Just This Once || Erenxreader...

By erensbitchh

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°°Only he was too naive to realize that love cannot be ignored°° ••• Broken promises, unrequited love, and sh... More



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By erensbitchh

Your eyes fluttered open, and you were blinded by the rays of sun peeping in through the window. Once your eyes adjusted, you shifted your body so that you laid on your side. Two sets of eyes were staring at you.

"So where did you go off to last night?" Sasha said with a smug look.

"Yea we didn't see you after you left the bar. How did you get home?" Historia added.

You sat up in your bed and rubbed your eyes.

"Oh I took an Uber" you said with a yawn.

The alarm clock read 1:31 p.m.

Damn. You had slept in really late. You looked back up at the two girls, and you could tell by their expressions that they were waiting for you to explain where you had gone last night.

"I was a little further down the beach. I played some beer pong with Reiner and Marco" you paused, "and Eren".

Sasha burst out laughing and Historia raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing across her lips.

"You played beer pong for 3 hours?"

The party had gotten broken up by the cops at around 2 in the morning. You had left the group at around 11.

You thought for a second. Shit did I really spend almost 3 hours with Eren?

After you and Eren had "spent some time together", the two of you had had another in depth conversation about your lives before college, in an attempt to get to know each other better. When the two of you had noticed the flashing lights up on shore, you guys had jumped out of the water, and gone your separate ways.

"Uh I mean I wasn't playing beer pong the whole time. I was, uh, getting to know someone".

Sasha let out another burst of laughter, "Yea right! Getting to know what was in someone's pants probably!"

Your cheeks grew warm, and you turned your face away from your friends while you let a small dry laugh escape your lips.

"Oh my god! You did hookup with someone didn't you!" Historia exclaimed, noticing your shy laughter.

You faced the girls again, and gave them a small smile and shrugged your shoulders. Your expression said Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.

Sasha pounced onto your bed and shook your shoulders.

"TELL ME EVERYTHING!!! Who was it? Was he good? Where did y'all even go? How big w- "

You laughed at Sasha's curiosity, and Historia sat down on the bed as well, her curiosity mirroring Sasha's.

"Well? Tell us everything!"

Historia had warned you not to fall into Eren's "trap". And what had you done? You had gotten drunk, and fucked him anyways. You weren't sure how the blonde would react.

"Uh, it was Eren actually" you said shyly.

The two girls mouths dropped open.

"You're kidding" Historia said with a tiny smile.

"Nope" you replied with a small wince.

Your two friends giggled, and you felt relieved that Historia was not going to scold you for your poor choices.

"Y/n! Didn't I tell you not to get involved with him" Historia said with a small smack to your arm.

You laughed it off, "Don't worry. It was just a one time thing. Plus, I don't know why you two don't like him. He seems nice enough to me." You said with a shrug of your shoulders.

"It's just that he's broken a lot of girls hearts. I don't want the same thing to happen to you".

"Yea he definitely sleeps around!" Sasha giggled, "You should probably go get tested!"

The brunette continued to laugh, amused by her own joke. You smacked her upside the head playfully.

"Oh yea Sasha? What about you and Connie? I don't think we have room for any kids in this dorm."

Sasha blushed, "Actually me and Connie haven't done anything yet. But I do know that Historia got some action last night as well!"

Historia's eyes were firmly fixed on her fingers, as she fidgeted with the zipper of her sweater.

"We didn't do that much, Sasha" the blonde replied, a light blush also dusting her cheeks as she tried to hide a smile.

"Uh huh" you and Sasha both teased in unison.


Your footsteps echoed as you walked down the sidewalk. You had just picked up takeout, and were on your way back to the dorm, where Sasha was waiting hungrily.

The moon was high in the sky, and the light from the street lamps created a long shadow behind you. You were scrolling through Tik Tok as you walked, not paying attention to the path in front of you, because the place was deserted. You passed a building with colored lights and neon sign decorating the windows, and you had just enough time to glance up at the sign that read "The Black Lotus", before the door swung open and slammed right into your face, causing you to fall to the ground.

"OW What the fuck!?!?" you yelled.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry y/n!"

You rubbed your forehead, which stung from the impact. How the fuck does he know my name?

You tilted your face upwards so that you could identify who had just attacked your face with a door.


You hadn't seen the boy in a week, since you had hooked up on the beach.

Eren knelt down beside you and gently lifted your hand away from your forehead.

"Let me see" he said softly. He examined you forehead for a quick second, and then grabbed your arm to lift you off the ground. "It's not too bad, but you might have a small bruise tomorrow. Sorry about that, I didn't see you".

"Ugh it's fine. Thanks" you said as he helped you stand.

"Here let me get some ice. Common inside".

You followed Eren through the door, and found yourself in the lobby of a high end tattoo parlor. Leather couches were spread out, and more neon signs adorned the walls. In the back, you could see several tattoo stations, and a few people sat in chairs, while an artist inked their skin.

"Do you work here?" you asked Eren with a confused look.

The emerald eyed boy rubbed the back of his neck, and continued to lead you to a private tattoo room.

"Hmm? Oh yea I work here during the week."

Once the two of you entered the room, he pointed to a tattoo chair, "Sit down, I'll be right back".

You sat in the chair, and Eren exited the room. You looked around, examining the artwork on the walls. It was amazing really. Multiple tattoo ideas laid upon the walls, as if someone had gotten bored, and decided to paint their ideas.

The doorknob turned, and Eren entered once again, only this time he held an ice pack. He approached you, and placed the ice pack on your forehead with a concerned look in his eyes.

You let out a small hiss as the cold surface touched your hot skin.

You weren't really sure what to say. You decided on a joke. Maybe it would lighten the mood.

"So, did you hit me with that door on purpose just so you had an excuse to talk to me?" You teased Eren with a grin.

The boy laughed and gave you a warm smile, "No I was actually headed home for the night, but now that you're here, maybe we should go over that tattoo we talked about" he teased you right back.

You swallowed hard, remebering your conversation from last week at the beach party. Eren had been talking to you about getting a tattoo, and his hand had touched...

STOP , you scolded yourself.

"Eh, not impressed with the artwork I see" you said, obviously lieing.

"Oh yea?" Eren said raising his eyebrow. He removed the ice pack from your head, and walked towards the counter. He took a little spiral notebook off of a hook on the wall, and walked back to you, holding it out for you to take.

You took the notebook, and looked at Eren, silently asking him what to do.

"Go ahead, look through it. Tell me if you see one you like".

You opened the notebook carefully, and found drawings litering the pages. You gingerly flipped through the pages, careful not to smudge the drawings. They were breathtaking.

"Did you draw all of these?"

"Yea, the ones in the front are from a few years ago when I first started"

On each page, you found a new design. Some were pieces of abstract art. Others were minimalist, yet deatailed. And some were gorgeous flowers. All of the designs were drawn in pencil, and by the eraser marks, and sketched out lines, you could tell that Eren had poured a lot of time and love into these designs.

You looked back up at Eren, and an impressed expression crossed your face. "These are amazing, the level of detail, and the shading... You're amazing."

A light blush dusted his cheeks, and you couldn't help but think about how well the color complemented his eyes.

Eren regained his cool composure, "So, you see any you like?"

You flipped back a few pages, untill you found a tattoo of a small abstract flower.

(ignore this nasty foot and just focus on the tattoo)

The green eyed boy looked down at the notebook and smiled. "I drew this when I was only 16".

You gazed at the drawing some more, your mind wandering.

"So where do you want it?" Eren asked, bringing your focus back to him.

"You want to tattoo me right now? I thought you were headed home?"

"I mean if you're ready now, I have nothing better to do."

You thought on this for a second. You had always wanted a tattoo, and Eren was right here offering to give you one this very second. Finally, you decided to be spontatneous.

"Where do you think?" you repeated your question from the beach party.

Eren grinned, also remembering what actions had followed that question.

"If I remember correctly, I showed you quite a few places last week" Eren teased arrogantly.

You lifted a hand to the side of your ribs, right next to your right breast. "Alright, you can do it here".

Eren gave you one last smirk before he turned around and began to dig in the drawers for fresh supplies. He wheeled a little table over next to your chair, and placed his ink, and tattoo needle on top. Then he turned around and began looking in a little cabinet that appeared to hold bandaging supplies. He pulled out two stickers, and handed them to you.

"Here you'll need these" he said taking on a more professional attitude.

You took the stickers out of his hand, and gave the boy a questioning look. His eyes drifted down to your chest, and then met your eyes once more.


Realization flashed over your features, and Eren gave a small laugh. You would have to take your shirt and bra off. The place where you had suggested was right where the band of your bra sits.

Eren turned his back to you once more, and you hesitantly began to remove your shirt.

"So this is really your first tattoo?" he asked a little suprized. You realized he was trying to make you more comfortable, and you appreciated the gesture.

"Yep, I've been meaning to get one actually, just never found the time". You tossed your shirt over the back of the chair. Eren was pulling out a pair of black latex gloves, his back still to you.

"Don't worry. It doesn't hurt that bad".

You unclipped your bra, and slipped it off of your shoulders. Then, you grabbed the stickers, and carfully placed one atop each of your nipples.

"You good?" Eren asked.

"Yea", you replied, signaling that it was okay for him to turn around.

Eren turned, and his eyes swept over your chest, drinking in the sight before him. Then, he regained his professional air, and walked over to your chair. He pulled a lever, and lowered the back of the chair, so that it was flat, like a table.

"Alright, lay down and turn on your side"

You did as you were told, and you heard Eren drag a rolling seat over.

You could hear Eren working as he set up his matterials. Then, you heard the sound of his latex gloves snapping against his skin. Something cold touched the skin where you would recieve the tattoo, and you fliched.

"Sorry, I know its cold"

Eren continued to drag the cotton ball over your skin, and you smelt the smell of rubbing alcohol.

Eren kept light conversation with you as he prcedded to stencil on the outline, and ready his tattoo needle.

"Ok keep this arm here, and try not to elbow me" he said with a light laugh as he positioned your arm above your torso, giving him a clear area to work.

You heard the buzz of the tattoo needle, signifying that he was about to begin. You felt Eren place on hand on the side of your breast, holding the skin taunt, and you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't get butterflies.

You turned your head slightly to look back at Eren, and his face had taken on a concentrated look as he began to lower the needle to your skin. You felt a painful vibration on your ribs, and you squeezed your eyes shut. You were determined to keep your expression neautral, because you didn't want Eren to know how much it hurt.

Eren, however, had noticed that your body had tensed slightly. "Tell me if you need me to stop".

"No I'm good" you replied bravely.

You laid there listening to the hum of the needle, and tried to distract yourself by further examing the art work on the walls.

A couple of times, Eren would wipe at the skin to remove the excess ink, but based on his facial expression, he was too focused on drawing your tattoo, to even remeber that he had one hand on the side of your breast. You laughed to yourslef quietly, because you thought it was cute how invested he got while he worked.

Once he finished, he wiped at your skin a few more times before applying a cold ointment. He rubbed the ointment over your skin gently, and it felt amazing over your abused skin. Finally, he helped you up, and led you to a floorlength mirror.

You gazed at the freshly inked skin, and a smile played across your lips.

"It's incredible" you breathed out.

"Glad you like it" Eren smirked.

Eren walked to your side, and bent down, carefully placing a bandage over the tattoo.

You discarded your stickers, and put your clothes back on while Eren turned around and cleaned up the station.

He picked up a piece of paper and began to jot down some notes, while he told you about tattoo aftercare.

"So just make sure you do those things a couple times a day, and replcae the bandage each time" he finished as he gave you the piece of paper with instructions on it.

"Oh and I put my number on the back, so you can, you know, call me if you have any questions" the emerald eyed boy smirked.

"Well if I have any 'questions', I'll be sure to let you know" you said playfully.

You gathered up your things and began to walk towards the door.

"Hey Eren"

The boy turned to look at you.

"Thanks again" you gave him a smiled as you left the parlor.

A light blush crossed his cheeks, and he waved goodight to you, "Anytime l/n".

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