Chapter 2.1

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**LEMON SECTION SINCE READERS BEEN WANTING DETAILS ✍( ͡❛ ᴗ ͡❛)** There a warning section before it starts**

5 years ago

Gojo and I were both 23 years old, in love, living together under one roof. I observed him from afar at the dining table. He was busy watching a documentary about horror films. Sipping my tea, I couldn't help but wonder how I fell in love with him. It's been five years since we've been in each other's spaces. He stuck onto me like glue. Gojo never stopped bringing me to his missions nor stopped bothering me if his life depended on it. He really was an amazing person to have by my side.

"Babe!" Gojo called out in a needy voice.

"Yes?" I placed my cup on the wooden table and arched my brow.

He didn't spare a glance at me. "Sit on my lap! I miss you!" Gojo patted his thighs, and I reluctantly sighed, knowing that his attitude will sulk.

"Okay you big baby," I pushed myself out of my chair and slowly stepped my way to him. I purposefully walked slow like a sloth to piss him off. He's a big man who craved my love and affection ever since we confessed feelings a year and a half after living together.

"Babe, I miss you! Hurry! I'm going to die without you!" His arms were wide opened, eagerly waiting for my body.

"We woke up together this morning, Satoru. We were only physically apart for thirty minutes because I was making tea for myself."

"I don't care! I need you with me all time!"

I really wondered if it was a good idea to confess. Gojo turned out to be a hassle to who I love no matter what. He's a man filled with all different types of personalities, yet most of the time he's a jokester.

Once I landed on his lap, Gojo wrapped his arms around me, securing me so I wouldn't escape and rested his chin on my head. "Babe," for some reason his hands were squeezing my stomach.


"Are you pregnant?" Was that why he's touching my stomach like that?

"Babe," I looked over my shoulder and stared at him with a dead expression. "I'm not pregnant. Sadly, conceiving children won't be easy either." I remembered the doctor telling me the news that I'll have a harder chance to have children because I'm not naturally producing a lot of eggs. It broke my heart to know that I'm gifted to create life and yet my body is unable to do that. It's probably because of what my body endured at the Kita's house.

"That's why I'm going to keep nut—" I placed my finger on his lips. I didn't like the word that was leaving his mouth.

"Don't say, 'nutting'. That's informal."

Gojo laughed at me for a moment. He indulged the vocabulary that I didn't like; my disdain only made him grow stronger on me. "But baby, my princess, don't you want kids?" He pouted as he fiddled his finger while I still stared at him with my neck turned. "Lately I've been having baby fever, dreaming about starting a family... because you know, we've technically been married for five years." Gojo spoke in a shy manner, making shifty eye contact with me.

Thinking back to Gojo words, I connected his words to his actions. Every time we saw a baby in the streets, he would find a way to gain the baby's attention. At the store, he would always walk to the baby's aisle as he glanced at the clothes and equipment. During that time, I didn't think too much because he's a little weirdo. Next, he would subtly bring up about our future like expanding our small family. And lastly, Gojo has been trying to impregnate me all the time in bed. There's not one day where he growls into my ear and repeatedly tells me that I'm going to be carrying his child. "Babe, your ears turned red."

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