Innocently Guilty [EDITING]

By Fairy_Meme

76K 2.1K 493

"You can call us what you want. Mafia. Assassins. Gang. We are none and all. But please, for all you car... More

Extra 1.1


216 12 0
By Fairy_Meme

The next day, Seokjin was awoken when the bright sunlight had caressed his face. The sound of the curtains being pulled and tied at the sides of the windows accompanied the voice of a child.

Strangely enough, the person didn't wake Seokjin up. Instead, the sound of footsteps made its way to the other side of the room and Seokjin just knew that whoever decided to enter his room uninvited was going through his books.

Finally, he heard the same light footsteps walking to the couch under the window and someone accomodating on it. He heard the sound of pages flipping and the soft breathing that followed.

Without making any noise, Seokjin opened an eye to check the hour. The hands of Mario were pointing at the numbers, marking 7:30.

Okay now, who the heck decided to wake him up at such an ungodly hour of the day?! What soul is even awake before 8?

"I see you have awaken." Seokjin turned to see who this mysterious human alarm was.

He was ready to tell whoever it was that disturbed his sleep to go away and let him have his beauty sleep, but he stopped when seeing the boy from yesterday gracefully seated with his legs folded and a book on his lap.

"Who-who are you?" Seokjin sat up and tilted his head in cofusion. How did this kid even manage to find his room?

The slightly older boy smiled before closing the book and setting it aside. He unfolded his legs and stood up, tucking his hands in the pockets of his black trousers. The soft thud of his slippers against the blue carpet almost inaudible as Seokjin felt his eyes traveling up and down, confused as to what the boy was doing in his room.

The boy was tall, but just enough to assume he was a couple of years older than him. He wore a white short sleeve dress shirt with the first few buttons undone. His black trousers fell perfectly down his legs and stopped at the right length to give him a more youthful look with such an outfit. His black socks contrasted with the bright yellow slippers. His dark brown hair was parted to a side, slightly styled backwards. What attracted his attention the most was a silver chain that didn't go at all with the outfit he wore.

Seokjin had assumed that the boy had a big sense of fashion based on how he looked, but the chain just completely threw it off for him. He came to the conclusion that the chain held some type of special meaning to him and he probably never took it off. What other reason was there to use it and kill the whole fashion vibe?

He was taken back to reality when a chukle shook him. Oh right. There was still an unknown boy standing in front of him and Seokjin was staring at him like some kind of stalker.

"I see I manage to catch your attention. Huh, Seokjin?" The boy smiled once again.

Seokjin kept his mouth slightly open as he took in the voice of the young boy in front. The boy chuckled again and reached his hand out. "I'm Kyle. Nice to finally being able to speak with you. If I recall well, when I saw you yesterday, you were half naked and in the verge of tears."

Seokjin's head shot up as a red tint covered his cheeks. The boy must have noticed and panicked, because he immediately shook his hands erratically in front of him and began to apologize. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you in any way. I was just excited to be able to meet you."

Seokjin calmed down and went back to being confused. He was excited? To meet him?

"Let me start again. Hi, my name is Kyle and I want to be friends with you."

Well, that was straightforward.

With a hesitant hand, Seokjin reached out to shake the other boy's hand without saying anything yet. "Umm. What are you doing in my room?" Seokjin asked as he slowly pulled his hand back.

"May I?" Kyle signaled to the bed and Seokjin just nodded slowly, his eyes not parting with the boy.

"Well, aside from wanting to meet you, I was curious of you. I apologize if it sounds a bit weird, but I assumed I'd learn a little more about you by seeing how your room was." He looked around the room with a small smile.

The room was big and very pink. The walls were a very pale pink and the carpet was a more vibrant blue. The bed was large, settled right in the middle of the room. The covers were a more vivid pink and they were filled with plushies from the Mario Bros franchise.

To one side, there was a door to what the older boy assumed it was the closet. A large bookshelf stood on the other side of the room filled with both books and small figurines of said franchise. Opposite to the bed was a large white desk with several books, pencils, crayons and paper, neatly placed. A purple lamp sitting on a corner and four portraits decorated the borders. On top, there was a tv and right under the table laid a game console.

If Kyle had to choose a word to describe the room, it would be cute. Aside from the basics, the room was just filled with anything related to Mario and food. Taking a better look at the photos, he saw more into Seokjin's thinking.

"Anyways," Kyle broke the silence, "I would really like to know more about you. And since I see that you are still not very comfortable with my presence, how about we hang out? Don't worry, we'll stay in the mansion's property. If you agree, than meet me at the main door at 8:30." The boy smiled again before making his way to the couch. "Oh, and also, can I borrow this for a while?" He raised the book he was previously reading.

Seokjin just nodded slightly. "Thanks. I'll return it to you tomorrow." He smiled again before walking out of the room.


Seokjin was beyond confused but there was another emotion taking over at the moment.


Kyle had said 8:30, which only gave him a little over half an hour to prepare to meet him. That was ten minutes ago. He didn't know why, but he wanted to be presentable for this boy.

It took him another ten minutes to choose something to wear and the rest of the time to brush his hair and teeth.

He ran down the hallway as fast as he could. He didn't even see the young maid that was making her way to his room like even morning.

"Sorry, Nancy noona!" He apologized without stopping. He ignore her calls for breakfast and quickly made his way to the main door.

There, the boy stood next to a pillar waiting. Upon seeing him running towards him, Kyle smiled and waved.

Breathless, Seokjin came to a halt, placing his hands on his bare knees while panting for air.

"You came. Did you run all the way from your room? You know I could've just waited?" Kyle smiled, placing a hand on Seokjin's shoulder.

"Yeah, but I thought I shouldn't make a guest wait." Seokjin smiled and composed himself.

His smile faltered when he felt a hand squeeze his shoulder before the other took it off. "Shall we go?" Kyle smiled to which the younger nodded.


Seokjin had no idea where they were going to. He knew the mansion pretty well, having explored it up and down practically since he learned how to walk.

They crossed a few trees and bushes as he saw Kyle stop. "We're here." Kyle moved a branch, revealing a magnificent view.

Both walked to what seemed like a cliff overseeing a valley. Seokjin didn't even know there was a valley on his backyard. The cliff was not like others. This one had fresh grass covering it and small flowers growing all over. It was so unlike the cliffs he'd seen whenever he went hiking with his uncle.

"Come on."

Kyle walked near the edge, taking a sit and a deep breath. Seokjin followed him and sat besides him.

He took in the amazing view of the valley, smiling widely. He felt someone staring at him, turning to see that Kyle was smiling sadly at him. "What?" Seokjin asked.

"Nothing. You just really remind me of someone." Seokjin only nodded, noticing the awkwardness building around them.

"So... you wanted to know me better?" Seokjin asked in an attempt to clear the uncomfortable feeling.

"Indeed. How about a game? Twenty questions, but since it's our first time getting to know each other, let's reduce it to five. Is that okay with you?" Seokjin nodded. "Alright, you can start."

Seokjin thought carefully. He didn't want to burden the boy with a hard question. "Where are you from? Listening to your accent, and features, you don't seem Korean."

Kyle chuckled. "You're right. I come from America. The United States to be more exact." He smiled.

"Why do you specify? I think it was clear you meant the US?"

Kyle smiled again. "I never found the point in it. America was a continent the last time I checked. It's a bit selfish saying that the whole continent is conformed by a single country. If you told me you came from America, I'd ask you from what country. The US is not the whole continent."

Now Seokjin felt a bit stupid. What Kyle said made sense. "Since you asked two questions, I'll ask two." Seokjin mentally slapped himself. "Let's see. Are you an only child or do you have any siblings?"

"I'm an only child. Although, I don't know. I always wanted a sibling. Someone to talk with." Seokjin smiled sadly.

"Aren't we talking now? And the maids. I'm sure they talk with you."

Seokjin shook his head. "It's not the same. I barely know you and the maids talk to me as the son of the master. There is only one person I can talk to as family. And even like that, I don't feel as close as I would like to."

Kyle felt sympathy towards the boy's words. "May I know the name of this someone?" Kyle asked.

"You know this counts as a questions?" Seokjin glared.

"Yep." The younger sighed the the older's cheekiness.

"Nancy. She was asigned as my personal maid when I was two. She was always there for me. She's like a second mother to me, or that one older sister that believes herself to be the mother of her siblings."

The mood turned again. Feeling a bit gloomy, Seokjin sighed. "Well, it's my turn. How old are you? You don't seem the same age as me."

"You are correct. I'm gonna be fourteen next March." Kyle smiled, leaning back.

"But you act so mature."

"Well, thank you? I'm the heir to take over the family business, so I'm quite expected to start learning from now."

Seokjin frowned. That just reminded him of the expectations of everyone. The disappointment of his father.

"Hey, is something wrong?"

Seokjin looked down. "I don't know. It's just that. I'm also expected to act as the next head of the family and I feel like I'm just failing everyone. Like, I wasn't meant to be here. Like as if I was a disappointment." Seokjin was close to crying again.

He looked up when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "You're not a disappointment. At least not for me. Until now, you have met all of my expectations. Being yourself Is one of them."

Seokjin's teary eyes were now fixated on the elders. "Really?"

"Really. Now let's continue."

After clearing his tears, Seokjin was ready to continue. "What's your favorite color?"

At this, Seokjin brighten up. "Pink! A lot of people say it's a girl's color, but I think it's pretty. Also, colors shouldn't have gender." Seokjin seemed proud of his answer.

"You're right in that. Now ask me your question."

"Do you have any siblings, hyung?" Kyle stopped for a second. "Hyung?"

Kyle shook his head and directed his attention back to the boy next to him. "No. Not anymore at least. Next question, shall we?" Although worried, Seokjin agreed. "What do you like to do?"

The younger boy placed his finger on his chin appearing to be thinking. "I like a lot of things. I like eating and playing games. Oh! I like singing. Nancy sings to me and she has a nice voice."

"You sound just like him."


"Nothing. Continue."

"What's with that chain? It doesn't seem like it belongs with your outfit." Seokjin pointed at the silver chain around the elder's neck.

"Hey, are you judging my fashion sense?" Kyle frowned before slightly pushing the younger with a smile.

"I want to know hyung~"

Kyle smiled again. "You'll see soon. I hope." He ruffled the smaller's hair.

"No fair. That's not a valid answer." The little boy pouted.

"We never established any rules." Kyle shrugged. "Anyways, my turn. Do I look of your liking?"

Seokjin squinted his eyes, thinking. "Hmm." He seemed unsatisfied.

"Hey, what's wrong with me?" Kyle asked half heartedly.

"Nothing. I like you hyung!" Seokjin smiled.

"Good. Because I like you too."


Both boys became inseparable. They played every day since that day. It was their happy time. Seokjin had even forgotten his worries and felt like he finally had someone to talk to. Like an older brother.

For the last few days, Kyle had secretly taught him how to hunt. He was surprised at Seokjin's great aim. That day Seokjin and Kyle were hunting birds.


The bird fell not too far from where the boys were. "That's amazing, Seokjin! I had never seen someone as good as you. As a reward, I'll give you something."

The little boy was excited for his reward. He saw how the elder reached to his neck and undid the silver chain that up until now, had never left its place. He walked closer, wrapping it around the smaller boy's own neck. "Just as I thought. It suits you."

Saying that Seokjin was confused was an understatement. "But, it's yours."

"And now it's yours. I told you, didn't I? You would know about this chain soon."

Kyle walked to where a few rocks were piled up and sat on them, Seokjin following him and sitting besides him.

"I told you, you reminded me of someone. Well, not long ago, there was this little boy, not much older than you. I used to play with him every day. We were best friends. For his birthday, I gave him that chain. He never took it off. Not once. His parents mistreated him for being the youngest. I was there to make him smile."

Seokjin listened to his every word, not really sure where all of this was going to. "What happened to him?" He was afraid of asking.

He saw a single tear fall from the elder's eye, followed by a shaky breath. "One day, we had decided to escape. I couldn't bare seeing him being mistreated, so we planned an escape. Once we got to town, a guard from my family spotted us. He chased after us as we ran. I really didn't see it coming. It's my fault." More tears escaped Kyle's eyes.

Seokjin grabbed his hand, silently comforting him. Kyle sent a small smile his way. "We ran down the street. A car was coming our way with its headlights off. He pushed me out of the way. It was a hit and run. He died... saving me. Nothing felt the same anymore. I was back at home. My parents didn't seem to care much. They didn't care for the death of their youngest child. My brother."

"I'm sorry." Seokjin had started crying after he heard what happened.

"What for? You weren't the one driving the car, nor are you any of my parents."

"But, no one should go through that."

Kyle smiled. "You really do sound like him. This chain... I had promised to give it to someone with a heart as pure as my little brother's. And I have found it."

"Thanks hyung."


"I told you! Stop playing around and grow up already!" A loud smack was heard after the shouting.

Little Seokjin ran to his room, covering his red cheek as he cried. From the corner of his eye, he saw Kyle and his family standing there.

Once he entered his room, he flopped on his bed, crying onto his pillow. He heard the door open, but he couldn't bother to see who it was.

"Seokjin?" Kyle's voice shook Seokjin, but the boy refused to look at him, instead he kept his head on the pillow, soaking it with tears. "Are you okay?" He felt the bed sink besides him.

"Young master..." Nancy said, revealing her presence to the crying boy.

Without any other words, he felt two pairs of arms surrounding him in a tight hug. He allowed himself to cry in their presence as both comforted him silently. "Hyung! Noona! I can't! I don't want to live here anymore! I can't!" He cried loudly.

Neither could stand their little boy crying. "Let's escape then."

Both Seokjin and Nancy looked up at the boy. "What?" Seokjin whispered.

"Let's escape. Tonight. I'm gonna help you. I know of a place we can stay for a while and then we'll see what happens." Seokjin couldn't believe it. Escape? It never crossed his mind, no matter how bad things were.

He looked up to Nancy asking for help. "Let's do it. I'll help you. I can work and sustain you two until we find help. Anything to take us out of here." Seokjin nodded.

"So it's decided now. Tonight, we are out of here."


Night didn't take long to come. Seokjin had locked himself up in his room all day and no one really suspected it after that morning's little scene. He had packed a backpack with everything he needed and hid it under his bed.

Kyle had left earlier, saying he would prepare things up. Meanwhile, Nancy had packed the few things she owned and hid them in Seokjin's bedroom and continued with her daily chores.

Seokjin took his bath silently with Nancy as they were now back in the younger's room. But this time there was no tucking in or sheep pajamas. They both took their stuff and waited silently for Kyle to come.

They heard a knock on the window and saw Kyle waving at them. Nancy opened the window for the boy to enter with a backpack and a bag. "What's on the bag?" Seokjin asked curiously. "Something that will help us. Now, let's go, it's shifting hour and we just got a few minutes to escape."

The three of them climbed out the window and hid in the bushes. They hid behind trees and bushes, stopping whenever they heard a guard coming.

Finally they could see their escape. A small wall besides the gates which they could climb and finally get out of that hellhole.

"Okay, from here on it's a straight run. No stopping, understood? We got only seconds to get there before we get spotted." The other two nodded in understanding.

"On my count. One... two... go!" The three dashed directly towards the wall. They were so close to their freedom. Just a little more.

"Hey! You three there! Stop!" A guard yelled as another two went after them.

"Damn!" Seokjin heard Kyle mutter. "We're almost there! Don't stop!"

Indeed, they were almost there. Just a few more steps.

"Young master!"


Seokjin felt heavy as he dropped to the floor. "N-Nancy...?"

Everything stopped. Seokjin looked down hesitantly. There, over him, laid a bleeding Nancy. "Nancy! Nancy noona!" Seokjin exclaimed carefully shaking the maid. He saw her eyes slightly open and a weak smile spread.

"I'm sorry, Seokjin. Be strong and... love.... love yourself... just like I love you.... I love you... my little Seokjin..." Tears escape her eyes before shutting close.

Seokjin didn't believe it. No. This wasn't happening. His noona didn't just die. "Noona! Nancy... please... please don't die! I need you! Please.... come back! Noona! Please... I love you too..." Seokjin held onto the dead body of the maid, crying out loud.

He felt a pair of arms raising him. "No! Please! Noona!" The guards pulled him up and dragged him. He cried as he saw the body of Nancy slowly becoming distant and heard the struggles of Kyle as he was also pushed by the guards.

That was the last time he saw Kyle and Nancy. He didn't play nor pranked the personel. He was quiet and only followed orders. The once lively boy was now just like a puppet.

"Love yourself." That's the only things he kept since that day.

"I promise noona."


"Seokjin! Let's go. We are visiting the Kims!"


I didn't fall asleep while editing this. Nope. Not at all.

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