Unexpected love | A VSOO FF |...

By kpopieeee-

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Vsoo *under editing* "I guess I'll just have to do it. I'll have to go on a date with him. Kim Taehyung, the... More

Chapter 1
Taehyung's P.O.V
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11??
Chapter 11( Part-2)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— 27

249 11 0
By kpopieeee-

His eyes were flooded with blinding light. He squinted his eyes and looked towards the ceiling. He woke up sweating and breathless. Scenes from his dream filled his vision. He felt paralyzed. He tried getting up or move himself a bit just to make sure he was actually here. No matter what he couldn't.

His dream felt so real .

He felt himself slipping back into his dream. Except that his dream felt more like a memory.

There was a soft knock at his bedroom door. Taehyung wanted to tell them it was open, but words wouldn't form. He managed a weird croak and hoped they would get the idea.

The door swung open to reveal his cousin, a little bleary eyed, as if he had been struggling with nightmares himself. The sight helped Taehyung snap out of his own shock.

He got up and went towards the younger, who inched back timidly.
Ah, here we go again.

"What happened Junnie?" Taehyung asked, he tried to keep his tone as gentle as Jisoo had kept while talking to his cousin.
Suddenly a vision from his dream hit him hard. The searing flash of the lights from the vision seemed to blind him from all reality for a second.

"H-Hyung...", Yeonjun's small voice called out, "Jiminie hyung said he can't come to help me get ready for school."

"So you want me to help you?", Taehyung tried for a kind tone, but he couldn't remember what a tone was or what anything else was for that matter.

The little boy almost looked mortified from the thought.
"N...n.no..," he stuttered, "I-I was h-hopin-g if y-you could c-call j-Jisoo noona to h-h-elp me?"

Of course. The boy hates me.

"Of course Junnie," Taehyung said as sugary sweet as he could, with the biggest and warmest smile he could muster, "I'll ask her to come here and help you."
He reached out to ruffle the Yeonjun's hair, but the little boy ducked and quickly slipped away.

Now, to call Jisoo.

His palm's got sweaty. Why? It's not as if he was going texting the president. He was only texting Jisoo.
Only Jisoo.
He was texting Jisoo.
He lost all confidence. He just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. How could he ever get her to like her. He wasn't even sure if he liked her. He only made this bet because he knew that bully would stay away from her this way.

He knew he had to act fast, make his move before the bully got bored of waiting and pulled some stupid stunt to hurt Jisoo.

What was he doing? Oh right, he was about to text Jisoo to help dress his own cousin for school. It was hard not to get salty. Especially since he loved kids so much.

He searched for her contact and sent a simple and short text. Even for being the smartest guy on campus, he couldn't muster up the brain power to make a diplomatically beautiful text.

He locked his phone and then went to freshen up.

The cool water felt great on his skin. It gave him a sense of calm and serenity for an instant. He looked at his reflection.
Dark bags under his eyes. His lips were crusty. He tried to rub some of it off. Then looked at his hair. They looked stupid. He hadn't given much attention to his hair since he decided his life didn't seem to have anything more than books.
He tried for a smile. The smile that used to be praised for being dashing, it just looked forced and weird. He brought his expression back to a poker face.

He heard the ding of his phone's notification. A moment later the doorbell rang.

Taehyung was going to go there himself, but he heard a very excited,
"I'LL GET IT HYUUUUNNGG", from Yeonjun and decided to let the boy open the door instead.

He thought it was Jisoo. He had texted her to come after all, but then he heard a terrified yelp from Yeonjun and his heart dropped to the ground. He rushed downstairs as quick as he could and saw that the little boy was hiding behind a potted plant, frozen, while a tall and dark figure loomed at the door.

"C'mon Yeon-ah. It's me, your father," The man said in such a sugar-coated voice, "your mother misses you very dearly and of course so do I."

"Uncle Kuyung," Taehyung greeted, "It's a surprise having you here."

"I understand that its all so sudden but we have been searching for Yeonjun everywhere." The man said, eyeing the little boy.

Something about his gaze on the boy made Taehyung uneasy. This man was the little boy's father, yet the latter was hiding from him.

"I do understand," Taehyung spoke in a calmly monotone voice, "its hard having your little son run away. But he-"

"Do you mind if I take him back home. His mom has been dying to see him another time." Kuyung cut in. The man's eyes looked sincere, but his voice sounded strangely sinister.

Taehyung was tempted, after all the man was Yeonjun's father. What right did he have to keep Yeonjun with him. And it wasn't like he didn't know him. He had grown up around Kuyung. The man didn't seem psychotic or anything.

He looked at Yeonjun. The younger looked at his eyes pleadingly. Before Taehyung could say anything a voice spoke. A voice he was grateful for.

"Jun-ah, Taehyung-ssi," Jisoo said, "Who's this?" Jisoo eyed the man with caution and made her way toward the inside.

Taehyung watched as his uncle put his leg in between so that Jisoo stumbled. Taehyung lunged to grab her, but his uncle had beaten him to it. The man grabbed Jisoo by the waist and apologized, "My bad," though he didn't seem to mean it, "You are a lovely looking young lady. Has anyone ever told you that?" He spoke with such sickening sweetness, it was hard not to throw up. His sudden compliment, and touch, caused Jisoo's ears to turn red.

Taehyung scoffed in disgust. Jisoo was half his age. What an absolute creep.

"Yes, actually everyone in school has called my girlfriend a lovely looking person.", Taehyung blurted. He didn't know why he called Jisoo as his girlfriend and also with so much emphasis. It just felt like the only way to make his creepy uncle back off.

Meanwhile Jisoo was a shocked and blushing mess. A quite beautiful mess-
Shut up, he told his brain.

Kuyung looked a little stunned, "Oh I didn't think you would have such a beautiful girlfriend Tae." He said his eyes still lingering on Jisoo.
"At any rate I should get going," the creep said, "I'll just take Yeonjun and-"


Kuyung looked taken aback. His mouth gaped ever so slightly but he regained himself.

"Why not?", He asked, "He is after all my son.". The man was being smug about it.

Jisoo looked puzzled and picked up the younger boy from behind the potted plant and took him towards the kitchen, out of reach of that predator.

"Are you sure?", Jisoo asked, "Yeonjun doesn't seem to like you."

"It doesn't matter," Taehyung said with full authority, "I am his legal guardian. The poor kid showed up at my door almost 6 months ago. I haven't heard from anyone looking for him since and he hasn't mentioned going back to meet you."
Taehyung then crossed his arms, "And I haven't gotten a SINGLE call from you. I am NOT letting him go to such an irresponsible parent. Besides we're getting late for school. Goodbye dearest uncle."
And with that Taehyung slammed the door at his face. His blood was boiling.

He turned to face Jisoo and Yeonjun, the latter who was still in Jisoo's arms.

"Junnie, why don't you and noona go up stairs and get ready?", he said softly. The boy's pupils were shaking of fear. Yeonjun jumped from Jisoo's arms and hugged Taehyung tightly.

"T-th-an-k yo-u hyung.", he said breathlessly. "Y-ou.. save-d me f-ro-m mo-ns-ter."
"Shh...it's ok. Hyung and noona are here."

"C'mon Jun-ah," Jisoo held out her hand, "How does a bubble bath sound?" she asked enthusiastically.
"I would love it!" The little boy said, but then tugged on her sleeve, "But, only if both of you stay with me.", he said with a pout. Tears still threatening to spill from his eyes.

Jimin had told her that Taehyung didn't involve much in his cousin's life. She didn't feel like bothering him to. She was going to convince the little boy otherwise when the older male cut in.

"Of course Jun! Hyung would love that! Hyung and Noona will give you a bath!", he said enthusiastically with his huge boxy smile. It would be a lie to say that Jisoo's heart didn't flutter.

"Let's take a bath then!", Taehyung said.


A/N: Hellooo
I really missed you guys sooooo muuucch
I wanted to update earlier but I couldn't T^T
I really hope you guys liked it :>
And if you do a vote would be nice as it helps motivate me and lets me know if you liked it!
Also please do comment! I would love hearing your thoughts on the chapter as it can help me deliver better quality
Anyways stay safe and stay healthy
I loooooooooovvvvvvee yoooooooou guuuyyyyss <3333
no matter what :>

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