Safe and sound

By Galaxybluefire

17.4K 498 215

Will is depressed and is abused by his father. He doesn't really talk to anyone in school. The only time he i... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Capter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

1.1K 42 14
By Galaxybluefire

*le gasp* another update?! So fast?!?! Haha, yeah! Since I didn't update in a while, I decided to update again.

-=+=- bayani's POV -=+=-
I was still thinking about how will blew up on me. It was my fault! I shouldn't have over stepped my boundaries! Gosh, I'm so stupid! It's just that he looked so sad and scared, and I don't want to see will like that... That's when a thought struck me. Why don't I try and apologize? He said he works at Walmart. Yeah! I'll go visit him. I grab my jacket and head downstairs. "Where are you going?" My mother asked from the kitchen. I skidded to a stop.
"Oh, um I'm going to visit a friend." I tell her nervously. Are me and will friends? She nodded, slowly smirking.
"A BOY friend??" She asked, waggling her eyebrows at me. My eyes widened, and I flushed.
"Mom!" I shrieked in embarrassment. "No! We are just friends!" I yell. She giggles.
"You wouldn't be blushing so hard if he was just a friend."
"Bye mom!" I yell throwing on my shoes, and running out of the house. I huffed, gosh! My mom can be so embarassing!!
I wondered into the walmart, looking around for will. I headed over to graser, who was in an empty check out counter.
"Hey!" I said, smiling at graser. He beamed, waving. "Um, do you know where will is?" I ask, looking around.
"Oh, um Devon just dragged him away muttering about a rematch. So he should be by the toys." Graser answered. I nodded, going towards the back of the store towards the toy. Who's Devon? Is he his boyfriend? I shook my head. Please! Will isn't gay! He's not like you. "Hey! There's a hot guy!!" I heard a British voice yell nervously. What?
"Like I'm going to fall for that!" I head a guy said. I'm guessing that's Devon?
"It worked the first time..." I head over to them. As I turn into the isle, I see will whack some guy with a Mohawk with a noodle. He beams in pride as the guy yelps falling helplessly to the floor. What is going on?? Will lets out some bubbly giggles. Awe! His laugh is so cute!!
Will crashes into me at full force. "Oof!" We yell. I should stop getting lost in my head... I hear the person I presume to be Devon chuckle at our failure. Then will is being lifted up off of me. I look up to see the guys face filled with worry.
"Are you okay?!" He asked, looking at will from every angle. I chuckle at how he's like a protective mother. Will also seems to find it funny, as he also chuckles.
"Yes Devon...." Ah, so he is Devon. Wills eyes widen suddenly, and he whips towards me. He opens his mouth like he's about to say something. Then it lies slack, him gasping in shock. "What are you doing here?!" Will asked, surprised.
"Well it IS walmart...." I say. I internally facepalm. Smooth bayani, real smooth!! His cheeks dust with a faint red.
"O-oh yeah... Sorry." He mumbled, looking down. I hear Devon mutter under his breath about how much of a jerk I am.
"No! That's not what I meant! Sorry, I'm just to sarcastic for my own good..." I trailed off trying to explain. "I um I came to see you." I finally say. Will looks up confused. I practically swoon. He looks like a cute puppy!!
"Why?" He asked, cocking his head to the side cutely.
"Well um, I wanted to say sorry..." I say.
"For what??" He asked, even more confused. I chuckle nervously.
"For you know, trying to um... The whole conversation yesterday. Being nosy and ish..." I say awkwardly.
"Oh! No, no, no!! I should be the one sorry! I just suddenly yelled at you." He said bash fully. I shook my head.
"You had the right to yell at me! I was sticking my nose where it didn't belong...."
"No! It's fine!! I was just having a bad day is all. It's fine, really. I'm the one who should be sorry.." He said it so genuin. I nodded. No point in arguing.
"So.... Do you want that icecream now or...?" Devon interrupted. What? Are they going on a date or something?
"No! We aren't dating!!" Will yelled, blushing madly. Devon was dying of laughter. What? Wait...
"I said that out loud?!" I screamed in embarrassment. They nodded, laughing.
"Why would you think we were dating?" Devon asked, calming down from his laughing fit.
"Well um, I don't know.... I thought you were gonna have a date and get him ice cream.. I don't know?" Will rolled his eyes.
"No, it was just this bet thing. I won, so he has to buy me ice cream!" Will said, beaming with pride. Oh. I nodded. "And no Devon. We could get it later, we have work to do!"
"You call fighting with noodles work?" I chuckle. Wills face lit up.
"Yo-you saw that...." He mumbled. I nodded, chuckling.
"And that you tried to trick him that there was some hot guy." I told him.
"Well, you were there weren't you?" Devon said, winking. Okay, I have been blushing way to much! I rolled my eyes. Will hit his arm playfully.
"Whatever.." I mumbled out of embarrassment. Devon laughed.
"Can we keep him? He's so cute!" Devon said, squeezing me. What is going on.... I laughed, not really sure how to react.
"If you do your work!" Will said, pointing down telling Devon to put me down. Devon wined, but stomped off somewhere towards the storage room muttering about how he wanted to stay with the cute boy instead of freaking doing inventory.
"You have an interesting friend there..." I said giggling. Will nodded.
"You get used to him." I nodded, not really sure. "Well...I have to get to work. See you at school?" Will asked cutely, peeking up at me. I nodded.
"Of course!" I say. I give him a quick goodbye hug. And by quick, I mean we stood there hugging for like five minutes... At first he went rigid, but he relaxed and hugged back. I like hugging will.

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