The Bride of Gojo Satoru

By MixyX21

1.2M 40.7K 40.5K

Ena Kita is the last member of the Kita Clan, who were the gift of God during the prime era of sorcery. Becau... More

🌸Character Profile🌸
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 1.4
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 1.6
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇EXTRA CHAPTER⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
~Easter Special~
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Fluff Chapter
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Author's Note

Chapter 32

7.5K 263 108
By MixyX21

I'm finally 16 weeks pregnant, and I have my doctor's appointment today, but I also have my meeting with the higher ups too. Laying down in bed, I rubbed my rounded belly and sighed from the pressure of seeing the assholes, who wanted to put my life in danger. "Babeeeeee," I shouted from the bedroom, feeling lazy to change out of my pjs. Having three lives inside of me took a big toll on my movements. Most of the time, I didn't want to walk to the dining room so I made Gojo carry me there. He whined all the time about his arms breaking, but I told him to keep quiet because he got me pregnant. He's the one who wanted more children, resulting in triplets in my womb.

I heard his footsteps running to the doorway as he popped his head inside. My loving beautiful husband's face stared brightly at my direction. His eyes smiled just like his pink lips. "How's my wifey doing?" He cooed, dropping on his knees next to the bed as he kissed my hand. Gojo's soft lips tickled the back of my hand.

A bubbly smile drew my lips apart. "I have back problems from holding triplets." I honestly said, laughing as Gojo helped me to sit up in bed. "But other than that, I am doing well because I have my husband here with me!" Puckering my lips out, Gojo immediately swooped in and kissed me back. His radiating love for me never stopped surging through his body. I'm his one and only woman he'll ever love, and he's the only man I'll ever love too.

I pulled back with a saddened expression, looking straight into his ocean blue eyes. "What time is the meeting with the higher ups?" I grumbled in annoyance. My ears weren't ready to hear their bullshit words. All I wanted to do was go to the doctor's appointment to know my triplet's genders.

"They cancelled today's meeting for some circumstances that they'll never tell us."

This made me very happy to hear as I shot up from my seat with an excited expression. "Really?! Thank goodness! I didn't want to see the old men anyways...." I rolled my eyes. They can burn in hell along with their old jujutsu views implemented. "Does that mean you're coming to the doctor's appointment?!!" I leaned forward, throwing my arms around his neck as our faces were four inches apart from touching. I wanted my husband to attend the gender reveal too. We can finally come up with beautiful names for our children.

However that wasn't the case as his answer disappointed me but it's understandable too. "I'm sorry baby," Gojo pulled back, cupping my face in his hands. "I have work today, so tell me when I'm home with Nao, okay?" He planted a sweet kiss on my forehead. I forgot that Naozumi was at his grandparents' house.

"Okay, honey."

"Now, let's get my woman dressed up for her appointment!" Gojo grabbed my hands and lifted me off the bed, taking me to the walking closet as he picked out my clothes.

We had to buy more maternity clothes since I threw mine out a long time ago. I believed that after Naozumi, I wouldn't be able to birth another child but here I am, giving birth to three children at once. Gojo showered me with lots of clothes when I only needed like ten. After the triplets, I'm done with kids. Four children are enough to fill the quiet household to be loud.

Once Gojo dressed me up, he scooped me into his arms and took me to the front door where the doorbell rang.

Ding dong!

Curiosity piqued my interest. "Who's here?" I don't recall having any visitors coming today.

"Oh, it's Shoko. I asked her to go with you since I won't be there. I want my baby to be safe." Gojo set me down as my feet touched the floor. "I'll see you later tonight." He kissed me goodbye on my lips.

"Alright, Satoru. I might hangout with Shoko while at it." It's been so long since I've last seen Shoko and the girls. My last girls' night out with them was ruined by Gojo interfering due to his insecurity. I really don't understand why he would think I would leave him... I'm having his child, he saved me from the depth of hell, and he makes me really happy.

Gojo helped slip my sneakers on my feet. One hand pressed against a wall, so I could balance as he delicately put on my shoes. As the other hand gripped the heel of my left foot firmly, he slid the shoe to hug my swelling foot. Then he finished my right side before giving me a final hug.

"I'll see you later, honey." Gojo sang in my ears, opening the door for me to leave with Shoko. "Be safe! If something goes wrong, call me and I'll be right there!" My superhero husband will always be by my side regardless. He's very attentive and will always prioritize my safety over his.

"Yes, I will. Me and Shoko will be just fine!"

As the door closed behind me, I looked over at Shoko and side-hugged her. My arms squeezed around her shoulders, bringing her closer to my body than it already was. "Gosh! It's been ages since we've seen each other in person."

"It sure has been." Shoko chuckled, remembering how I was swooped away by Gojo, who intentionally crashed our clubbing event. Then we pulled back from our hug. "I can't believe you're pregnant again. I thought that after baby one, you'd be done with kids."

"Yeah, that's what I hope so too. But then again, life is unpredictable. It's not going to be easy to take care of triplets!" I inhaled sharply as we walked to Shoko's car. I don't know how I'm going to push out triplets, but it should be okay I hope. It's better than quadruplets.

Shoko stopped in her steps, turning around to face me with a shocked expression. Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped. "Tr...triplets?!" She looked frightened on my behalf. I forgot she witnessed my water breaking in her house. I bet that was traumatizing. " least Satoru got what he wanted." Shoko mumbled as she prayed for me.

"Oh? Did I not tell you? Hmm... I thought I told everyone but I guess not. Perhaps I only told the Gojo clan and that was it."

At my doctor's appointment for my ultrasound check up, the sonographer smiled sweetly at me as they scanned over my big belly. "Your babies hearts are beating just nicely..." The sonographer explained the growth of my triplets. My babies were slowly taking its form, and I couldn't wait for them to develop and grow big. Nothing can go wrong in this pregnancy... If I block out the higher ups and Geto.

Shoko then leaned down to my ear and whispered, "You know I can do this at the school right? I am a licensed doctor now."

She had a point, however I would rather not put a lot of her plate since powerful cursed grades were emerging out of nowhere. She's going to be busy healing others, so I don't want to take up her time.

"No, it's okay. Thank you for offering."

Keeping my eyes glued on the screen, the sonographer revealed my triplet's genders to me, and I couldn't help but be in awe. "Congratulations! You have two boys and a girl!" The news brought a big and happy smile on my lips as sheer tears were brimming in my eyes. Naozumi was going to be a big brother of three siblings. I hope he's excited to hear this great news.

"Wow... They're going to be beautiful!" A small tear escaped my eye as I patted it dry. Regardless of how happy I am, I can't forget that Sukuna wanted my child because of Nozomi's soul. I need to cleanse Sukuna's soul after him consuming all his fingers and expel him out of Yuji's body instead of executing him. This will be my first attempt of exorcising a demon out of a human body. Nonetheless, Sukuna has to be reborn as a human if he wants to be with my child in his next life.

After my appointment was over, Shoko took me to her house as we caught up with life. Sadly since this was unexpected and last minute, Mei and Utahime couldn't attend.

We were in the living room, sitting on the comfy couch.

"Ena... Are you okay with being Suguru's bait?" Shoko's grim voice filled the air, changing the atmosphere in a snap. She brought me back down to reality, where the world counted on me to lure in Geto so we can slay him once and for all. My heart thumped slowly and painfully in my chest, refusing to believe that I have to throw my life and the triplets just for Geto and the higher ups. This was unfair... Out of everyone, including Gojo, who's Geto's former best friend, I'm being thrown into the snake pit.

"No... No, I'm not okay." I spoke out in a numbing yet distant tone. "The higher ups are always butting into my private life!" Then less than a second, anger rose out of me as I remembered their threat, and how they forced Gojo to leave me during Nao's birth. "Why can't I just be left alone this time?!" Frustration steamed out of me like a boiling kettle. I don't know how long I can hold in the boiling water before I throw it into someone's face.

Shoko put a hand on my shoulder, trying her best to reassure me in any shape or form. "Ena, you know that I'll be here if you need me. Don't be afraid to reach out." She flashed me a warm expression, overpowering my gloomy aura. I knew she didn't mean any harm when she brought this topic up as she only wanted to know how I felt. It's not easy to bear this big responsibility since I'm pregnant. I know it would be different if I wasn't because I wouldn't need to think about my body so intensely.

"Thanks, Shoko!" I threw my arms around her and hugged Shoko, breathing in the peaceful air before this disappeared for good. I don't know how long the preparation was going to take to hunt Geto down, but I hope it's quick because once my belly gets bigger, I'll be more vulnerable than I already am. Anyone can attack me and I won't be able to protect myself or my babies. Of course, I'll have my friends too but they might have other priorities during the fight with Geto. Sukuna will possibly be there to protect me because he's obsessed with my unborn Nozomi.

"Let's watch some movies to ease your mind!" Shoko said, grabbing the remote to turn on whatever.

Later that night, Shoko dropped me off at my house before driving home.

Bright yellow light blinded me as Gojo opened the door. I squinted from it, slowly adjusting to the light and walked inside. "Hi babe!" We embraced as he used his foot to close the door behind me. "I missed you," Turning my head, I pecked a small kiss on his cheek. It felt nice to be back in my home again.

"Mommy!!" My little boy, Naozumi came rushing over to me and hugged my legs.

"Hi baby!" I broke away from my hug with Gojo but still held him to keep my balance as I leaned forward towards my little snowball. "How was grandma and grandpa?" My hand ruffled his white hair.

"They're doing just fine, mommy."

Gojo helped take off my shoes, and we made our way to the living room where I found Yuji and Yuta there.

"Oh! Hi there! I didn't know we had guests coming over," Looking over at Gojo, I made a facial expression that said for him to inform me why they're here. Gojo should've messaged me earlier but maybe he forgot so I'll let it go.

"Yuji's here because Nao misses him! So that means he'll be here for a while if you don't mind. As for Yuta, he is my distant relative so why not give him a room?!"

Naozumi did love Gojo's students, so I see no harm in it. The house will be more livelier because Naozumi has someone to play with. "Okay! That sounds good. Just help me out in the house once in a while and do play with Nao here and there." It won't be long before I can't do anything as my belly will grow rounder and laziness will kick in my system.

"Of course!" Yuji excitedly said while Yuta nodded his head.

"Mommy! Is the triplets all boys or girls?" Naozumi pulled my hand, leading me to the couch as he sat right beside me. His yellow orbs sparkled in curiosity and thrill. It looked like to me he took his title as big brother to his heart. Now he's not neutral about whether he cared about being an older sibling or not.

"Triplets?!" Gojo's two students said in unison while their eyes widened from the news.

Did they not also know? I thought by now everyone would know because Gojo has a big mouth. He sucked at keeping happy news to himself if it pertained to him. Or maybe this time he's being cautious because of the higher ups being assholes. Gojo might not want to leak out too much information or else something bad will happen to me.

Gojo lifted Naozumi, who was right next to me, and took his seat while Naozumi sat on his lap instead. "Yes, we're having triplets! So babe, what are the genders?!"

For some reason, I really thought my husband was going to steal Nao's seat and let him sit on the ground or something. It's a typical Gojo move since sometimes he rubs into Naozumi's face that I'm his wife first then Nao's mother.

I pulled out the ultrasound pictures and joyfully revealed my triplet's genders. "It's two boys and one girl!!" I flashed the pictures of them as I squealed in delight.

That's when Gojo jumped up in his seat with Naozumi still in his arms. "Oh my gosh! I get a mini Ena running around the house!!" His face was filled with so much love and rapture that he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear. I could even tell that in his eyes, they were about to swell and cry. My big man's emotions were swayed by our babies' genders. "Thank you for making me the happiest man on this planet again!" He wrapped me into a hug with the three of us together. "I vow to protect you in all eternity! These babies will live a great life with us as their parents and Nao as their big brother! No one will hurt you,"

Hearing his enchanting words made my heart pound loudly in my chest. I knew by having Gojo by my side, everything will be alright. My mission to lure Geto won't make me fearful of my life because Gojo won't let anything touch me. I am safe with him.

"I love you," I gazed at him, having my heart and soul being touched by his undying love and affection for me.

"I love you too,"

A/N: Hello readers!

I hope you are all doing well today as I have a big question to ask y'all...

I already planned out how this story is going to end, but whether or not it should have a good ending or an angsty one which leads to part 2. I just want to hear your opinion to help me decide because I don't want to be that author who prolongs a story when it's unnecessary in the readers eyes. With that being said, I'd like to know what you all think! (︶︶)

Have a good day!

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