Killer Queen That's What I Ca...

By WriterblockIssues

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Y/N Belladonna has a semblance called Killer Queen and his semblance will get him to his dream....his dream t... More

Chapter 1:Black Cat's
Chapter 2:Getting in Beacon
Chapter 3:What a Killer Duwang in Emerald Forset Part 1
Quick Little Bio Update for the Future
Chapter 3:What a Killer Duwang in Emerald Forset Part 2
Chapter 4:Mr.Port's class
Chapter 5:Jaunedice
Chapter 6:Forever Fall
Chapter 7:The Stray Cat's
Chapter 8:Black and White
[Vol.2] Chapter 9:Best Day Ever!
[Vol.2] Chapter 10:Can't keep running forever
[Vol.2] Chapter 11:Cats love Belladonna
[Vol.2] Chapter 12:A Minor Trouble
[Vol.2] Chapter 13:Extracurricular
[Vol.2] Chapter 14:Dance Dance Infiltration!
[Vol.2] Chapter 15:A Field Trip!
[Vol.2] Chapter 16:Mountain Glenn
[Vol.2] Chapter 17:No Brake
[Vol.2] Chapter 18:A Breach
[Vol.3] Chapter 19:The past haunts Y/N and new problems arrive
[Vol.3] Chapter 20:The fall of Beacon
BIO Update
[Vol.4] Chapter 22:Runaways and Stowaways
[Vol.4] Chapter 23:Back in Menagerie
[Vol.4] Chapter 24:Father Pucci, The Kujo, and the spy
[Vol.5] Chapter 25:The Dark Blue Moon

[Vol.3] Chapter 21:Korega Requiem....Da

683 10 13
By WriterblockIssues

Y/N's p.o.v

As I was walking around some White Fang and Grimm looked at me some Beowolves charged at me I bring out Killer Queen I gave Killer Queen some knives they were now bombs Killer Queen threw them at the Beowolves as they got close to them it blew up the White Fang members start shooting at me I sent out Sheer Heart Attacks out as they made contact with the White Fang members my scroll was vibrating I take the call

Y/N:What is it?

Blake:Y/N where are you!?

Y/N:.....That doesn't matter I'm dealing with someone......That someone is Adam Taurus Blake I'll see you soon

Blake:Y/N don't you dare go after him! He's too strong even for me stay away from him!

Y/N:.....To late sister I'm going after him NOW he's in the lunchroom I think see you on the flip side or whatever

Blake:Y/N no-

I hang up and put my scroll away I kept on going I finally found Adam he was about to kill some student but I pull out one more knife and throw it at him he quickly turns around and blocks the knife

Y/N:Adam Taurus! I'm right here ya bastard!

Adam:Well,well,well it's good to see you Y/N Belladonna......Running away like your damn sister again?

Y/N:You leave her out of this you bastard! Why are you working with them!? Those...those THOSE DAMNED PRICKS THAT WANT NOTHING BUT CHAOS?!

Adam:Tch this is what we wanted Y/N! We wanted this! This could've been our day can't you see that!?

Y/N:Me and Blake didn't and never have wanted this damn chaos you bastard! We wanted peace! We wanted equality! I'm not running this time!

Adam:What you two want is impossible! But I understand because all I your sister Y/N! The two of you became nothing but crowds

Y/N:Killer Queen!

Adam drops the student and we charged at me I bring out Killer Queen and used Spin Bubbles he quickly takes cover but the Spin Bubble cut through the piller he got out of cover and charged at me again I pull out my gun and put it in assault machine gun mode and start shooting at him he dodge them until he knocks it out of my hands and kicks me into a wall the fire starts to spread more now

Yang's p.o.v

After dealing with Grimm like a lot of Grimm I see Blake,Weiss,CVFY,and SSSN all fine and well but I don't see Y/N nor Ruby anywhere with them

Yang:Weiss! Blake! You guys are alright! Have any of you heard from Ruby?!

Blake:No but have you heard from Y/N?

Yang:No I haven't at all where is he?

Blake:He went after some....Alpha and White Fang members we need to hurry now he's in the lunchroom

Yang:No stay put I'll go get him for you two go look for Ruby I'll meet up with Y/N

Weiss gives a thumbs up I give a nod and went towards the lunchroom but one problem White Fang and more Grimm....great just great I crack my neck and rush over to the White Fang and Grimm a few White Fang members starts shooting at me I punched one of them into the gut then punched him in the skull sending him flying into Grimm I push past the White Fang until I finally reach the lunchroom I hear Y/N scream I look in and see he was stabbed by some man with a mask on

Yang:You.....bastard! Get away from him!

Y/N:Yang NO!

I charged at the man in the mask and was about to punch him but....he cut off my arm

I land on the ground and everything starts to slowly turning hazy I feel someone picking me up I slightly turn my head over and see it was Y/ the hell did he get his headphones?

Y/N:Yang Xiao are reliable and I made the mistake going alone....and for that I am now in your debt....


???:The only one who will you Adam Taurus this is....the power of REQUIEM!

I see the guy about to attack Y/N he raised his sword and was about to chop his head off but we hear a "Clank" noise I couldn't see well but his semblance looks....different?

Y/N:Are you sure about you perishing me?

-many minuets before Yang was there a.k.a Y/N's p.o.v-

He slams his foot on the back of my head making me to shut up and causing me to bleed from my nose now I was low on aura damnit this is what I deserve?

Adam:As I set out upon this world and deliver the justice mankind so greatly deserves...I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love...then killing you

Y/ truly are a bastard! You know what I saw you has?! A brother! I didn't want to run away like my sister but I didn't have a choice! Heh....but no wonder Blake hates you...she hates you because of the chaos and destruction you made Adam!

Adam:Why you little....

Adam picks me up and throws me into the ground and stomping on my gut until he finally sends the last stomp to my face and now my nose is gushing more and more blood I slowly pulls out his sword then jabs it in my gut I had this sly smirk on my face I sent out Sheer Heart Attack

Adam:What are you smirking for?

Y/N:I'm smirking....because of THIS! YOU FELL INTO A TRAP OF MINE ADAM TAURUS!

I had Killer Queen brought Adam tries to attack Killer Queen was Killer Queen's first bomb Killer Queen gets ready to press the switch but it he was a it was...Sheer Heart Attack and Adam fell for an old trick of mine I guess



As he was about to stab me he was sent flying into the air I was confused at first until it hits me

Y/N:"They weren't no dream! They were truly visions of me be victories against Adam! Thank you Mr.Blond man!"

I pick up the arrow and I had this odd feeling of....stabbing Killer Queen with it? But why do I feel like it....screw it Killer Queen stabbed it's self with the arrow until blood comes out of a hole the Killer Queen falls to the ground it's face was cracking a little what the hell?

Adam:"Damn...what happened? Did Killer Queen do this to me?"

I get back up but Killer Queen didn't the hell?! I don't know what else to do now! As I was distracted Adam charged at me and then stabbed me it was quick but the pain wasn't I fall to the floor bleeding out

Adam:I don't know what happened to your semblance but....heh I'm lucky you did whatever you did and now I'm going to make it my mission to destroy everything you love

Yang:Y/N! Where are you!

Adam:Starting with her

Y/N:No please-

Adam cut my leg off and that caused well....this to happen he sliced off Yang's arm....I slowly get up and tried to pick Yang up but we could only stay on the ground


Killer Queen Requiem:The only one who will you Adam Taurus this is.....the power of REQUIEM!

I look back to see Killer Queen? Yeah Killer Queen....Requiem blocked the attack I look back at him with a pissed off look

Y/N:Do it.....Killer Queen Requiem

KQR nods and starts punching the shit out of Adam


After KQR sent the final blow Adam crashed into the ground KQR turns to me and Yang then disappears I sigh and hug Yang

Y/N:Yang....I'm sorry for being....well me....I'll change soon....I promise.....

Sun:Y/N! Yang!


I look over to see Sun and Neptune running over to us

Neptune:Holy need to get to a hospital

Y/N:Hehe.....yeah I guess so....mind helping us get outta here first?

Sun:Yeah alright I take Y/N you take Yang

Neptune:Got it

Sun and Neptune helped us up and we got out of there and went back to the others

Y/N:H-Hey sis....lost a arm and a leg....

Blake hugged me to death Sun quickly let go of me so....I hugged her back

Y/N:I should get this patched up....

Blake:Oh right uh does anyone have a med kit? Or something?


We turn over to see a....robotic German solider?

Y/N:Who are you?

Stroheim:I am Rudol Von Stroheim! Now do you want that new leg or not Mr.Belladonna?

Y/N:Please that's what people call my father call me Y/N....and yes I would like a robotic leg


(RWBY Vol.3:Begging of the War END)

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