
My Fear - Unicorn Mann
My Fear - Tina
My Fear - Explanation
Can We Discusss the Elephant in the Room?
Lizzie's Book
Goldyrella (Kinda Goldycorn And Tyan?)
Tea Party (Tyan)
Sabre's War
Slumber Party (Goldycorn, Kony, and Tyan)
Derp's Quest (Origin Story)
Happy 2019!!! (Tyan And Goldycorn)
It Was Just a Dare (Tyan*)
Snuggles (Tyan)
Comic and β€’Author Noteβ€’
Visits | Part 1 (Juke)
Visits | Part 2 (Juke)
What's The Catch (Gina)
Gender Swap?! (Tyan)
It's Not Like I Like You! (AU Gender Bent Tyan)
Cupcakes (Rash)
When It's All My Fault (GoldyCorn)
The Clock
100 Vote Special! (Thank You Guys So Much!!)
"Someday" (Goldycorn)
The Broken (New Story Announcment!)
Tea?! (Rash)
The New Knife Squad (Tyan)
Friend Zoned (Comic!)
Best Friends (FavreMyRyan)
Another Text Chat Story
Oblivious (A Dragons Story) (Important Author Note!)
Lizzie's Guide To Taking Exams
WAR!!!!! (With 5 Exclamation Marks For Your Enjoyment) | Part 1
The Author Breaks Everything | Part 2
The Author's Dice Are Broken | Part 3
Death Knows Your Name | Divines (Asher)
50 Chapter Special! [Comic Take 3]
A Very Marvelous Day | Spider-Man Crossover?!
I Didn't Mean To Hurt You (Asher)
Best Friends = Revenge Buddies
Updates and Important Info
Minecraft Daycare: Here We Go Again | Teaser (Part 1/3)
Minecraft Daycare: Here We Go Again | Teaser (Part 2/3)
Minecraft Daycare: Here We Go Again | Teaser (Part 3/3)
Skydiving (Tyan)
Left Brain, Right Brain: Tina Edition
Tyan With Hats
Incorrect Dragons Quotes
Tyan With Hats Part 2
Yes, Police Officer? (Tyan)
Hold Me When I'm Scared (Gina)
Tyan With Hats Part 3
The Call of the Ants
Betrayal (Tina Centered With Goldycorn?)
Tyan With Hats Part 4
Cliche (Goldy Centered With Tyan?)
Tyan With Hats Part 5
The Curse
Incorrect Daycare Quotes
Tyan with Hats Part 6
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 2)
Tyan with Hats Part 7
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 3)
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 4)
Tyan with Hats Part 8
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 5)
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 6)
Tyan with Hats Part 9
Incorrect Daycare Quotes (Part 7)
Incorrect Life Quotes
Minecraft Life Season 3? Thoughts and Reviews
Incorrect LIFE Quotes (Part 2)
Tyan with Hats Part 10
Incorrect LIFE Quotes (Part 3)
Tyan with Hats Part 11
Dear Diary
1000 Votes?! Are you ready for your reward?
We Should Get Married (Platonically) - (Gina)

The Royal Bachelorette Party (Goldycorn with a hint of Tyan)

205 6 10
By Honorchior

Goldy was pacing back and forth in her bedchamber. Her breath was ragged and quick. Her hands clutched tightly at one another behind her back. Her face was pale, despite the the fact that the quick pace she had set for herself was proving to be quite a workout.

On the other side of the room, a girl dressed in elegant silks sat on the edge of Goldy's bed. Her posture as perfect as always. Her features calm, though her thoughts were anything but.

"Goldy," the young woman's voice was soft, gentle, as if she were trying to tame a stray cat. "Come sit."

"I have to figure out what to do! I don't have time for gossip!" Goldy snapped. She immediately regretted her words, however, as the other girl deflated a bit at her words.

"I don't..." Goldy picked up on the hurt from the other woman's voice as she trailed off, and Goldy felt bad.

"Of course not, I know that," she said, voice softened as she crossed the room to her friend. "I am sorry, Tina, I didn't mean it like that."

Goldy understood Tina's pain. No matter how much the other girl worked to prove her worth, even Goldy herself was aware of how others spoke of her. "Tina, the queen's pet, gossip of the castle."

"That is alright." Tina let out a sigh and pat the bed next to her, smiling softly.

Goldy obeyed, sitting next to her, smoothing her dress as she did so.

"Alright, let's go through this again. What happened? And don't leave out any details."

"I still don't remember much, Tina."

"Then allow me to help you." Tina reached up and gently touched Goldy's forehead. Goldy exhaled air as Tina's magic began to reveal the fuzzy events of the night prior.


"Hello, my love."

"Hello." Goldy blushed as her intended greeted her, gently taking her hand and pressing a soft kiss into the back of it that sent butterflies to her stomach.

"You look absolutely stunning today, my queen."

"Thank you. You are very pretty yourself, Unicorn."

The wizard chuckled.

Goldy couldn't seem to break the eye contact the two were now sharing. She could spend eternity in his eyes, she thought.

To her right, she heard another man clear his voice. Her attention was drawn to him.

Ryan, captain of the royal guard, stood awkwardly to the side, waiting to escort his queen.

Goldy flushed, embarrassed for making him wait.

"I will see you tomorrow, my love." Unicorn promised, kissing her forehead, lips warm and soft against her head.

"I wish I could just marry you now."

A smile of amusement spread across the wizard's face at Goldy's impatience. "Only one more day to wait. Besides, you don't want to miss out on that amazing party Tina has prepared for you, do you?"

Goldy perked up. "Tina" and "Parties" are two of the best words, especially when used together.

"Tina throws the best parties."


"Until tomorrow then."

"I shall see you soon. Ryan? I trust you'll take good care of her."

"Of course I will." Ryan responded to Unicorn.

"I shall hold you to that."

Ryan offered Goldy his arm, as he escorted her to the great hall.


Goldy opened her eyes, and stared at Tina.

"Why did you stop?" Goldy asked, confused.

"You're crying," Tina said simply.

Goldy reached up to her face.



She was crying.

"I am okay, don't worry," Goldy did her best to reassure her friend.

"If it gets too much, tell me to stop, okay?"

"I will, do not worry."


Ryan and Goldy had arrived in the great hall now.

She turned to face Ryan, and a smile crept across her face as she realized he was looking for someone, scanning the room of guests.

"You should ask her to dance," Goldy said, causally.

Ryan's focus snapped back to Goldy. His eyes were wide. "Wh-what?"

"Tina. You should ask her to dance at the reception tomorrow. I'm sure she would appreciate it."

"My queen, I mean no offense, but she is the Royal Sorceress. I am merely the Head of the Royal Guard. It wouldn't be acceptable. She greatly outranks me."

"Are you saying it is improper of me to wed my fiancé?" Goldy teased.

"That's different."


"You are the queen, you can tell anyone what to do, and they must listen. Who you date is up to you, not up to the role you have in this world."

"Everyone must do anything I ask of them?"


"What if someone refuses?"

"I shall enforce your commands myself, should such an occasion arise, though I highly doubt it will."

"Wonderful!" Goldy clapped her hands together. "Then, as your queen, I request that you ask our Royal Sorceress to dance tomorrow."

"My queen! I-"

"You will, yes?"

"I-I suppose I must, mustn't I?"


When Goldy opened her eyes again, it was because Tina had pulled away. Her face bright pink with blush. It was the first time Goldy had seen the girl so flustered since they were children.

"He was going to ask me to dance?" She asked, timid. How odd for someone so normally filled with complete confidence.

"Yes. I had him promise me."

"Goldy! We have to get you married!" Tina exclaimed, passion sparking in her eyes.

Goldy's jaw clenched. "Best hurry up then." Her voice returned to the sincerity that had been their since she had woken to terrible news earlier that morning.


"My queen."

Goldy huffed, she recognized that voice. She had only just sent Ryan off on a quick errand. Of course, the man had probably been waiting for Ryan to leave. Goldy suppressed a groan of annoyance and an eye roll as she turned around.

"Sabre!" Her voice was filled with fake happiness. "Tina told me you weren't going to come!"

Tina had indeed said Sabre wouldn't be there. Specifically, Tina had said Sabre wasn't invited.

"My invitation must have never made it, but I overheard Lady Cookie talking about the wedding, and knew there must have been a mail issue, so here I am!"

Goldy clenched her jaw so that she wouldn't say anything she would later regret.

"I must say, I'm quite disappointed though. I wasn't aware of who you had taken for your spouse until I arrived earlier today. I told Sir Dave that I thought you were one of those people who would never marry. Especially after you had turned me down. I just assumed marriage wasn't your thing."

No, Goldy had rejected him because he was not only arrogant and a bit of a jerk, but he had stood her up on multiple dates during their three month courtship period.

"Imagine my surprise that, not only were you marrying someone, but he was merely a Palace Wizard! I knew something must be amiss, after that."

Goldy almost broke her composure right then and there. How dare he insult Unicorn like that. He was so much more to her than just "some mere palace wizard."

"Tell me, my queen. Does he have you under an enchantment spell? Oh who am I kidding, I'm sure he does. Don't worry though, a true love's kiss can fix one of those."

And suddenly he was leaning in close. Goldy froze, panic taking over.

But then he froze too.

"I can assure you," Goldy let out a breath of relief as she realized why Sabre had stopped. "Our queen is not under an enchantment spell."

"Tina," Sabre grimaced through frozen teeth. Goldy stepped away from him and spotted Tina.

"Hello Sabre. Are you aware that touching the queen without her consent is punishable by decapitation?" She asked, walking over to them. Arm linked with Ryan's.

This was news to Goldy, for sure.

Ryan seemed to notice her surprise. "She isn't lying. You'd be surprised at how easy it is loose your head by disrespecting Royalty."

Goldy couldn't help but smile at that.

"I think it's time for you to go, Sabre." Sabre tried to protest, but Tina just flicked her wrist, causing him to spin around and start walking out. "Byeee." She called after him.

He attempted to shout something back, but it sounded muffled to Goldy.

Tina's magic carried him right over to two guards, both of whom seemed happy to escort the unwelcome guest out.

"Never did like him." Tina shook her head.

"Me either." Ryan agreed.

"I think it's time for you to go, Sabre." Sabre tried to protest, but Tina just flicked her wrist, causing him to spin around and start walking out. "Byeee." She called after him.

Sabre shouts something back, though most of the words are muffled, as Tina controls his body. "You mmm mm-mm mm!!!!!!"

Tina's magic carried him right over to two guards, both of whom seemed happy to escort the unwelcome guest out.

"Never did like him."

"I think it's time for you to go, Sabre." Sabre tried to protest, but Tina just flicked her wrist, causing him to spin around and start walking out. "Byeee." She called after him.

"You will-" Sabre shouts, voice being drown out by the crowd around them.

"I never-"

"I think it's time for you to go, Sabre." Sabre tried to protest, but Tina just flicked her wrist, causing him to spin around and start walking out. "Byeee." She called after him.

"You will regret this!" Sabre shouts back, his voice is so clear, like there isn't another sound in the room.


Goldy gasps as she opens her eyes.

"Well shoot. Guess we have our first suspect, huh?"

"What does the law say about kidnapping the future husband of the queen?" Goldy asks after the disorientation subsides.

"Oh I'm sure we are about to find out."


Turns out, the law sees death as too good a fate for a kidnapper.

Goldy isn't sure what Ryan means when he tells her that, but she worries over the implications as they pull her former suitor away in handcuffs.

Unicorn is being healed by a castle witch. Goldy stands anxiously awaiting for the moment they say she may see him.

She hates waiting.

She turns and sees Tina nervously standing next to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh. Nothing."

"You're nervous. You're never nervous."

"Unicorn is a very powerful wizard. How is it even remotely possible that Sabre, a man without any powers whatsoever, is capable of overpowering him and snatching him away in the dead of night without even so much as a single guard noticing?"

Goody had to admit, the girl had a point.

"So clever, I knew I couldn't pull one over on you." A sing-songy voice seemed to come from behind Goldy, though when the queen turned, no one was there.

Tina seemed to have heard it to, as she turned as well.

"Who is there?" Tina demanded.

"Why Tina! I am offended! You don't even recognize the voice of your own sister-in-law?"

Goldy couldn't locate the source of the voice for the life of her, and it was making her quite annoyed.

"Kat," Tina growled.

"Hello baby sister-in-law! It's been awhile!"

The source of the voice materialized in front of Tina and Goldy.

Goldy wasn't sure who the powerful and beautiful mage in front of her was, but Tina certainly seemed to. Judging by how Tina reacted to the woman, this mage was not to be trusted.

"I should have known it was you. Trying to mess up Unicorn's wedding like this. Have you no shame?!"

"Unicorn knows this marriage is cursed. I'm only trying to protect him." Her voice sounds casual, though she is talking about kidnapping Goldy's soon-to-be husband.

"Protect him? Protect him?! Kat! You're the reason he was cursed in the first place! Besides. I'm prepared for anything this curse wants to throw my way. As is Unicorn!"

"You are a fool."

"At least I'm not an unfaithful wife!"

"At least I am capable of getting guys to fall for me, unlike you. Still haven't even had your first kiss yet?"

Goldy spots Tina's powers sparking between her fingers, and she knows things are about to escalate. But how does one interfere when two magical beings are preparing to kill one another.

"You need to leave, before I let the council know what you've done here. Using magic against another magic-user in The Order is strictly against code and you know it!"

"Oh grow up, Tina. No permanent damage was done. It's so much more tame than that curse." She giggled. "I'll let your brother know you say hi!" She promised before vanishing.

"She's the worst."

"Tina, what curse was she talking about?"

"That is Unicorn's story to tell, not my own." Noticing Goldy's unhappy reaction to this, she adds: "I'm sorry, Goldy. I'm sure he'd tell you if you asked him, though."

Goldy could tell that Tina wasn't so certain about that herself, but before she could inquire further, Ryan slipped out of the room they were healing Unicorn in.

"My queen, my sorceress. Unicorn is awake."


Hello there guys! I hope you enjoyed this little one shot I just randomly wrote out of the blue. I had this weird idea in my mind I wanted to play with, and here we have it. Would you guys be interested in seeing more from this AU? I have a few more ideas that I could probably do either some AU one-shots or head canon lists about, if you would be interested in that kind of thing. And yeah! I haven't written in awhile, so I was surprised I actually made it this long haha. Just over 2000 words.

Anyways, umm. Okay bye!

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