Chapter 1: Meeting

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This story is dedicated to my best friend, KatTheOtaku. She is in love with Camus, so I thought I would do this for her! :3

|Your P.O.V|

"Today is the day! If I pull this off, I'm finally going to meet him! Camus." I thought to myself. I was going to perform my debut concert in order to enter into the Master Course. My teacher, Ringo-senpai, has been by my side since I was assigned to her class. "(Y/N)-chan!" someone called to me. I looked up from my viola to see (best friend)-chan pacing toward me. "Hey (best friend)-chan!" I greeted. "I came to wish you luck on your debut concert. I'll be watching from the crowd." she stated. I smiled genuinely at her. "Arigato!" I replied. She walked off to find her seat and went back to staring blankly at my viola. "Can I really do this? Am I ready?" I questioned. I was lost in thought when Ringo-senpai walked up to me. "Hey, (Y/N), you're up next." she exclaimed. "H-hai." I answered softly. She sat down next to me and pat my head. "I know you'll do fantastic. I've never seen anyone play this viola as well as you can. " she said. I smiled knowing she was with me. "Un, arigato!" I exclaimed. She walked back to Hyuuga-senpai. I calmly stood up and walked to the side of the stage. "I'm ready. I can do this." I told myself in confidence. The group before me had finished playing their song. It was my turn.

I walk to the center of the stage where a chair was waiting for me. I sat down on it and faced the audience. They looked at me with curiosity. I could practically feel their questions in my head. "Who is she? Have we seen her before? Is she any good?" I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and started to play. I could feel the music flow within me. It was like I was in another world. My mind was completely into my song.

Once I finished, I opened my eyes, and everything was silent. Then, the crowd started to roar. "(Y/N)-chan! We love you! Amazing!" My smiled was bigger than ever. I bowed and waved to the audience. "Arigato minna!" I yelled as I walked off stage. Ringo-senpai and (best friend)-chan ran toward me. "(Y/N)-chan, that was a-maz-ing!" (best friend)-chan exclaimed. "Un, it truly was! I told you you could do it." Ringo-senpai said. I hugged them both with tears of happiness.

~Time Skip~

I unpacked my belongings in my new room in the Master Course girls dorms. I had been accepted into the the academy of my dreams.

After I unpacked my last box, I went downstairs into the living room where a group was leisurely talking with each other.

I wasn't the only one accepted. A group of six boys and one girl known as STARISH had also been invited to join the Master Course. "HEEEEEEELLOOOOOOO!" a voice boomed through the room. We all immediately knew who it was. President Shining. He flew through the window, explaining how this was going to work. Then, he told us to pay our attention to the hologram straight ahead. I was in awe to see none other than QUARTET NIGHT performing my favorite song, Poison Kiss. As usual, all I paid attention to was Camus and his mesmerizing voice.

The song had finished with Mikaze Ai, Kurosaki Ranmaru, and Kotobuki Reiji appearing in real life before us. "Alright! Each of you will be assigned a senpai for your time at the Master Course." he said. President Shining gave everyone a senpai, except for me and Haruka Nanami. "Konichiwa minna!" Ringo's voices echoed. We all turned toward the top of the room to see her and Hyuuga-senpai on an open elevator with shimmering outfits. "Wha- Ringo-senpai? Hyuuga-senpai?" I exclaimed. "(Y/N), you as well, have a senpai." Hyuuga-senpai explained. "I do? Who is it?" I asked. Everyone started mumbling in confusion.

"Fools! Who else could it be?" someone familiar said. At the top of the stairs was a figure in the darkness. Then, crystal blue lights filled the area. "I am Camus of QUARTET NIGHT for the Kingdom of Permafrost." he yelled. My eyes widened in shock and confusion. "So... Does this mean... That... Camus.... Is my.... Senpai?" I thought to myself. He made his way toward us by sliding majestically Elsa style. As he reached us, he stood and posed as the normal lights turned on. "(Y/N), I know this is strange, but, do you mind sharing a room with a male?" Hyuuga-senpai asked me. "Uh... E-etto..." I trailed of. "I-I-I g-g-g-guess." I answered stuttering. Camus turned to face me, pointing his silver scepter topped with a dark blue gem at me. "You, you will obey all of my rules and not complain. I do not care if you are just a girl, if you do not obey, there will be consequences." he explained coldly. I stepped back in fluster, hiding my tomato colored face behind my hair. "H-hai. I understand." I replied bowing.

"Is this really happening? I must be dreaming! Someone, please, wake me up!"

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