Syndicate: Project Rye [Kenda...

By ezeywolf27

36.5K 1.6K 407

World Crime Investigating Agency (W . C . I . A.) Is an unknown group of investigators organized by trusted... More

Welcome Detective!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

2.2K 94 51
By ezeywolf27

The scene was all too familiar for my liking, it's irritating honestly, I don't know if it's because we always find ourselves in life threatening situation—even though I signed up for this— or was it the fact that I always end up staring at a barrel of a gun.

I choose the latter.

The sharp click rings in the air, Aigle cocked her gun that she tightly held in her fist, I can see her trembling fingers on the trigger. "Thirty seconds," She gulps. "You have thirty seconds to explain yourself before I empty my gun on you— and you." She glares at Dio as well.

"Wait!" Kendall tugs me back and replaces herself in front of me, the tip of the gun now pointed on top of her head. "Its me. I'm be the one you should be asking."

She held a hard, vicious glare towards me and Dio before cautiously lowering her gun. "Then speak for them. What's the meaning of this?"

"We heard that your unit will be reassigned to Russia."

"So? What does it have to do with their suspicious actions?" She challenged, sheathing her gun back to its holster and cross her arms. 

"They're doing this because I asked to. We want out, we can handle ourselves on our own. The agency is clearly one of problems right now. Syndicates know that we're here and I wouldn't be surprised if they just easily walk in through the front door." Kendall explains. 

Her young sister, Kylie, that was holding on to Dio nods in agreement. "And we're taking them along. We don't want them to be taken away from us."

"I understand...but still, that won't justify their actions." rebutted Aigle conflictingly. "They know well the risk of you two being outside, the general's doing what he can to keep you girls safe."

"Are you just going to accept being away from Emma?" Kendall counters, knowing too well that we're all going through the same situation.

Aigle was taken aback from her question, her arms falling back to her sides. "Are you?" Kendall prompts.

She remained silent, her gaze averting away from us. Kendall got her. Goddamn.

That's my girl.

Alarm blared throughout the hallway, deep shades of red light flashed on the walls and on our skins. My hand instantly clasped on Kendall's wrist as I yank her against me, my heart drumming in my chest as though it almost going to burst.

"What's happening?" Kendall anxiously held onto my arm.

"We have intruders. " Aigle withdraws her pistol again in alert. She turns to me and Dio, her quesy eyes gazing at us that we've never seen before. "Get the girls to safety, check on the others if you can."

"What about you?" asked Dio, stepping forward, as we watch Aigle hurry down the hallway, even if we hated her guts she's still our colleague.

"I need to get back to Emma!"

Dio opened her mouth, but never had the chance to speak because next thing we knew there was a loud explosion, throwing us while heap of thick dust coated the air and debris rained and littered the floor. I rolled to my side, coughing out the rough particles that I inhaled scratch my throat. A large crater appeared before us, blocking the direction where Aigle disappeared to, a large part of the ground collapsed and I can see the lower floor affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

My squinted eyes peer through the thick mist. “Kendall!”

Faint alternating gun fires, high pitched screams and terrified shouts kept echoing around us, I'm not even sure where it was coming from, what I do know is that we need get out this place where hell is already breaking loose.

“Rye!? Kylie!?”

The smoke slowly dissapates, under the dark I see Kylie an arm length away from me, laying there on her side unmoving. I shuffle over to her, pulling her to her back. “Kylie, wake up. ” I shake her small frame.

I blindly searched the entire area, assuming the agencies power were out because of the explosion. Kendall was right, they are going to be here. The traitor should've led them to our location.


“Rye! We're here!” I see small glow of light waving from the other side, Dio probably using her phone signaling me.

“The fuck are you two doing there?”

Dio replies with a monotone voice. “Hell you think we know? You just had to ask that stupid question.”

“Where's Kylie?” interject Kendall, her worried voice brought an ache to my chest.

“She's here..but she's unconscious.” I turn my attention back to the young girl. “Just a second.” I shake her by the shoulder again to wake her.

Then her body jolts awake, coughing wildly while I help her to sit up. “Are you alright?”

Kylie whimpers, her hand shooting down her foot. “What's wrong?” I incidentally gripped on it making her hiss in pain. “Shit, sorry.”

“It's fine.”

Clicking a tongue, I manage to examine her foot. “A sprain. Think you can walk?”

She attempts to pull herself on her feet, and failed. “I don't think I can.”

“Here, hold on to me.” I snake my hand around her shoulders and pull her against me, taking her along as I stood up. 

She scans our area. “Where's Kendall and Dio?”

I point to the two's direction even though it was only a tiny orb of light from Dio's phone can be seen in the dark.

“We need to get out of here, fast.” After telling her I turn to the two. “Dio! Seeing as we can't go there together, let's meet at the parking lot, my car's at the very near the fire exit.”

“Okay, we'll meet you there.” She responds. “You bring your pistol?”

“No..I didn't.” Fucking great. Now Kylie and I are going to be more in trouble along the way. “We'll manage. We're just going to avoid running onto them.”

“Please be safe, alright?” Softly, Kendall says making me turn to Kylie.

I'll make sure her safety comes first, even if it means I put my life at risk. For Kendall—“I promise.”
I let Kylie latch on my shoulder while I had an arm on her waist. She limped beside me as we trudge across the empty hall finding alternate way to head down the parking lot, if only our easy way of escape weren't blown off we would've already gotten out of this place. I hope Kendall is safe with Dio. It only had been ten minutes since we seperated from them, well kinda had to considering the odds were against us. In addition, I'd be lying if I didn't say I wish it was Kendall who was with me, not her young sister— not that Kylie's a problem, its just that I want Kendall.

Do I have to fucking admit that?!

Simultaneous footsteps marching headed our direction. Making us abruptly pause on our tracks. Spotting a closer room, I shoved Kylie inside (“—Rye!” Kylie whisper-yelled) setting her down wedged behind the open door while I stand on the other side waiting a perfect time to jump on them.

Pressing my back against the wall, I hid behind the door frame, it barely covered my body good thing darkness has its own good use. Three unknown men passed by me, armed with heavy rifles. I inched behind them quietly, a hand gently reaching for a pistol from the man closer to me. As I grab it—

A low clink erupted in the silence.

They swiftly spun with their rifles raised. I bend my knees with one leg stretched tripping the third man down. Standing back up, I swat the first man's gun pointed to me and it fired, burning permanent hole in the wall. I brought my leg up, I kicked it straight on the second man's face, I could feel his jaw crack at how hard my foot whipped across his face.

I brought my attention to the first man and shift his rifle horizontally, shoving him to the wall and press it hard against his neck, he grunts and heave in attempt to relieve air I had cut off of him.

Hearing a sharp click of a gun behind me, I swear at myself that I completely forgot there was a third one. I twist my head to the side and see the third man holding it up directly to me.

A loud gun firing made my body jump. The man falls to the ground with a loud thud. Virgo fires another shot, then another to the second man. I swear never have I ever have been so glad to see someone in my life.

Returning my attention back to the first goon, I strike my heel to the side of his knee, it snapped to the side, his scream of pure agony ring in my ears. His grip on his rifle loosened and I took the chance to scoop it into my arms, then spend a bullet to his chest.

“Did I come in a right time?” Virgo grins at me, spinning her pistol in her palm. I heave a sharp intake of breath with a nod, backtracking my steps to the closet. “Glad to be in your service.”

“Where are you...” Virgo was about to ask, pausing when she sees me assisting Kylie out of the room.

“Are you alright?” Seeing Kylie's frightened expression, I ask. She clutch on my shirt tightly as I tug her close to me whie giving her quick reassuring taps on her back.

“Where's everyone?” I turn to Virgo, who was on the other side of Kylie, helping me. “And how did you get up here?”

“When the attack started Epta, Esey and I immediately led the girls to safety, we even managed to run into Kendall and Dio along the way,” Virgo was now guiding us the way, turning to another hall that seemed unending.

Relief washed over my whole body at the mention of Kendall's name. “Are they safe?”

“They're in safe hands, don't worry.” My colleague lips curl. “They're the ones who told us that you're stuck here, when half of the building collapsed one of the ventilation duct outside the basement jutted out from one of the walls, luckily it connected to this floor.”

“So you're the one who volunteered to save us?”

She nods.“Yes, everyone's already waiting with some reinforcements, others still scoping out the area, and it's not good.”

“Are there any casualties?”

Her face fall from my statement. “A lot, some of them were in the offices finishing up their reports when the bombing happened.”

Kylie's sadden gaze connect to mine.

“The vents are right here.”

Virgo directed us to a room, or what's left of it. The walls had deteriorated from the bombing, metal wires were protruding out the smashed walls, cement rubbles trashed the cracked floors. I can practically see the night city through the broken walls. When we hear upcoming footsteps heading our direction, Virgo and I tug the young girl hurriedly to the metal ducts opening.

“You go first then Kylie,” Virgo instructs, eyes flickering to the said girls injury. “You can catch her from the other side.”

I decline, being that she helped us I owe it to her to be the first one to get out. “No, you catch Kylie—”

“We have no time goddamnit,” It sound got louder in each second. “Go!”

Casting one hesitant glance at Kylie and Virgo, I dived into the opening, darkness filled my sight while gliding down the metal pipe. I shoot through the end and rolled to the ground. The basement was empty, damaged; close to collapsing. I bet the ceiling will fall if we don't get out of here in time.

Just a few more we'd be meeting with the others. I'll see Kendall again at the parking lot just through the basements exit.

I shuffle back to my feet, waiting for Kylie to come through. Then there was a high pitch scream thundered from the other side, screaming my name. It was Kylie's voice.

“Kylie!” My palms kept slamming the side of the metal opening. “Kylie!”

Seconds turned into minutes, right there and then I knew the Syndicates might already apprehended them. Backing away slowly, I need to tell the others, they must be in the area somewhere so we could immediately save them.

I bolted through the exit, the pounding of my feet reverberating in the air while I blindlessly dashed across in hopes in find the others and tell them what happened.

A body connects to mine, bringing me along with them as we aimlessly rolled on the floor. At pause when I layed on my back, Tora's irritated face came into view.

“The hell are you doing?!” She snapped at me, dragging me behind a badly damaged car, crouching beside while reloding her pistol.

It was confusing at first to see her reaction, but then I understood when I finally comprehend the events presented while in the middle of it all; guns blazing, furious shouting and simultaneous chime of bullet casings raining to the floor.

Opening my lips to speak, she cuts me off again, shoving a gun to my hand. “No time for talking, we need to press on before we get trapped.” Tora orders, rising up to her feet to retaliate.

I nod with a breathless sigh, shifting the gun in my hand. Peering through the edge, the unit were upfront trying to gain area from the attack, we're not totally complete. I wonder where were the others.

It didn't take long until we gained enough space for defense, and the crooks from the Syndicates were retreating from their place and up to exit the parking lot. We trailed behind them, peeling some of them one by one that the ones we shot fell to the ground.

Making our way outside following them, they all slid back into their vehicle that they used corner the whole agency. One vehicle in particular got all of our attention— that it only got me to realise something. Their girls weren't with us in the fight, Kendall wasn't with us.

And there they were—my girl and even her sister—and the rest of them are inside that van, their terrified eyes longingly stared at us, their fist banging on the windows seeking to break their way through the thick glass while gruff men pull them away from our sight.

“Kendall!” I yell on top of my lungs, heart palpitating, legs pumping, chasing off the van that rumbled away. No. no. no.

My tired knees buckle as the air in my lungs drained, I fall to my knees catching my breathing while dejectedly watched the vehicle disappear. My heart felt like being clawed out of my chest, every second it beats.

How did they get all of of them, who.

Those questions in my head were answered when we hear the indistinct chuff of a helicopter above our heads. The culprit gaze down at us from the the window, I can see her wide mischievous grin that made me body froze at the sight.

I can't believe it, we trusted her— I trusted her. And all this time she had it all planned out, played with us, got us in the palm of her hand.

The helicopter gained speed and we watch it depart in the sky.

Leaving us defeated.


It's time to know her story.
Who do you think is the traitor?

This is not the end of the story, just changing a point of view.

Damn, it took this long for me to update because I was stuck. Anyways, even though I feel like I'm not satisfied with this chapter because I really squeezed some ideas I'm I still sticking up to it because you all deserve an update for you undying patience.


What do you lovelies think about this
Follow me:
insta: riee. aigle27

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