A False Reality // dreamnotfo...

By shortstack_8l

229K 9.3K 12.3K

George wakes up in a dark forest, nothing but the clothes on his back. No more than few minutes later, someho... More

One: ~The Foreign Forest~
Two: ~White Horses and Three Armored Strangers~
Three: ~New Faces, New Places~
Four: ~The King~
Five: ~A Dinner for Two...or Five~
Six: ~A Growing Friendship~
Seven: ~Misunderstandings~
Eight: ~A Doing He Can't Undo~
Nine: ~Realizations~
Ten: ~Regret~
Eleven: ~Stories~
Twelve: ~A Life Changing Idea~
Thirteen: ~DΓ©jΓ  Vu~
Fourteen: ~A Question with Half the Answer~
Fifteen: ~Starry Nights~
Sixteen: ~Nothings an Adventure Without Booze and Wrong Turns~
Seventeen: ~How Life will Always Repeat Itself~
Eighteen: ~Just Existing~
Twenty: ~Surgery~
TwentyOne: ~Voices~
TwentyTwo: ~The Truth~
TwentyThree: ~Lost Hope~
TwentyFour: ~The Journal~
TwentyFive: ~An Arrow through the Heart~
TwentySix: ~The Ending~
Alternative Ending
Yes, there will be a Sequel

Nineteen: ~A New Ruler~

5.6K 242 244
By shortstack_8l

The blonds emerald eyes soon shut, falling asleep as well next to the small brunet.

The sun was out, greeting George's eyes. It took him a minute to get adjusted to the brightness before being able to see his surroundings. A tall figured layed next to him, curled up against him. Dream.

George had to admit he was cute when he slept, at peace. He was happy to see him finally at rest after the whole incident, George doubts he even slept properly during all of it.

Turning around and facing the blond, he couldn't help but to give off a smile if not a few blushes.

"Morning beautiful." It caught George off guard when he said that, guessing he could sense himself staring at the handsome blond.

"Good morning."

His arm was still in a cast and he knew it would be a few months til it would be decently healed but Dream didn't seem to give off any emotion of pain when he pulled George in closer, his body crushing against his arm. They were both facing the same wall, George in front of Dream and both blushing like two bright tomatoes. "I was so lost without you Georgie, y'know that."

"Is that so. Tell me my knight, my savor. How was it you found me and why did you all not give up. I mean I'm new around here and wasn't that much of importance."

"Well how we found you, that was all Tommy. He had suspicions on Techno, guessing he'd soon find out about you being the next king. For why we cared, that was all me. Tommy felt he owed you, I love you, and everyone else felt that you were apart of the group. Leave no man behind us what Karl said."

George scooted closer towards the back of the bed, sitting up right. "Yo- you love me?"

"How could I not? I mean when I first met you, I might've been an ass but later into the night I fell for you."

"Hmm, regretted what you said the minute I gave you the apple."

"Possibly." He smirked when saying so but George's fading away.

He forgot what happened last night, what happened to Tommy.

"Oh my god, Oh my god. No no no." He was rambling again but he couldn't help it.

"What's wrong." Dream wrapped his arms around George's waist.

"Where's Tommy, how's Tommy?" He was spiraling.

Dream went silent.

"No no no. He couldn't- "

He had cut him off, reassuring George. "It's okay, it's okay. He's at Niki's place with Tubbo but- "

He was almost on the verge of tears, this is something he'll never forgive himself for. Something that will lay with him. "But what Dream, spit it out." Both could tell the fear within his voice if not a slight bit of anger.

"But he lost a lot of blood and there wasn't an exit wound.."

"Will- will he be okay?"

The blond sighed, he knew what George was going through yet he still didn't know how to help him. "All we can do is hope Georgie."

George's face didn't light up anymore after that, Tommys life being at risk all because of himself.

But it wasn't long after that, that the door to his room came flying open. The tall black haired knight came running in out of breath.

"Sapnap? Whats wrong?" Dream quickly sat up from the bed, staring at his best friend with worrisome.

"You need to come. And now Clay."

Once dressed, they ran up the stairs as they followed Sapnap, making their way to the Kings bedroom.

Punz was slouched down on the wall with Sam handing him a thing of water and Niki was inside of the room in tears with Wilbur by her side.

"What's going on?" Dream entered, questioning everyone with a harsh tone.

George followed behind him and saw Eret lying on the bed.

He was pale and wasn't breathing.

The king had fallen.


Punz was still slouching on the wall but now his face was filled with tears. He couldn't speak, allowing Sam to do it for him. "Someone had come up to see the King, spiking Punz's meal before his duty as guard. Once he was unconscious, the person of this doing must've poisoned him."

"'Must've', you think." Dream and everyone else saw George's face flush from color.

Eret had told him he was going to he the next king and he wasn't at all prepared. "I'm- I'm not ready for this. I can't do this, I can't do this Dream." George was stepping backwards, meeting the wall of the room before sliding down onto the ground. His knees rose to his chest before burying his face between his knees.

He was going to lose it.

All this power was going to be with him.

A target on his back at all times.

Was he allowed any type of freedom?

How much will he let down the people in this village.

He had just almost killed Tommy not even a few hours ago.

He could be at fault for his death and he couldn't live with that.

Him being king could ruin this village, this kingdom.

All the thoughts were flooding back at once, realizing this was George's new reality. It overpowered him, George passing out not even seconds before seeing the king who layed there lifeless.

George woke up once again, this time somewhere new.

I have to stop waking up in random ass places.

He saw the blond kid lay on the next bed over, sweating terribly. He was getting sick, possibly a fever.

He hated himself for it, how he's caused all this. All he could think about was how if the three men killed him, then maybe all would be fine.

"Good you're up." Karl was talking to George but he wasn't listening, his eyes still stuck on Tommy. Please make it Tommy.

He didn't realize it at first but Karl was dragging him out of the house and back into the castle.

Everyone was in there and everyone had sadden expressions. The news had spread but that's not why they were all gathered here.

"The ceremony can begin." Sam was standing at a podium, reading out loud a book. George would catch bits and pieces like 'will you forever take responsibility for this kingdom' and 'do you understand the risks involved may include death.'

George didn't realize it at first but soon found out he was becoming the next king of this kingdom and he wasn't prepared for it at all.


-Word Count- 1139

So how we feeling.

Tommys not looking so hot, Erets dead, and George is becoming King.

Maybe another chapter out today but if not then tomorrow morning.

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