Chapter 9

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For the next few days, Gojo trained Naozumi in the dojo while Yuji trained watching movies. I'm so glad that Sukuna hasn't come out. I don't have to deal with him for a while despite Yuji living here until his announcement to the world that he's alive. However, if Sukuna did decide to come out, hell would break loose.

I observed Gojo and Naozumi's every move. Naozumi looked like he was having fun. There was a big smile on his face as he soaked in his father's wisdom like a sponge. His tiny brain of his will expand to be as big as his dad. My little Snowbear was growing in a blink of an eye. It kind of hurts my heart because I don't want him to grow up yet.

"Hey Nao, do you want a brother or sister?"

I choked on my spit when I heard him ask our son about siblings. I forgot Gojo was trying to get me pregnant again, but I don't think it's the right time to have another baby. For one, who knows what Sukuna will do to me if I'm pregnant; and two, I have a gut feeling that this year isn't going to be good.

"It doesn't matter." Naozumi shrugged his shoulders. "If I become a big brother then I don't mind!" I can't really tell if Naozumi really doesn't care about it, or he's only saying that because we're his parents, and he's scared to be truthful.

I didn't want to breathe this air and think about future children with them. I need to leave. "Babe, I'm going to visit Shoko. I haven't seen her in a hot minute sooo, I'll see you guys later tonight!"

I threw on a jacket and black sunglasses, which was Gojo's and headed out.


Someone texted me, and it was Gojo. I read out his message aloud, "'Buy a pregnancy test' Ugh.... He might as well buy a pregnancy test company since it cost so much for a box!" I'd rather just wait until I stop getting my period. It's just easier than wasting money after money to receive a negative outcome.

Quickly, I responded with a no and explained my reasoning. "Try and put a baby in me, then I'll make you wait until I feel any different..." I grumbled, aggressively finishing my text message.

Once I arrived at Shoko's house, we sat on her leather couch and talked. "Do you want alcohol?" Shoko offered, but I rejected it even though I wanted a small sip of it.

"Sorry I can't. Satoru is trying to have baby no.2." I drank water instead.

Shoko's eyes widened. "Good thing I didn't smoke..." she mumbled, and I caught wind of her words.

"Hey, I thought you quit smoking!"

Shoko shrugged, "It's a nostalgic feeling from the past." How could she say that? She's going to get addicted after two puffs. This doctor's lungs were going to die soon.

"I hope you can reverse your lungs then." I wondered if she's able to do that. If she could then it's a miracle; she won't be dying early.

Our conversation went back to my family. "So Gojo is training your son now?" She drank alcohol from her glass cup, indirectly temping my mouth to water. It's been a really long time since I've consumed alcohol. The last time I got blackout drunk was five years ago. Now I can't do that because I don't want Naozumi to see anything if I were to do something stupid.

"Mhm. My little boy is half me with his snarky attitude and half Satoru with his ability to learn fast. He's going to be one fine sorcerer when he's older." The future was scary. What's next after Sukuna? A war between curses and sorcerers again? That happened last year already with Geto and his crazy new world idea. He really took natural selection to a whole new level.

"What's on your mind?"

"The future," I simply replied, now thinking philosophically about it. "There's so much that's happening, and I'm scared what's going to happen to my family. Satoru being Satoru attracts cursed spirits left and right because he shifted the balance. Possibly I do too? I'm not sure because it's always been Satoru protecting me." Unconsciously, a small frown was appearing. I relied on Gojo for everything. He's literally my knight in shining armor and I'm his princess.

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