DC SuperHero Girls - #Zero-One

By BioBrony

95K 972 1.3K

A fan movie in Season 1 (DC Superhero Girls) Set between after Episode 16 and before Episode 17(Kamen Rider Z... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

3.2K 54 44
By BioBrony

The next morning

At Metropolis High School, Diana and her friends came in early and sat down to their respective seats.

"I still can't believe that Superman was now framed," Barbara said "I wonder how he will live with that mess?"

"I don't know, but Clark needs to understand that it is his fault for picking a fight with Zero-One and throwing a temper tantrum for not getting the glory," Kara said.

"Kara, do you think you should go and check on your cousin?" Jessica asked.

"Uh, you're kidding right?" Kara replied as Jessica stared at her, with a scowl look "Ugh, fine. But it's not gonna be easy talking to him. He's probably be too stubborn and ranting on hating Zero-One."

Just then, Aruto came in, holding a big stack of papers as he was struggling to hold them.

"Mr. Aruto, do you need help?" Diana asked.

"No, no, I totally got this! I- whoa!" His words falter as he was tripping to the floor, and about to fall down. Diana and her friends rushed and help their teacher up.

"Whoa, thank you!" Aruto sighed in relief "That was a close one."

Karen and Jessica were gathering the piles of paperworks "Mr. Aruto just how many paperworks to do you need to fill out?"

Aruto sighed "A lot. Trust me, when you're a CEO of a high tech company, you tend to have so many paperworks."

Jessica placed them on the desk "So where's your friend Izu?"

"She's doing a quick updated on her system," Aruto said. "She should be anytime sooner."

At that moment, Izu zoomed in front of the classroom, surprise Diana and her friends.

"Like about now," Aruto said and walked towards her "How's the update patch?"

"All of my systems are functional, forgive me if I need to be late," Izu bowed down.

"Don't worry about it, Izu," Aruto said "I know it's important for Humagears to get their systems updated."

Izu nodded as Aruto clapped his hand "Okay, now class is about to start, so take your seats."

Diana and her friends sat down to their respective seats as more students flooded inside including Hal and his friends. After all of them take their seats, Aruto called out.

"Okay, students, we're gonna take roll calls before we can continue working on your projects. We need to make sure that everyone is finished before the competition that's starting in 6 days. Let's see, Diana Prince...."


"Jessica Cruz...."

"Right here!"

"Karen Beecher....."

"Right here!"

"Kara Denvers...."


"Barbara Gordon....."


"Selina Kyle....."

Silence filled as Diana looked at the empty seat that Selina Kyle supposed to be here.

"Okay, absent....." Aruto wrote it down on the board "Harleen Quinzel....."

Again, silence filled the classroom as Barbara looked and noticed that her best friend is missing too.

"Harleen too, huh?" Aruto wrote it down "Pam Isaley...."

Once again, silence filled the classroom as even Jessica was shocked that she wasn't here.

"Even Pam too?" Aruto wondering at the missing students "Okay, absent too. Next Carol Ferris....."

Hal slowly moved his head to the back to see that Carol isn't here and he sighed.

"Absent too? Okay this is weird....." Aruto muttered and checked it off. "Okay Doris Zeul isn't here either and Leslie Willis too."

As Aruto continued calling out other students, Diana and her friends shared a concerning glance.

1 hour later

"Okay, students, make sure you leave your project on my desk," Aruto said as all of the students exited out, leaving only Diana and her friends, packing up their bags.

"Oh can I ask you girls for a bit?" Aruto asked and Diana and her friends nodded. "I was curious to know if somerhing happened to the missing students?"

"Sorry, but none of us know what happened to them," Jessica replied.

"I see, well I was wondering if you girls can at least help them out with their projects if they come back?" Aruto asked.

The girls looked at each other then gave a nodded "Well, we can try. It'll depends if they need it or not."

Aruto nodded "Thanks, girls. I'm just asking to make sure that every students can participate the science fair. At least they'll won't be heading to summer school."

"We understand, Mr. Aruto," Diana said and they about to leave when Karen asked him.

"Mr. Aruto, if you don't mind, but you and Izu have been working hard. You two want to come with us to Sweet Justice?"

"Eh?" Aruto was surprised at her request.

"Hey, that's sounds like a good idea, Karen. We can all use lots of sweets to calm the stressful day," Barbara said.

"Huh?" Kara titled her head in confusion "Uh, Karen, Babs, you two do realize they need to get their paperworks done."

"I know, but we could at least help them winded down from it and enjoy something while they're here in Metropolis." Karen said.

"Besides, we can at least get to know them more. Karen and I got a lot of questions that we want to ask him from the Metropolis Science and Technology Convention." Barbara added.

"True, but Karen-" Jessica was about to say something when Aruto spoke.

"All right, Karen, Babs, we'll come with you for Sweet Justice."

The girls were surprised as Karen and Barbara widened her eyes.


Aruto nodded "We can use a break from all the paperworks. Plus, I always want to go there. Heard it's the best place for travelers in Metropolis. And I'll do what I can to ask any questions from you and getting to know all of you."

"Ah yeah!" Barbara cheered. "Trust me, you're gonna love it!!"

"But I got to make sure if there's nothing on the to do list."

Aruto chuckled and he turned to Izu "Izu, is there anything we had to do on the list?"

Izu checked her list and replied "There's not much to do, only the paperworks we can bring to the Inn to finished fot tomorrow."

The girls smiled as Aruto gave a warm smile to them "All right, then let's make the extra time by going to Sweet Justice!!"

Karen and Barbara cheered while the girls gave content smiles at them having their favorite idol to come to spend time with them.

Meanwhile, at LexCorp

Factory machines begin to work nonstop as a metal body was made. Then as the convery belt rolled the part, arms attached , then comes the legs. A head was attached and twisted to lock it in place. Another place the Zetsumeriser on the waist, attached to them with their eyes glowing red. Then they marched to a room where more of the Lexbots are lined up as each of them are plugged in.

Metallo looked at it with a sinister smirked at his army.

"Good, very good, my army is set," he turned to them "Begin inject The Ark Virus."

"Yes sir," the scientists Magia begin typing on the computer and the sinister red metal liquid begin seeping into the Lexbots.

The Lexbots' eyes glowing with the sinister dark red aura as the scientist Magia monitor the virus.

"System set, Zetsumeriser reaction to the virus is at stable condition, Ark Virus is synchronize the Lexbots."

"We reached at 100% in stable condition!"

"Good that should be enough," Metallo said as the cords detached the Lexbots.

Metallo clapped his hand "Now then, everything is set, just need to get one project done for our crusade against humanity. And a bit of an.......upgrade against Zero-One," Metallo pressed the speaker button "Oh girls, report to the convery belt assembly."

Just then, the doors slide open and walking to him, the Supervillain Girls appeared only besides Livewire and Giganta's eyes are normal, the rest are blank and devoid of emotions.

All of them bowed and said in unison "What is your command, Master?"

"I got a big project that requires specific kinds and these girls are what I need," His eyes glowed and images of the Superhero Girls appeared "I need you six to collect their DNA and bring them to me."

"And we can smash them after that?" Giganta asked, cracking her knuckles.

"Yes, you can smash them after you gather their DNA for me," Metallo said.

"But what about Zero-One? Don't you want his powers too?" Livewire asked.

"Not to worry, my Magias are on way to recruit someone on dealing with him and getting something from him."

Meanwhile at Sweet Justice

"So cool!" Aruto has his face planted on the glass display of the sweets while Izu just watched. "I've seen sweets back at home, but not like this crazy combination! I can't even decided which one! Maybe the Minty Avalanche Cake, no wait, the Strawberry Surprise Supreme, or maybe....."

The girls gave odd looks at Aruto's excitement with the sweets upon entering Sweet Justice while he's trying to choose which one to try.

"Man for a CEO of a technology robotic company, he's acting like a kid," Kara said.

"Well, it can't be helped, Kara", Barbara said "Me and Diana are in similar to him when we first met and first time in Sweet Justice. Besides, first timer will get excited on Sweet Justice's sweets."

"Izu, look at this! What do you think of it?" Aruto pointed out.

Izu knee down and noticed the Mega Sundae Supreme.

"The Mega Sundae Supreme is consist of the three classic, being big, meaning that it'll contain the huge amount of sugar and carbs which can be bad for you-"

"Izu, what I mean is do you think this is delicious?" Aruto said

"My apologies, it looks good," Izu said.

"Let just hope he chooses before the others gets a bit antsy," Zee pointed out to the long line, having mixed expression of annoyed and mad for Aruto taking so much time choosing.

Barry coughed a bit, getting Aruto's attention "Um, Mr. Aruto, I don't want to rush you, but...."

He pointed out and noticed the angry eyes at him.

"Oh, sorry! Sorry! I'll already got my choice!" He turned to Barry "I'll go for the Mega Sundae Supreme!"

With a quick speed, Barry finished up his order along with the girls' orders too and Diana and her friends got theirs while Aruto got his and headed to the table.

Barry looked at Izu "Don't you want something?"

"I'm a Humagear. We don't have a way to process the food," Izu said and she walked towards the table with Aruto and Diana and her friends.

As the girls sat down, Aruto takes his spoon and take a bite of his ice cream.

"Yum! This is so good!" Aruto was enjoying the sugary goodness of his ice cream while making weird face. He takes another bite and continue to making a scene, earning weird faces from Diana and her friends.

"Sheesh, I know that we're supposed to enjoy it, but he's taking way too far," Kara said as Jessica and Zee nodded.



Karen coughed a bit and asked "So Mr. Aruto, I got so many questions to ask you if you don't mind?"

Aruto turned to her and nodded "Yeah, I don't mind. What kind of questions?"

"Well I am wondering what's like being a CEO of your grandfather's company?" Karen asked.

"Well, it was roughed considering that my original dream was to be a stand up comedian, but after the incident back at home, I realize what I need to do after he passed away and entrusted his will to me," Aruto said.

"Wait, you used to be a stand up comedian?" Jessica asked.

"Yep! I want to pursue my career as a comedian when I was little and I know how to make killer jokes!" Aruto replied with the girls gave a deadpanned faces at that lame pun.

"Somehow, I can't understand the World of Men's jokes," Diana said.

"It's better if you don't," Kara said, rubbing her temple of her nose.

"Okay, moving on," Barbara said, holding her list "So was Izu your grandfather's secretary before he passed her to you?"

"No," Izu said "Originally it was a Humagear by the name of Will was his secretary before."

"Oh, so you're his successor?" Barbara asked.

Izu nodded "However, I was also created as a successor to my older brother Wazu Nazotoku."

"Wait, you have an older brother?" Kara asked.

"Yes, but he passed away on a incident that I can't discuss about," Izu said "It's classified."

"Oh, I'm sorry about your brother," Kara said rubbing her arms, realized that she might hit a sensitive subject.

"Don't worry about it, he gave me his pendant so I can remember him," Izu said and Kara nodded.

Aruto took another bite and asked "So if you don't mind, what do you girls want to do in 30 years?"

"Well I'm hoping to join any activist organizations on helping nature," Jessica said.

"For me, I do hope one day I can become a scientist, but which one I'm still deciding," Karen said.

"As for me, I want to become a rock star and formed my own band!" Kara said.

"For me, I'm hoping to become my own Magician after my daddy," Zee said.

"Really? You do magic tricks?" Aruto asked.

"Of course, but I do want to be my own magician," Zee said, with hint of pride then turned to sour "sadly, none of my magic tricks works."

Zee remembered her attempts to do street magic and most of the time, people booed at her calling it fake.

"Just don't give up!" Aruto said "Dreams are something you need to work hard on and every mistakes can help you grow!"

"Take it from me, being a CEO is hard, but you just need to believe and leap towards your dream," Aruto said, in which Zee gave a small smile.

"Thanks Mr. Aruto," Zee said.

Aruto turned to Barbara and Diana "What about you two?"

Diana was surprised by this question and pondering a bit "Well, I haven't really thought about it."

"I do have a dream I want to do, but let just say it's a secret!" Barbara said.

Just then, a loud crash was heard as all of the people in Sweet Justice were shocked as they saw cars smashed into the ground.

"What's going on?!" Barbara wondered.

Izu place her hand and scanned "The Supervillain Girls are attacking the city."

That news shocked them as Aruto came to her "Izu, we need to evacuated the people now!"

Izu nodded and Aruto turned to them "Girls, I gonna need help on this!"


At the City of Metropolis

All of the people are screaming as they're running away from the Supervillian Girls. Giganta picked up the car and throw it into a building, Livewire sends shocking blast at the police, Harley Quinn smashed any random building on her sight, Poison Ivy was on top of her plant entrapped people on the way, Star Sapphire fire bolts at the upcoming SWAT team, and Catwoman sends the other policemen into the ground.

"Come out, SuperHero Freaks! We're just dying to have a rematch!" Livewire shouted "And bring your little friend Zero-One to the battle!"

"And only this time, we got a special surprise for you!" Giganta added while the remaining Supervillain Girls just stand there, acting like zombies.

At the evacuation site away from the city

"Okay, this should be good enough to keep all of you safe, now you need to get away from the city far as possible!" Aruto said as the people nodded.

"Izu, is that everyone?"

Izu scanned before responded "Only Karen and her friends are remained. They're trying to get the remaining people out of here."

"Okay, see if you can find them! I'll go and help the SuperHero Girls!"

With that, Aruto rushed back to the city and found an alleyway to transformed and place his driver on his waist and pulled his Rising Hopper Progrise Key.


He placed on the belt and it glows.


The cybernetic grasshopper appeared and begin bouncing around and with the standby music played and doing his pose, he flipped his Progrise Keys open.


Then he inserted the key into the driver.

'Progrise! Jump To-bi ga rise!'

The cybernetic grasshopper detached and his base suit appeared and attached to him.

'Rising Hopper! A jump to the sky turns to a rider kick!'

Donned in his Zero-One suit, he dashed towards the town to the battlefield.

Meanwhile at the City of Metropolis

"C'mon! Where are those Superhero Girls?!" Giganta shouted.

"And where's your helper, Zero-One?!" Livewire added.

"Right here!" A loud voice was heard as Giganta turned, a fist slammed into her cheek with enough force as she was knocked into a lamppost.

The Supervillain Girls turned and saw the Superhero Girls jump down from the building.

"Ah, good to see you girls again," Livewire said and look around "And where's your big green big friend?"

"Don't worry about him! Right now, you're facing us this time!" Supergirl said, cracking her knuckles.

"Eh, whatever!" Livewire said and she sends a high power bolts at Supergirl sending her to a building.

Just as the Superhero Girls about to respond, Catwoman leaped and prepare her claws. Wonder Woman blocked it as she charged at her. Star Sapphire charged at Green Lantern while Poison Ivy was riding on top of her plant at Zatanna. Giganta shook off her daze and pulled the lamppost as a weapon and charged at Bumblebee and Batgirl was dodging from Harley Quinn's hammer.

"I don't know what's going on, but you're going down, Harley Quinn!" Batgirl leaped away from her swing and pulled out her batastaff and block her attack.

"You're.......going......down....." Harley Quinn said in a eerie monotone voice, but changed when she clenched her head that Batgirl noticed.


"What the? What's going on with you? I hate to say it, but are you alright-whoa!" Batgirl dodge quickly at her quick swing, something that even Batgirl was weirded out.

"Mission objective: destroy Batgirl!" Harley Quinn acting more like a robot.

"Okay, definitely something's not right!" Batgirl said.

Just as Harley charged at her, Zero-One blocked her attack and push her out and deliver a swift kick.

He turned to her and asked "You alright?"

"Yeah, thanks for the saved!" Batgirl said and Zero-One nodded and turned to the battlefield and dash towards each of the Supervillain Girls fighting one of the Superhero Girls.

The Supervillain Girls noticed and they charged at him, sending out punches, claws, plant monster, and pink energy bolts. But Zero-One dodge quickly and delivery his swing of his sword as the Supervillain Girls were knocked out to the ground. Then with a quick of his hand, he grabbed his Bitting Shark Progrise Key and clicked it.


He slotted into the Attache Caliber and raise his sword.

'ProgriseKey confirmed. Ready to utilized. Shark's ability.'

With that, he pressed the trigger and an bluish energy envelope the sword along with shark teeth around it.

'Fang Kaban Strash!!'

He slammed his sword towards them as the Supervillain Girls were sent to the ground again.

The Superhero Girls gather with Zero-One with Bumblebee came to him.

"Thanks for the save, Zero-One."

Zero-One nodded "It's no problem. Glad I got here in time."

Then they're heard groans as the Supervillian Girls got up, taking the beaten.

"All right, Catwoman, we stopped your rampaging destruction! Now turn yourself and your comerades in to the police!" Wonder Woman said.

However, Catwoman only gave a monotone replied "Negative. We must complete the mission."

"Huh?" Supergirl raised her eyebrows.

"Don't worry about them," Livewire said "Besides, we are waiting for you guys to come so we can destroy you all!"

To their shocked, each pulled a strange device and strapped to their waist, forming a belt.


"A belt?" Zero-One muttered then realized something "Wait, does that mean-?!"

"Oh yes, we got a special surprise for the Superweakings and the bug boy!" Giganta said she pulled a Progrise Key and clicked.


To his horror, the other Supervillain Girls pulled their Progrise Keys and clicked it.






"Uh, I don't like this...." Bumblebee feeling worried at this turn of event.


All of them slotted on the middle and insert into the middle. A piece of sinister music was played as dark red energies swirling around them. Then they press the button as the keys flipped open up.


As if this can get scary for the Superhero Girls, their eyes widened as they saw each of the Supervillian Girls screaming in pain as sinister dark red energies began to envelop them in a cyclone of dark energies. Cars and other metal stuff were pulled towards them and attaching them in armors. Then after that, kanjis of malice enveloped them into a cocoon and after a few minutes, the cocoon burst open.

When the cyclone faded, all of them were in completed shocked: Livewire and Giganta are in their Kamen Rider forms, having shapes of a serpent and bull appearance within their mix-match armors around them. As for the others, each of their armors are also mix-match with animal appearance in their cybernetic armors. Catwoman's Kamen Rider form looks more like a Jaguar with her helmet having jewels, broken and cracked around it with a jewel like gauntlet claws, Harley Quinn's Kamen Rider form have hyenas' heads around her shoulder and a metal tail, her helmet is mostly broken with one part having a hyena on the side. Star Sapphire's form taking inspiration of an octopus with her arms now sporting tentacles and few more wrapped around her body and legs with her helmet having a pinkish clear visor but having mechanical eyes on it. And for Poison Ivy's Kamen Rider form, her's more like a fly trap and her plant was fused with technologies around her, some even sticking out and her helmet was a mismatch of plant and a robotic face on it.

'Sadistic, Violent, Hatred, Chaos, Envy, Greedy! All become Malice!'

'Greedy Jaguar! The claws of the Jaguar that will hunt!'

'Hatred Flytrap! Powerful jaws that crush everything in sight!'

'Chaotic Hyena! Rampaging laughs that will send oblivion!'

'Envy Octopus! No creature can escape its grasp!'

'Sadistic Serpent! The fangs of the serpent that will send despair!'

'Violent Bull! Mighty horns that will bring the wake of destruction!'

For the Superhero Girls, no words can said when their archenemies now donned their own Kamen Rider forms. As for Zero-One, he was completely shocked at this.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, time for a rematch of the Superhero Girls and Zero-One vs the new and improved, The Vice Riders!!" Livewire shouted.

Supergirl snapped out of her stupor and turned to her friends "Okay, I'm calling it foal play."

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