B r o k e n | Gloxinia | SDS

By _maatcha_

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"So, you're still alive huh?" A drawling voice echoed across the cave, "I'm glad." The male clutched his spea... More

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Flashback special - First meeting


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By _maatcha_

Merlin clicked her fingers and Meliodas was teleported away from here. Another blast of flame was released from the Albion's mouth, it was aimed straight for the castle. But as it was just about to hit the castle, Luna saw Meliodas use his full counter to deflect the attack.

"Diane, take Elizabeth inside," Luna ordered, "Things might get a bit rough outside."


The blast of flame was deflected and sent right back where it came. The Albion's face was certainly not spared, there were cracks where the clay split from the blow just now. But to think that now Meliodas can't even destroy an Albion in one blow was troublesome, what if the ten commandments were to come. What then?

Luna shook her head, no, she shouldn't be thinking these things, better focus on the task at hand. Mama Hawke continued to fly around the Albion, enraging the clay monster completely. It roared in again and tried to take a swipe at them. But because of its obesity, its fats hands were not swift enough to catch them.

From the bird's eye view above, Luna could see the holy knights of Camelot plus Meliodas climb up the Albion's body.

The weakest point of the Albion is its core, side its chest. Smart, very smart. Luna analyzed. It was a good idea she admitted, much better than facing that creature head-on.

"When are you planning to end this Merlin?" She asked the mage who was also standing beside her enjoying the view.

"I'm not sure Luna- oh-" Merlin noticed the situation the Captain was in, his weapon was gone, "Captain wait!" She interjected, "Putting aside whether I should return 'that' to you, let me give you this one for now!"

She threw the weapon at Meliodas who caught it without hesitation, it was his sacred treasure: Lostvayne

"Ten years ago in Camelot, you sold it to a pawnbroker" Merlin started, "but I bought it back... And I'm charging serious interest!"

"You had it all this time?" Luna deadpanned, "And you didn't think to give it to him?!"

"It was NOT cheap!"

But Luna just flicked her forehead and chuckled, Merlin was still a child sometimes.

Seriously, Luna wanted to bang her head against a piece of metal. This is why you don't give anything to Merlin in the first place... However, at least Merlin gave something back. And, oh yes, she still has to get her fair share of items to collect from the infamous mage. She had a fathomless void of secrets and magical items that she never told anyone about, who knows what could be in there...

Luna sighed, she was almost getting bored watching Meliodas toy with the Albion. Now that he has his sacred treasure back, Luna didn't have to worry about him anymore. The clay monster was fully submerged into the deadly dance that Meliodas led.

She watched as the Albion howled in pain as his clay arm got sliced to pieces, it was awfully familiar with the beefsteak that was served in the boar hat. The fact that it even resembled it a little made Luna inwardly cheer that she was a vegetarian. Looking back at the monster, it seemed to have one last trick up its sleeve...if it even had one. Its head morphed into five canon shaped launchers, each one of them aiming at the little blonde figure that was standing or rather floating before it.

"Wait, look!" Hawke squeaked, "It's got five horns growing out of its head!" The pig had cols sweat dripping off his skin. At this point, despite being thrown into some really weird situations, Luna thought that it had already gotten used to monsters and demons...but apparently...Hawke didn't.

"Well, It looks like the creature learned from Meliodas's full counter." Luna mused from beside Diane who looked at her in bewilderment.

"But that's not good!" She half screamed at him, "Even the captain can't handle that many on his own!"

This led the princess: Elizabeth to run out from the boar hat, staring at the battlefield in laid down in front. Luna hastily grabbed her shoulder to stable her, surprised by the speed she had in her.

"Wait a minute," She gasped, "There's five of him?"

The special ability of his sacred treasure: clones. All five of the Meliodas' faced a canon, each one was the exact copy of the other. Luna knew that the Albion's fate was already sealed, its whole upper body was blasted off. Leaving the bottom half just standing there...in front of Camelot.

Great, what a nice spoiler of war.


"It appears that an Albion has been destroyed," Dreyfus, or rather Fraudrim informed, "Two of them actually, in separate locations."

The ten commandments were stationed at the Edinburg castle, well you couldn't really call it a castle when somebody blasted all the things that made it one, away. There was a huge crater that replaced the city that once stood here, but now, the demons had added a little castle of their own on top of the crater.

Big leaf-shaped purple material stretched out to make a place for sitting and resting. All of the ten commandments were lounging on it as if spending the time of their lives there.

"Who cares about them anyways? Cause to me they're nothing more than ancient toys. Already rusted no doubt."

Melascula. She was surrounded by black tendrils, her pink hair slightly billowing due to the wind. Her sweet but menacing tone brought a slight chill to the atmosphere around them.

However, it was soon interrupted by a burst of maniacal laughter by Galand. His body shook as his laughter boomed across the 'castle'

"AHAHAHA! How amusing,"

All eyes were on him. Wanting an explanation.

"What is it that you find so funny?" Melascula voiced out everyone's question, bringing the spotlight to Galand again.

And naturally, he gave an answer: "Who'd have ever imagined that even now there are still people that dares to stand up to the demon race?" He stood up and began stretching. Getting ready for who knows what.

"Right let's go."

"You're really not considering going out with your magical powers still depleted, are you?" Melascula asks again. She rolls her eyes at his behaviour as he nodded vigorously at her.

"Why not? It would be a perfect warm-up exercise, or do you actually think that they will defeat me?" He questions, haughtily.

Now everyone sighs, here we go again, they all thought mutually.

Zeldris had enough, he teleported in front of Galand, stoping him.

"Now wait a minute," He held up a hand to stop his fellow commandment, "Have you forgotten it was this arrogance that led us to be sealed up in the first place?"

Galand stroked the sharp point that extended from his helmet in satire deep thought. He stayed in that position for a while before replying to his leader: "Well memory loss in old men can be quite severe, you know..."

He was about to go off again, but a plant tendril poked his mid-section, getting his attention. This commandment looked relaxed like he didn't have any care of anything.

"So, which direction will you go?' Gloxinia asked, his drawl and lazy tempo contradicting Galand's fast ones.

"Hmm let me see."

Zeldris sighs, knowing that he cannot change Galand's mind.

Speaking of the latter, Galand turned to Gloxinia for advice.

"I noticed something northwest of here, for a moment there were power levels that were double the Albion's." He paused a bit as if realizing something that was forbidden, "The one south of us was strange, because that Albion seemed to self destruct."

Another silent pause.

"It was as if somehow its own power seemed to slam back into itself. Destroying it." He finally finished, leaving a pleased Galand.

"Hmmm... Hey, thanks a lot."

Gloxinia received a pat on the head from Galand. He shrugged at him in return. Galand turned his back on the castle, this time with no one stopping him.

"I'm ready."


Well, the Albion was destroyed and Luna sensed no danger around them just yet, but she could help but feel like something bad was coming. Exactly after the Albion was destroyed, she sensed a powerful magical presence that almost wafted around the whole country. It was so similar to his, heck it might just be his presence.

Luna found herself staring at the moon rose necklace that he gave as a promise to her all those years ago. The crystal flower still glowed brightly in her palm, never fading. So what did she mean to him? Just as he said, was she really just a toy to him?

Just, "A toy that I used just to keep myself entertained"

Those words were carved into her heart that day, and they never left. Her grip tightened around the necklace but not enough for it to break, after all, she needed to save it for their meeting in the future. Where she can finally get her revenge on him.

Yet, a small part of herself refused to agree with her brain. Over the years, she found herself asking the same repeated question, "Do you really believe that he would just betray you like that? He did love you, so why would he just throw you away?" No, she shook the sentimental part of herself out, he did what he did. And I can't forgive him.

But can you really kill him?

"Luna," A voice from the distance called, "Luna!"

Luna stiffened and punched the person that was in front of her. She shook her head, shaking herself out of her daydream. She found Meliodas lying in a crater on the wall.

"Gee Luna," He complained as he fell out, "What was that for?"

"Sorry." She muttered and helped him up. She pulled him up and realized that he just received a beating from Diane and Slater as well, judging by the bulge size on his head. Probably about being a prevent, she thought.

Suddenly, there was a boom that the whole kingdom of Camelot surely heard. Luna's head snapped up as she looked to the direction of the newcomer, she sensed a powerful demon magic aura around it as it approached in inhuman speed.

"Is that thunder?" Slader asked as all of the group looked towards the sound.

"No, I'm not seeing any rain clouds" Muttered Diane,

Luna took in a sharp breath as a figure just broke the sound barrier and landed in the middle of Camelot. The force sent a tornado of dust flying around the city, unstable houses were just blown down by the sheer force of his arrival. This must be a commandment, right now, only they have enough power to create such a massive scale of damage by just landing.

Luna saw Merlin stand protectively in front of Arthur Pendragon and Meliodas do the same to Elizabeth. Luna narrowed her eyes at the newcomer, she did a quick rune to contain the blast, settling everything down.

"Seventy-two steps eh?" She heard a raspy voice muse from the middle of the dust-nado, (dust tornado lol). His metal armor creaked when he stretched his arms, making Luna wince at the noise.

"No! it can't be!" A whimper was released from the giant girl as she too, felt the fear that the commandment radiated.

Slader's eyes were wide as the holy knight stuttered in front of the demon, "No way!" He breathed, "This new demon makes the fight with Hendrickson look sweet in comparison!"

"I thought it would only take me 70 steps to get here!" A death scythe appeared out of the midst of swirling dust, Luna recognized it in a millisecond, that purple scythe was the weapon of Galand of Truth. The demon continued his personal musing, "But I suppose I'm out of practice after 3000 years."

All eyes were on Galand.

The tension was thick in the air, Luna gripped her staff as she got ready in her battle position. The holy knights of Camelot were all apprehensive in surrounding the demon. Well, Luna couldn't blame them, Galand was a powerful foe...right now.

"You're Galand of the ten commandments!" Meliodas stole the words out of her mouth, oh well.

"It's been a while Meliodas..." Galand said in his normal malicious tone, "Just as I suspected, it is you isn't it!" He laughed hysterically, scaring all the others around him, "To think after all this time has passed, you'd still be in that form..."

"Merlin," Hawke's voice sounded stiff and fearful, "I think my magical eye must be broken."

"Why is that?"

"It's just that, I-it can be right, can it?"

"What can't be right?" Luna interjected, "Tell me, Hawke." She let herself sneak a glance at the pig behind her, gosh, he saw sweating all over again.

"It just can be right," The pig sounded like he was trying to convince himself as well, "A power level of 26000?"

Luna's eyes narrowed. This might be harder than she thought, especially when the sun was still up high in the sky.

Galand smiled sadistically, and his left eye glowed green in anticipation.

Ok, sorry for the long wait, I spent a bit longer than normal on this chapter. My Netflix account is just being a drag, and Canva is just pissing me off. It's not freaking loading...

Anyways, I kind of changed my writing style in the past few days, so I don't know if you can see it but to me, this chapter's style is different from the last. There was some elaboration in Luna's past *cue ooo sound* and more will be revealed in the future!


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