The Magic Lake (HPxPJO crosso...


978 44 6

Me, @katiexchen , @guoelena, @Artemis_Slytherin , and @Usagi_Gyffindor , @Mintyfreshcola1237 wrote this. PLEA... More

Chapter 1: Letters from Hogwarts
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley
Chapter 2 part 2 Diagon Alley
Chapter 3: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 4: Hogwarts Away!
Chapter 5: Hogwarts Classes
Chapter 6: The Drama Starts Part 1
Chapter 7: Talking to Chiron
Chapter 8: The Library
Chapter 9: Halloween (AKA the Fight)
Chapter 9: Halloween Part 2
Chapter 10: Mysterious Rumbling pt 1
Chapter 10: Mysterious Rumbling pt 2

Chapter 6: The Drama Starts Part 2

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Part 2!

Grace's POV

Once class was over, I ran back down stairs to get back to the Slytherin common room. I gave the wall the password and walked in.

Inside the common room, I found out Kennade had already started her homework. I walked over, set down my bag in an armchair, and started pulling out my homework, parchment, quills, and ink bottles. I laid everything down in front of me, on the table in neat columns. The fire inside the fireplace teetered dangerously close towards my homework, its flames whipping wildly, hitting the sides of the stone bricks that contained it.

Suddenly, a huge billowing sound came in the direction of The Great Hall. The noise averted mine and Kennade's plus, everyone else's attention towards the ceiling. (The Slytherin common room was under the lake so most of the time, sound came up from there.)

Voices of startled students rose as Kennade got up from her spot and walked over to the entrance.

I followed her toward The Great Hall where the headmaster and a few other students stood, keeping a far away distance enough where they weren't in harm's way but could still see a devil like creature, positioned in the middle of the Great Hall. Students crowded around it, wands held out in front of them, fearfully peering over the heads and shoulders of prefects and other students.

"What is that thing?" yelled Potter, trying to raise his voice high enough to extinguish the creature's roaring noises and sounds. Ricky, who stood next to Potter, looked bewildered for a moment before shaking his head and asking, "How ca-'' Just then, "It's a venti!" Kennade stepped in between Ricky. "The mist- how can you... The mist! How can you see through the mist? Well you are magical..." Kennade started to pace around.

"Er... K? We got a venti to fight." I heard Ricky say, glancing at Kennade then the so-called venti. Venti? I thought. Probably some weird, mythical, greek mythology crap. How bad could it be, it's just some... I've never seen a venti before so I didn't know what to make of it. Well, here goes nothing.

Serenity and I pulled out our wands and charged at the venti. Before we could stab it, the venti let out a terrifying screech and started to thrash around like a monster fish out of water. I dived back as it continued to thrash around like a two year old who just got his toy taken away. Guess that didn't work.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kennade and Ricky attempting to fight it. And was that- a knife and sword in the hands?

I walked over to a corner to find Evelyn and Elena scribbling like maniacs.

"Shouldn't you be trying to help fight...?" I asked Elena who was kneeling on the floor with Evelyn, writing down notes. "This is so much information! I don't think I'll have enough paper! No shoo...." Elena waved her hand at me and I quickly got up from the cold, stone, floor.

"Ooooh-kay..." I turned back towards the fight.

"Stupefy! Stupefy!" yelled the headmaster but his attempts seemed pathetic because that spell had no effect whatsoever on the venti. "Odd. That usually works on magical creatures." he said looking at his wand.

"Hate to ruin your moment Sir, but that venti is no magical creature of your kind." Ricky said, looking up at the dumbfounded headmaster. Potter gave him a weird look but looked back at the venti who had started to float closer to them.

Before long, students gathered up their courage and started to help.

I watched from where I was standing.

As students charged, stabbed, and fought, I went in between students, trying to find something that could be useful in fighting the venti.

I squeezed and fought me way in between panting students while Ricky and Kennade were still fighting.

Slowly, the venti started to get tired. It inched closer to the corner.

I walked into the corner where Elena and Evelyn were still taking notes. I don't think those girls will ever stop. I knelt down to catch my breath. Breathing deeply, I got up and pulled out my wand. "Well.... guess I'll try again." I muttered to myself. I trudged over to the front of the crowd and took a deep breath. But before I could do anything, I saw Kennade charge at the venti. Before long, a full on fist fight started between the venti and Kennade. Students watched, horrified as Kennade fought. Her dagger slashing and stabbing, swinging and going in all kinds of directions. I turned around to find Ricky with Evelyn and Elena, walking towards Professor Potter. I decided to join. They were striding so fast I had to run to catch up with them. Little was said while they watched Kennade fight. After Ricky's little "break" he joined the fight again.

After a few minutes, Kennade had defeated the venti. Students cheered and whooped as Kennade walked over to us and stowed her dagger back into its holster. Ricky walked over to the crowd. Sheepishly, and bowed to the cheering students. Ricky walked back to where Evelyn, Elena, and I stood and whipped out his wristband and muttered ambrosia. In a few seconds, ambrosia and nectar popped out of thin air and he caught them. I watched him split the ambrosia with Kennade. They each gulped it down heartily and stood up. They practically glowed with pride.

Tired and sweaty, me and Kennade headed back to our common room, exhilarated. All around us, chatter had erupted and students started to talk about what they saw and did. One even said that there was another monster on the other end. Me and Kennade knew that was all a lie but some believed it. It seems the fight is going to go around for a few days.

Once we got back, I headed to the girls dormitory and sat down on my bed, exhausted. After all that, I think I'll stick to classes instead of fights... I thought. I laid flat on my back on the neat bedding and closed my eyes. Sleep drifted over my exhaustion and before long, I was fast asleep.

Serenity's POV

I trudged to the Gryffindor common room and laid on my bed staring up at the roof. I was exhausted! I started to catch up on my reading when I heard Harry Potter yell something in the direction of The Great Hall. I wanted to check that out. I grabbed my bag and ran out, said bye to the Fat Lady and started running to the noise. When I made it to the Great Hall I saw Kennade.

"Well well well well... What do we have here?" Ricky asked, walking into the room.

"Venti." Kennade responded, "Probably trying to stop the prophecy."

"That's ridiculous!" he exclaimed, "prophecies can't be stopped!"

"Well their to blind to see that!" Kennade said. Just then, the headmast walked in.

"Silence!" Potter shouted. "I will figure out this situation. All of you go back to your common rooms! Prefects, escort your houses.

"So, what are those things?" Professor Potter asked.

"Wait! You can see them!" Ricky said.

"Of course I can. I'm not blind."

"But the-" Ricky started, but Kennade interrupted him "I'm guessing they can see through the Mist because they are magical too." she explained.

"So what are they?" Evelyn asked.

"They're venti, storm spirits." Kennade responded.

"Oh! Better right that down!" Evelyn nugged Elena a little bit and they both took out a notebook and started writing.

"Stupefy! Stupefy! STUPEFY!" Potter yelled at the venti.

"That's er....not going to work" Ricky strangely responded.

Ricky grabbed his sword and lunged and Kennade followed, pulling out her knife and stabbing at the monster. The venti attacked, but she was too fast. She dodged in one direction and Ricky dodged in the other.

She shouted to Ricky "Behind you!"but I was too late. Ricky was slashed across the arm by the venti. "Αφήσει!" Ricky said, which I'm guessing is something in Ancient Greek or something like that, but the venti just gave a sly smile, and continued fighting .

"Aight," Ricky muttered "Let's do this the hard way then."

Kennade slashed and poked, but the monster held strong. Ricky quietly said "throwing knife" at his wristband. 3 small throwing knives appeared.

"They need help" I murmured to Grace. She and I started running and stabbing the venti with their wands. Kennade smacked my forehead. Soon enough the venti attacked again and sent them diving back.

Ricky and Kennade kept slashing at the venti. Evelyn and Elena were scribbling things down every second.

"Oh no" I whispered to myself and ran over not thinking of what to do, I was so stupid and started stabbing with dagger but I remembered, when Kennade was telling me about creatures you need special equi, but kept fighting. I reached for my wand and screamed out, "What should we do-"

Two more students charged in. The two Hufflepuff were shocked.

"I'm just gonna...let you be." said the scared student, as he ran away. I expected the other would do the same, but he stayed.

"How can I help?" he asked.

"Uhhhh..." Ricky responded, looking around the room.

"I know quite a lot of greek mythology, well enough to know that you're fighting a venti." he informed us.

"A clever Hufflepuff! I like this one!" Kennade exclaimed. The Hufflepuff beamed with pride.

Ricky threw a knife at the venti behind him, and it turned to dust. It charged over to him. He tripped on a chair leg as a venti swooped at his face. He threw his knife and it somehow managed to hit the venti.

Kennade slashed at the third venti with all her might. Ricky sat in the corner, being useless.

"Θα σε σκοτώσω!" she screamed. Oh goodness, more Ancient Greek. The venti attacked again, but Kennade dodged it just in time to jab her knife into it. The venti shrieked in pain as it turned to dust.

"And that!" she started, "is called monster slaying!" She walked over and gave Ricky a high five.

"We need to let Chiron know that venti attacked," he said, sounding very concerned.

Professor Potter came over, along with Elena and Evelyn.

"How did you do that?" Evelyn asked.

Ricky shrugged, "ADHD, Half-Blood, y'know, the usual."

He looked down at his wristband, "Nectar and Ambrosia" he said. He slurped some of the nectar and sighed. He took a bite of the Ambrosia and the wound went away completely.

Elena asked, "What is that?" As she pointed at the nectar and ambrosia.

"Something called nectar," he said through a stuffed mouth while pointing at the nectar. "And the ambrosia. It heals us demigods, but if a mortal like you were to consume it, you'd burn away into dust like those monsters over there." Elena and Evelyn looked at each other, and started writing that down in their ever expanding notebook.

"Nectar please!" Kennade said to Ricky. He handed it to her and she took a sip.

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