By herefornoreasons

279K 5.6K 22.7K

Camila didn't care about education nor the tasks that came with it, she'd always dominated her peer group in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 17

6.6K 170 957
By herefornoreasons

Lauren arrived in class around a half hour earlier than usual setting down her things before glancing up at the door to see the principle stood with a file and a guilty stare, his defeated posture almost afraid to approach the profound teacher now glaring at him as if awaiting some context

"I hate to do this to you but the board has been on my back about their yearly scheduling for Sex Ed.. no other teacher is willing to do it and I know you're good at taking rowdy behaviour.."

He spoke timidly handing Lauren the filed that she glanced over with wide eyes and an awkward exhale, the words all outdated and boring in her mind as she paced back with a wink to drop the papers deep into the shining silver trash can

"Heterosexual no sex before marriage bullshit! I'm not teaching this!"

"Miss Jauregui I'm literally begging at this point.. everyone else has refused and I can't sign off until it's taught.. just one class this morning that's it.. the kids would prefer it over English even you know that!"

Lauren rolled her eyes blatantly disregarding the man's comment as she slid to strut against her computer signing in with a reluctant heavy type, the principle still stood behind now creeping to stand in front of her desk


"I'll teach it for one class! But I'll do it my way! I'm not teaching a bunch of 18 year olds that men own our bodies! Take it or leave it!"

"I'll take it! Thank you! You're a life saver! Oh and please refrain from being to graphic.. the maturity level couldn't handle it.."

Lauren nod with rolling eyes and a shaking head flipping open her bag to grab for her phone ignoring the man as he left leaving her only to huff out with palms covering her now furious eyes.. the last thing she ever wanted to do in front of a class filled with hormones was teach them about their genitalia...

Around and hour later however the class quickly flood with bodies all sitting confused as to why their books weren't laid out as they always were.. instead Lauren perched upon her desk with folded arms glaring up at the ceiling with a poised stance.. it wasn't exactly a fitting day for such a lesson given her ridiculously short skirt and half undone blouse..

"Settle down and shut up! No English today unfortunately your principle wants me to teach you about sex.. shock I know as I can guarantee everyone but the front row has already fucked in their spare time!"

The entire class choked including Camila at the very bold statement straightening their backs with a few giggles as they watch the woman shower the room with a look of stern dominance.. the younger couldn't help however but be slightly excited.. her secret sex mistress talking about the one thing they had very much gained a mutual experience in..

"So! Can anyone give me a sensible definition of what 'sex' supposedly is?"

A few hands raised and quickly Lauren point out a single student already laughing much to her stern brow as they leant forwards to issue their cocky answer..

"It's when you put your dick in someone Miss!"

Lauren rolled her eyes with a shaking head assuming such an answer would arise however her experience in handling immature students was no less than perfectly polished.. as much as she didn't want to teach such a lesson she wasn't afraid to slam back at anyone willing to take advantage

"Well as a virgin I'd expect that kind of answer from you Leo... but for everyone else no! Sex is a consensual activity that takes place for pleasure and interaction with both a partner or what we like to call a one off.. either way consent is the biggest factor in defining sex.."

The elder began forcing a laugh from the room as the confident boy quickly melt with blushing cheeks against his chair, pure embarrassment coating his existence warning any other commenters off taking the sarcastic approach...

"Anyone care to give me an answer on what consent means?"

"Someone has to say yes before you do anything?"

Another voice spoke leaving Lauren to nod slightly before grabbing for a pen beside her thighs fiddling aimlessly hoping it would force time by faster as she took a quick side glance at Camila.. she was staring intently.. not at her face.. but at her largely exposed chest causing a gentle fluster between her thighs she could only in the moment ignore

"Partially.. but consent isn't just a yes.. it's about circumstance.. body language.. experience! For example if your partner is Intoxicated with either drugs or alcohol the answer is always no! Even if the other wants it.. learn to read body language.. a yes isn't a yes if you feel the other is scared or vulnerable!"

The woman began continuing on for a moment about the topic while the class listened before leaning back to examine the room.. some were uncomfortable some shadowing their laps.. but the woman knew with 45 minutes left she had to continue.. and so she did..

"Next topic, sex isn't just between a man and a woman, sex can be between females and males alone.. it's important you know the difference! As we previously established with Leo it doesn't just have to revolve around a dick.."

"Uhh.. genuine question.. how can you have it.. you know.. without a.."

Lauren caught Camila's smirk at the random girls question, her hand out stretched on the desk with two fingers pointing towards the ceiling.. her tongue rolling over her teeth distracting her for a moment before shaking it out to answer

"Toys exist.. mainly used by same sex couples.. but our bodies are pretty cool things.. fingers, tongues.. lips.. all useful if you use them correctly, I was told to keep it PG so I suggest googling.."

"I bet Miss J likes dicks in her mouth!"

A stray cocky boy spoke forcing the elder from her desk silencing the laughter surrounding as she strut towards his frame forcing her hand under his chin to remove his smirking grin, his eyes now striking back into the green not expecting her next statement to fall so confidently

"I'm a lesbian! I have sex with girls and girls only! Don't get it twisted boys are cute but they don't have the capacity to find a girls clit let alone pleasure her Jacob... tell your girlfriend there's no shame in replacing you with a vibrator!"

The entire class shook with a wild gasp both fearing and loving the woman all at the same time as now a second boy sat stunned in his spot, the room too focused on mocking him to notice the teacher quickly saving herself with a wink towards Camila only covering her mouth with a proud smirk back..

"Speaking of! Sex doesn't have to be boring and routine! If you and your partner have a level of trust you can discuss implementing other things into your experiences... only if you are both comfortable however.. if you're a boy make sure you use protection always! Babies are expensive and STD's aren't fun! Any questions?"

The class admittedly were in shock at the surprise lesson however the elders way of teaching made it all the more fun as a few questions shot from across the room, her answers blunt and to the point before a surprising hand at the back raise with a burning ask.. it was Camila...


Lauren called pulling her lower lip into her mouth almost afraid of what she would come out with as it wasn't like she hadn't given the girl more than a hands on lesson in what happens between to bodies ready to get intimate...

"I actually read an article that states only a small percentage of females can orgasm with penetration alone? Is that true? Also why?"

Lauren swallowed harshly more than rattled by the girls detailed questioning as the class leant forwards more than interested in the answer to follow.. Camila already knew she and Lauren fit within the small percentage.. it was a smug question more than anything but she found the idea of putting her teacher on the spot more than arousing...

"It is true! Clit stimulation is the only true fire way towards an orgasm but some women are lucky enough to be able to orgasm with things such as penetration and fingering alone.. it's all to do with our G-Spots... the way they are positioned... any other questions?"

"G-Spot? So that's like.. inside or?"

Camila retaliate quickly forcing a few giggles as Lauren again gulped harshly, she was doing it on purpose as she more than knew where her G-Spot was... Lauren had shown her on more than one occasion...

"Yes.. inside just in front of your pelvis! Anyone else have a question?"

She asked hoping someone would interject but it seemed the brown haired girl at the back of the room wasn't yet done.. the blush on her teachers cheeks not red enough for her liking..

"Can you reach it with your tongue? Like you know.. say for example somebodies eating you out.. could they use their tongue to stimulate it?"

The class sat back staring Lauren dead in the eyes.. Camila was too confident on a normal day and more than knew how to slam a fellow student down.. her boldness not questioned by a single soul regretfully for Lauren as they remain silent only waiting for her to answer.. the only problem being that Lauren was now majorly turned on.. the girl knew the answers.. she was simply playing a game of tease..

"No.. they can't, you're better off finding it with your fingers Miss Cabello... self exploration is nothing to be ashamed of! It's an encouraged part of getting to know your body!"

Thankfully the bell sounded as soon as the woman finished her statement leaving the class in their fluster to flood extra quick from the room while the younger only stayed behind to lock the door, Lauren's shaking head and folded arms greeting her as she ventured back towards the desk

"Seriously? You did that on purpose!"

"Mhmm... nice to know I'm a lucky one.. I'd say I had no idea but if I remember correctly you made me cum in like 30 seconds against my bedroom door once.. it was nice watching you squirm though!"

"You're mocking me right now but I can guarantee your pretty little white panties are soaked.. I watched that lip in your mouth for a good 20 minutes!"

Camila only shrugged her shoulders sarcastically forcing the elder to cock a brow before roughly grabbing her wrists to turn her against the desk, her palms now gripping against the wood before feeling a hand sink into the front of her panties...

"Dripping! Looks like I win this battle!"

"Sorry that you have your tits on display.. can you blame me?"

Lauren widened her eyes deliberately unbuttoning another loop before sinking down against her knees abruptly lifting the girls skirt to slip her tongue through the girls glistening folds, her finger only pulling the thin material aside as she harshly suck back on her sensitive clit standing quickly with a tongue filled kiss that left the younger admittedly squirming

"You did not just tease me like that!"

"I did! I'd give you some slow dirty head tonight but you have an after school math exam at 5!"

"Fuck! I forgot about that.. I can't go!"

Camila shot lifting her palms against her forehead as she remembered the horrifying quiz strategically blocked from her mind until Lauren's mention

"You can't just miss the exam Camila... it's part of your final grade!"

"Yeah well Colton got sent home from nursery school today with a bad stomach... Lena is taking care of him until I get home but then she's leaving!"

"I will come over after work! You're not missing that test Cabello!"

Lauren demand grabbing the girls bag to shove against her chest watching as her cheeks grew anxious in the offer.. the elder hadn't experienced the chaos of the household yet as usually they were all pretty excited for the company...

"Lauren I can't let you do that.. seriously those kids are like tornadoes in a washing machine when one of them gets sick..."

"I can handle it! I'll be over at 4! Go to class and stop worrying ok?"


A few hours later and Lauren pulled up towards the house not bothering with a knock as she walked in on what was seemingly a more than stressed environment.. Parker was groaning and Colton whimpering in pain, the two elders trying to help each other with homework only arguing in the process before Camila walked over with a thankful but guilty stare

"I'm so sorry.. I'll be as quick as I can I swear!"

"Rush your math exam and I'll go on a sex strike! I'll be fine! Just tell me what sick boy here needs and you can leave"

Lauren shot reassuringly lacing her arms between the student and her brothers bodies to grab a sick Colton within her arms, his limp hot body drooping against her own with a deep tired exhale

"There's protein milk powder on the side.. I don't know what's in it but sends them to sleep pretty fast.. he should be ok with that.. they're just crazy tonight I don't know what's wrong with them!"

"Stop worrying ok? Just focus on your exam and let me handle them!"

Lauren pressed leaning in to connect lips with the younger who only dipped her head with a smile to accept, her bag now over her shoulder placing a warm hand across the crying boys stomach, Camila left through the door feeling more guilty than ever as the raven haired woman turn around with the poorly small boy draped over her arm, his hot cheeks whimpering with a painful sob against her chest while beside her a quickly angering Parker stood tapping against her thigh forcing her to look down at his reaching arms

"LoLo up!"

"Parker baby just give me a minute ok? I need to get Colty some milk.."

She respond brushing his arms away gently as she venture into the kitchen to grab for a blue topped bottle, the jealous twin following behind with a grouchy mumble that again began tapping at her legs with a small bounce upon the balls of his feet, light brows furrowing and tiny begs for attention rising

"Up! I want up!"

"In a second, Let me just make Colty his milk.. he's got a poorly tummy papi?"

"No! Now!"

He whimpered angrily flailing in a small tantrum before the elder huffed out to pick him up over her opposite hip walking towards the couch already exhausted having only been within the home for now 5 minutes, her gentle place down of his body against the couch one that broke her heart slightly but with the other twin crying painfully in her arms she had little to no choice..

"I will be back! Just sit here for a minute and we can have a cuddle ok?"

She spoke gently kissing his cheek to stand immediately watching his face screw up and his hands lift to crunch in front of his eyes, the total meltdown of sobbing tears flooding the room while the two elder siblings argued.. it was chaos.. the evident favour over Lauren sending Parker into a heartbreaking jealous sob while she bit her tongue to walk away placing Colton down against the kitchen counter to begin filling his cup with the medicated substance

"Mmm m-my tummy hurts"

"I know baby, we're gonna fix it though ok? You wanna take your onesie off? You look hot!"


He whimpered back with bold red cheeks as Lauren fixed the top upon the bottle to quickly unzip his PJ's leaving them beside his body before picking him up to return towards the crying Parker now breaking his own heart as she sat to coddle the sick in her chest trying her hardest to convince him to sip from the bottle as the other crawled to angrily drag at her arm

"Colton you need to drink sir.. I promise it will make your tummy feel better?"

"LoLo me!"

Parker cried as did Colton.. his little hands pushing away the bottle before the sound of the door opening sent Lauren into a confused shock.. it wasn't Camila.. it wasn't Lena...

"Miss Jauregui? W- What are you?"

"Dinah! Camila isn't here.."

Was all she could say back as the student dump her bag down to close the door behind, her confused gaze more than wondering why her teacher was sat alone in her best friends house...

"Why are you here though?"

"Uh.. Camila needed a little help while she went out for her math exam.."

"So she asked you to babysit? But your our English teacher and I- I'm so confused.."

Dinah complained before clicking onto the loud chaotic situation... Finley and Riley shouting at each other while Parker demand attention in a fitting tantrum, she quickly drew over towards the couch lifting Parker into her grasp rocking him up and down while walking over to drag Riley into the couch by the back of his shirt, Finley too pushed into a nearby bean bag

"Shut up both of you! Parker what's your deal?"

"Want LoLo!"

"LoLo? Who the- oh... well 'LoLo' is a little busy right now! You have me instead so stop crying while I figure out what my teacher is doing sat on my best friends couch!"

The end of her comment shot straight at Lauren now successfully bottle feeding the three year old slumped lazily within her anxious lap.. Camila never mentioned Dinah coming over nor anyone thinking about it.. however before she could make up another excuse good old earwigging Riley decided best to explain the current situation...

"Lauren makes out with Camila! They share a bed and have sex sometimes!"

"Wow... ok Riley go shower please?"

Lauren gasped quickly shuffling towards the edge of the couch with now red cheeks as Dinah stood open mouthed and more than in a deep shock, her head whirling at the thought of her English teacher and her best friend- it simply didn't compute...

"You- you and... my English teacher and.. your names Lauren right? Imma call you Lauren anyway because shit! What the hell is happening right now?"

"Dinah you can't say ANYTHING! You have to promise me! this is serious ok? Nobody else can know!"


"For fuck sake!"

Lauren bellowed sinking back into the couch with a heavy huff throwing her palm over her face as a fluffy haired student bound through the door with wide stretched arms gasping as princess Finley ran to embrace him kindly before his eyes scan over to notice Lauren's presence..

"Miss J? Wh- this is Camila's house right?"

"Marco shut the fuck up for a minute?"

"Ok you know what both of you sit down and take a twin! I need some water!"

Lauren huffed anxiously as she lift to place a half dazed Colton within Marco's lap, his suddenly beaming face looking down on the boy with a chin holding the bottle within his mouth, his spare hand reaching to itch at his ankle

"So you two are.. like together?"

"Camila is dating our English teacher?! Holy shit what did I miss!"


"WHAT! You just said-

Marco was silenced instantly by Dinah's slapping hand while Lauren ventured back into the room sipping on a glass of water that the best friend suspiciously watch grab from a hidden cupboard without hesitation.. she knew the place..

"We're not dating! Just.. spending time together.."

"Miss J were 18 not 5... even Riley knows you guys are fucking!"

"No! He doesn't! He thinks sex means hanging out so be quiet for a minute?"

Marco was in pure shock still holding the bottle within Coltons mouth by his chin while Dinah leant back with a sleepy Parker.. the eldest pair now out in the hall while Lauren felt ambushed by the girls friends that more than defiantly hadn't warned of their arrival..

"So what is it then? I mean it makes sense Mila has actually been working and stays behind after class!"

"Also would explain why she doesn't let us come over anymore.. and Marco hold the bottle you lazy shit!"

Dinah snapped lifting the immature boys chin with furrowed brows to reluctantly grab at the blue bottle, Lauren's rolling eyes exhausted beyond belief not expecting to have to explain her and Camila's situation to her students..

"We are seeing each other.. doesn't mean we're dating but like I said nobody can know about this! Not your friends not your moms! I will loose my job!"

"So you're saying we have a blackmail over you now... no homework for a month.. headphones in class.."

"How about I don't fail your English on purpose?"

Lauren spat back causing Marco to shift in his place as he took away the empty bottle from a now sleeping Colton's mouth, his teenage hands subconsciously trailing delicate circles over his bare stomach for a moment distracting Lauren's thoughts

"Fine! I can't believe this though... this is so crazy? Damn Mila making moves.. I wish I could bag a hot teacher.."

"You're doing it again Marco.."

"What the talking out loud thing instead of in my-


Marco nod with pressed lips dipping his eyes to look at the baby instead of his teacher who only cringed at the comment shaking out her hands to stand up with a nervous pace, it was enough that Fallon and her little brat of sister knew but now the pair in front too.. she felt like crawling into a small hole and burrowing like a mole..

"You know we won't tell anyone right? I mean we love Camila she's like our sister.."

"Agreed, it's cool having one up on a teacher.. also... do you have like sex or like.. sex sex?"



Lauren closed her eyes for a prolonged second before walking over towards the mouthy boy to grab back into the deep curls upon his head dragging his eyes up to look at her issuing the sternest look she could muster

"I'm still your teacher so if I were you I'd stop being so inappropriate! You wanna learn about sex go watch some porn! Wrong bitch papi.. wrong bitch"

"Yes ma'am! Noted.. wrong bitch indeed.."

He called back promptly before watching the woman venture back to grab Colton within her arms clicking her fingers at Dinah motioning her to follow behind, the slow walk to their room forcing a moment of conversation neither really wanted to have

"If Marco tells anyone I swear I will throw him out of a moving car.."

"I wish I could do that to him regardless.. I'll keep him in check don't worry.. can I ask you something though?"

Dinah began walking through into the dark room to place her sleeping twin down while Lauren only stood free to stare back, her arm leaning down against the night stand to issue the girl into talking

"You're not gonna hurt her right? Just she's been through a lot and I.. I don't want her to have to go back to the way she was a few years ago.."

"I'm not planning on hurting her anytime soon I can assure you.. but I'd like if this isn't a talking topic? It's kind of awkward.. I'm still your teacher!"

Dinah nod back as if wanting to prove her listening, the fumbling fingers in front of her body more than indicating she was slightly nervous.. Lauren however didn't notice as she began pacing from the room only stopped by a sharp hand around the wrist

"Sorry.. I uhm.. I know your my teacher and I swear this is the last time I ask anything like this but.. actually forget it.. not your place.."

The student quickly shook off her question forcing Lauren's brows to furrow as she stopped her abruptly from leaving the room, her eyes sympathetic and her smile reassuring as she reach to lift the girls dropped chin

"Dinah? If you wanna ask me something you can? I know it's not really my place but.. you look kind of anxious about something?"

"Yeah well it's just.. I have this crush on someone in our class.. not that you can help I'm just, kinda too afraid to say anything.. I didn't realise you were into girls so never thought-

"Chrystal right? I see you staring at her a lot that's all?"

Dinah widened her eyes for a moment before nodding nervously, her fingers clamping together leaving Lauren to sigh back calmly to lay her palm over top of her panicked wrists in an act of soothing

"Just try being friendly.. catch her in the hall with a compliment or something.. the biggest misconception about flirting is that you have to make big moves.. sometimes a smile is enough?"

"Oh.. ok yeah? I guess I'll try that.. thanks, we should probably go back out anyway.. can't really trust Marco alone for too long.."

Lauren laughed back finding trust in the lion haired girl thankfully as she filtered out of the room to check on her friend, his body now on the couch flicking through the TV channels as if in his own home.. the room an utter mess after the short period of time watching over the chaotic Cabello Cubs..

"Marco get your sneakers off of the table and make yourself useful? Sink full of dishes with your name on niño!"

"I hate washing up.."

"I don't remember asking!"

Lauren shot watching the boy drag into the kitchen while Dinah subconsciously began packing away toys and paper, the teacher helping in the moment only leading the girl to look up subtly into her direction, she was still shocked obviously but something about the woman in the room with her was far different to the one she experienced in class.. much like Camila thinking about it

"Im sorry for barging in on you by the way.. we just wanted to surprise Camila.."

"It's ok, you couldn't have known"

"Yeah well.. I guess respecting Camila's wishes would have been a smarter choice.. she's just been blanking us out a little lately that's all.."

Lauren looked up for a moment pausing noticing the sadness in her students voice as she Chuck various Lego's back into the box with a huffing sigh, the distance between them her fault obviously as everything they did was somewhat secretive..

"I'm sorry about that.. I'll talk to her for you?"

"She's happy.. with you obviously! I don't wanna ruin that.."

"You guys are friends.. she shouldn't be ignoring you Dinah, believe it or not friends are better than family a lot of the time so.. just leave it with me!"

Dinah smiled back happily lifting from the ground as the final toy found a home, her eyes following Lauren's body towards the front door as she shuffle around within her bag for her phone, the now standing legs in perfect shot of the door opening in which Camila came walking through, her eyes not noticing the friends before planting a passionate kiss over her teachers lips..

"That shouldn't have been that hot.. Dinah did you see that? I can't be the only one seeing this right now!"

"Marco! Dinah? What the fuck?"

"Yeah they know about us don't worry.. not like I had much choice in it.."

Lauren huffed closing the door behind the younger as she blush in a fluster over the shock realisation.. the room tidy and the kids asleep.. her two best friends not even jumping at the short kiss shared directly in front of them..

"You guys know? Bu- what are you even doing here?"

"We came to surprise you! Seeing as how you've been so busy with homework and all.. turns out you were just busy with our English teacher.."

Dinah scoffed a little offendedly forcing the younger to gulp tucking a stray hair behind her ear with a glance back at a shrugging Lauren, the situation was more awkward with everyone present now even with Marco stood unfocused scrubbing food from a few white plates

"Dinah.. I'm sorry ok? You get why I couldn't say anything though right?"

"I get that part.. you could still have made time for us though? We're best friends Mila and we're happy you're happy but.."

"I swear I will make more time! Tomorrow night we'll hang out? If you want? Please don't hate me.."

Dinah only smiled with rolling eyes walking forwards to bring the girl into a hug lavishing in the missed contact while Marco joined his hands to join leaning into the younger girls ear with a very quiet whisper

"I will babysit for a month if you tell me about your sex life.. 2 months.. a year I don't care!"

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