BaΠe of Nigh† (Hellsing)

By wulfwuman

2.6K 76 86

(🍋)(🔖Wattys 2022 nomination)This is a version of a Nightbane in which the character Angeline Colter is a yo... More

intros (0.5)
club scene (1)
aftermath (2)
native image ( 2.5)
monday classes (3)
first day (5)
school & dinner (6)
secrets (7)
undead thoughts (8)
courting (9)
the speech (10)
vampire Aspects Hellsing A.U. (X)
decisions (11)
little lies (12)
illness (13)
Where (14)
party (15)
questions (16)
Hellsing intros (17)
the call (18)
the show (19)
next day (20)
mirrors (21)
where (22)
Discuss (23)
bad dreams (24)
learning about (25)
revelations (26)
Antebellum mirror (27)
rough learning (28)
rough loving (29)

mystery men (4)

100 3 0
By wulfwuman

  "Afternoon Frank!  I will be in my apartment working on some assignments, dealing with civil law...small claims to be exact.  Call me if you need some help!" Angel said with a warm smile.

"Angel, what has you in such a good mood?" Frank said with his right eyebrow raised.

"It's nothing really, a young man had attempted to commit suicide and I was able to talk him down and able to administer first aid, until the paramedics took over..." she smiled again but her cheeks felt like they were burning up .  "I also met another youngish man, who handed me my book bag, after all the going ons."

"Does this youngish man have a real name?" Frank inquired with raised eyebrows.

Angel giggled "Vladimir Dragos from Romania...he lives here in London most of the time."

Frank scowled unapproving,"And?"

"I saw him once before, at Ava's vintage store but we didn't really talk but me apologizing, for bumping into him.."  her smile turned to a frown.  "Is something wrong?  Did I do something wrong?"

"You have done nothing wrong, I just don't trust young men, too much or any male to be honest, when it comes to you.  You are considered an exotic, gorgeous woman and I just don't want you to get hurt,"  Frank replied with a small smile.

"Exotic?  How?" she said with a confused face.

"How many Native Americans do you see on the street?" Frank asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "none I guess.  I don't look for that when I am out and about."

"I will suggest you pay more attention now and in the future.  You will see if young men are 'checking' you out," Frank smiled an evil smile. "You could find out, if your male friend is wanting to be more, flirt with other college students."

"Frank this is so stupid and a waste of time!"Angel scowled.

"Just do it and I will tell you of the men, I notice at the bar..."he smiled, "You can be so oblivious girl!"

Angel glared and stomped off to do school assignments.  She finished one paper online and was half through another but concentrating was, so hard.  This mystery man, Vlad, was on her mind.  His eyes were deep pools of blue and that luscious ebony hair would be the envy of even women.  Where did he live and what did he do in London?  His nicely fitted suit complimented his body.  His shoulders slightly broad that glided down to tappered but muscular waist.  Angel bet he had the most amazing v-line abs.

His hair was also an attraction. It reminded her of men's long tribal hair.  This man stood out with pale skin and raven black hair to his waist.  He stood out in the crowd with that length.  Then her cheeks burned hotly.  Her mind wandered to the thought of a dark line of happy trail hair to his groin.  He was. In her mind, well endowed in that region too, but who knows in real life.

Angel shook her head as it needed clearing. She sighed and said out loud..."probably too old for me..this can't be real.  Why would someone like him, be interested in me?"

The dark voice whispered, "He will flee in terror if he ever saw your real form..."

"Perhaps he will never see that side of me?" she smiled nervously.  "I wish I could go and fly for a bit....

"That means to embrace me..."dark voice echoed the reply.

  Angel's thoughts were interrupted, as the 'crawl' hit her.  Something or someone evil was entering the club.  It was probably the vampire dressed in red.  The tribal woman got up and left her apartment.  He had made a threat of harming Claire.  She glanced down and realized Frank's conversation had distracted her.  The bloody clothes were in the laundry but she had not put any other clothes on. 

The young woman grabbed a turquoise tank dress and some a pair black flats.  She locked her door and proceeded to enter through the side door that employees used.  Her night vision spotted the vampire dressed in red immediately.  Angel realized this wasn't even one of Claire's work days.  Claire was in a short black dress and 5 inch heels.  Her right index finger was twirling a stand of bleach blonde hair and leaned over the small table that had two drinks on it.

What did Claire say his name was?  Alucard...he seemed nothing like "Dracula' in the book but she wasn't that far into the book.

Angel found a chair and table away from "Red' but she could watch well.  After about an hour of stupid sexual innuendos and lewd images coming from Claire's mind, the tribal woman got a wicked thought of her own.  She had never used the befuddle spell but it could be fun to see what happens to a person.  So Claire became the guinea pig.  The tribal woman focused her mind and spoke the words to cast the spell, on her intended target.

The No Life King saw the dark haired woman sitting at a table far from him but watching.  He knew her name at least but not much more on details.  Claire didn't seem to know the young woman well at all.  He turned his attention back to Claire and she was fidgeting while talking funny, as in not making sense form of rambling speech wise.  She went from trying to be coy to outright blunt on certain thoughts.  The vampire entered Claire's mind again and this time, it was a jumble of thoughts, like she couldn't keep a sentence together, in her mind.

Alucard whispered something to Claire now and she got up to walk away.  The Vampire King had dismissed Claire for the time being.  He was already growing tired of this human.girl..His head turned to face Angel then stared at her.  Her legs were crossed and her right hand rested on her chin.  Her eyes were focused solely on him. 

So the staring contest had commensed now...

After about 45 minutes, the vampire flagged a drink server over and indicated to get Angel a drink. When the drink arrived, she naturally raised it to Alucard and took a sip.  It was at this point, luck did not hold out and someone took a selfie right next to her.  The light from the phone flash shined in her eyes.  She blinked hard and then took another drink, but her secret was out, about her vision.

The Vampire King leaned back in his chair and laughed softly to himself.  The flash of light revealed her eye shine and it was the shine of someone, with a form of night vision.  She could see him plain as day.  What a completely lovely bit of information to play with.  The question now was how far could she see with it?

He rose up to test his question and headed to the far side of the club.  Her head turned to follow him as he well knew she would.  Alucard knew he was just over 200 feet away and sat down once more.  He pulled the large caliber handgun named the Jackal and then set it on the table.  None of the human customers would pay attention to the gun on the table.

Angel scowled, he knew now she could see well in the dark.  He had moved purposely to find out how far she could see?  She thought he had taken something out of his coat, but had not seen what it was.  So he forced her 'hand' to get up and see what the item was exactly.  Her fear was that he had pulled his black pistol, he had shot her, with the other night.  The young woman strolled over to the bar and spoke to a man, who happened to be called Alex. Then she took up walking over, to Alucard's table, with a drink in hand.

"Thought perhaps I could sit with you and offer you another drink, on the house.  May I have a seat?" Angel said politely with a forced smile.

"You could if you had used your manners...earlier, " the No Life King said in a harsh tone.

Angel nodded her head and put the glass of wine down, on his table.  "Then good evening Alucard and you don't need your gun out, for all to possibly see.  Unless you still wish to do harm to me.  That wasn't very nice shooting me with that oversized pistol.  Compensating for some? You dicknor your ego? Probably both..."

Angel didn't really want to turn her back, but she didn't want him thinking she was terrified of him, as she knew practically nothing about vampires except Hollywood vampires. It was probably why she was so angry and being completely rude to him.  He already knew she could cast magic and see well at night.

A voice entered her mind to say 'Leaving so soon?  You have questions for me?'

'No, you are the first Nosferatu.  I should imagine due to the spelling of your name.  Unless you plan to tell me how to destroy you then maybe...' and she just kept walking.  All of a sudden her mind sensed danger so with instinct,  she yanked a table up and was prepared to strike her attacker.  She was facing Alucard ready to strike him.

"My, my, quite jumpy dear Angeline could have hurt someone and have to heal them back up.  I simply wish to talk and enjoy the company of a young, intelligent woman such as you are."  The vampire bowed his head.

"In or out of our heads?" her stare was intense with a slight smirk.

"I don't believe I have ever had that option before, but the rest of the humans may think it's strange, we are just staring weirdly at each other," Alucard said with a smile showing fang.

Angel set the table down and grabbed two chairs.  She sat down then faced the vampire, her legs crossed.  "You first Alucard..."

"Why are you here?" and he pointed to the roof of the club.

"I live in an apartment next to the club, but I'm sure you already knew that.  I am American, come from the state of Alaska.  I am twenty one and half Haida- half Irish.  I am going to London college to study law and become a lawyer for my tribe.  I work part time here.  And that is my story, the end."

"I have not seen a woman, such as yourself, in my entire life.  You're quite beautiful..." he started to use his voice to seduce her.

"Once again, how stupid do I look like?" she swallowed the last of her drink.

"So intriguing...will none of my mind control or reading work on you?" He coyly asked knowing full well it wouldn't work on her.

"Correct, but you can always try me if you are dead set on it." Now her arms were crossed over her chest.

"Hmmm, so tempting but not tonight... your turn to ask a question..."Alucard took a swallow of his wine.

"How old are you? And how did you gain your..." her hand did an up and down motion "State of being?"

"583 years and I renounced God to become the No Life King, first of all Nosferatu..." he smirked.

Angel shook her head, " you gave up?  You gave up on the world and humanity?  You gave up your 'human' form for what?  To become the evil that wanted to strike you down in the first place?  You were a fool!  No wait you are still one only evil now..."

Angel stood up and started to walk off quickly.  She was trying not to cry and mumbled. "He could have stayed a human unlike me...."

Alucard watched the young woman walk away and thought on her last comment about 'unlike me'.  Did she realize she had let that slip out?

Had she forgotten vampires have exceptional hearing? How is she not human?  She looks human and smells human.  With a smirk, he finished his wine and walked to the door.

"Hey!  Mister!  What did you say to Angel?"  Frank rounded the bar counter now present in the club.

"The young lady and I were discussing the concept of obtaining immortality, at the price of humanity.  The discussion was not meant to upset her," the vampire smiled but did not show his teeth.  "Where might she go, so I can apologize for upsetting her, so badly?"

"Out the side door but an apology only...then you need to leave!"  Frank replied.

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