Crystal In The Light.

By ShayPC0

17.9K 338 54

Inspired from a filler of naruto shippuden. "Naruto, we would like to invite you to akatsuki for your famed c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Sequel announcement

Chapter 8

870 14 0
By ShayPC0

The forest of death.
Its getting interesting. The name's so yout..I Yeah cool. I am sounding like that bushy brows and his sensei.
"Alright maggots, listen up. You have to enter into this forest and retrieve 2 scrolls namely Heaven scroll and Earth scroll. Then you have to take them to the only tower in the forest within 3 days. And yes you can fight against other teams to get the scroll from them. Most important thing, DON'T OPEN THEM. Any questions?"
"Umm..what will we eat? Choji asked.
"There are fruits which you can eat but be careful because if you are not then you might end up dying just because you ate a poisonous fruit."
He started Shivering in fear.
"Oh and another thing there will be a lot of traps too. Soooo here sign these." She said taking a notebook and handing a pen to a candidate who asked "What are these for?"
Anko replied "So that I am not held guilt for your death" she said casually making some candidates to faint out of fear.
I made a movement by mistake and I found a kunai coming towards me. I caught it casually and said in a bored tone. "Well Anko, instead of throwing a kunai to another candidate , why don't we begin the test?"
She was impressed by my skill and said"Alright you may begin. NOW."

We quickly scurried away. After moving to a safe distance, I said "Alright we will rest on a tree now."
Sasuke butted in and said "What do tou mean by rest dobe."
"Sasuke kun, I am sure that Naruto has some reasons for that request and black clothes." Sakura said.
I smiled at Sakura and whispered "My plan is to move at nighttime so that no one expects anything." I stopped allowing to consume the information.
Sasuke raised his brows and said "Impressive plan. Continue."
"The clothes will help us to blend us in darkness while the reason behind my orders to rest now is because we need energy during night. Understood. Any questions?"
Both of my teammates nodded and said "No".
"Now come on lets search a tall tree where we can sleep."

We soon found a strategical location where the area sorrounding the tree where we planned to rest was filled other trees. We then rested as we heard other teams fighting to death.
Soon, after the sunset we quickly went together. I saw a team from Iwa playing with scrolls by tossing in the mid air. I gave the signal to sorround the team and the moment I gave signal, we rushed in knocking out the iwa nins. I smiled as I found that they already had a heaven scroll. I sealed them in another scroll which was waterproof and flameproof. We then started moving towards the tower.

Suddenly on the way we heard a strange sound. I quickly sent a kunai into the direction.
But the mysterious man suddenly came out. He had a pale skin and a long black hair. He licked his lips and said "Ku Ku Ku I see that you already spotted me. Interesting. But I have not come for you but Sasuke." At the mention of Sasuke's name I and Sakura quickly sorrounded Sasuke in defensive position. Surprisingly, he did not even complained.

"Who are you?" I asked in a harsh and cold voice.
He then laughed and came forward revealing his complete facial features. I saw his snake eyes and clicked my tongue.
"What's wrong? Who is that?" Sasuke asked.
"The ex sanin Orochimaru. It will be a hard and long fight. Get ready Sasuke and Sakura. Sasuke stay with Sakura and Sakura defend your Sasuke kun"
The next moment I saw that pedo extending his long neck and bit Sasuke's neck forming a mark. He fell down screaming.
"Ku Ku Ku Your plan has failed. And Sasuke will soon be mine"
I recovered from the shock and charged him shouting "CRYSTAL STYLE CRYSTAL BALL JUTSU."
I thrusted the ball of crystal into stomach. Nothing happened. He then punched me so hard that I was thrown back but I quickly recovered in mid air. But by the time I was about to touch the ground, the bastard was already out of our sight. I looked at Sasuke who was still unconscious and then at Sakura who already started administrating first aid. By the time she was done, it was already day. I waited patiently for Sasuke to wake up.
"Where the hell is that snake?" He shouted as soon as he woke up. I sighed and narrated the incident.
Soon I felt another chakra. I got ready with my crystal blade on my hand. The bushes started shaking and revealed a familiar white hair. It was Kabuto. I still didn't drop my guard. I asked "What are you doing here?"
" Ah! I just got lost from my teammates. Why don't we go together to the building?"
"How can I trust you? Who knows what will happen if we follow you. You may grab even the slightest chance to take the scroll."
"And that's where you are mistaken, Naruto."
"Look, I already have both the scrolls." He said taking out the scrolls.
"Alright, come on. But if you ever try to escape then I will kill you."
We soon reached the building. Leaving Kabuto with his teammates, I lead my team to the room. After we entered, I couldn't help but sigh relief.
I looked at the poster which contained instructions. It was written that we can open the scrolls. I quickly unsealed my sealing scroll where the other scrolls were sealed. I then opened the two scrolls and threw them away. There was a puff of smoke and when it cleared it revealed....."IRUKA SENSEI!" I beamed in happiness.
"Well done team 7 you did it." He then droned on explaining the real reason of the test.
"Anyways whom did you meet?"
I immediately got serious "Orochimaru"
He was shocked and immediately went into mother hen mode " Are you alright? Did you get hurt? Will you be able to continue the test?" He asked checking my body for any wounds.
"We are alright. And we will be able to continue the test. You don't have to take tension Iruka sensei."
He sighed in relief and said "Alright I am taking the matter to the hokage. In the meantime, you can do whatever you want in the tower. It is well stocked with food."
With that he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
"So, what are we gonna do until then?" I asked Sakura.
"I am tired. Lets rest and recover from the attack. After that we will have a spar. "
"Yeah, I agree."

2 days later

"The number of passing genins are very high this year. So a preliminary exam will be held right now to eliminate the losing candidates."
Loud protests rang out. "Right now! That's not fair."
"If anyone wished to quit. Then you can go on."
A single hand was seen. It was Kabuto. "I Quit"
"Alright then exit through the door please."

First Match Uchiha Sasuke vs Yoroi. (Takes place like in canon.)
"Uchiha Sasuke wins the match."
As Sasuke was about to fall on the ground I immediately shunshined behind him and let him fall on my hands.
Kakashi then signalled me to take him to a room. I did as he said.

Second match Zaku vs Shino. (Takes place like in canon.)
"Shino wins the match" Hayate announced.

Third match Misumi Turugi vs Subaku no Kankuro. (Same as above.)
"Kankuro wins the match."
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth takes place as in canon.

Seventh match Uzumaki Naruto vs Inuzaka Kiba.
He immediately jumped down from the plateform ans as, I jumped he started taunting me until Hayate put stop to it.
"Alright, start."
He first rushed to me with akamaru but when they struck me by using fang over fang, I disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
"He, what are you doing, I am here." I said lazily.
He again used the same technique but this time when they struck me, I used substitution jutsu and came behind Kiba to strike him in his butt shouting"A thousand years of death."
He screamed as he was thrown into the air clutching the point of impact. The moment his head hit on the ground he was knocked out by the force.

"Winner is Uzumaki Naruto." Hayate proclaimed.

Eight match Neji vs Hinata.
I watched the match in shock. Neji was torturing Hinata psychologically. When he was preparing for his last strike, I looked at Kakashi who was also about to move in to stop Neji. He also looked at me and gave me a nod before I rushed in front of Hinata along with the jonins to form a Crystal Barrier to block Neji from killing Hinata. I waited for the impact but nothing happened. When I looked behind the barrier, I saw that Kakashi, Kurenai, Genma and Guy already restrained Neji. It took 4 jonins and 1 overpowered genin to stop a Hyuga genin. I realised that I must be careful I am matched up with him.
I was suddenly snapped out from my thoughts when I sensed that Hinata was about to fall. I rushed behind her, as she fell, and caught her. As the medics tended to her, I took an oath, taking Hinata's blood in the hand, that I will defeat him and make him change his perspective of fate.
After all that, I returned to my place to watch the next match so that I can calm myself down. I suddenly realised that she had actually inspired ne to take the oath. After that I calm myself down watched the match.

Ninth match was between Gaara and Rock Lee.

As we watched, I looked at Lee in awe as he opened the inner gates which I witnessed for the first time in my life. But in it was still not enough.
As Gaara was ready to kill him I realised that it was time to intervene the match again. I analysed Guy who also seems to be ready to do the same thing. As Gaara's sand sorrounded Lee's hand I formed a crystal style barrier between them again without any movement. As the sand cleared I saw Guy already down the stage. I quickly disabled the barrier and listened to the conversation. After everything was done and Rock Lee was taken to hospital, Guy came to me and said "Thank you Naruto for stopping Gaara. I will forever be indebted to you. It was all because of you that Lee's leg and arms were saved. Thank you again."
I looked at him sheepishly and said "It was nothing at all Guy sensei."
"No you did a great job intervening the match. Whenever you want to learn or practice taijutsu, please come to me."
I looked at Kakashi sensei who gave me an eye smile complementing me.

Tenth and last match was between Choji and Dosu in which the former lost.

"Alright,winners, now come to the ground for the final line up."
Then we were all matched up wuth our opponents.
I got Neji to fight against me. I was happy that I will be able to avenge Hinata.
"Alright now we are giving you a month off for you to train. So best of luck."

Hiruzen's PoV
"That Naruto is amazingly powerful. After the Chunin exams finals I will make him the Chunin along with Shikamaru." I mused as I left the building.

A/N I was trying to make Naruto look strong as he intervened two matches and helped Sasuke. It was fun writing this chapter. I couldn't make an omake because this chapter was a serious one as well as the longest one I have wrote.
So peace out

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