Camus X Reader

By svtedge

27.2K 1.1K 124

You've been a secret fan of Camus since he first became an idol and once you were accepted into the Master Co... More

Chapter 1: Meeting
Chapter 2: Fragile Hearts
Chapter 3: Decisions
Chapter 4: Stubbornness
Chapter 5: Emotions
Chapter 6: Another One?
Chapter 7: Sweet Things
Chapter 8: Goodnight, My Dear
Chapter 10: Echoing Thoughts
Chapter 11: Anything
Chapter 12: Little Tune

Chapter 9: Taking Chances

1.9K 86 6
By svtedge

|3rd Person P.O.V|

(Y/N) slowly woke up to the warm sunlight making contact with her skin. She got up and stretched a little only to notice where she was. "How'd I get here? I don't remember getting into bed." she thought perplexed. Then she noticed that she was the only one in the room. "Where is everyone?"

She decided to shrug the thoughts off and take a hot shower. Suddenly, the thoughts of her and Camus' day together yesterday were repeating in her head. Her face turned a light shade of pink.

After she had gotten out of the shower, she put on her black skinny jeans and a plaid red and black button up shirt. When she opened the door, she saw Cecil reading some papers thay appeared to be in another language. "Hey Cecil." she greeted. He looked up. "Good Morning (Y/N)-chan!" he said. "Chan?" she thought. "Hey, maybe he knows how I got up here last night."

After she asked, a smirk was plastered onto his face."Oh, Camus carried you up here. You were already asleep." he said. Her face was so red, that if she were up against a tomato, she would surely win. "H-HE DID WH-WHAT?!" she exclaimed in confusion.


Camus had carried (Y/N) up to the room and set her down gently. He pulled the covers over her, and smiled. After a minute or two, he bent down to place a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight, My dear." he said before leaving.

Cecil, however, heard and saw it all. A big grin was formed on his face. "It looks like things are going to get interesting." he thought.

~End of Flashback~

Cecil kept the smirk on his face. "I won't tell her about the little kiss... She is going to find out soon enough. After all, she didn't tell me about our senpai's strict rules." he thought, making his smirk bigger.

"H-hey, I'm gonna go get some food. I'm starving." (Y/N) said obviously still flustered. "Alright, see ya!" Cecil exclaimed. She waved slightly and left.

"Did Camus really do that? My brain is going in circles!!" she thought making her way to the kitchen. She walked in to see Camus and Reiji talking. Reiji then noticed your presence and waved rapidly toward you. "Ohayo, (N/N) - (N/N)!!" he yelled. (Y/N) could only giggle. "Hey Reiji-kun!" she said. Then, her and Camus made eye contact. They smiled simultaneously at each other. She went over to the long table with food and grabbed a biscut and a couple of waffles. Sitting down, she began to eat. Reiji and Camus had seemed to copy her movements and sit down around her. Camus sat to her right while Reiji sat across from her.

"So, (Y/N), how was your date with Camus yesterday?" he said, smirking. I began to choke. "What? Wait! Uh... Uh.... I mean.... Well... You see... Um... Uh..." she stuttered. Reiji laughed at her red face. "Oh my gosh (Y/N), your face!!" he said, still laughing.

Camus, on the other hand, had froze. "D- date?" he thought. His mind was spinning out of control. "What do I do?" he kept asking.

The two kept silent, not knowing how to properly answer Reiji's question. Just then, Reiji got up and started to walk away. "See you two love birds later!" he exclaimed with a wink. Soon enough they were alone, once again. The awkward tension kept filling the room as if a balloon was being blown up for a party.

"Love.... Birds.... " they both thought at the same time. Camus got up and started to put his dishes in the sink. (Y/N) followed his movements then started to walk away. Camus grabbed her wrist and tugged her outside.

" What the-" she thought. She stumbled along with Camus as he brought her behind the building. After they stopped, he let go of her and just stood there. "Ano, Camus, what are we doing out he-" she was cut off by Camus pinning her against the wall. "What?" she thought. As she stated at him, her face was getting more red by the second. "C-Camus..." she said. He grew closer and closer, closing the gap between them. "Wh-what are you d-doing?" she asked softly. He kept silent and kept coming closer. He became so close that she could feel his breath on her face.

She shut her eyes tightly, afraid of what was going to happen next. After they were only an inch apart, Camus' forehead fell on her shoulder. She opened her eyes quickly and looked at him. "Uh, are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he said falling down slowly. She noticed and caught him, ending up on her knees. "Are you sure?" She asked worried. "I said... I'm fine..."  he answered softly. (Y/N) didn't believe him and placed her forehead on his without thinking.

"You're not fine! You have a high fever." she exclaimed. Camus couldn't take it anymore. He was dying to know what it was like.

Camus closed the gap between them completely. There lips connecting. It was warm and soft. It was sweet. (Y/N)'s expression widened at Camus' current action. "What- he's k-kissing me?!" she yelled mentally. It lasted for a short while, until he pulled away. "C-Camus, why d-did you do th-that?" She asked obviously confused. "It was your fault. You got too close to my face, baka." he said. She was speechless. "Th-that's the reason... Really?" she asked herself.

He got up and stumbled his way inside. "Come inside before you get sick too." he said. She put her finger tips on her lips.

"That, just, happened..."

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