By EnvyTheJealous27

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Hi guys. I was trying to find some good Envy x reader but all i found were stories which are no longer update... More

Chapter 1. Beginning
Chapter 2. His beautifull smell
Chapter 3. You are not monster
Chapter 4. Getting closer
Chapter 5. Unwanted rescue
Chapter 6. Catastrophe
Chapter 7. Gluttony's stomach
Chapter 8. Chilling day with Envy
Chapter 9. Start of fight
Chapter 10. One lost arm but saved life.
Chapter 11. End of battle and new start
Chapter 12. Connection
Chapter 13. I didn't expect this.
Chapter 14. Troublesome situation
Chapter 15. Best in Worse
Chapter 16. Get back power
Chapter 18. Truth
Chapter 19. GAME
Chapter 20. Little plan
Chapter 21. The day before
Chapter 22. Escape
Chapter 23. West city and memories
Chapter 24. Running + trouble
Chapter 25. End

Chapter 17. Guard change

357 13 6
By EnvyTheJealous27

It's been few weeks since Envy got imprisoned. I was almost all my time with him in cell and sometimes both of us in my work room. We always played cards, read books together, talked about lot of things. I also brought to cell blankets and games and i let them be in cell. I brought there lot of snacks as well. Today was no exception, then past few weeks. Both of us sat in Envy's cell and talked.

~[Y/N] i still don't understand how could you fall for me. Why you don't mind that i killed your friend Huges? You know i love you but i still somehow i can't understand it. You had your life as alchemist before so why you don't mind i kidnapped you and held you hostage?

~Well- it's because-

I got interupted by someone.

~Why [Y/N]? I would like to know too.

I immediately froze at spot as well as Envy when we realized who this voice belongs to. I looked before me just to see Mustang staring at us.

~And i would like to know why guard who's supposed to guard this monster is with him inside his cell instead of guarding him? You are in with keys as well. It's too dangerous for you and as well as for others because he can escape whenever he wants.

I thought of good excuse but there was nothing i could do about it because he probably heard everything we were talking about. I stood up and went out of cell locking it behind me.

~I-i was just doing some company it's lonely to be locked in that cold cell all alone.

I answaered

~He is also my boyfriend. I believe him. I know he won't escape letting me in trouble.

~If someone else would find out you would end up there with him forever as well. So for now i'm just gonna punish you lightly. Give my your keys from his cell.

I froze and then i hesistantly and slowly gave him my keys. I stared at them while i was giving them to Mustang. Then i put them back to myself and without him noticing i put one out of key ring. And then gave it to Mustang. He then gave me fake smile and walked away.

~And next time i will find you with him i will let you rot there with him as well.

~What will be a reason for holding me there?

~Trying to help with escape.

Mustang shouted back at me. As he disappeared from my sight i exhaled.

~Fuuuh that wasn't good. Now when he found out there will be other guards coming here to control us. But for now-

I shape-shifted my finger into key to Envy's cell and unlocked it. Then i came in and sit next to Envy.

~we can just let it be.

Envy chuckled and gave me cheeky smile.

~I think you are learning bad habits from me, aren't you?

~Well you changed too. So why not  change myself as well?

~Ouh [Y/N] great! I really do love you. You are great.

~Awww thanks. And you know what? I think i'm gonna do it.

~Do what? You will see soon enough.

I smiled and waited to hear some footsteps. It was Mustang again.

~So you won't stop it. Will you?

I just looked at him and grined a little.

~Looks like it. I just can't let my boyfriend freeze here.

I told and Envy's cheeky smile appeared on his face.

~Well then i have no choice. You are gonna be imprisoned with him for the rest of your life. Now get out of cell and you are going to change your clothes. You won't be wearing this state alchemist clothes. You don't deserve it.

I just smiled and came out.

~And don't forget to put that key you stole from key ring on table.

I grabbed it and put it on table and went to work room to put on some comfort clothes. When i went out Mustang was in mid snapping stance because he thought i would attack him. When he realized thar i don't have any weapons he locked me in cell with Envy.

~There will be few guards soon. Me and three others changing day shifts and two night shifts.

I looked at him and grinned.

~You got it somehow planned. Or are you improvising?

~I thought you would go against what i told so i kinda planned it.

It was about 9pm and Mustang went out and told about it to other officers.

~Well now we won't be hiding it at all. I don't mind being here. And if we would want to get away-

Envy interrupted me

~We just need to kill him.

I looked at him and smiled.

~You know [Y/N]? I can feel an evil presence from you that i never felt before.

~Really? That's probably that i'm not human anymore. I don't feel guilt or anything like that. Yet i still can feel emotions which i'm happy even though some of them are useless.

~That's my girl. I love you still more and more.

I smiled and then i heard footsteps. They weren't the same. And then from nothing i saw him.


~Ouh if it isn't our little pipsqueak.

~Who are you calling little that no one  can see him under microscope?!

~I didn't said that nor Envy did. But why the hell are you here?

~Well i can't use my alchemy anymore so i'm gonna guard you as Mustang told me to.

~Aaah. That destroys all of our plans about killing night guard and escaping.

I whispered to Envy.

~What did you say?!

Edward looked at me.

~Nothing. Nothing. Just joking. How could we even do it? He is without powers and i don't have my gloves.

~Hmph okey. BTW Envy you look great behind bars. It suits someone like you well.

~Huuh? What did you say you mini bean?

~That it serves you right to rot in cell for the rest of your life.

Edward said angrily while i stood up and *Bonk* i hit Edward at his head.

~You know, i'm here as well! Even though you are here to guard us stop fighting and do your fucking job and guard us!

I yelled totally pissed off and Edward stayed silent.

~Even behind bars you are dangerous [Y/N].

I didn't react at that and went to take some snacks and then put my head on Envy's shoulder.

~Here Envy eat it. It's really good.
I told Envy while i ate mine. Edward look at our cell with envious look on his face.

~Huh? And i thought i am the envious one.

Envy stated as he looked at blond haired guard.

~Here catch it.

I told and i threw something at Ed.

~But give us little bit more privacy.

He rolled his eyes a little and ate sweet chockolate bar and then he moved  away from our sight.

~For now let's rest.~

I told and Envy nodded. But before that something happened that i didn't expect. Envy kissed me and i kissed him back. Then i hugged him and continued with kissing. Edward looked at us and stared for a moment.

~S-so that's why they want privacy.

Ed thought and looked away. I then pulled away and both of us laid on bed and snuggled together. Then we fell asleep.

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