Unintentional Passion

By PlayNmyCurlz

42.7K 1.8K 109

Geovanni Have you ever gotten that feeling that somebody was watching you? And that person who was watching... More

5 days
Back to Reality
After Dark
9:30 be ready
'93 NBA Finals
No sex
First Date.
Just.. Please..
Family Meeting
The Mist
Favorite Places
Just tell me a story
You can go out
Keep in touch though
Cotton Club
No Monsters
The Presence
God of War?
Lite Work
Not a baby..
Take Me Home

Solid Ground

1.9K 84 0
By PlayNmyCurlz

Chapter 3

When I finally came to my senses we were standing on a beach.I looked up to see her looking down at me and smiling.

"You know we are on solid ground now, you can let me go if you want..." she said and pulled me closer.

"...Or not," she said and chuckled.

I laughed and looked down at the ground. I unwrapped my arms from around her neck. I had got lost in her beautiful icy blue eyes.

"Sorry,"  I said as she stared at me and I felt so many things.

None of it was fear. I think I was just curious about her and also why I feel so drawn to someone or thing that doesn't exist. Well she isn't suppose to exist. She smirked and grabbed my hand. I looked around and noticed we were on a beach, but not one in Chicago the skyline was much different.

"We are in Cali,"  she said.

"How did we get her so fast?" I asked her.

"We flew, I figured you would be more comfortable if we were further away from your... home," She said.

I knew we flew but I didn't know we went this far. It was nice though. Peaceful almost. I was away from swearing and abuse. We walked up and down the beach in silence until we reached a spot on the beach that was somewhat in the middle. She sat down. For some reason this felt familiar. I swear I had a dream like this a couple of nights ago. In fact I've been having a lot of crazy dreams lately.

Each dream pulled me closer to her. They have all been about us. They been so weird though.

"Have a seat Geovanni," she said smoothly releasing me from my thoughts.

I chuckled and blushed as I I looked down at her and she smiled at me. I nibble on my bottom lip as my body moved on her request and the weird warmth of her smile, the feeling was intense and inviting . I was trying to fight the urge to sit between this things legs.  She chuckled and grabbed my wrist lightly as she pulled me down on to the sand and between her legs. I felt my body tense at how close she was.

"Relax darling, I want you in an entirely different way," she said.

"That's not comforting at all," I mumbled.

She could turn my ass into her private blood bank or sex slave or some shit.

"Well how about you ask me some questions so you can become comfortable. I need you to be comfortable with me Geovanni," she said in this heavy accent.

I bit my lip as chills went down my back. Comfortable I have no idea what that means or what it feels like. A word that had got erased from my vocabulary. I use to have it when my mom was alive but she's been gone for almost 12 or so years.

"You know I've always hated water in a way," she said, pulling me from my thoughts again.

"Why is that?" I asked her.

"It's unpredictable, just like people," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as I looked up at her.

"You never know what it's going to do. You never know if the sea will be calm or aggressive. You can't predict the current or waves. Even if you can, it might turn into something you weren't expecting," she said.

"You could always wash up someplace new and better than where you came from," I said as  I looked back at the water.

All I saw was a chance to find a new peace. An escape from my current situation. The water was strangle calming. It was relaxing me. I also felt safe with her.

"Or you might end up someplace worse," she said.

That was true too. I sighed as I watched the waves crash against the sand. She was right, the sea was aggressive but it was also calm.

"I thought vampires had to be invited into people's house,"I said.

We had been sitting for like 5 minutes, but it felt so much longer. It was like time stopped or didn't matter as much.

"Not when you own a house," she said.

I knew someone owned the house, never knew who because my parents would just leave the rent check in the mailbox.I had to switch the place when I got a note saying that the rent was short but not to worry about it. It has been waived.

"How old are you?" I asked her.

I turned my body to face her. She was looking out at the ocean. She rubbed her chin as she smirked and then looked at me.

"Which age are you referring to?"  She asked me as her eyes started to fade from a light blue to just blue. A really bright blue.

"I don't know both I guess," I said as I looked deeper into her eyes that were pulling me in.

She looked at me and laughed. She tugged on her ear and bit her plump pink lips.

"Based on  appearance alone I am between 25 or  30.." She said and licked her lips.

She didn't look like she was 30 she looked like she was still in her 20s or something.

"..But too total the amount of lifetimes; I would say thousands , upon thousands , and more thousands of years," she said and winked at me.

"Damn, you would have never known," I said and smiled at her as I placed my hand on her cool cheek.

She laughed at me, she was damn near ancient. Like super old. Lifetimes. So I'm guessing vampires really don't die.

"I really am not sure, I don't have a sense of time. It doesn't exist to me. Time is something that mortals go by because you have so little of it. I have all the time in the world," she said as she looked up at the sky.

She still had a smile on her face. Like it was the best part of begin immortal. Nothing or no one could kill you. I'm sure having that type of ability is so damn powerful.

"So you are not from the south or something?"

"No darlin'. This time I am from France. . My mother was a black woman and my father was a white man. He raped her and I was that baby. But in other lives it's always something different but same beginning.....from poor to rich from mortal to everlasting life. Immortality and their perks," She said and winked at me.

I nodded my head. I was getting more intrigued by her each moment. I have no idea what the fuck that first and  last part meant. But it felt important. Those words were so heavy. I wanted to know the heaviness of it.
I was curious. Curious about things that didn't make me think of my drunk abusive father. Or having to shake my ass for some money.

"Who were you in your other lives?" I asked her.

"You will find out soon,"'she said and smirked.

I smiled at her and nodded my head.

"Do you really die from all those things that the movies say you die from?"

She laughed, as she pulled me in closer as the warmth started to develop even more.

"What do the movies say about my kind?" She asked me as she leaned back with me in the sand.

The more we talked the more comfortable I got. It was like I found my long lost best friend or some shot. I smiled as I laid down against her body and sat up off her chest a bit. I watched her eyes travel across my lips and back up to my eyes.

"I thought sliver would kill you or some shit," I said as my eyes traveled over her lips.

"I wore sliver the night I met you. Besides it's a mineral found in earth. We are born in it," she said as my eyes found hers on their own.

"Do you really set an alarm to wake up in the morning?" She asked me as I watch her raise her eyebrow.

I laughed and nodded my head. Her asking me questions had also been helping me to relax. She wasn't what I was expecting a vampire to be. She didn't seem so cold. She was just as curious and it was cute.

"That's just stupid. You have so little time. Why restrict yourself by it?," she asked.

"Because that's the way the world works. You need some type of order," I said and smiled.

She nodded her head.

"Mortal logic always amaze me," she said and smiled.

"What about garlic?" I asked her.

" No garlic is just an annoyance, it doesn't harm us. Like a super bad allergic reaction," she said and licked her lips.

"Why do you guys settle?" She asked me and raised her eyebrow.

"Sometimes settling is just easier. We don't have forever like you do," I said and smirked.

"You could," she said.

I bit my lip as I looked up at the sky that was littered with stars. I sighed and looked back  down at her. It was like looking back at the sky when I stared back into her eyes. My mind and body relaxed. It had to be better then life now. I would have forever to figure out myself.

"Uh stakes through the heart?" I asked her as I switched the subject.

" Those will kill most of us. Otherwise it's very painful," she said and chuckled as she rubbed her chest.

I smirked. I wonder. Has she ever taken one.

"That's a story for another time," she said and licked her lips.

"Why are humans scared of dying?" She asked me.

"I think it's the fear of the unknown. Not knowing if you were good enough to make it to good part or if you go to the other place," I said and shurged.

"You are born into death. You shouldn't fear it when it comes," she said.

I nodded my head and bit down on my lip. It is true in a way we are born to die.

"What about holy water and crosses?" I asked her as I smirked.

"Just water and a symbol, " She said and smiled at me as she stared at me.

I've never had anybody pull me in like she did. Part of me wanted to be in her world. To experience the freedom she had. She wasn't scared. Her presence probably would make the strongest man to break.

"Do you cry blood?" I asked her.

"I don't cry," she said and licked her lips.

"Everybody cries,"

She smirked and chuckled as she nodded her head.

"You have to hold regret and remorse to cry, I have neither," She said and looked out at the water.

Something was telling me she did regret something but it was thought not a feeling really.

"How did you become a vampire?" I asked her.

She looked down at her watch and sighed.

"That is a long story and its not enough night for me to even to start the story," She said as she pulled out her Iphone6 .

"So sunlight really does harm you," I asked as I watched her send a message to someone.

"It will burn us, but it's a slow death.... A real slow death," she said as she put her phone back in her pocket and shivered a bit.

She stood up in front of me and outstretched her hands. I placed my hands in hers. I was getting use to her coolness. She pulled me up and wrapped my arms around her neck.

" Tell me the story tomorrow night,"

She looked down at me and smiled. She placed her arms around my waist and before I knew it, we were flying again.

"Well Geovanni, I will see you tomorrow," she said as she held me by my waist.

"Don't have me waiting a week Jordan," I said and smiled at her.

She laughed and bit down on her bottom lip. I watched as the sky started to get lighter.

"I won't. Now get some rest darlin'," she said as she grabbed my hand and place a small kiss on it as she vanished.

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