Multifandom Imagines

By regencyslxt

44.5K 716 16

Imagines written by me (regencyslxt on tumblr + wattpad) based on : •Bridgerton •Pride + Prejudice •Marvel •... More

GAZE (Benedict Bridgerton)
LITTLE MISS THOMPSON (Bridgerton family x reader)
A Budding Romance (Colin Bridgerton x reader)
A STOLEN SHIRT (Anthony Bridgerton x Reader)
WRONG CONCLUSION (Benedict Bridgerton x Reader)
WE MEET AGAIN (Colin Bridgerton x reader)
NEW LIFE (Anthony Bridgerton x reader)
BLESSING (Anthony Bridgerton x reader)
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD (Anthony Bridgerton x reader)
SILLY LITTLE RABBIT (Anthony Bridgerton x reader)
Let's Dance (Bridgerton x black!reader)
TIME WILL TELL (Mr. Darcy x Bennet! Reader)
SOMETHING MORE (Mr. Darcy x reader)
PROTECTOR (Bucky Barnes x reader)
COVER YOU (Natasha Romanoff x reader)
ANOTHER YEAR OLDER (Platonic!Bruce Banner/ Hulk x reader)
WISHING ON A STAR (Loki Laufeyson x reader)
WRONG SIDE OF HYDRA (Bucky Barnes x reader)
WRONG SIDE OF HYDRA PART 2 (Bucky Barnes x reader)
WRITING TO NO ONE (Steve Rogers x reader)
MERELY FICTIONAL (Bucky Barnes x reader)
COFFEE CUP (Spencer Reid x reader)
ABOUT TIME (Aaron Hotchner x reader)

IN HIS DEFENSE (Bucky Barnes x reader)

743 19 0
By regencyslxt

You had been in the office now for around 7 hours. You were an agent in training, however, so far despite the sparring and training you had done in the compound with Steve and the other Avengers you were yet to progress further than your desk. You wouldn't have minded, you knew your computer skills were advanced, if it weren't for a couple of agents on your floor who didn't quite understand that sound travels. Meaning every word that slipped past their lips, you heard. And you ignored it too, that was until they started talking about the blue-eyed god Steve always brought to your training sessions.

Bucky Barnes. Ex Hydra assassin turned hero. Your work crush. In fact, he was your crush out of work too. He seemed to have wormed his way into your every thought, not that you were complaining. He had been nothing short of a sweetheart. Holding doors open when he sees you coming, telling you good morning when you get to work early. Let's not even talk about his constant encouragement during 1 v 1's. He could sweep you flat on your ass and he'd still tell you what a great job you'd done. God you were whipped. And the worst part is, you knew he didn't think of you even remotely close to the way you thought of him. How could he? You weren't an avenger; you weren't even a field agent yet.

Anyways, you could handle your co-workers (not that you enjoyed working with them) gossiping about you.

"Look at her, it's no wonder Fury hasn't put her out on the field yet."

"She's always glued to that screen and if she not staring at her monitor, she's staring at Agent Barnes."

"It's so pathetic."

You were used to it. Ever since they found out about your little crush on Barnes they hadn't shut up about it. It was to be expected, it was all they were good for. The last mission they went on together went bust, they gave away their position within a half-hour of them arriving and almost got the team they were with killed. Dumbasses.

Recently, however, instead of focussing on you they had directed their attention to the metal armed veteran that walked through the corridors.

"I can't believe he's how many people did he kill, and we're just expected to work happily alongside him, I don't think so" one scoffed.

"I know, I guess being best friends with Captain America means everyone turns a blind eye."


"Do you think he remembers? I hope he does."

"He doesn't deserve to forget."


You were very well aware of what he had done in his past, who wasn't? You were also aware, though, of how hard he was trying to make amends. How every day he was trying hard to figure himself out, to figure out who he was before the Winter Soldier. So, when these two agents couldn't keep their mouths shut for five minutes whilst the avengers were meeting in the conference room, you found yourself biting your tongue.

"He should've stayed frozen, maybe then they could get a mission done without having to worry about a random Russian guy triggering him."

"Imagine actually trying to convince everyone he's a good person after what he did, what a joke."

You turned to them, unable to hold your tongue any longer.

"Can you guys shut up? I mean is it so hard for you both to just sit down and do the job you're being paid to do instead of chatting shit because the last time I checked that wasn't on the job description..." you spoke out.

They both looked at you wide-eyed.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are?"

"It doesn't matter but I know you know who I am because you've had nothing but my name in your mouth since I started."

You stand from your chair and walk over to them. They step back a touch. The conference room doors open behind you as you go.

"What I do want to know, is what makes you think you have the right to stand here and criticise Agent Barnes for moving on with his life. For trying to fix everything he's done. He feels bad enough as it is, he doesn't need you two chiming in with your rude comments every time he walks past or makes an appearance. So, you can stand here and act all high and mighty but in reality you're both crap at your jobs. I genuinely don't know how you managed to be let in the field because as soon as anything happens around here you are both the first ones to cower away and tuck your tails between your legs," You exclaim.

They stand there, mouths gaping trying to think of something to say but they fall short.

"Y/N..." a low voice speaks from behind you.

Your body tenses and you inhale a sharp breath. You close your eyes and look down at your feet, all the confidence you had before was now washed away. You had done it now, all the time you had spent forming a friendship with the man was now wasted. You really didn't want to turn to face him but you knew you would have to at some point so you slowly spun on your heels to face his direction. His boots were a nice view, at least that's what you told yourself knowing you couldn't bring yourself to look elsewhere.

"Look at me please..." he whispers, stepping closer to you. He looked towards Steve and the others and silently pleading for them to leave.

"I think we have somewhere else to be don't you think guys?" A round of murmured agreements could be made out.

"You two as well, I'm sure Fury wants a word with you both." Steve motioned for the two agents to follow him, and they quickly made their way over and trailed behind him.

It was just you and him now. His hand made its way to your chin and he tilted your head up.

"There you are..." he chuckles. You can feel your cheeks burning as he stares at you.

"Come on doll, don't get all shy on me now. You weren't shy 2 minutes go." He laughs at your embarrassed expression.

"That's not funny! "you groan.

"I didn't know you were all there...I would've kept my mouth shut if I had."

"Are you telling me you wouldn't have defended me?"

"NO, I just meant that- I mean- You- "You let out a huff of air.

"You don't need me to defend you, you're James Barnes. You can quite easily defend yourself..."

"That is true but it's so much nicer having a doll like you do it for a change," he smirks as he traces his fingers down the length of your arm, taking your hand in his.

"And I'm hoping since you spoke so highly of me before, that I might actually have a chance with you." He quirked an eyebrow. You gaped at the man in front of you.

"A chance? With me? You want a chance with me?" To say you were shocked was an understatement. To be honest you weren't sure if your ears were playing tricks on you or not.

"Y/N you can't seriously be that oblivious can you?"

"Oblivious to what?" What on earth was happening?

"You seriously haven't realised that you're the only trainee I force myself to talk to. It's not because I have to, but because your voice is the only thing I want to hear at 8 o'clock in the morning when I'm still half asleep. You are the only person that makes my mind go blank, that's why even if I want to spend my entire day talking to you all I can bring myself to say is good morning. You fluster me Y/N Y/L/N, and it's an issue because Sam won't leave me alone about it."

You laugh softly, still completely in shock at the fact the man you have had feelings for since you got the job here is currently confessing his feelings for you.

"So to answer your question yes, I am asking if I have a chance with you." his hands wrap around your waist and he pulls you close, his eyes move to meet yours and your breath catches in your throat. You blink up at him, moving your own hands to the nape of his neck, subconsciously playing with his hair.

"I can't believe this is happening right now," you admit.

"There isn't anything on this earth that could make me say no to you Bucky, so yes. I will give you a chance. And one after that, then one after that..." you continue until Bucky catches you in a kiss. You pull back in surprise, but quickly return the kiss, pulling him as close to you as possible.

You both separate a few moments later, Bucky tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you do. A yawn escapes your lips, and Bucky smiles adoringly at you.

"There's a coffee shop nearby, we can go get something if you'd like..."

"I'd like that Buck."

He connects his hand with yours, and you make your way towards the elevator.

"It's a date."

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