Surprise Is Waiting Ahead: Se...

By SnehalShukla

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Gibbs and Sloane went to Fornell's house to celebrate Christmas to give him some company. But they were unkno... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

305 13 4
By SnehalShukla

Oklahoma  Bishop's place

Bishop and Nick were celebrating their Christmas at her place. They were having dinner with Bishop's family. Torres was feeling a little uncomfortable because Bishop's brothers were staring at him.

"Mmm... Ellie! Why are they staring at me?" Nick asked Bishop with a big fake smile.

"Hey, C'mon on guys stop doing that!" Bishop said.

"C'mon Ellie, we are just ...." Her elder brother George said.

"What! Trying to make him nervous?" She said.

"Hey, man... who said I'm nervous. I'm just a bit uncomfortable." Nick said.

"Stop boys! Nick is our guest behave nicely." Bishop's mom said.

"We are always nice." All three of them said together. Their mom just shook her head.

"So... agent Nick..."

"Oh...please call me Nick, ma'am," Nick replied as he takes a sip from his wine glass. Bishop just smiled.

"Okay, so Nick... who else is in your family?" Bishop's mom asked him. That question makes Torres more uncomfortable.

"Aah... my elder sister ma'am. She's the only family I have left."

"Why? What about your parents?"

"Hmm... Ellie. Need your help." Nick whispered.

"The food is a really good mom. Good. What do you say Nick.?" Bishop tried to change the topic.

"Oh... yeah. This is the best food I've ever had in my life. I mean my sister used to cook for me, she's a great cook. But your food is very delicious." Nick said.

"Thank you, Nick, but where's your sister now?" Bishop's mom asked again.

"Mom... stop! Why are you keep asking him about his family?" Bishop's getting frustrated by her mother's questions.

"Oh... okay. We are not in touch after her husband died because of me. I mean I was working undercover and bad guys figure it out that I... I'm a federal agent.

And they went after my family so... they attacked my sister but she survived the crash but her husband died in that accident." Nick replied with a heavy voice.

"Oh... I am sorry Nick." Bishop's mom said. She was feeling bad for Nick.

"No worries I have my other family with whom I work every day. I got an elder brother like McGee, father like Gibbs and sister like..."

"Ellinor?" Bishop's brothers said.

"Kaise. Sister likes Kaise. Our forensic specialist. I and Ellie are just friends. Right, Ellie?" Nick said.

"Yeah, we're very good friends." They both looked at each other and smiled.

Then suddenly Nick's cellphone started ringing. He pulled out his cellphone and he was surprised it's McGee!

"Aah... excuse me guys, have to take this call." And he stood up and walked outside.

"Mom... guys!  What were you doing? I told you he didn't like to talk about his personal life."Bishop was pretty upset with her family.

"Ellinor, I'm just trying to make him comfortable. We didn't mean to hurt him." Her mom said.

"I know mom, you would not hurt anybody but Nick... he's the very complicated guy to understand. Even I don't know how to handle him. He's a very introverted type of guy." Bishop said.

"But it looks like you know him very well little sis," George said and winked.

"Oh C'mon guys!" Bishop rolled her eyes and started eating her food.


"Yo McGee! Thanks for saving me, man." Nick said.

"Listen, Torres, you guys have to come back. We have a situation here. We need you guys! It's an emergency." McGee said. He sounds very serious.

"Hey... hey. Hold on, man!  Take a breath and tell me what happened?" Nick replied.

"Look, Nick, I can't tell you everything on the phone right now. Director has booked a flight for you and the bishop. Grab your things and get back in here. Your flight will lands there in an hour to pick you and Bishop." He said as he checked his watch.

"Don't miss the flight. We need both of you here by tomorrow morning." McGee disconnects the phone.

"But McGee...hey!" He runs into the house to inform Bishop.

"Who's on the phone Torres?" Bishop asked. By the look on his face, she knew that something is up.

"It was  McGee, he wants us back to DC. We have to leave C'mon. We have a flight to catch." Nick informed her.

"What happened?" Bishop asked.

"He didn't say anything. He just said it's an emergency. He sounded very anxious." Nick replied.

"Oh... God. It means something is really bad happened. C'mon..." Bishop said as she runs toward her room and started packing her stuff.

They left immediately and catch their plane. It's two hours and forty minutes long trip to DC. They both have no idea why McGee called them back to DC.

"Hey, Nick!" Bishop said

"Yeah, Ellie?"

"I am... ah... I am sorry about what mom said. She didn't know about your sister. She was just..." Bishop apologized.

"It's okay. I know your mom didn't mean that. Well, I would mind if it was one your brothers said that..." Nick said and then they both laughed.

They both were thinking about what had happened. And after long two hours, they finally landed in DC. The first thing they did was to call Gibbs.

"Hey, Nick! Have you tried to call Gibbs because he's not picking up my phone?" Ellie said.

"Because he must be with Jack. You know Gibbs, Jack and Christmas. Ooh... I am damn sure they would be together celebrating their Christmas by eating Gibbs's Cowboy style steaks and drinking a beer." Nick said as he tried to call Gibbs.

"Or maybe he is already there at NCIS," Bishop said.

"Whatever it is he is not picking up my calls too." They both started walking toward their vehicle.

"Did you tried Jack's number?" Nick asked as they get in the car.

"Already did, but she's also not answering her phone. Something is wrong. Let's hope everyone is fine. Especially Gibbs because he had been through a lot this year." Bishop said. Nick put his hand on her hand and grabbed it gently.

"It's okay... we will find out soon. Don't worry Bishop." Bishop put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.


"Hey, thank God you guys are here." Jimmy and Kasie were standing in the bullpen.

"Hey, guys! What's going on?" Bishop asked.

"We don't know. I thought you guys might know." Kasie replied.

"No..." Bishop and Nick said together.

"Oh... God! You guys talk in unison." Kasie said it loudly.

" guys don't know anything and neither do us. All we get is a weird call from McGee. He wants us to get back here ASAP." Jimmy said.

"Same, we got a call from him and told us the same thing. Well... any one of you guys have seen Gibbs or talk with him?" Bishop asked.

"NO..." This time Jimmy and Kasie replied together.

"OH MY GOD... WHY WE ARE TAKING IN UNISON. OH... GOD!" She started freaking out.

"Where's McGee?" Nick asked.

"He is in MTAC and told us to wait for you guys," Jimmy said as he was looking at Kasie who's seating on McGee's desk.

"So Gibbs is with McGee and so as Sloane. Why I'm having a weird feeling about reason after McGee's call." Bishop said to Nick.

"I don't know what to say right now. But I'm having the same feelings. Where's Director?" Nick said

"HERE! Agent Bishop, Agent Torres. MTAC NOW!" Vance yelled at them from the staircase.

"What about us Director?" Jimmy asked

"You and Miss Haines start working on the Email that I sent you. I want to know who sent it and the exact location of that bastard who sent it! Now do your damn jobs as fast as you can. NOW!" Vance left before either of them could say anything.

Nick and Bishop ran toward MTAC and Jimmy and Kasie ran to the elevator. Nobody still doesn't know what is this all about. But they know that something is really bad happened that pissed Vance off badly.


"Any updates agent McGee!" Vance enters the MTAC and Nick and Bishop were following him. They noticed that McGee was alone in the MTAC. Those two guys were also not there who handles the system.

"Nothing. I tried to track down their location but it looks like they were at Fornell's place TOGETHER. Got CCTV footage from the neighbourhood's CCTV cameras...." before McGee compete his sentence Nick had had enough with all of this suspense and he interrupts McGee.

"Okay... before you said anything else I want to know what the hell is going on here. Because I am done with this game and I want a damn ANSWER!" Nick was fed up with all this suspense. And he yelled at Vance and McGee.

"YOU WANT AN ANSWER AGENT NICK! THEN LOOK AT THIS AND THEN WE WILL TALK." Vance was frustrated because he is not getting any leads on Gibbs and Sloane and with Nick's this kind of behaviour he lost his grip on his anger.

"Agent McGee show him." Vance orders.

McGee turned around to the big screen and walked toward the desk to the left and did his McGeek thing and two big pictures showed up on that big screen. 

"Oh my God... Gibbs!" Bishop screams Gibbs's name and covered her mouth with her hands and Nick was also looking afraid.

They were looking at Gibbs's picture that was sent to Vance in the email. Gibbs was unconscious and tied to the chair. His face is covered with bruises and blood is trickling from the cut on his left eyebrow. And Fornell was also in the picture but he didn't have a scratch on his face. He was looking worried and also bound to the chair.

They saw the second picture and that makes Nick more afraid. Sloane was in the second picture she was sitting on the chair and her hands were bound together in front of her. She was also looking unharmed.

"What happened?" Nick asked in anger.

"I got CCTV footage from Fornell's neighbourhoods and this is what I found," McGee said and attached the pen drive to the computer and play the video.

They saw Gibbs and Sloane came to Fornell's place in Gibbs's car. Gibbs knocked on the door and a few seconds later he started banging on his door. They noticed that Gibbs was going to pull out his gun when Fornell opened the door.

They all can see the anger on his face. They all were looking confused when Gibbs and Fornell were started arguing about something. Sloane grabbed Gibbs's arm and trying to take him away. But they saw one man came from behind the big SUV and pull out his weapon and point it at Gibbs's neck and then he pushed him into the house.

McGee and Vance exchange their look and then McGee forward the video. After few minutes they saw one man came out of the house and he get into the SUV and then suddenly Four men came out of the house. One was holding Fornell and dragged him to the van. His hands were bound behind his back.

And the second man was dragging Sloane out of the house and forced her to get into the van. Her hands were bound too.

They were all looking anxious when they saw two very build men were dragging unconscious Gibbs out of the house. Gibbs's hands were tied behind his back and they dragged him to the van and threw him into the van and they were not gentle. McGee noticed blood on Gibbs's white shirt.

Then two men took the van and the other three get into the SUV and drove away from Fornell's place.

"Agent McGee put the BOLO on that van and the SUV. And I want the ID on these bastards. Send their photos to Miss Haines to run facial recognition.

Agent Torres, you take two agents with you and search the Fornell's place. And you agent Bishop go and search the Gibbs's place. See if we got something on these bastards." Vance turned around to his Agents and gave them orders.

"Yes sir!" Nick replied.

"Wait what! Search Gibbs's house without his knowledge! It's a suicide." Bishop said.

Vance didn't say anything he just gives her a look.

"Okay... I am on it." Bishop said.

"And what about Sloane's place?" Bishop asked.

"I don't think so these guys are after Gibbs or Sloane. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. They didn't know that SURPRISE IS WAITING AHEAD FOR THEM. They are after Fornell now we have to find out who are these people." Vance said.

"But what about that note Director?" McGee asked.

"What kind of note?" Nick asked.

"Whoever is behind this sent a note with this email. They want to make a trade-in exchange for Gibbs, Jack and Fornell.

But I have a feeling that it's a decoy. They are not going to make a trade hell they didn't even make a contact with us! It's more than 8 hours and still, they didn't contact us." Vance said.

"And what makes you think that it's a DECOY Director?" Nick asked sarcastically.

"MY GUT!" Vance replied and left.

His reply left three of them in shock because Vance never believed in gut feeling. They share the looks and left.

Somewhere out of the DC

Gibbs started coughing and trying to raise his head. He opened his eyes but close them immediately Gibbs was unprepared for the harsh brightness of the light, it sent excruciating spikes of pain into his brain through his open eyes. He blinks his eyes few times and looked around.

He was in the room with light grey walls and concrete floors. There's no furniture in that room where he was being held right now. He heard someone is calling his name repeatedly.

He saw Fornell and his eyes wide open in fear as he remembered what the hell happened. He tried to sit up straight and realized he was sitting on the chair and his hands were still tied behind his back to the chair. He saw Fornell was sitting on the edge of the chair and his face was like he was going to cry anytime.

"Thank God Gibbs you are okay. I was so worried about you.." Fornell said.

But Gibbs didn't pay attention and he keeps looking around. Then suddenly he looked at him and narrow his eyes and asked Fornell.


"I told you I don't know the exact location..." Fornell was feeling helpless.

"NO. I AM NOT ASKING ABOUT THE LOCATION TOBIAS!" Gibbs said in a very strong voice.

"Then what are you talking about?" Fornell sounds confusing.

"WHERE IS JACK?" Gibbs asked. And Fornell swallows hard but didn't reply.

"WHER IS SHE!" Gibbs shouted. Fornell jumped in his chair. He has never seen Gibbs this much angry before.

"They took her," Fornell replied.

For the first time in his life, Gibbs feels fear start to race up his spine.






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