By AelinIvy

2.8K 34 1

COMPLETE "I don't love you anymore, Kane." I lie as I try to look him in the eyes. This however makes Nekan... More

1 • Kadota
3 • Philophobia
4 • Nighted
5 • Tacenda
6 • Vad
7 • Cruor
8 • Eccedentesiast
9 • Basorexia
10 • Frisson
11 • Cafuné
12 • Cozen
13 • Cordolium

2 • Whelve

242 4 0
By AelinIvy

Whel • ve
Noun | Meaning
To bury something deep; to hide

I like writing in an aesthetically pleasing coffee shop. Makes me feel more like a writer. It sounds stupid, I know that. But I like the smell of coffee, the jazz music in the background and the chatting of people. Life feels simple in those moments.

I like writing about me and Nekane. Actually, my first hit as Luna Davis was a story about me and Nekane. I published it after being away for 6 months and the weeks after that were really scary. I didn't use our real names of course and the chance of him reading it was already very slim since he never really read sappy books like these but still. You never know.

"One cappuccino for madame," Kristel says and she takes a seat at our table. I smile at her while closing my laptop and setting it aside. "Thank you," I say as I grab the mug and take a sip. "So what are you writing about?" Kristel asks me and I shrug.

"Not about Nekane again," She groans and I laugh. "What do you have against Nekane? You don't even know him," I remark and she shakes her head. "I don't care. You ran away from him like you were hiding from a serial killer, that tells me enough about the person he is," She tells me and I shoot her a weak smile.

"The love Nekane and I shared inspires me, is all. Besides, it sells. My publisher loves all the stuff I write about when it comes to our stories." I shrug, taking another sip. "Well, at least you make money off your failed marriage," She laughs and I join her. Laughing through the pain I guess.

"Jules, come on. It'll be fun!" My friend Gina whines and I shake my head laughing. "No! We have a very important final tomorrow and I don't want to fail," I lecture her and she shakes her head. "Puh-lease! You are more prepared than any of us, you'll pass with the biggest hangover if you had to," She scoffs.

"You don't have to drink, just be there. I promise it'll be fun and you won't regret it." She tells me and I roll my eyes. "Fine, but only if you'll shut up about it," I groan as I get up from my seat and go to grab my jacket.

"What are you doing?"

"Grabbing my jacket so we can go?" I frown at her and she shakes her head. "Hell no! You're not going out wearing that. Wear something hot!" She scolds me and I groan again. "Gina, be happy I'm already coming with you. Now shut your mouth and let's go," I say and with that, I walk out of our dorm.

Gina follows after me and together we walk to the frat house where this party takes place. This is the stupidest idea ever. Why did I come along again?

When we arrive at the frat house, I can already tell this is going to be a mess. I'm refusing to drink any alcohol here or I might wake up in the middle of nowhere tomorrow.

As we enter the house I'm overwhelmed by the smell of sweat, alcohol, and cheap perfume. The loud music and heat don't help either. Normally I don't have a problem with these things, but I'm simply not in the mood to party right now.

"Let's get some drinks!" Gina yells at me over the music and I nod. Well, drinks for her. None for me. I'll be lucky if I find some kind of soda without alcohol here. We walk up to a dinner table where there are all kinds of bottles presented to us and Gina immediately goes for the tequila.

I scan the table for soda or anything else but nothing. If I don't get killed by some drunk people today, I'll probably die of dehydration.

As Gina pours herself a drink, I turn around to look at the crowd when I bump into someone. "Jesus!" I curse as I jump back from the bump and lookup. I make eye contact with the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen in my life.

His bright eyes look at me before scanning my body and I can't help but scoff. "My eyes are up here dude," I remark and his eyes jump back to mine. "I'm sorry, I've just never seen a girl wear something like that to a party," He states and I roll my eyes.

"Sweats and a crop top?" I ask and he shrugs. I look at Gina who has already started talking to a random guy and I can't help but let out yet another groan. The stranger in front of me hearing it loud and clear.

"Woah, someone is not happy," He says with a grin as I look at him again. "You don't have to look so happy about it. We don't even know each other," I say annoyed and he laughs. "We could. I could make your night a lot better, you know." He winks and I fight the urge to punch him in the balls.

"Thanks but no thanks. I don't feel like catching chlamydia tonight," I get ready to turn away from him when he stops me. "First of all, I don't have that. And secondly, how about a different good time. How they did it back in the 90s," He suggests and I frown.

"And what did they do in the 90s?" I ask him and he grins again. "You know, discover the city late at night. Talking to strangers, helping homeless dudes, telling each other their deepest darkest secrets, looking at the stars in a random park." He names a few things and I giggle.

"You've watched too many movies," I tell him and he shakes his head. "Nah just one. Ever watched before sunrise?" He asks and I shake my head. "How could you not?! The movie is amazing, we have to watch it together sometime," He suggests and I shake my head.

"How about we first get to know each other better like you just explained to me," I laugh and he nods. "Okay, let's get out of here," He says and together we leave. Before we do though I turn around to look at Gina but she's long gone. So instead I send her a text and hope she gets it before she starts looking for me.

I look at Kristel again as the memory flashes before my eyes and I smile slightly at the feeling. That was the night I met Nekane. I left with him without even knowing his name. I don't even know why. I shake my head to forget the memory and focus back on the here and now.

"So how's your new book coming along?" Kristel asks me and I shrug. "I'm having a little bit of a difficult time. But I always have that halfway through the writing process, I'll get over it." I tell her and she nods. "How long were you with Nekane again before you left?" She asks me out of nowhere and I look away for a second.

"We were married for 2 years so, together for 4 in total," I answer and she nods. "And now you're 25 and single," She remarks and I glare at her. "What? Just stating the facts. Maybe it's time for you to go out again and meet a new guy," She suggests and I shake my head.

"I already met my soulmate, and it didn't work out. I don't think I'll ever be able to find that again." I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "No love is the same, Jules. The next guy you'll meet won't be the same as Nekane. In some ways that'll be negative and in other ways positive. Get over it and have some fun," She tells me.

"And where am I going to meet another guy?" I scoff, making her laugh. "At a bar, in a club. I don't know." She says and for a moment it's silent. "Oh my god, we should go out!" She practically shrieks making me flinch.


"We should go out clubbing. We've never done that before. You should get drunk and find a hot guy, hit it off, go have a one-night stand, find out he might be the one, and start dating." She goes on to say and I look at her with wide eyes.

"You planned out my future for me huh," I say and she nods proudly. I can't help but laugh, nodding at her plan. "Okay, let's see what Maimi has in store for me," I chuckle and take another sip from my coffee.

That night I'm getting ready for a night out with Kristel. I'm somewhat surprised it's just the two of us since she's in a committed relationship right now but I decided not to question her on that. If they have that kind of trust in each other, good for them.

Kristel herself is a lesbian and is dating a woman named Mia right now. They've been together for three years and I think they look absolutely adorable together.

I look at myself in the mirror and scan my outfit. I decided to wear some basic jeans with a thin black belt. My silk top, dark green with spaghetti straps. Cute and humble. I wear some gold necklaces with that and throw my brown curls in a bun.

I look good.

I smile at myself and grab my purse when my eyes fall on my wedding ring. I've never taken it off since... Well... I don't really know why I guess.

I take another look at it when I finally decide to slide it off my right ring finger. The silver ring with its beautiful diamond leaves my finger for the first time in three years and it feels weird all of a sudden.

I take a deep breath and move on, making my way toward the front door. I put on my nude stilettos and I'm out the door.

After grabbing a taxi and finally arriving at the address Kristel send me, I see her waiting for me at the front of the line. Beside her stands her girlfriend, Mia. So I guess she is coming along. I wasn't aware of that but not a problem of course.

When they see me, they wave for me to come over to them so I quickly do. I hug them both and together we wait to get inside the club. We can already hear the music from outside.

I haven't gone out clubbing in a while so I hope my alcohol tolerance isn't completely gone. I made sure to eat enough before coming here otherwise I'd be fucked.

When we finally get in I smile as I take a look at the scene around me. "Let's go to the bar to get some drinks," Kristel suggests and I nod. The three of us make our way to the purple-lit bar and we order three martinis for ourselves, together with six shots.

We drink our martinis at the bar while scanning the club. I look around for any cute guys but see none yet so instead, I chat with Kristel and Mia. After we all finished our drinks, we take our shots, and make our way to the dancefloor.

Tonight is throwback night and the DJs playing 'Hips don't lie' We can't help but swing our hips as we dance to the music. Mia and Kristel are grinding against each other and Kristel thought it'd be a good idea if I'd join, grabbing me by the hips and grinding my ass against her front.

The alcohol however makes it all a lot less weird and I can only laugh while the three of us grind on the dance floor. When the song ends, however, I pull away laughing and shake my head. Both Kristel and Mia are giggling as well.

"We could make a great trio you know," Kristel winks and I shake my head laughing. "I know babe but I don't swing that way and you know it," I tell her, booping her nose and she laughs. "I know. Talking about swinging. There's this guy who's staring at you," She carefully points behind me and I turn around to make eye contact with a handsome pair of brown eyes.

The guy stands a few feet away from us at the bar, however, something behind him catches my attention. A pair of familiar green eyes and for a second I think I'm hallucinating. I shake my head and look again, and I must've, because the green eyes are no longer there anymore.

I look back at the handsome stranger and shoot him a flirtatious smile and he smirks. Kristel is right. I deserve a little fun.

I look back at both of them and grin. "I think I'm going to say hi to him," I tell them, and they both nod. I walk towards the stranger and take a seat next to him at the bar.

I order another martini when the stranger cuts in. "I'll pay for the lady's drink," He says and I look at him. "No you don't handsome," I wink and hand the bartender a twenty-dollar bill. "Oof, what a way to hurt my ego," He says and he brings his hand where his heart is like he's been hit.

"Sorry, I just don't want to feel like I owe you anything," I grin and he laughs. "Understood but you do owe me an ego boost, however," He smirks and I roll my eyes playfully. "Yeah? And how do you suppose I boost that ego of yours?" I ask him and he comes to sit closer next to me.

"How about a dance? One where you dance the same as you were dancing just a minute ago with your friends," He says and I grin. "I can give you that, but first I have to finish my drink," I tell him, grabbing my glass and taking a sip. Never taking my eyes off his .

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