By Toveeya

18.4K 738 19

Living in mystic falls,Bonnie Bennett craved adventures,something different. When two very hot strangers ente... More



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By Toveeya

               Damon led them to the boardinghouse after calling the fire department. Bonnie was still knocked out cold so Damon placed her in a room upstairs.
               Damon stood by the fire place,nursing a bourbon which he offered to Alec and Jace but they declined. Which was totally rude,I mean,who says no to vintage? Apparently these losers,that's who.
        "Damon!" Screamed Stefan,calling for him. "Yell a bit louder Stefan,I don't think the heavens heard you quite yet". Said Damon,sarcastically. "Where the hell have you been?I've been calling your phone non stop". "Right,thanks for that". Stefan was so pissed at his brother that he didn't notice the strangers in his house on time until he was standing in front of Jace. "OK,what the hell did you do now?"He asked suspiciously. "Why do you guys always assume I did something?" He asked getting frustrated at Stefan's holier than though attitude. "Forget that". Said Stefan,waving him off. "Have you seen Bonnie?,something's happened;something really bad,and we can't find her anywhere". He said,worriedly. "Yeah,about that,I already know. I was there". What do you mean by.....,please tell me you have nothing to do with this,tell me she's still alive. What did you do?;you can't hurt someone every time Elena rejects you,I hope you know she'll never forgive you for this". "Wait you think I did this? He asked incredulously,hurt at the fact that his own blood thought he was capable of doing such a thing to someone he knows. Sure they both bicker a lot but that was always the fun part in their relationship. She keeps him entertained in this boring town. Unlike Elena and Caroline who are sure to cry their eyes out just cause someone said the wrong things to them,Bonnie will definitely hit you back and then some. Not to mention Sheila(God rest her soul)will probably burn him from the inside out before he'll think of getting within five feet to her precious granddaughter. "Do you really think that low of me brother?" "Where is she Damon?" He asked,ignoring the hurt looks in his brother's eyes. "And who the hell are they?". He asked,looking at the strange tattoos their necks. The tattoos looked really familiar,he just couldn't place them yet. "We're shadowhunters". Said Jace smugly. "Geez Jace!,why don't you just give them our calling cards!" Exclaimed Alec sarcastically. "And is that supposed to mean something?" Asked Damon,raising his brows. "Shit" muttered Stefan. "Someone wants to explain what that is". Said Damon angry at not being in the know. "They're hunters". Replied Stefan. "Hunters,right,of course they are. Just what we need". Replied Damon sarcastically. "And why the fuck are they here?" He asked getting on the defensive. "We're not here for you leeches,so relax". Said Alec. 'What the fuck did you just call me?" Asked Damon getting really tired of Alec's shitty attitude. "A leech. I'm sorry,isn't that what you are?" Said Damon in a bored tone. "I'm so gonna enjoy beating the crap out of you". "Okay,seriously we don't have time for this". Said Stefan interrupting Damon's pissy contest with Alec. "Where's Bonnie?" "She's asleep upstairs". Replied Damon. "What the hell happened?Sheila's dead. Her body burnt to a bloody crisp". "Yes brother,I know,I said I was there. Remember?". "Someone attacked Bonnie,killed Sheila,and I'm pretty sure our little BonBon lit the house on fire". Damon said,refilling his glass with bourbon cause there was no way he was gonna go through whatever that's about to happen while sober. "What do you mean she lit the place?" Asked Alec,dubiously. "Wait,you can tell that I'm a 'leech' but you have no idea Bonnie's a......." "Damon,I don't think that's any of their business". Said Stefan angrily. "And why not brother?there should be no secret among friends. She's a witch". "No she's not". Said Jace scoffing at the idea. "I'm pretty sure she is. I've known her longer and I did protect the family line,so oo oo...... "It doesn't make any sense she can't be both". Said Jace baffled at the idea that Bonnie could be both. That was impossible,at least it was supposed to be impossible. "What do you mean?" Asked Stefan getting confused at Jace's statement. "Well we're pretty sure your friend's a shadowhunter". "Great". Muttered Damon downing his drink.

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