Her Lips My Touch ✓

Por fanboyriot

15.8K 684 61

What happens when the girl you randomly made out with ends up being your new roommate? Holland Waldrop left h... Mais

Chapter One | Sweet Candy
Chapter Two | She's Really Hot
Chapter Three | Well Fuck
Chapter Four | One Thing at a Time
Chapter Five | What are Friends For?
Chapter Six | Just Kiss Her!
Chapter Seven | Blankets and Stars
Chapter Eight | Pizza and a Movie
Chapter Nine | Birthday Girl
Chapter Ten | Holding Hands is Gay
Chapter Eleven | Dried Ink
Chapter Thirteen | Dorks
Chapter Fourteen | Game Night
Chapter Fifteen | Gone
Chapter Sixteen | Nightmares Are Real
Chapter Seventeen | Much Worse
Chapter Eighteen | Google History
Chapter Nineteen | Voodoo
Chapter Twenty | Magical Art
Chapter Twenty-One | Netflix and Chill
Chapter Twenty-Two | City Vibes
Chapter Twenty-Three | Winter Wonderland

Chapter Twelve | Dating a Model

540 25 2
Por fanboyriot

Holland was kinda paranoid after seeing that picture of herself. The walk to work didn't seem to help matters. She didn't even realize anything different every time she tried to think back.

If she didn't know someone was following her then, could they still be following her? Maybe that's what the stalker wanted them to think.

The whole thing freaked Holland out-rightfully so-however, at the end of the day, it was simply a picture.

Ember seemed a bit worked up over it still. It had been a week since it happened but she was a bit suspicious that something worse was going to happen.

Holland tried not to think about it. Of course, it was all easier said than done.

Just as Holland thought she was figuring Ember out then her dead sister's mentally unbalanced boyfriend threatened her girlfriend and Holland was back to stage one again. She didn't know anything.

When Holland walked into the coffee shop the bell rang as she opened the front door. She would be safe there, security cameras and people were there at least as witnesses or something. At least that's what Holland told herself.

Holland went to the back and put her apron and hat on before she headed back out front. "Morning, James!" She chimed as she walked by her manager's office.

James didn't look up from his computer, but he waved and muttered: "morning." From the looks of it, he might have been there since the day before.

Out front Miles greeted her. "Good morning!"

She smiled. "Morning!"

Holland was for once grateful for a busy shift. It was nice to get her mind on something else.

The day seemed busier than normal, even Miles had to come out front to help for a bit before heading to the back to wash up the dishes and cook whatever was on the menu for the day.

"Half-caf, no foam, sugar-free, large, cupcake latte, please?" A tall guy with messy purple hair and a Denki Kaminari hoodie ordered.

"You got it, name?" Holland asked.

"Pikachu," he said with a yawn.

As Holland got the right sized cup, she took the sharpie and wrote "Shinsou" on it as she made sure he didn't see the name. She added a cat paw print for good measure.

Holland always loved when she got people like this. It was fun when people gave names of fandoms or things along those lines.

She would always try and write something extra on their cups along with making them look extra fancy.

"Here ya go," she set the cup on the counter and moved onto the next customer.


It was around eleven by the time Holland rushed to her classes. The buildings for the med students were all mushed together.

The college had multiple courses she could take and for the most part, they tried to keep all of them together so the students didn't have to walk across campus just to go to one class and walk back to the other side to go to a different class.

This class was not her favorite and frankly, the teacher was a bit intimidating. She almost reminded Holland of Gloria Akalitus from Nurse Jackie.

Holland knew the woman had her moments where she was nice, however, most of the time she was straight to the lesson and glaring most of the time.

It didn't help that Holland was handing in an essay for the class. She set her paper on her desk as she walked up and took her normal seat near the front row. It was off to the side enough that she wasn't sure if it was the front row or second.

Through the lesson, she took notes making sure to write everything the professor said because she knew all too well the woman would not repeat herself. It was one of Holland's more challenging classes and in that sense she loved it.

What she didn't like about it was the fact it lasted for nearly two hours. Two hours of a lecture and reading. She was always thankful to be finished with it for the week.

Today was no different.

Once Holland got out of class she was running late for her lunch date with Venus.

Holland hadn't talked with her lately like she normally did before bed. Venus had been busy working a new shift at her one of her jobs and also working on a few new pieces of art.

Holland scrolled through the messages she had with Venus, to try and find out where she was meeting her at.

It didn't take that long to find the building and to find her at one of the tables. It was another sandwich place which Holland didn't really mind.

"About time, I was thinking my own sister forgot about me," Venus said dramatically.

"I could never, no matter how much I try," Holland joked.

Holland looked through the menu as Venus told her about how her new shift was much better than her last one.

About every few months they would switch the times she had to work and which location. There were two stores she worked at both of which were near her apartment building so it wasn't like she had to travel far for either job.

She much preferred the night shifts over the day ones, something about fewer people and the people she did see were always much nicer.

They ordered their food and caught up on each other's lives. Holland didn't mention the picture or note to her door, instead, she told Venus about her classes and how work was going.

"I'm also going to a fashion show tonight, like a proper one," Holland smiled.

Ember had tickets for some designer show and asked her if she wanted to go. Her dad got them every year because of his business apparently. It kinda made Holland wonder what exactly she did for a living yet again.

She never got the chance to ask Ember without it being weird on her part.

"What?! Fancy, how'd you get them?" Venus grinned.

Holland explained, still kinda in shock. She never was all that into fashion but going to a proper fashion show-one in New York-just was something out of her Tumblr dream.

Long after they finished up their food they were still talking.

"Okay you can't really get out of this but I'm going to ask to be nice you know. You and Ember and those hallmates of yours are coming over tomorrow night for a game night and whatever other shit people do."

Holland smiled.

"I'll let them know if they don't show up you'll be coming after them."

"Perfect," Venus smiled.

Once Holland was back at her dorm she finished up her assignments for the day before Ember got back. She said she would have a dress for the event tonight. It kinda made Holland giddy to see what it was.

Holland's phone rang as she was finishing up her draft for gross anatomy. She quickly answered it acting like it didn't just scare her. She made a mental note to put some sounds or something on while she worked.

"Hey mom," Holland spoke hesitantly. Her mother might have had a habit of butt-dialing people so she never knew if the woman meant to call her sometimes.

"Holland? Oh, good you're not busy are you?"

"Not now I was just finishing up an assignment," Holland muttered, shutting down her laptop. "What'd you want?" She questioned.

"Nothin' just thought I'd give you a ring, see how you're making out at that fancy school of yours, you're father and I are very excited to hear about it when you come back over your break."

Holland nodded forgetting she was on the phone with her. If people thought Holland was a talker then they clearly haven't met her mom. The woman's words more often than not would come out quicker than Holland could register them, so most of the time she would just toon her out.

"Yeah mom, I'll tell you everything over Christmas break, but things are going great. The teachers are really cool and when you ask about severed limbs they don't even question you."

Holland thought that last bit would irritate her a bit since she once asked a question in middle school regarding the topic of severed limbs and let's say the cops were not amused. Shockingly enough all Holland heard was a slight sigh on the phone.

"That's great sweetie, did you make any new friends there, Venus told us about your new job that must be nice working so close to campus."

"Yeah it's great-" Holland paused when the door opened.

Ember walked in with two large bags, like the ones that would zip up dresses or long coats in to protect them... or Holland's first thought being makeshift body bags.

"Uh, mom I'm going to have to go. Love you and tell dad I love him too bye."

She hung up before getting a response. Her mom was just the kind of person who would be on the phone with her for hours and every time Holland tried to say bye she would bring something up. The funny thing was when she had to go she always made it seem like whoever she called was the one keeping her on the phone.

"How'd it go at work?" Holland asked.

Ember laid the bags onto her bed before turning to her girlfriend. 'Good,' she signed with a smile.

Ember grabbed one of the bags, it was black with neat cursive writing at the top. Holland wasn't sure what it said, it looked French or Italian or something along those lines.


"Are you sure you don't want me to pay you back for this, I feel guilty for you having to pay for me."

It was already a treat enough that Ember could manage to take her somewhere so amazing, she didn't need to get Holland an outfit as well.

'Fuck off, you don't have anything to be guilty about. Get dressed now or we'll be late.'

She shoved the bag into Holland's hands and turned for her to get dressed. Holland awkwardly took the bag over to her side of the room.

"You can be so stubborn," Holland muttered before laying the bag down on her bed to get dressed.

She quickly took off her clothes and unzipped the bag. Inside was a champagne gold dress. It had rose gold detailing scattered on the whole thing creating a subtle shimmer. It looked like one of the classiest things she had ever seen in person.

"It's gorgeous," Holland couldn't help but mutter out.

She pulled out the dress as if it were to break with her touch and unzipped the back of it before pulling it on.

It fit well, hugging Holland's body and giving her more of an hourglass shape than she naturally had. It was the perfect length too, not too short, but not so long she could trip over it.

That was one of her fears about going to this show. How stupid would it look if she tripped in front of a bunch of models?

"You can turn around."

Holland couldn't say she didn't enjoy the look on Ember's face when she saw the blonde in the dress. Her brown eyes seemed darker and she looked like she was refraining from ripping the dress off Holland.

The butterflies in Holland's stomach definitely didn't help her with her confidence.

"So how hot do I look?" Holland questioned doing a spin.

'Very hot,' she grinned.

"Your turn, get dressed."

Without hesitation, Ember turned and started to get undressed in front of Holland.

The blonde knew she should turn and give Ember privacy as the woman did with her, however, her body wouldn't move.

The sight of Ember in nearly only her black lacy panties was not something Holland could turn away from easily. Ember quickly discarded her bra before pulling out her dress.

Holland quickly turned before she caught her staring, there was no way she was going to be a creep like that. Holland instead fixed her hair making sure the loose curls weren't too messed up from the ponytail she had to wear for work earlier that day.

When she felt a soft hand on her shoulder she turned.

"Holy shit!" Was what she thought would be great to say apparently.

Ember's dress was much longer than Holland's and a bit more revealing in the boob area with a low v-neck.

It was all black and had two slits on each side to reveal part of her legs. When Holland looked closer the whole thing was covered in a floral lace pattern. It was gorgeous on her.

"I mean you look amazing!"

'Thanks,' she signed with a smirk.

Within twenty minutes they were fully ready to go. Neither of them wore all that much makeup however Ember had on dark green lipstick that went perfectly with her hair.

Holland added gold eyeshadow paired with a dramatic winged liner.

When they got into a car that drove them to the event is when things started to become real. Ember was really a Queen-like she had thought. Holland felt like royalty at that moment.

"I can't believe this is happening," Holland muttered as they pulled up to the doors of the building.

Ember smiled. 'Just follow my lead,' she signed before kissing Holland's hand.

The door opened and Ember got out first with Holland soon following. Once she saw the flash of lights she knew what Ember had meant by her statement.

Ember calmly took Holland's hand and guided her inside past the rush of paparazzi.

"I hope they got my good side," Holland joked.

The inside was something you would see in a magazine for CHANEL or some other booshie brand. Holland wasn't really sure.

Everything was so neat and clean.

"Miss. Russo, wonderful to see you," a woman with a pink pantsuit. She sounded like she had a French accent.

'You too,' she signed slowly.

As they exchanged words Holland looked around a bit more, she studied the different types of fashion the audience rocked. If the audience looked that good she couldn't wait to see the models.

Once they made it to their seats the lights quickly changed and the stage lit up. They weren't the first row but with the view they had, it didn't really matter. Holland could see the stage perfectly.

All the designs were interesting and unique to themselves but the ones Holland liked the most were the third and second to last ones.

The third was a guy in what looked like a silk suit, the pattern had butterflies and flowers with a blue base. It looked like a Japanese style of art.

The other one she liked was also a suit-like outfit. The blues and greens went perfectly with the woman's dark complexion. The style was a lot different from the last one. This suit looked like something someone would wear to a proper tea party, it showed a mix of fun and elegance.

A classy Alice before she fell into Wonderland.

The event was over before Holland knew it and if she didn't know any better this would be the time she woke up from a dream.

Holland loved it.

It was definitely something she would want to do again if the opportunity ever arose again that is.

"That was totally wicked," she muttered to Ember.

Ember chuckled at her movie reference before signing. 'If you don't mind waiting for a little we can see Rebecca, the one who designed everything.'

"Are you kidding me? Yes, that would be awesome."

As they waited they watched the people start to clear out of the building, some remained talking with other designers or models, she wasn't fully sure.

"Hello girls, enjoy the show?" A woman, who she assumed was Rebecca, walked over to them. She rocked a black dress with a white suit jacket. Her bold jewelry complemented her vitiligo complexion.

"Yes, everything was gorgeous," Holland answered.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," she smiled warmly.

Ember signed a few things and the woman nodded. "I'll have to draw something up but I think it would be a perfect deal. Tell your father I send my regards. Have a great rest of your evening girls."

Once she walked away Ember grinned at Holland.

"What?" Ember stared at her hesitantly.

'Get on the runway, I want a picture of the prettiest model.'

Holland instantly felt the blush creep across her face. "You're crazy if you think I can just walk up there."

'It's only for a second and if we get in trouble I'll handle it.'

They had a staring contest for a few moments before Holland gave in, there was no way she was going to pass this opportunity even if it embarrassed her at the moment.

"Fine but you have to get my right side," Holland muttered before walking over to the side with the stairs.

The blonde did her best to ignore the few hundred or so people still in the building and looking at the crazy girl that just walked up on the runway.

Throwing on some confidence she did a few poses as Ember took a few pictures of her. Holland couldn't help but laugh when she walked back to her girlfriend.

"I can not believe I just did that."

Ember kissed her cheek with a grin. 'You did and kicked ass.'

They walked arm and arm back to the car. "Thank you again for tonight, it was seriously awesome."

Ember kissed her lightly on the lips before they got into the vehicle and she felt the butterflies in her stomach again trying to do tricks.

On the way back to their dorms they got some Wendy's to-go. Much to Ember's protests, Holland didn't let her open the bags until they were changed out of the dresses.

Knowing Holland she would get something on the damn thing and she just wasn't going to let that happen.

They curled up on Holland's bed in pajamas and watched reruns of Phineas and Ferb as they ate their food. Holland thought it was a perfect way to end the date she still couldn't believe happened.

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