back to life | luke patterson

By brainiacprincess

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"the only thing worse than one girl crying, is two girls crying... make that two point five girls crying." "... More

authors note / intro


395 15 65
By brainiacprincess

"Do we have any Bobcats in the house?" Flynn yells into her mic. The school cheers as a response. "Everybody make some noise!" The cheers become even louder as everyone begins to get hyped. "Okay, okay, okay. Not too much noise, there's an anger management meeting down the hall." Everyone erupts into laughter, but quiets down, not wanting to anger the people down the hallway. Flynn continues DJ-ing as Julie walks into the gym, now adorned with red and blue streamers and balloons. She waves up at Flynn who motions her over.

"How you feeling?" Flynn yells over the loud music. "I'm a little nervous!" Julie responds. "You'll be fine! All your gear's backstage! Come on!" Julie walks up the stage, hiding in the wings. Flynn leaves her stand and walks up to her. "Oh my gosh! You look amazing!" "Thanks! It's my mom's, I finally went through her stuff." Genevieve comes up, hugging Julie from behind. "We finally went through her stuff." Julie laughs, hugging Genevieve's arms. "Yes. I can't take all the credit. There were a lot of clothes to choose from, but we settled on this." Julie motions to her tie-dye net crop top with a black tank top underneath, and a pair of cool looking jeans. "She would've loved that you wore that." Flynn says, admiring Julie's outfit.

"Are the guys here?" Genevieve asks. "No, but they will be. They know how important this is to me." Julie says. Flynn nods, walking up to her stand to make an announcement. "Is everybody fired up for Julie and the Phantoms?" The school cheers as a response, carrying on with their dancing. "Great! Keep that fire 'cause that's later! We're a bit behind schedule, but don't worry, just enjoy these mind-blowing beats!" Flynn continues DJ-ing as Julie and Genevieve sit down. "I'd enjoy these mind-blowing beats if the guys were actually here. It's already past nine." "They'll be here Jules. I reminded them before I came." Genevieve says to her. Flynn smiles at them before motioning Julie to get up.

The two girls look behind them to see Nick standing there. "Nick! Look Gen, it's Nick!" Julie says, chuckling awkwardly. Genevieve nods, walking over to Flynn, not wanting to ruin their moment. "Thanks for the introduction." Nick says back to her. "So you made it." "Wouldn't miss it. The truth is, I can't wait to see you play again. Your song has been stuck in my head for weeks." "Well, someone should let it out." Julie cringes at her reply, wondering why she would say something as stupid as that. Nick looks back at her, a confused expression written all over his face. "I don't know what that meant, either." Julie looks down as the conversation pauses. "I like your shoes." Nick says, walking closer to her. "Thanks. I just like to doodle on them sometimes." Julie says, looking up at Nick. Has he always been standing this close to her? Carrie comes in behind them.

"I can't tell if the crowd is getting restless or bored. Never a good sign." She says, linking arms with Nick. She finally notices Julie. "Oh, hi, Julie. Went shopping second hand in a Goodwill again?" Carrie says sarcastically. "Actually, it's my mom's so-" "Oh, so simple. You know, I was expecting something a little more... sophisticated." She says, not caring about Julie's explanation. "It's what's on the inside that counts, so congrats on being an insensitive bitch." Julie says. "I'd rather have meaningful clothes that last a long time, rather than fast fashion like you." She continues. Carrie steps up closer to Julie, her head held high. Julie shrinks down, hating herself for being small. "Yeah, that's what a lot of people have to tell themselves." She snickers. She fixes her pink furry coat, making sure her denim crop top and miniskirt are okay. She looks at her high heel white boots, admiring them. Genevieve walks up, separating the two girls before they attack each other. "Come on Car, let's go get some drinks, yeah?" Carrie nods and begins walking away with Genevieve. "Come on, Nick." She says to him. He waves bye to Julie as they all walk off. Julie gets her phone and looks at the time. Her screen mocks her with 9:15. "Keep it funky y'all!" Flynn says enthusiastically.

Genevieve, Carrie, and Nick walk down to the table full of food. Carrie grabs a red solo cup filled with punch. "Is there a place to put in a request because I request we leave." Nick holds Carrie's hand. "Come on. Flynn's great!" "What is it with you and these girls? Don't think I didn't see you get all nice and cozy with Julie a second ago." "I'm at a dance. There's music. Why can't you just chill?" "I'm sorry, but there's something about amateur night that makes me a little queasy." "Look, all I'm saying is that-" "What?" Nick takes a deep breath. "Nothing. I'm gonna go get some air." Carrie scoffs. "Can you believe him? Making eyes at Julie and then insisting I chill? Unbelievable." "Yeah... Not his brightest moment. I'm with you." Genevieve agrees.


Alex, Reggie, and Luke finish performing again, losing count of how many songs they've played. They finally sit down at their table, exhausted. "That was one crazy show. Are all these people sworn to secrecy or something? Since it is a secret club." Alex says to Bobby. "Or something... Yeah, let's just say Caleb's offered everyone here with their membership, the opportunity at making it big. And it's worked! They've all happily accepted and now every person in this room is rich and happy." Alex nods, turning around to Willie. "Isn't that insane? You get money, fame, and parties like this all the time? Wow. I'm seriously considering it and asking the guys." "Me too! Maybe Caleb would take me up on my skateboarding skills. I'm not that good though." "Willie, are you kidding? You're awesome at skating. I wish I could skate half as good as you." "Maybe I could teach you sometime? "I'd like that..." Alex says blushing. "So maybe we both sign up and be famous and rich together?" Alex asks, scooting closer to Willie. "I mean, yeah, man. Why wouldn't you just want to hang out and, you know... do this forever?" He says. "You mean like... us?" "More or less. There's a lot to like... about you." Willie says with an adorable smile. Alex feels his heart flutter. Willie winks and gets up to get more food. Luke takes notice and walks over to Alex.

"Oh, you got a crush on Willie!" Luke says, sitting next to Alex. "What? No. No, man. No. We're just-" Alex says, his voice going higher and higher, signifying that he was lying. "Alex, I'm happy for you." Luke says. Alex smiles at him. "Thanks Luke. I'm glad I didn't get stuck with a crazy psycho ex." "Yeah, no problem. I wouldn't want anyone else as my ex-boyfriend."

"I take it you boys are enjoying yourselves?" Caleb says to them. "Yeah, I mean you'd have to be insane to have a bad time here." Luke replies. "Well, entertainment is our specialty. So now, I understand there's something I can help you with." Caleb bows. "Yeah, we hope so. We've heard about your reputation and record company... We were wondering how much of a possibility we have with that?" Reggie says. "Well, sure, I could do that, discuss record deals, yada, yada, yada. But alas, we're at a party! Why focus on that right now when we're among friends? Why don't you boys play some more songs with us? Who knows, maybe you can live your biggest dreams by showing me the best you've got? You three are like me. Born to perform your music in front of sold-out crowds."

"Nah dude. Let's show him more! Come on! We haven't rocked our socks off yet!" Reggie whispers to Luke and Alex. "Yes, and maybe after, you boys can join my record deal and play with me." 'Play with you? Sorry Mr. Wilson, but we already have a band." Luke says to him apologetically. "Yes! Yes! Julie! Tell you what... Why don't you bring her over to me and we'll figure something out?" "Well, it could be cool to play here and sign with you." "Oh, it... it's not just here. You sign and perform with me, we'll tour and party like this all over the world. Hollywood, Paris, Venezuela, you name it. All your dreams come true." "Oh lá lá." Reggie says. Alex shakes his head, snapping Reggie out of his fantasy. "I'll give you some time to think about it. Play me another set?" Caleb says. The boys nod, rushing over to the instruments at the stage.


Julie paces around in the wings.. Flynn comes up to her. "It's eleven o'clock. I can only stall for so long. I think you should just play by yourself. Band or no band, you'll be amazing." Julie sits on the floor in frustration. "You saw me the other day. I can't play without them! They'll be here. They have to." Nick comes up behind her again. "Issues?" He says to her. "Always. My piano won't work." Julie says. She presses the keys but no sound comes out. Nick observes the piano, picking up the cord. "You don't have to." Julie says frantically. Nick picks up the end of the cord, which wasn't plugged into the wall. "Here's... the problem." He plugs the piano in and taps a key. Miraculously, sound comes out. "That is unless... you didn't want it plugged in." He holds out his hand and helps Julie up. "Hey, don't let this crowd freak you out. What I saw last time you played was insane. You got this." He said sweetly. Julie smiles, nodding. "I knew you had it in you." Nick says, walking over to Flynn. "Wait, what!" Julie screams.

Nick grabs the microphone. "We fixed Julie's piano! Who wants to see a show! Come on!" Nick yells, trying to get the crowd hyped up again. "Now... give it up... for Julie and the Phantoms!" Julie nervously walks on stage. "Here you go." Nick says, handing her the microphone and stepping off the stage. "Uh... Hi. So here's the thing... Even though we got my piano fixed thanks to Nick... The guys unfortunately got a really bad case of food poisoning. They just informed me that they can't come tonight. I'm sorry, but... I'm gonna have to cancel." Julie says sadly.

Carrie walks up to the stage. "Um... Anybody know the Heimlich? Julie's choking." She says loudly. "Only one way to save this dance." She grabs the microphone out of Julie's hand. "Who wants to see Dirty Candy?" The schools yell yes in agreement. Carrie goes to turn on the music but Flynn breaks the knob, not wanting to humiliate and make her best friend feel even worse. "Oh... oops! Knob's broken." Carrie rolls her eyes. "Okay. Two can play at this game." She says to her, pushing Flynn away. "Party at my house!" Carrie says. The school lets out a big whoop as Carrie drops the mic. Genevieve walks in, just as everybody walks out. "Woah! What happened?" She says, walking up to Julie. "She did. The guys didn't come and the night is ruined." Julie answers. Genevieve puts her arms around Flynn and Julie, both of them leaning their heads on her shoulders.


Willie and Alex dance together as Luke and Reggie dance with twin flappers. Caleb scats as the night continues on. He signals to Bobby who sneaks off to the back room. Caleb finishes his song and they all clap. "Twins!" Luke and Reggie say to each other as they get dipped by each of the ladies. The clock strikes midnight, the chimes heard all throughout the party. "Oh... The haunting hour is upon us." Caleb announces, starting the band up again.

"TWELVE? How... How'd that happen?" Luke yells. The flapper pulls his attention away from the clock. Luke is mesmerized for a bit but is pulled to his senses. "I'm sorry." He says to her. "Dude! Dude! DUDE! We lost track of time!" He says, hitting Reggie's arm, trying to pull him away. "Not right now, man." He says hastily before returning to his dancer. "REGGIE!" Luke says angrily, picking Reggie up and forcefully pulling him away. "HEY! What the f-" "We were supposed to be at Julie's school at 9:00!" Luke screams, cutting him off. "Oh shit. That's right! Maybe we can still make it. Where's Alex?" Alex notices the stress his friends are in and says bye to Willie, walking up to them. "Alex, we forgot-" "Julie. I know. This place is like a time warp or something." Alex says, finishing Reggie's sentence. "Let's go." They all run to the door.

Caleb stops them. "Gentlemen, what's the rush? The party's just getting started." "You know Julie right? We sort of bailed on her. See, there's this dance at our school tonight and she's got this friend Flynn who's a super cool DJ , like-" "I don't think he has an eternity to hear the story." Alex says, cutting Reggie off. "Basically, we're late for a gig." Luke interjects. "But what about my offer?" Caleb asks. "It's very cool of you, Mr. Wilson, but, like I said, we'd have to ask Julie and we already technically have a-" "Band of your own. I understand." They all nod trying to run past him but Caleb stops them. "Oh, boys. If you ever wanna come back... bring Julie maybe. Just give me a call. The Hollywood Ghost Club is always open." He says, handing each of them a business card. They all tuck it into their pockets. "Yeah, man, we'd love to come back." Luke says. "Ah! Music to my ears." Caleb says, finally letting them go. He walks over to Bobby. "Did you get their songs like I asked?" Caleb asks him. "Yes, dad." "Good. This will make for great profit." "You know that's stealing though... Right?" "Of course I do, son."


Julie, Flynn, and Genevieve sit on the floor popping balloons. "I can never show my face at this school again." Julie sighs. "That's what we get for depending on boys." Flynn says. "I can't believe they forgot especially when I reminded them!" Genevieve says, laying on the floor. "I don't know if I should be mad, or worried. I don't know what kind of trouble they can get into." Julie says. "I'mma get us all some ice cream from the cafeteria. Fools gave me the keys. We can crash at my place and forget about this whole nightmare." Flynn smiles at both of them before leaving the gym. "Get me two... of everything." Julie says. "Me too!" Genevieve yells.

"Oh fuck, the girls are going to be so mad at us!" Luke says, running into the gym. "Julie, we are ready to rock this dance... which is clearly over." Reggie yells only to be shut up by Luke. They look over at the two girls glaring at them. If looks could kill, those boys would be dead. Genevieve and Julie stand up. Luke walks up to them. "Look, we are... so so sorry that we bailed on you." "Just please tell me you guys had a valid reason and weren't just partying." Julie says, disappointed. "Pfft! No! Us? Of course not! We wouldn't do that!" The guys say in unison, clearly lying. "Seriously? You're lying to me?" "Okay, look, it was something we needed to do." Alex says. "B-But we'll do whatever it takes. We'll play the next school-" ''What? Another dance where you can bail on me and make me look like a fool? Save it. You know what really sucks? Our songs were good, and all three of you knew what I've been through and how tough it's been for me to play, and then you do this? Bands don't do that to each other. Friends don't do that to each other. This was a mistake." "You mean the school dance right?" Luke says, stepping closer to her. "No. I mean joining a band with you guys." Julie looks at each of them with tears in her eyes before running off. "Julie... Julie!" Luke yells, trying to follow her. Genevieve steps in front of them.

"Just stop. You've done enough today. Do you have anything to say for yourselves?" She says to them, crossing her arms. "We're sorry." Luke says. "Yeah, I mean the night really got away from us." Alex says. "And the twins." Reggie adds. Both Alex and Luke give him a warning stare. "THE TWINS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" She yells. "Castillo-" "Do not start with me, Patterson. I can't believe you three! You knew how important this gig was to her! I would think you guys knew better, but clearly you don't." "I swear-" "No." She turns to Reggie. "You help me with my mom, and I help you with your parents." She motions to Alex. "I helped you with your date and you helped cheer me up when..." She shakes her head. "She lets you play in her garage, Flynn promotes, I support as much as I can. This is the thanks you give her? Us?" She finally turns to Luke. "You. Hurt me all you want. Hurt me by dancing with other girls at some club or party, flirting with Julie right in front of my face-" "Gen... what? I didn't-" "GOD, CAN YOU BE ANY MORE STUPID?' She yells at him.

She pulls him away, not wanting to stress Reggie out. Genevieve knew Reggie's parents fought enough, and he didn't need to see his friends fighting too. "Hurt me all you want, but when you hurt Julie. You cross the line. If she never sings again because of you... God, I'm never going to forgive you for this." Genevieve takes a deep breath, clenching her fists so she doesn't punch him in the face. "Maybe it's a good thing I said yes to Bobby's date. I'm actually glad. At least he's an actual good person." Genevieve scoffs. "What... What the fuck? Bobby asked you out?" Luke says angrily. "Yes. He did. We're going out tomorrow and there is nothing you can do about it." "Gen, you can't just-" "Yes I can! You can't stop me! What are you going to do about it? YOU DIDN'T ASK ME OUT." "I-" "YOU WHAT? LUKE. IT'S TOO LATE." She turns around, angrily walking away before Luke grabs her hand. "Don't fucking touch me." She spits, moving her hand away. She couldn't help but cry now. "Don't go out with Bobby. It was his fault. If he didn't take us to that hotel, we wouldn't have been late." He says to her, his eyes hopeful. "Blaming other people for your mistakes now? Amazing. And for the record? Don't tell me what I can and can't do. I thought you were different. You said you were different. Nobody likes liars Luke." She wipes her tears, walking away. "GEN!" He yells, running after her. "DON'T. DON'T FOLLOW ME JUST... LEAVE ME ALONE!" She says to the three of them, disappearing from the gym. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF IDIOTIC GUYS FOR ONE NIGHT. UGH!" They hear Genevieve scream from down the hall. Luke walks up to the guys. "Shit. We fucked up so bad." Luke says. Alex groans. "You think?"

authors note:
dear god that was SO messy... boys are dumb sometimes. so gen confessed? sort of. and now she hates luke genuinely. progress right! or enemies to lovers... OOP. now he'll also hate her because she's dating bobby and then he'll hate himself cuz it's his fault... poor luke. it's okay, just a bit more trauma then you'll be fine. DID I SAY TRAUMA? pshh it's fine, gen will take a good amount for you. I MEAN HUH?? ignore that 👀 irrelevant hehehehe... and omg bobby... he's never gonna hear the end of it. this was a MEGA LONG chapter for y'all. i got really passionate and into it. anyways, thank you for all your love and support! it means so much to me! i was thinking of updating every monday and friday? start your week off with something fun and end it with something fun. hope you enjoyed this chaotic mess. all my love and hugs! xoxo, audrynne <3

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