The True Alpha: Bad Blood //j...

็”ฑ kooprnt

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A wolf that did not arrive
01: An Alpha divided in two
02: Guilt
03: Aftermath
04: Pieces
05: Beginnings
06: Blindly
07: Paths
08: Shifts
09: The black wolf
10: Defiance
11: Faithful Meetings
12: In Your Name
13: Divine
14: Moon
15: Starting Point
16: Fleeting
17: Ripped Apart
18: Before our time
19: Freedom and where it lies
20: The scar
22: Rage
23: Details
24: Pages
25: Red
26: Ties
27: Fever (18+)
28: Heat (18+)
29: Steam
30: Attention
31: Visitor
32: Terror
33: Panic
34: Thread
35: Trapped
36: Smoke
37: Remnants
38: The first slip
39: Challenge
40: Leadership
41: Justice
42: Heart
43: Journey
44: Vigilant
45: Home.
46: Time
47: Past
48: Present
49: Future
50: Proof
51: Throne, a Shelter
52: The Chosen One
53: Beginnings
54: Slipping from your hands
55: Fai
56: Grieve
57: Thunder, A new story
58: An Alpha's will
59: The Start
60: The Centre
Thanks + Announcement

21: Truths and Lies

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็”ฑ kooprnt

A sweet scent of freshly made pancakes coated the cabin at the early hours of the morning. The enticing scent seduced the Alpha out of his sleep and gently, he awakened himself up. Carefully he stretched his sleepy limbs, for there was someone nuzzled against his torso. Jungkook ruffled his own hair, trying to somewhat make it look more presentable and not having it spiking up into the air; as he rubbed his tired eyes, the Alpha yawned heavily. Then, finally prepared to start his day, he sat up on the bed. He was about to get up when he felt a hand tugging at his shorts, preventing him from leaving. Curled up with his body pressed against him, Fai slept profoundly; completely unaware of the flustered Alpha that peered at him. There was a fuzzy feeling in Jungkook's chest, something ticklish. Suddenly, he felt weird. His eyes wavered uncertainly inside their cavities as he pondered about what to do. Shakingly, his hands brushed past the toddler's hair and gently, he started calling for him.

It wasn't like children were a "taboo" topic for the Alpha or something that he wasn't necessarily comfortable around. He was – in the most humblest of ways – rather good with them. The few that he interacted with at the pack, appeared to like him. But for some reason, the situation at hand looked different in Jungkook's eyes. The boy was attached to his mate, they carried the same scar and a similar pain, he spent the night at their place, shared a bed with him and Hani. Matter of fact, he slept in between them; clutching onto both of them with his tiny hands. It was odd, wasn't it? How naturally the toddler was growing on both of them. Rather strange, truly. It seemed as if he felt that he was at home. And, that simple fact - that connection that Jungkook was growing with that child - was more than enough for him to lose his confidence and instead become flustered and unsure of the things he did and said around him. Now that he realized, he was trying to awaken Fai in the same way his father used to do to him. That was the only father figure Jungkook had had throughout his life, and when faced with a situation like this, he realized just how little he knew about parenting. Was that why he felt so uncomfortable?

"Baby?" Jungkook's head snapped towards the door, his eyes widening. Similarly, to a little kid who's caught causing ruckus when he shouldn't; with his puppy dog eyes, Jungkook stared at his mate who was standing at the door. She had a cute little apron around her waist and her hair was tied. She looked rather... homey. Tiptoeing, she made her way towards the Alpha and sat down in front of him. Tenderly she brushed his hair with her hands and smiled lovingly at him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "I'm making breakfast. Something really sweet and tasty for Fai and you. He's still sleeping, uh?"

Leaning in, Hani fondly removed Fai's bangs from his eyes. She caressed his cheek with her thumb and unconsciously she smiled brightly at the sleeping boy. She grabbed the grey sheets of the bed and used them to cover up the toddler, tucking him delicately in with the covers. Her eyes met Jungkook's and the Alpha felt his heart skipping a beat – a dangerous, almost, deadly move. A shot of electricity ran through him and he felt his heartbeat accelerating at the thoughts that clouded his mind.

"You slept well? You and Fai were snoring really loudly when I woke up, so I'm assuming you both had a really good sleep." Hani climbed on top of Jungkook's lap and wrapped her arms and legs around him, craving for some warmth and affection. Immediately, Jungkook melted into her embrace and started peppering her face and neck with gentle and long kisses. "He was nuzzled into you. I remember waking up and struggling to find him because he was literally hiding under you."

"He was in that position when I woke up too" Jungkook's lips were trailing the familiar path in Hani's skin. Slowly, the hot lips inched closer and closer to hers and then, swiftly, they crashed on her. The mates kissed one another with gentle passion, their hands adventuring down the other's body. "I love you... so much"

"I love you more" She replied breathlessly, smiling against the kiss. "But I really need to go now or else our breakfast will be ruined"

Giggling the Luna detached herself from the whining Alpha and left a flirty kiss on his lips before walking downstairs. She was just finishing up making the orange juice when Jungkook entered the kitchen. Cheekily, he stole a kiss from her lips and told her he had something to do but that it would be fast. While he was away, Fai woke up. He climbed out of the tall bed and Hani found him, going down the stairs in a sitting position. Laughing, she picked him up and took him with her to the kitchen, where they started putting the table as they waited for the Alpha.

They were already sitting at the table when the door that led to their backyard opened. The Alpha was holding something behind his back, hiding it from Hani's view. Unfazed by her curious gaze, he leaned down and kissed her cheek tenderly. Then, he sat down in front of Fai who was munching slowly on his pancakes. Carefully, Jungkook placed a wooden wolf at the table, facing the toddler. His hands were bruised, filled with cuts and scratches; that's how Hani knew it had been him who made it and at the sweet gesture, she smiled tenderly. Fai scanned the wolf curiously, unsure if it was for him. He raised his head and pointing at the wolf, he locked his eyes with Jungkook's in wonder.

"Yeah, it's for you. Here, you can hold it, it's okay. I made sure it was smooth enough to not hurt your hands." With a gentle and kind tone Jungkook spoke. He pushed the wolf carefully closer to the toddler and nodded his head warmly at him, reassuring him that it was safe to touch it. "It's a gift. A toy... I have noticed you don't have any with you"

Fai's little hands grasped the wooden wolf and raised it from the table. Dropping his spoon on his plate, he studied the sculpture, his eyes trailing down the different curves and details on it. When he was done, he once more stared at the Alpha. His eyes were twinkling gently, tenderly, shyly maybe. But still, a big, huge, smile blossomed on his face and he started shaking the wolf up and down in his hands in excitement. Chuckling, Jungkook patted the boy's head and fondly ruffled his dark bangs.

"He likes it a lot. Good job, baby"

Hani's honeyed voice caused the boys' heads to snap towards her. Smiling softly, she grabbed Jungkook's hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. Moved by a sudden, unexplainable, wind of love and affection, Jungkook's lips pressed themselves on hers. They sealed the kiss with smaller ones, their giggles echoed around the room and Fai observed them attentively, with his new toy safely secured in his hands.

"My dad used to make me these wooden wolves. We couldn't afford real toys, so instead he made these for me. There were a lot of them in the house as I grew up. It's nothing special but..." Jungkook explained as he stuffed his cheeks with his breakfast. "I figured Fai would like it."

"You made it for him... with your bare hands, Jungkook" Hani comforted her mate as she cleaned Fai's cheeks that were all stained with syrup. "It makes it special, unique, meaningful... The intention itself is more precious than any other toy you could have possibly given him."

The day continued smoothly. The trio finished their breakfast, Jungkook prepared for the day while Hani gave Fai a bath. She put fresh clothes on him that his grandfather had dropped by their house on the day before. They left the cabin and welcomed the early morning breeze: Hani with Fai on her arms and her hand tenderly wrapped around Jungkook's. The birds were starting to arrive at the pack, their chirping awakened even the deepest of the slumbers in a sweet and gentle kiss. Hand in hand, the mates made their way towards the cabin Fai and his grandfather would be staying at. They made small talk, discussing details and the plans they had for the newcomers. Fai scanned the scenery around him; curious and intrigued at the new place he had been brought into. The Alpha knocked on the door and immediately, from the other side, Zhelan peeked his head out. He smiled tenderly once he saw his grandson, his eyes turning into crescent moons. Lively, he opened the door and welcomed Fai with open arms. This time, the boy didn't make a big fuss. If it was up to him, surely, he'd want to spend more time with the Luna. But Hani – witty as ever – promised that they'd come by to see him throughout the day and that he could always come and see them; he knew the path to their cabin, anyways, and even if he didn't, the pack members would be kind enough to show it to him. Just like that Fai was separated from the Luna and the Alpha for the time being. The door closed and the smile that had been engraved in Hani's lips, faltered. In a way, the promises she had used to reassure Fai, were also for her own reassurance. She had gotten quite attached to the toddler and, although she never expected it to be this sad, his absence was upsetting her tremendously. Jungkook was quick to notice it and he started leading Hani away from the cabin, slowly. He tried to raise her spirits with plans and options; she could always invite him to have lunch with them or perhaps they could bring him to the market. Eventually, Hani joined in. She too proposed different things and even blossomed into small smiles as she thought of how nice it would be to have him around more.

The morning was starting rather quiet and sweet to the mates. It was uneventful and they enjoyed the fleeting peace of mind – it was a rare feeling for them, nowadays. They should have seen it coming, though, the strike of thunder beneath their feet, plunging them back to the place of fear and anxiety Fai had washed away from their minds.

As they walked, Jungkook felt something collide with his back. The Alpha turned around confused and noticed that at his feet, clutching onto his head, was one of the men in charge of the border control. The Alpha sighed exhaustedly, already sensing something wasn't right. He reached out his hand and pulled him up. When their eyes locked, a freezing cold breeze froze Jungkook in his place. His knees were wobbly, barely holding himself up, his eyes were blood shot red, filled with tears. Hani was perplexed, growing fear swirled in her chest. The Alpha grasped the man's shoulder and abruptly, he shook him; as if trying to awaken him from a nightmare.

"Did something happen?!"

"H-h... h-he's he's at the b-border" Silent frightened tears fell from his eyes every time he blinked. His tone was shaky, trembling like his body. He stuttered and stumbled on his words, sometimes he lost them in his mind, sometimes he didn't know what to say. The shock had been so violent, even speaking became a hard thing to do. "The Alph-Alpha up north... he-he's at t-t-the border. U-Ulric...i-is t-"

The boy didn't get the chance to finish his words. Abruptly, Jungkook's eyes widened, his body became tense. In a swift move, he marched past the boy, leaving Hani behind him dumbfounded and panicking. His feet stomped angrily on the floor, catching the attention of every passing figure, for all of the sudden the earth was shaking under them. The Alpha was fuming, burning with rage; his eyes were sharp, blade-like. They resembled the thunder that divided the earth in two. The people in the pack moved aside as Jungkook walked, afraid that the Alpha might step on them or explode in rage. He was pulled back harshly by Hani who had jogged to catch up with him. Violently his head snapped towards her and Hani saw it – the fury, the need for revenge tainting his eyes. He was unrecognizable in her eyes. And Hani, faced with the bloodthirsty and rancour-filled mate, couldn't help but tremble in fear in his presence. His hand grabbed hers and rather harshly, he detached it from his arms.

"Go home. I'll be there in a sec"

The Alpha instructed sternly, not even allowing their eyes to meet or their glances to brush past one another. Hani's heart beat uncertainly as Jungkook disappeared slowly from her view. She debated with herself about what to do: follow him or avoid the upcoming disaster. Last time she had seen the cruel Alpha, it had been back at the forest and for some odd luck, he failed to recognize her or if he did, he chose to not let it show. Most likely, he'd recognize her now, if their eyes met again. And there was no way of Hani knowing what he would do or say. The secret had been so meticulously hidden from Jungkook. Perhaps, selfishly she was keeping it to herself, for she feared it'd give the wrong impression to Jungkook. The nerves were piling up on her throat, her feet tapped the floor anxiously. She didn't want Jungkook to go by himself to see Ulric. She wanted to be there in case Jungkook lost it and lunged at the wolf. Naively she believed she'd be able to stop it, or at least, hold him back. Foolishly, Hani wanted Jungkook's violent side chained, locked in her grasp; simply because she didn't want to face it or accept it. In that crossroad she stood, struggling with two options that neither were good. And Jungkook marched farther and farther away, growing more and more angry the closer to the borders he became. At last, a wave of adrenaline propelled Hani to ran after her mate. By the time she reached him, violently turning him around to face her, Jungkook's eyes had already fallen on the figure who leisurely waited for him. And so, Hani's last desperate breath to stop him was all in vain.

The Alpha ignored her, he threw her a scolding glare upon noticing she had followed him and not gone back as he had told her. Roughly, he grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him, without uttering a word of explanation to her. Dragging the fearful mate behind him, Jungkook confidently and bravely marched towards Ulric. Their eyes locked, each burning with revenge and hatred for the other. Smugly, Ulric got up and opened his arms as if trying to embrace Jungkook. The Alpha let go of Hani's hands, revealing her to the vile wolf, old friend of both of them. A group of Jungkook's men were standing in a protective manner, their muscles flexed ready to attack, despite the fear and the fright that froze their bones. Their eyes followed Jungkook – the fearless Alpha of theirs – in his grandiosity and immeasurable bravery. They moved aside and, so, Jungkook stepped to the other side of the line; stepping out of the pack and into the place where Ulric stood. Face to face, the wolves' eyes analysed the other; studying their presence detailly, as if measuring their strength with just a glance. In his pompous demeanour, Ulric appeared to be mocking Jungkook and his aura. He always did so. He always tried to make Jungkook feel small, powerless; and sometimes it did work. Sometimes Jungkook felt like he was an ant under the wolf's shoe, just waiting anxiously and dreadfully for the time in which he'd be smashed. However, Ulric didn't find that fragile confidence in Jungkook anymore. Instead, the Alpha was assertive, dominant, threateningly calm – similarly to the waves before a storm arrives, a single flame waving seductively before blowing up a house, a tiny fend on a wall before a fortress is crumbled down. Jungkook was a silent predator, a patient killer. Unlike Ulric who was driven by the madness, by hunger like a starving man. Still, the wolves shared a deep intricate past with one another which allowed them to know the other better than any other. And so, they could read through the masks and their veils. Ulric knew how thin the line was that separated Jungkook's calmness and his uncontrollable rage; just how Jungkook knew how sheer was the veil that covered Ulric's strategic intelligence by madness. It was that misguidance, that trickery, that turned both of them into excellent killers. They were a walking trap, an enigma. What they showed, was never what they were. And taking advantage of such a childish naivety, the two wolves always killed their enemies through surprise; the same way a man is snatched away by death in the middle of a calm night.

"Finally came to claim your prize?" Jungkook spitted out venously. Ulric scoffed at the irony and at the ridiculous attack as he scanned the fortress of men, ready to jump on him if he laid a hand wrongly on their Alpha. "If not... then I suggest you to leave. And trust me, I'm saying this as nicely as I can."

"I'm just passing by, I'll be quick... no need to call your guards for it" Arrogantly, Ulric raised his eyebrow, faking a false kindness to prickle the ravenous Alpha. "I heard you received some of my pack members yesterday. Well, unfortunately, I need them back." Ulric threw a sarcastic smile at one of Jungkook's men and with his hand, he motioned for them to go and grab his older pack members. "C'mon chop, chop. I don't have all day. Tell them to hurry up, we have a lot to catch up"

"You're not getting them back" The Alpha placed his body in between Ulric and his men, shielding them from his fulminant glare. "Unlike you, people are free here to go or stay. If they want to go back to your pack, they will. But I'm not willingly putting people for slaughter... like cattle."

"Hypocrisy doesn't fit you..." Ulric laughed dryly, finding amusing Jungkook's words. "Is memory failing you, recently? Cattle was what you did to the pack that took you in. You killed them without no explanation or reason, you destroyed families, left their bodies to rot out in the open for me to bury. Have you forgotten? Do not call me the bad guy simply because I'm trying to bring my people back to where they belong."

"Just so you can wear them down and step on them? Just so you can laugh and mock them, abuse of their kindness. Force them to follow you and bow to you through fear. I never did such a thing. I did Justice to the best that I could, to the best that I knew back then"

"And justice is killing innocent people? Don't pity yourself... you're not worthy of it. And last time I checked, killing hundreds to avenge the death of three is not Justice to me. You let bitterness and the monstrosity that lives inside of you out, using 'justice' as an excuse for your actions. You will always be a child... an ant under my shoe... a foolish dog trying to climb to my place. A jealous parasite that feeds on the blood of others, a growing tumour nurtured by greed." Ulric's words were slowly yet steadily piercing the armour Jungkook had spent years building. "And now you wish to keep what's not yours? Haven't you had enough? Or are you still greedy and ambitious for death like you were back then, uh?"

"They chose to come here, all that I did was welcome them. And I accepted them all without judging them or labelling them based on their attributes. I don't step on those that trust me with their life. I am not you and for as much as you may try... you will never be me, you understand that?!"

"Chose to follow you?" Ulric laughed in disbelief, clutching onto his belly as he did so. "They had no other choice. They knew if they left to any other pack, I'd be quick to catch them and slaughter them all for disobedience. They came here because they know you are the only idiot stupid enough to stand in my way. And even if they chose you as you claim they did... for how long do you think they will stay? Please, don't tell me you're that naïve that you believe they will still blindly follow you like sheep, once they see who you really are... You can't play pretend for long..."

Hani could hear the crack. The sound of the wall of trust she had built with the Alpha crashing, falling piece by piece. All that it took was for hers and Ulric's eyes to meet, a mischievous smile growing terrifyingly on his lips. That's all it took and Hani was sure her heart had fallen out of her chest and, imbalanced and beaten by the wind, crashed on the floor, splattering its remains all over the floor.

"Oh? Don't tell me you believe she chose you as well?" Ulric found the situation by itself amusing, rather hilarious of destiny to entangle them like that. But he wasn't going to let an opportunity to torment Jungkook even more escape from his bloodied hands. No, he'd use every single one of them to cut deeper and deeper into the boy's heart. And evilly, he'd use every one, especially those Jungkook cherished. So, without even trying to be sly, Ulric pointed at her – Hani. And, didn't it feel so good to watch chaos unfold in front of him... The Alpha snapped his head towards where Ulric pointed, and he saw her; with the trembling eyes that told them what he feared the most to hear. "She went with you just so that she could get away from me... smart girl, not going to lie, I was impressed. She got herself out of the situation faster than I could see it coming. So, tell me... you can be honest it's okay... do you think she will stay with you once she sees the beast you have numbed inside you, lingering on, slithering through you... just patiently waiting to cause destruction again? Watch her feet speed out of your bed while you sleep."

His shoulder brushed past Jungkook aggressively, causing the Alpha to stumble on his feet. Jungkook was so... so defenceless, vulnerable; he didn't have strength in him to dodge the blows or to think rationally, at all. Instead, due to his weak state of mind, everything Ulric was saying was the truth Jungkook blindly followed, glued itself to him like leeches. Still unsatisfied, the cruel wolf decided to add more salt to the wound; just a little something to extend the pain.

"You should have listened to me when I told you to choose me. You should have listened to me when I told you I could provide a life away from pain and sadness, filled with all the richest things the world can provide. You should have allowed me to take you as my own, instead of running around pretending you're strong." Hani's eyes didn't even dare to glance at Ulric. They were concentrated on the ground beneath her, as she tried to hide the tears that ran down her cheeks away from Ulric's eyes. If he saw them, he'd only be more motivated to humiliate her and kick her to curb like he had always done. "If you hadn't been so stubborn... such a brat... then maybe you wouldn't have the miserable life you have now. Maybe your mother would still be alive"

That was the last blow. Ulric was spined around aggressively; his body was hurled against a tree. Fuming, Jungkook grabbed him by the nape of his neck and put him on his feet. His hand flew towards his neck, grasping it tightly, monstrously harsh; just a little bit more and surely the bones would crack, the blood exploding from the veins and coating the Alpha in the colour that fitted him so evilly well.

"Get the f*ck out of here, I'm warning you"

Smiling, Ulric coughed painfully and, for some odd reason, Jungkook let go of him. Ulric held himself up, leaning against the tree while his hand massaged his bruised neck. Unbothered by the violence he had suffered, Ulric smugly smiled at Jungkook, showing him his bloodied teeth. He walked proudly and tall out of there, his lungs filled with satisfaction at the hurt he had caused. Jungkook observed his figure, glued to his spot, until Ulric disappeared from his sight. Then, marching just as angrily back to the pack, he went straight to his men.

"Follow him. Groups of 4 or 5, don't lose him out of your sight and don't let your guards down. Don't let him see you. Make sure he leaves our territory and doesn't come back. Anything strange report it to me"

"A-Alpha" One of the men frightenedly called for Jungkook, their knees wobbling due to how intimidating and angry he appeared to be. "In the meantime, what will you do? If he comes back..."

"I'll kill him." The answer was cut short and it caused all those who were around him to jolt in fear. His eyes sharp and filled with bitter rage collided with Hani's. On another day, they would soften for her, his anger would become mild and domestic. But, at that moment, it became even more wild, fiercer. His hand harshly grabbed her and he pulled her to his side. Hani squirmed slightly in his grasp, feeling the harshness threatening to bruise her skin. His lips brushed past her ear and very lowly, very roughly, Jungkook warned her. "We need to talk. Start walking"

And so, with tears streaming down her face, the girl's feet moved. The Alpha paid to them no mind, too absorbed in the revenge, in the hatred, in the sheer disappointment and hurt he was feeling. They didn't know who was the other anymore. Everything was a lie masked with truth and truth masked with lies, so intricately wrapped, entangled with one another. It was hard to pull them apart. 


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