Your wish, my command

By sarsily

6.5K 327 337

Someone people choose love. Others wish for that everlasting feeling. As your life is decided for you; what... More

Do I have the honours? [H]
as you wish [1]
betrayal [3]
renaissance [4]
genesis [5]
party's over [6]
insufferable | 07
the aftermath | 08
back to where it started | 09

all hopes is lost 2]

654 49 70
By sarsily

A guest- I said in a questionable tone while raising my eyebrows and rubbing my chin.

"Yes, a guest. How many times do I have to repeat myself, Ada? What is distracting you? Did you not recall father's words? You must not get distracted," mother instructed in a scolding and an obvious frustrating expression.

I speculated to myself, no one comes unannounced in our kingdom unless they desperately need something. Although we might be a favourable kingdom, helpful is not the word I'd used to describe Matias. I've seen a various amount of tragedies in the past and we have simply dismissed them. Forbidding to get involved so we remain impartial with all nations.

Now, that I've realized this crucial aspect. A king is visiting. He wants something.

Last time a king came, I winced just at the indication of it. I rather not think about the startling possibilities. All I know is, this is terrible. I felt a feeling I couldn't interpret. Butterflies in my stomach or my heart plunging just as Jonah did to me.

"Mother, I'm not feeling very well." I said as I was picking at my nails, gazing past her, avoiding to make eye contact.

"All of a sudden, huh? You are to go downstairs. I don't care if you are sick or not. Push through it. After all, you want your father to be proud. Do you?" She looked into my eyes, attempting to get a reaction out of me. Whilst an eerie smirk splattered across her face.


"Does a princess stutter? Have you not any manners, Ada."

"My manners have not been forgotten. I'll be straight down."

With every step I took, the closer to my doom I was. I could not walk steadily as my whole body trembled and the blurriness arrived. What are you up to father? If only I could flee. Find a way, I must, I will! But all hope left as I approached my father and king Defaz.

"Don't speak unless spoken to. Don't. You must not speak out of order and talk with confidence and certainty." Mother's words ricocheting throughout my head.

"Ah! King Defaz! Haven't seen you since our glorious day. How do you do? In a cheerful but unsettling tone, father uttered."

"Very well, Darius, Defaz said."

"Haha, swerving the professionalism as always, king Defaz."

Most of the discussion was them joking around and having fun. I stood there useless like souvenirs waiting to be bought. These men had their attention on something else. Not once did they look in my direction or mother's.

Father didn't even introduce mother.

Father was...way too happy. I've never seen him this happy. Not even on his wedding day with his 7th wife. It was truly unsettling. What the hell is going on?

"Anyway- What do I owe you to such a visit? A late but rather substantial visit. It's been a while, my good friend," Darius said grinning with delight.

"As you know, Defaz swallowed hard before continuing, my daughter, Zenab. Zenab...just gazing at images of her; pretending as if she was here made me sane. Zenab.. She was 19 years old. She was someone who truly adored existence. Making her presence felt everywhere she went while always retaining a smile on her face."

"She was truly beautiful. My daughter.. It even surprised me that I made her. She came out of the womb being elegant as ever and ended her life just as so. She had long lengthy blonde hair and bangs that obscured her eyes like a sheepdog. Took after her mother's rich hazel eyes that were inviting. "

"A lean and long figure, light as a feather, and curves that wrap tightly around her clothing. I cannot disregard her personality as well. A clever and easy-going person. She had a whole life planned out!"

"Haha, she was one who asked many questions and got all the men's attention. That part I did not like. However, Zenab was my only daughter to my true wife that I had. Neshia, if you recall?"

"How could I forget! Your obsession with her was beyond me. You were truly in love, Defaz."

"I could honestly see her and Ada as great friends, King Defaz chuckled with a clear indication of hurt in his voice."

"On May 2nd, she unfortunately passed away. The love of my life, the brightness to my day, the moon to my Earth. Without her...I'm broken and vulnerable.
Defaz denoted.

"And, father bleated."

"Darius, I know you aren't one known for making tremendous sacrifices. As you lead with pride and authority, but most importantly, with no remorse or guilt. My old friend, I am pleading for just one favour. Zenab. She was my everything. Words cannot describe the hurt I am feeling."

"I need someone by my side, as a daughter or perhaps my wife. My wife is too weak and has her doubts about me. She's old, delicate, and replaceable."

"Although my daughter's death was unexpected and indeed traumatizing. I put forth my kingdom's wellbeing first. We are in enormous difficulty if I don't find someone to replace her. With a vulnerable wife and no child, my kingdom is in a defenceless state."

"I need someone who has their eyes on the prize! A quick thinker but lacks in empathy. Someone who is worthy enough to lead right beside me, as a wife or a daughter. However, I refuse to be at the equivalent degree with the peasant who will work alongside me. They are simply temporary and disposable."

"Hm...As this is a fundamental ask, I'd like to converse with you in private. I think I have the perfect person in mind. Follow me, father exclaimed while grinning."

Once again, the happiest I've ever seen him. I have a bad feeling..

Thirty minutes went by and not a word has been given to me about their negation. Occasionally, you could hear chuckles and drinks clinking. Those who walked by my father's meeting headquarter looked in my direction with pity in their eyes.

Fools, absolute fools.

The book "Rules of Matias", states all royal members are to be present in significant demands or meetings. It's apart of royalty to take part in manners like this. Why am I being cast away?

The only exceptionwhere we cannot be present is when there is a great ordeal. I don't sense one, nor does mother.

Being in attendance here the whole time and not having a significant function, infuriated me. Where is the guest that mother preached about and why have us down here if we are not acknowledged by others.

Father's intentions were never apparent. He'd do anything to get an advantage, even if it means treachery. He is one we call for himself. He views words like love and family just as phrases and nothing more to it.

In my thoughts pacing back and forth, I heard father call my name.

"Ada, father said."

Brace yourself, Ada; I thought to myself.

Father? Answering quicker than usual as he addressed me.

"You are going to kingdom Silhouette.

You will rule there alongside Defaz. Don't get too passionate as you are a lower tier.

You will respect and obey Defaz. No limits to this authority.

And you will see Defaz as your husband.

Let me remind you, once you leave Matias, you are no longer my daughter. Do not address me as a father, but rather as King Darius."

A wife-

I felt numb. I felt a rage of numerous emotions but I had not comprehended which one it was. Despair? Resentment? Disappointment? My whole world felt crashing down as I looked at my father with mercy in my eyes.

Why? Just why? What have I ever done to him to not see me as his daughter? Most parents describe their children as a prized possession, but he only sees me as a burden. To think those in your life who are to love you unconditionally, are the same to view you like no one.

I loved my father with all of my heart, why can't he do the same. Even when he did no justice towards me; beating me, insulting me, making me feel like no one... I still loved him. I looked up to him! I sacrificed my time and many opportunities just to be his perfect daughter.

I'm beginning to recognize...he never loved me the same way as I did. And, that...was truly my destruction.

I can't help but think about Jonah. Jonah...what about him! Even though we had a terrible fallout, he showed me what love was. I cannot be sold to Defaz for the sake of my being. Please! Please! I pleaded with my thoughts.

"It's a pleasure to doing business with you, Darius. The money will be transmitted soon as I need to have some precious time with my pet, Ada."

"Of course, Defaz."

I will rain all hell in this building. This is not going past me. All the anger I had over the years built up and I finally had the strength to talk back to my father.

For all the wrongs he did to me.

For not loving me as his daughter, I refuse to allow this.

"No!" I yelled out loud in a shaky tone with my voice quivering and tears rolling down my face.

"I refuse! I will not be sold like a useless washed-up item." The tears now coated my face as my eyes began the hurt.

"King Defaz, it seems like my daughter doesn't quite understand her role. Do not fret as I will discuss with her. She is nothing but a blockage in the way of such a great deal."

"I understand, Darius. Women these days are getting too far ahead of themselves. She'll know her place soon. I'll be sure of it."

"Very well, then. Good luck with your kingdom, Defaz. Please visit soon. It was a pleasure-"

"To doing business with you, he finished his sentence."

As King Defaz left, I felt my heart thumping and pounding, rapidly increasing every second. That feeling you receive when a panic attack commences or plunging down a steep hill with no helmet on. A sense of unease and throbbing throughout my body. My father is an unpredictable man. I've seen him get furious before- but this anger... I've never seen it.

My father came lunging at me as I was trying to back up. Just in a swift second, he clutched my neck and proceeded to say these despicable words.

"Now, now, Ada. What did I say about humiliating and disrespecting me in others' presence?"

"Brace yourself as I will not demonstrate any mercy. You dare to be disrespectful towards me in front of my good friend. A disgrace is what you are and what you have always been. Do not take my statement lightly as I'll show you a side you've never seen."

"Oh, Ada. I do have to say. I am impressed with how you spoke out loud with two kings standing in front of you. That takes some courage, alright. But it'll only take me a minute to annihilate that all. You go silent, after all trying to be something you are not."

He finally let go of my neck and said in a mocking tone, "upstairs you go, my love."

He grumbles to himself, "hmph, pathetic. You are not worthy enough to hold that title, princess."


Tea tea! This isn't even the best of it. These two are such jerks! What will happen next when King Darius has a conversation with Ada and why did he agree so quickly to Defaz offer?

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